airport security

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New Member
In light of the heightened security at the airports travelers are no longer able to carry liquids, gels or pastes in your carry on bags. This means that we are not able to carry that critical Suntan lotion and have to pack it in our checked bags. I am happy to follow these rules as it will ease my mind traveling next week but was thinking, wouldn't it be nice if Disney provided a sample size of Suntan lotion at check in for those of us using Magical Express as our checked bags will not arrive for quite some time after we get to the resort. Even if they just had a bottle on the desk at check in so that we can put some on our children so that they do not burn as we walk through the parks or lay by the pools for those first couple of hours? Just a thought,that way we wouldn't have to pay out the nose for suntan lotion at the gift shop when we all ready have it packed in out bags?


Well-Known Member
A LOT of people don't like to wait in line to check luggage so they try to take everything with them and cram a weeks worth of clothes and supplies into the airplane overhead bins as carry on luggage.

These new restrictions will certainly infuriate a lot of people.

Myself, I put everything into my checked luggage so I never have any problems. When I go through security, I have nothing but my wallet and my flight info/boarding pass on me.

I've seen people go balistic because they couldn't carry 3 bags on the plane.
I'm glad I don't work at those airline ticket counters.
Whatever those people get paid...right now it isn't enough.:lookaroun
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New Member
A LOT of people don't like to wait in line to check luggage so they try to take everything with them and cram a weeks worth of clothes and supplies into the airplane overhead bins as carry on luggage.

These new restrictions will certainly infuriate a lot of people.

Myself, I put everything into my checked luggage so I never have any problems. When I go through security, I have nothing but my wallet and my flight info/boarding pass on me.

I've seen people go balistic because they couldn't carry 3 bags on the plane.
I'm glad I don't work at those airline ticket counters.
Whatever those people get paid...right now it isn't enough.:lookaroun

That's the problem...people don't want to unconvenient themselves, unless it benefits them. I bet you if you give people money, first class seats, or anythingelse that would benefit them immediately, they would do it in a minute without fuss. But, do something to benefit EVERYONE potentially, all of a sudden, it's an issue, until something happens to there own family. People have been programmed to worry about themselves. The only problem about that thought is, you need people to make it in this world. If you constantly think about yourself, all you hurt is you.
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Active Member
A LOT of people don't like to wait in line to check luggage so they try to take everything with them and cram a weeks worth of clothes and supplies into the airplane overhead bins as carry on luggage.

These new restrictions will certainly infuriate a lot of people.

Myself, I put everything into my checked luggage so I never have any problems. When I go through security, I have nothing but my wallet and my flight info/boarding pass on me.

I've seen people go balistic because they couldn't carry 3 bags on the plane.
I'm glad I don't work at those airline ticket counters.
Whatever those people get paid...right now it isn't enough.:lookaroun

I never understood this:hammer: It is so annoying when people bring allll their luggage on the plane as carryon and then it takes 3 hours just to get off the plane because of everyone taking up the whole isle getting their bags out of the overhead storage. I only bring what I NEED on the plane--a book, a few things for the kids and maybe some water. Big deal-I cant bring water anymore. I cant believe everyone is getting all up in arms because you cant bring shampoo and such on the plane..WHY do you need shampoo and lip gloss and mascara on the plane with you?? Are you seriously that vane??:confused: Yes it stinks there are more restrictions but that is just the world we live in and if it helps make it a little safer then so be it:animwink:
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Account Suspended
Trish, Scooter, and others with similiar views...

Not everyone is traveling for a vacation/pleasure. Some people need to hop right off a plane and be whished off to where they're going and show up there looking amazing.

Some people do travel light, everything in one carryon bag, just to try and avoid the hassle. The idea/advice always has been to carry your cosmetic needs in a carryon - pretty much anything you'd need for one night. You may of been luckey, but some folks know what its like to be stuck at some airport on a delay or to lose your bags and have nothing with you.

And i don't see this as being more "convienent for many" as a safety measure because they're looking for a needle in a haystack without the proper tools. It's pointless. A general ban on liquids is just an utterly dumb thing - imagine if anywhere else in your life they banned liquids. You personally may not need/want/or mind to be without them for a flight but other people have needs and uses for them. Again, imagine if you were forbidden to have liquids for other activities - not just bottled drinks, but liquids period.
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New Member
Trish, Scooter, and others with similiar views...

Not everyone is traveling for a vacation/pleasure. Some people need to hop right off a plane and be whished off to where they're going and show up there looking amazing.

Some people do travel light, everything in one carryon bag, just to try and avoid the hassle. The idea/advice always has been to carry your cosmetic needs in a carryon - pretty much anything you'd need for one night. You may of been luckey, but some folks know what its like to be stuck at some airport on a delay or to lose your bags and have nothing with you.

And i don't see this as being more "convienent for many" as a safety measure because they're looking for a needle in a haystack without the proper tools. It's pointless. A general ban on liquids is just an utterly dumb thing - imagine if anywhere else in your life they banned liquids. You personally may not need/want/or mind to be without them for a flight but other people have needs and uses for them. Again, imagine if you were forbidden to have liquids for other activities - not just bottled drinks, but liquids period.

I have lost my luggage, while I was on a cruise. I arrived at the ship, but my luggage did not. Basically, we borrowed clothes, and anything else we needed. Our luggage did arrive, the day before we were to leave, but I was very ticked, but if someone would have told us that there could have been a bomb somewhere, I would have calmed down quickly. As far as the banned goes, if it is shown that having liquids anywhere could cause someone to make a bomb that would kill THOUSANDS of people, I would say it's fine. I may not like it, but I would adjust.
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Account Suspended
Do you do realize what you just said right?

Liquid explosives are liquid explosives.. they'd work anywhere there are thousands of people.
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New Member
Do you do realize what you just said right?

Liquid explosives are liquid explosives.. they'd work anywhere there are thousands of people.

That is true, but the threat was made with airplanes. I do realize that they could make a bomb and dentinate it in the middle of somewhere major, but, as of right now, the threat was to airplanes, using the plane as the propellant. I am not disagreeing with you about the masses, but my comments are about the planes.
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New Member
I am not sure what all of the hubbub is all about. If everyone makes their lists and packs everything in the suitcase, what is the big deal. The only thing that I am sad about is juice and water. However, I am sure the airlines will do all they can. They give you water and pop now, maybe they will add juice to the list. As far as makeup, deordorant, lotions, and gels, people should use them before they go to the airport. If you want to freshen up, do it when you get to you transportation to the hotel. I am with the other people who would do anything for safety. We are in different times than before. Never have we had terrorist issues the way we do now. People tend to think about themselves. What about the people on the 9/11 planes? I think their families would have gladly done the security if it would have saved their family members. Soap box over.

Really? So you would be okay with submitting to a strip search and body cavity search ? Remember, "anything for safety."

My objection is purely of common sense. Passengers cannot even bring a sealed bottle of water on board ? Even a bottle that was purchased beyond the security checkpoint? Nuts. I can cite numerous examples of TSA agents lack of common sense, as well as test items that have indeed gotten past the checkpoint, as it applies to "security."

Please cite one instance where the gate security checkpoint caught anyone, or a group of people carrying anything that might have gotten though security unnoticed.
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New Member
I would do ANYTHING for Security...including searches and cavity...If you don't have anything to be worried about...why worry.

Second...obviously you don't watch the news programs. There have been several stories where things DID go through security and should not have been. The TSA did some tests in many, many markets and found out that the scanners missed tons of things. Check the internet, you will see many places where that has happened. Each time they do these tests, things get better, but things still get missed.

Thirdly, if you had someone involved in 9/11 who died because the government missed crucial information about the terrorists, you would be ready to do anything for security. Think about other people and not yourself for a moment. Think about the kids out there who lost parents, because someone didn't pay attention to security. We are in a new age. The terrorists are getting more and more focussed. Don't you think it is worth a little inconvenience? I know that things would be different if you lost someone you loved in a terrorist attack. The problem is, people think it will never happen to them. Tell that to the families of 9/11. I think they thought that too.

Really? So you would be okay with submitting to a strip search and body cavity search ? Remember, "anything for safety."

My objection is purely of common sense. Passengers cannot even bring a sealed bottle of water on board ? Even a bottle that was purchased beyond the security checkpoint? Nuts. I can cite numerous examples of TSA agents lack of common sense, as well as test items that have indeed gotten past the checkpoint, as it applies to "security."

Please cite one instance where the gate security checkpoint caught anyone, or a group of people carrying anything that might have gotten though security unnoticed.
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Well-Known Member
I would do ANYTHING for Security...including searches and cavity...If you don't have anything to be worried about...why worry.

Because cavity searches aren't pleasant, i'm not letting anyone stick anything on or in my body for the sake or security, no thanks.
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New Member
I don't see a big problem with not carrying much on the flight. In some ways this is a good thing, I have been on flights and seen people trying to carry more than I have in my suitcase, and it invariably causes inconvenience to everybody else.

There really are not that many things you NEED on a flight, although I admit the longer the flight, the more you may want. I think the real issue is that people are used to carrying too much, and the new regulations do not necessarily represent a huge inconvenience, but a change in routine, which is always going to be met with unhappy people.

The minor inconvenience of not being able to carry much, and having to think a bit more carefully about my planning before I reach the airport is nothing when you put it into the perspective of the reasons these changes have been made.[/quote

Well said,I am also tired of people bringing carry on bags that are bigger then they should be. I either check my bags or Fed Ex them to my Hotel.
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New Member
Trish, Scooter, and others with similiar views...

Not everyone is traveling for a vacation/pleasure. Some people need to hop right off a plane and be whished off to where they're going and show up there looking amazing.

Some people do travel light, everything in one carryon bag, just to try and avoid the hassle. The idea/advice always has been to carry your cosmetic needs in a carryon - pretty much anything you'd need for one night. You may of been luckey, but some folks know what its like to be stuck at some airport on a delay or to lose your bags and have nothing with you.

And i don't see this as being more "convienent for many" as a safety measure because they're looking for a needle in a haystack without the proper tools. It's pointless. A general ban on liquids is just an utterly dumb thing - imagine if anywhere else in your life they banned liquids. You personally may not need/want/or mind to be without them for a flight but other people have needs and uses for them. Again, imagine if you were forbidden to have liquids for other activities - not just bottled drinks, but liquids period.

No you're wrong, If people need to hop off a plane right away then they need to plan better. I fly almost every week I Fed EX my bags and have never had a problem. As for liquids it is easy to disguise them all you would have to do is put a diverter in the middle of a gatorade bottle with the explosive on the bottom and the real gatorade on top because even Gatorade has all different colors even clear so it would be hard to notice.
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Well-Known Member
During my flight home from Dallas on Aug 11, they gave us the entire can of soda or juice, but only 1 cup of water (since they pour from 1 liter bottles). I took this as a proactive accomodation to the restriction regarding not being able to bring your own drinks on board. On the way to Dallas, we were giving the usual 1 serving of beverage. I appreciated that the airline was trying to keep their customers comfortable by offering the additonal serving up front.
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Well-Known Member
I would do ANYTHING for Security...including searches and cavity...If you don't have anything to be worried about...why worry.

Why worry?! Because the government telling you that you must submit to a body cavity search before boarding an airplane is ridiculous! Do you guys realize what a body cavity search is??!
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Well-Known Member
Why worry?! Because the government telling you that you must submit to a body cavity search before boarding an airplane is ridiculous! Do you guys realize what a body cavity search is??!

By the way they talk about it I think they believe it has something to do with your teeth...but who knows :rolleyes:
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Active Member
ive been talking to a reporter who is up this week for the film fest and he said london gatwick was a nightmare..... basically its all hunky dory when theres staff about to do the searching etc.... but apparentlly there ISNT!

Im still reserved - bit miffed about stuff like my laptop and camera in my luggage - but then again i use hard cases from bitter tete a tetes with easy jet in the past about a damaged bag. Perhaps if there is no more bags on board they will get rid of overhead lockers so i dont bang my head when i stand up :(
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New Member

I never understood this:hammer: It is so annoying when people bring allll their luggage on the plane as carryon and then it takes 3 hours just to get off the plane because of everyone taking up the whole isle getting their bags out of the overhead storage. I only bring what I NEED on the plane--a book, a few things for the kids and maybe some water. Big deal-I cant bring water anymore. I cant believe everyone is getting all up in arms because you cant bring shampoo and such on the plane..WHY do you need shampoo and lip gloss and mascara on the plane with you?? Are you seriously that vane??:confused: Yes it stinks there are more restrictions but that is just the world we live in and if it helps make it a little safer then so be it:animwink:

I don't check bags because a.) I can standby on an earlier flight or get on an earlier flight home at my connection point b.) No hassle picking up my bag c.) I don't want them to lose my bag, last time i checked my bag, they left it on the plane and it almost went on to vegas while i was in san deigo! d.) If there is heavy weather delays, I'm not chained to one flight because of my checked bags, I've been able to get back to San Francisco at least 3-4 hours earlier because of not checking bags. By the way, I don't carry 3 bags. You paint a picture that everyone that has a carry-on doesn't know what they're doing. I carry-on a 20'' international carry-on regulation travelpro bag that I can pack at LEAST a weeks worth of clothes.

I think the main issue is that PEOPLE DON'T KNOW HOW TO PACK. So don't tell me what I can and can't bring on. I use to be able to show up at the airport an hour before the flight left, print my boarding pass at the carry-on only kiosk, go through "security" and walk through with my shoes on, get to the gate, and what do you know, 9 times out of 10, they're calling first class/elite boarding. Then when I get off the plane, I just head for groud transportaion and I'm off to enjoy my time. I don't have to wait for my bags at baggage claim because I packed wisely.
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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I just spent 260k of my AA miles on $1105 worth of gift certificates to, and another 45k to fly my fiance first class to San Francisco for a weekend trip.

I'm thinking doing 2 weeks in Argentina free of charge with the remaining miles, using mileage for the airfare, and the rest on marriott gift cards.
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Its comes to a point when the US will stop being "The land of the free, home of the brave" and start having boarder crossings at all our states boarders and we will have to carry US government and world ID's to travel and have to book our travel a year in advance with the US or World travel and safety division. Then somewhere Idk about 10 years later someone will decide that a chip inserted where the sun dont shine and a tatooed number on our forehead will be the next best thing to do.
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