Aggressive Cast Members.


On the whole I would say Disney Cast Memebers are the better of all theme parks but there definatly has been a major decline in good CMs. Me and my family were boarding the monorail at MK for the TTC and I had my brother on my shoulders. A cast member came up and told me that my brother was going to have to get down. Well me and my family thought he ment he was going to have to get down before we got on the monorail since he said "going". I didn't take him down right away and while we were just standing there waiting he comes up to me and starts yelling at me saying how "I thought I told you to take that kid down. Get him down right now" and all that kind of stuff. When me and my dad started telling him how dare he speak to us like that another cast member on the other side of the station yelled over and asked what was wrong and the rude cast member yelled back "this jerk here won't listen and take the kid down, I'm only trying to protect the kid" and we're saying it was a misunderstanding something not to be yelled at for. Well we complain the next day at Guest Services and all they tell us is we're sorry there's nothing we can do, send us an email, and they had the nerve to defend the guy saying it was almost time for him to get off and all that kind of stuff. This has not been the only time we've experienced an extremly rude cast member.


New Member
One kind of bad experience for my family and I was at the 50's Prime Time Cafe. It was July 20th, 9:00, it had been raining all day, and we were really tired and really hungry. We got our table after about 10 minutes, and our waitress was named Ellen. Now, we kinda figured out after a while that the waitresses are supposed to act like a mom and everything, like telling us "Elbows off the table!" or ""Put your napkin in your lap!" and stuff like that, but we kind of dissapointed with the service. But, she also did tell us about this one guy who kept on calling her Susan, so I said, "Thank You Susan" when we left. We got a little laugh out of that.


Active Member
Wow! There are so many things to comment on here that I don't even know where to begin!

This is what I remember (there were so many random thoughts going thru my head :) )

About the CM making rude comments about the guest in the wheelchair & part ...she NEVER should have said what she did out loud. If she had an opinion, she should've kept it to herself until she was off or in the breakroom.

About guests being invited onto private property etc...I would never pay that much $ to go anywhere and have no say so. I know that the CM's are there to keep everyone save, but I do also think they should be as kind as possible. I would never ever say to anyone that I paid their check ....I know I don't personally, but the customers really do..if it weren't for the guests there would be no need for CM's. I guess in a nutshell what I mean is We need each other - everyone should be polite and respectful of others

CM's being ugly about requests as far as ride's never happened to me (thank goodness! :) ) I always wait to ride in the front seat of RnRC and I always wait for the seatbelt seat on TOT. I really don't know if I've always been lucky enough to have patient CMs or if it's just the fact that I'm very willing to wait for the seat I want.

I know that the CMs have a very hard job - one I couldn't possibly do 'cause I'm too moody! I do think that they need to remember that they are on stage at all times, no matter what they have going on personally. However, I do think that whatever they are paid, it needs to be a whole lot more! I don't even care what they make - CMs deserve at least triple the amount! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by leeocean

CMs have to deal with way too many obese people who just rented a wheel chair because they are too fat and lazy to wait, walk, and stand.
:p Okay, for some reason that made me laugh really hard! :lol:


New Member
Re: Beauty and the Beast?

Originally posted by acellis_99

I thought you were the Beauty? You sound more like the BEAST!:lol: :lol: :lol:

:wave: ACE

Ace as a personal friend of Belle when the mood strikes watch out. I've seen grown men cry and reduced to shriveling little puddles.;)



New Member
Originally posted by leeocean

I am extremely sorry for this. But, however, CMs have to deal with way too many obese people who just rented a wheel chair because they are too fat and lazy to wait, walk, and stand. You should have to have a handicapped sticker to rent one of the wheelchairs that way there wouldn't be any resentment.

Have you ever heard the saying "You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover!!!" I would have to guess that you have never had a weight problem if you are making a statement like this.. I for one have a weight problem and can understand why people who are "obese" might need to rent a wheel chair to get around the park more easily.. I personally haven't ever rented anything to assist me, but it is a lot of walking and standing through the day and for someone who is overweight, that can be draining.. It's not just a caze of being lazy but a case of being physically incapable of handling it. Also, a lot of people who are overweight have joint problems with their hips, knees, ankles and even backs that can make it virtually impossible for them to make it through the entire park. My MIL is a perfect example of that.. We had planned to bring her and her husband with us to WDW a few years back but knew she wouldn't be able to handle all of that walking, because of the problems she has with her knees.. (She has difficulty shopping at the grocery store and must use a carriage for support even if she is only picking up a few items.) She isn't actually handicapped but she does have difficulty walking, even around the grocery store.. Additionally, a lot of people who don't appear to be handicapped may have breathing problems or other problems that aren't quite so obvious to anyone else. They may look fine to you, but really need the assistance of a wheel chair...

Yes - I hope that nobody would ever rent a wheel chair unless they needed it.

Yes - I hope that nobody would take advantage of the handicap entrances on the rides and attractions in WDW unless they needed it.

But you shouldn't sit in judgement of people that you don't know and can't begin to understand.

And let me add my disclaimed that I apologize for this reaction if you actually are a CM at WDW and have had obese people come to you and rent a wheel chair for the day and explain that it was because "they are too fat and lazy to wait, walk, and stand."


Well-Known Member
WARNING: There will be no politically Correct Statements to follow.

Some people need wheel chairs, scooters, etc. to get around. Some folks don't.

I don't beleive obesity should be viewed as a handicap unless it is directly the result of a Medical/mental condition or its treatment. Most reasons beyond the two mentioned above are quite simply the individuals own fault.

Now while many of you are screaming I am somekind of intolerant jerk, let me inform you how wrong you are. In actuality, I was formerly FAT. I grew tired of the very things everyone is talking about as far as the physical effects of being fat and got off my rear end joined a gym and dropped the weight and got in better shape too.

I don't feel its right for people to expect others to feel sorry for them or be over accomadating just because they overwieght and have so much pain and discomfort. Obesity is a condition most people do have control over, if they would only take it.

Now that being said, let me also state that while a CM, I did not pass judgement on anyone requiring assistance. They received the same service from me as anyone else in the park would have because while I have my opinions I also have the intelligence to voice them in appropriate places.


In response to the whole wheelchair situation:

If the CM really made those comments, she was completely out of line. However, there is a significant problem with people who rent wheelchairs because they think it will get them past the regular line. In the past, this was more or less true, but in recent years, parlty due to this problem and partly due to new ADA regulations, we've changed our policies regarding access drastically. One thing you WILL NOT see, though, unless the law changes, is any CM asking for proof of a dissability, either for wheelchair/ECV rental or for special assistance. This is ILLEGAL according to the ADA. We cannot question WHY someone needs a wheelchair/ECV, we can only rent them one when they ask for it (until we run out). Also, we cannot ask someone for proof of thier supposed dissability when issuing a Guest Assistance Pass...we can only try to tailor it to the guests needs, and make it as specific as possible.

Also, I don't think it's fair to blame WDCo. entirely for the supposed decline in "good" CMs. The market for good workers in Central Florida is pretty much dried up. The service industry, in general, has pretty much hired any of the GOOD workers, then the ok ones, then the ones that can breathe. WDCo. really doesn't have as much room to be selective as they could in the past because there just aren't that many good people to go around. This is a big part of the reason they recruit CMs from out-of-state (and our-of-county)...

Oh, and DON'T eat at the Prome Time Cafe if you can't take a joke!

The Mom

Premium Member
I will post this again...long time members, you can skip've heard it before. ;)

Yes, I can absolutely believe the CM really made that comment!

My mother (in my presence) was the recipient of EXACTLY that sort of comment from a CM! I had made arrangements to take my parents to WDW for their 50th anniversary in Feb. 1992. My mother had cardiac problems, and was resuscitated twice in early December, 1991. My mother was allowed to go on the trip ONLY because I promoised to rent a wheelchair, and stay with her. She was able to walk short distances, but her cardiologist did not want her to walk all day. When she exited the wheelchair to walk unto a ride (with no visible limp) the CM remarked "Oh, are we being handicapped today?" My mother was mortified; I was incensed; the ride was ruined. (but not the trip)

As mentioned, please don't judge a book by its cover. And since my father's death, I've been promising my mother a trip to WDW (she was basically house bound with him for almost 2 years) Since she broke her hip in June, and has had increased cardiac problems (she's probably going to need a pacemaker ASAP) I plan on renting a wheelchair again. I sincerely hope I don't run into another insensitive CM.:mad:


New Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW

I TOTALLY agree with you here. I've been annoyed with Disney CMs plenty of times when things weren't done the way we asked, but for the few times in the last three years that I've been to Universal Parks (I believe 5 times) we always seem to have at least one bad experience with a CM while we're there.

This year we went to IoA and we were at Jurassic Park. The ride times board said there was no wait a Popeye, so we RAN over there. Popeye actually had a 35 minute wait. I complained to a CM handling the fastpass (or whatever they call it) line and he directed me to the ride's "manager." The manager's response to my complaint was "I don't handle those signs. What do you want me to do about it?" At Disney, they would have called someone to look into the problem. He never waited for an answer from me and never looked at me either and actually went about doing what he was doing. I went to guest services to complain, then we left the park. It'll be a long time before we go back there.

Sorry, maybe it's just me, but, big deal. Somthing like that should not ruin your park experience and definetly should not be a reason for not going back there for a long time.

On the next issue, obviously all of you people say that Disney cm's are better, as this is a Disney site. I find, however, that Universal cm's, or whatever you want to call them, are in a more relaxed atmosphere. I believe that they do not have as much stress and tend to have more patience with the guests. I have never had an encounter with a rude Universal cm. In fact, in general, I find that they have a better attitude then Disney cm's. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Disney. Once in a while, you will get an exceptional cm at Disney.

As for the bad encounters with cm's, I have had a couple, but one sticks in my memory. On a monorail to MK in the morning, they played the spiel for the way back to the TTC. So, when we were going back to the TTC that afternoon, we sat in the front. We asked the driver if they controlled the spiels. When she told us about how they were controlled, she gave me a dirty look and told us "And it is right, thank you" Now, I didn't let it ruin our vacation, but it was a very uncomfortable moment.

Some things as minor as this can cause an akward moment, but I can say that Universal hase never caused, akward moments for me yet.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by orlandoparks
I have never had an encounter with a rude Universal cm

I HAVE!!! ooh! ooh! I have!! I wanna tell the Ice Cream story now!!!

I walked into Schwabs at USF about 3 months ago. I was on lunch, and in street clothes, and well.. I wanted Ice Cream. So I go to the counter and what do I see.....

THE GIRL IS ON HER CELLPHONE TALKING TO HER BOYFRIEND!!! Now, if this was an emergency, I'd excuse it... but I doubt it was, since most people don't laugh or hold a smile during an emergency (well, other than me, but I'm weird), and she was cracking up on the phone.

So I make eye-contact with her, and I raise my right arm in hope of being served. She signals 'one minute' to me, and well.. I was mad, but I didn't show it.

Finally, she asks me for my order... and proceeds to give me a speech on how rude it is to interrupt someones cellphone conversation... to which I proceeded to give her a speech about how rude it is to talk on a cellphone while guests are waiting, not to mention that it was also against company policy... then I flashed her my ID, and I told her I'd be in touch, and I left.

but that's just 1 story... I could fill up a book w/ my WDW and UO stories


New Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman

I HAVE!!! ooh! ooh! I have!! I wanna tell the Ice Cream story now!!!

I walked into Schwabs at USF about 3 months ago. I was on lunch, and in street clothes, and well.. I wanted Ice Cream. So I go to the counter and what do I see.....

THE GIRL IS ON HER CELLPHONE TALKING TO HER BOYFRIEND!!! Now, if this was an emergency, I'd excuse it... but I doubt it was, since most people don't laugh or hold a smile during an emergency (well, other than me, but I'm weird), and she was cracking up on the phone.

So I make eye-contact with her, and I raise my right arm in hope of being served. She signals 'one minute' to me, and well.. I was mad, but I didn't show it.

Finally, she asks me for my order... and proceeds to give me a speech on how rude it is to interrupt someones cellphone conversation... to which I proceeded to give her a speech about how rude it is to talk on a cellphone while guests are waiting, not to mention that it was also against company policy... then I flashed her my ID, and I told her I'd be in touch, and I left.

but that's just 1 story... I could fill up a book w/ my WDW and UO stories
:eek: That sucks for her. I guess I forgot to mention that although some parks are better than others for cm quality and service, idiots are always inavoidable.:D


New Member
Originally posted by orlandoparks

As for the bad encounters with cm's, I have had a couple, but one sticks in my memory. On a monorail to MK in the morning, they played the spiel for the way back to the TTC. So, when we were going back to the TTC that afternoon, we sat in the front. We asked the driver if they controlled the spiels. When she told us about how they were controlled, she gave me a dirty look and told us "And it is right, thank you" Now, I didn't let it ruin our vacation, but it was a very uncomfortable moment.

Some things as minor as this can cause an akward moment, but I can say that Universal hase never caused, akward moments for me yet.

I agree with you. I think unless they did you harm you shouldn;t allow it to ruin your trip. In my case, we laughed it off especially after my daughter was saying "some people" all night (we did go to guest services but at the time I was very rattled and upset and like I said in the begining of the post, looking back, I think he was just having a bad day. This was also on my birthday so I think I was a little more sensitive. ;) ) And in cases like Mom's, she was outraged but didn;t allow this one insensitive and mean person in the grand scheme of things ruin a wonderful trip. And like an above poster said they are just people like the rest of us and of course they have bad days and good days. I do think when working with the public you should be a little more professional- don;t bring your home life to work-but sometimes things align in the day a certain way and they can just push these people over the edge, just like any of us.



Active Member
Originally posted by The Mom
I will post this again...long time members, you can skip've heard it before. ;)

Yes, I can absolutely believe the CM really made that comment!

My mother (in my presence) was the recipient of EXACTLY that sort of comment from a CM! I had made arrangements to take my parents to WDW for their 50th anniversary in Feb. 1992. My mother had cardiac problems, and was resuscitated twice in early December, 1991. My mother was allowed to go on the trip ONLY because I promoised to rent a wheelchair, and stay with her. She was able to walk short distances, but her cardiologist did not want her to walk all day. When she exited the wheelchair to walk unto a ride (with no visible limp) the CM remarked "Oh, are we being handicapped today?" My mother was mortified; I was incensed; the ride was ruined. (but not the trip)

As mentioned, please don't judge a book by its cover. And since my father's death, I've been promising my mother a trip to WDW (she was basically house bound with him for almost 2 years) Since she broke her hip in June, and has had increased cardiac problems (she's probably going to need a pacemaker ASAP) I plan on renting a wheelchair again. I sincerely hope I don't run into another insensitive CM.:mad:

Oh Mom..That is so horrible for you and your Mother! I hope you responded with a snide reply, or at least gave the CM an evil death glare!

As for me personally, the only time I've made any comments is when I watch people cutting up and playing in them and then bypassing lines...other than that, I couldn't possibly say anything about anyone in a wheelchair and neither should anyone else - How would we know by just looking if someone needed a wheelchair or not?

As always, appearances can be (and usually are!) deceiving!

The Mom

Premium Member
I just felt so bad because my mother didn't want or feel she needed to use the wheelchair in the first place, and thought people would stare at her. I forced her to use it...and then that incident happened. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by The Mom
I will post this again...long time members, you can skip've heard it before. ;)

Yes, I can absolutely believe the CM really made that comment!

My mother (in my presence) was the recipient of EXACTLY that sort of comment from a CM! I had made arrangements to take my parents to WDW for their 50th anniversary in Feb. 1992. My mother had cardiac problems, and was resuscitated twice in early December, 1991. My mother was allowed to go on the trip ONLY because I promoised to rent a wheelchair, and stay with her. She was able to walk short distances, but her cardiologist did not want her to walk all day. When she exited the wheelchair to walk unto a ride (with no visible limp) the CM remarked "Oh, are we being handicapped today?" My mother was mortified; I was incensed; the ride was ruined. (but not the trip)

As mentioned, please don't judge a book by its cover. And since my father's death, I've been promising my mother a trip to WDW (she was basically house bound with him for almost 2 years) Since she broke her hip in June, and has had increased cardiac problems (she's probably going to need a pacemaker ASAP) I plan on renting a wheelchair again. I sincerely hope I don't run into another insensitive CM.:mad:

Mom, I am so incredibly sorry for her insensitivity! I can;t beleive the nerve of some people. I hope you never have to encounter another person like that again.

I know my mom encountered a lot of that same insensitivity when she had to use a wheelchair or her handicapped placard. She had brain and liver cancer and she was on chemo so she was always exhausted. When we would go places she would get looks because much like your mom she "looked fine" when she got out of the wheelchair and walked. Some people are just dense and do not think about others or their feelings! Hugs to you and you mom, Mom!



New Member
okay, well during our family vacation my father and i were waiting in line to ride the jungle cruise. When we got to the front of the line we were directed to sit on the outside of the boat, but sitting on the middle bench was a large man. Now my dad is not obese, just tall and has muscles so he takes up lots of room. Seeing how he would have to be smushed with another large man he moved down the bench a bit. Well the CM working there wouldn't have this and asked my father to move back. My dad explained the situation (calmly), how it would make the ride extremly uncomfortable for both him and the other man. The Cm bagain to demained he move back.

Now there were not many people in the boat at the time infact we were about the 5 or 6people in so there was plenty of room but still the CM wanted him to move. Well my Father was getting pretty angry so he got out of the boat and by this time i was
dieing of embarasment. I watched the two argue for about 2 min wondering which one would throw the first punch (yes it was getting that bad) until the the CM finaly backed down and said "fine sir sit wherever the hell you want" and walked away.

OMGoodness, being pretty young at the time i was mortified....watching your dad argue with an employee in the most magical place on earth was not good! Sure we still rode the jungle cruise but jeez watching you dad almost get into a fist fight with a CM was not very magical.:mad:

The Mom

Premium Member
Thank you! A few trips in a wheelchair (I was on "bedrest" for my last pregnancy,then "blew out" my knee skiing when my son was 10 months old) really opened my eyes! I remember going to the Orthopedist as soon as I returned home from skiing; my neighbor had to drive me, so grabbed a wheelchair when we got to the office.(since I still couldn't walk very much) The receptionist ignored me, and started asking him questions! He stood back and said, "Whoa! I'm just the driver! I don't know nothin' bout nothin'!" :lol: I've heard that this is very common...most people treat someone in a wheelchair as if they were totally incompetent!


Well-Known Member
I seem to hear, or should I say read in this case, the following statement a lot.

"When working with the public, you should leave your homelife at home"

I don't know where people get this from because it doesn't hold true in any work setting in which I have been a participant. Not only have I been FAT in my life, but I have also had the opportunity to work in a variety of settings in my time as an adult. These inlude being and hourly cast member for Disney as well as holding higher level management positions in other Fortune 500 companies.

I can tell you, and many will agree, that very few peope leave their homelife at home regardless of where they work or there status in the company. I have observed first hand everyone from the janitor to the President discussing their personal life with fellow employees and using it as an excuse when their behaviour was inappropriate.

The thing that is even more amazing, or ironic, is how your personal life can play such an important part in decision making by your employer. Trying getting promoted to Vice-President if your whole company is aware that your husband or wife is, oh lets say for cleanliness sake a "dancer". On the other hand, in a male dominated company, if a female employee has ever graced the pages of an adult magazine you can probably go pretty far or at least have little risk of losing your job regardless of competency. (I didn't make that one up, it actually happened at a previous employer)

So let me ask, why do so many people on here expect different behaviour from hourly cast members from what goes on in their own place of employment? Instead of worrying about a few cast members at a theme park in Florida, each of us should begin practicing in our own workplace what we preach.

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