We are going to be staying at BWV in December. Most of the crew is going to MVMCP, but my dad, my 18-month old daughter and I won’t be. We are looking for a walking distance dinner idea. I was considering Cape May Cafe, but it’s pricey and I don’t want to rest of the family to miss DD’s first character meal.
Thoughts on Beaches and Cream vs Ale and Compass? I think the atmosphere of B&C appeals to me more while the menu of A&C sounds better. DD is a pretty good eater, and I don’t really want to feed her tons of French fries and burgers. The Protein Bowl on the menu at A&C sounds like something she would really like.
So, if you’ve been to both did you have a feeling one way or the other?
We are going to be staying at BWV in December. Most of the crew is going to MVMCP, but my dad, my 18-month old daughter and I won’t be. We are looking for a walking distance dinner idea. I was considering Cape May Cafe, but it’s pricey and I don’t want to rest of the family to miss DD’s first character meal.
Thoughts on Beaches and Cream vs Ale and Compass? I think the atmosphere of B&C appeals to me more while the menu of A&C sounds better. DD is a pretty good eater, and I don’t really want to feed her tons of French fries and burgers. The Protein Bowl on the menu at A&C sounds like something she would really like.
So, if you’ve been to both did you have a feeling one way or the other?