The state of the virus spread and vaccine/treatment progress will determine what happens. The election is not the turning point. People are dying, far more are at risk, and idiots keep spreading the virus through thoughtless behavior. Christmas theme park events are not important. They’ll be back—hopefully—in 2021.
Actually, more people are dying from depression and suicide than from COVID and it is something like 10 times the number of people dying from COVID due to the lockdowns. There also has been a major increase in child trafficking, domestic abuse, rapes, people dying from unemployment related reasons, so on and so forth. Theme park events may not seem like a big deal to you, but they are essential for the mental health and well being of several people (some of whom I personally know), it is also a big deal to a lot of the people that work for theme parks (again many of whom I personally know) that want to get back to work.
To make matters worse, due to the affordability of the meal plans at Knotts and some of the other theme parks, there are A LOT of people on fixed incomes that purchase the passes at the beginning of the year knowing that they are guaranteed at least two good meals a day and without the theme parks may not be able to afford to eat, especially those that don't know how to cook or are living in situations where they have no kitchens.
Not to mention all of the small businesses that are dependent on the theme parks to keep them running, this even includes many local farms who do indeed sell to other business and even local people, but without the business from the theme parks, they can't keep running and then that messes up our food supply, which causes even more problems.
We also can't keep eliminating all entertainment venues and expect to maintain mental health as a country, it doesn't work that way, people need things to go and do to stay physically and mentally healthy and not everyone is physically capable of walking trails, beaches, etc.
The list goes on and on, so don't say Christmas (or any other) theme park events are not important, they are far more important than you can ever imagine, in some cases a matter of literal life and death. I know this goes against everything the media keeps trying to portray, but this isn't about profits, it is about people and minimizing the suffering that is happening.