After Star this what's next?


Well-Known Member
FWIW WDI has been contracting a lot of concept work out since the downsizing after 2001 and again in 2008.

This would be spectacular to see as part of a SW land at DHS and would fit very much the rumored "reaction to Harry Potter project".

Just hope there is a Mos Eisley Cantina with some cocktails.

+ The new Jedi Training Academy in the old Sounds Dangerous. Now we're cooking with gas.


New Member
Original Poster
I have never heard of him. What else has he worked on?
Fact is, this particular patent is his, not Disney's. That would indicate that he was not working for Disney when he designed it. I suppose he could sell the design to them....but I doubt it.

Highly unlikely.

My bad man, I went back through my Disney patent archives and realized it was Crawford et Disney and not Gordon. I probably was confusing it because of the famous Bruce Gordon.

I've tried figuring out who this Gordon character is but can't seem to find anything on him. You're probably right, just some guy who came up with this concept. . . but can one just patent an idea based on property they don't have the license for? Could Lucas Entertainment of hired him to work on something sans WDI? I dunno I just find it odd that the patent has been kept up, revised and added to. Why would someone do that without reason, just for fun?


Well-Known Member
FWIW WDI has been contracting a lot of concept work out since the downsizing after 2001 and again in 2008.

This would be spectacular to see as part of a SW land at DHS and would fit very much the rumored "reaction to Harry Potter project".

Just hope there is a Mos Eisley Cantina with some cocktails.


A final thought on this. It could be they have decided to use Pixar throughout all the parks and canceled expanding Pixar Place. That would make sense to me. And it seems the MI coaster has stalled. However, a Star Wars land really could only fit in DHS. A Star Wars land also seems to be on the scale of the Mysterious Island concept wise and could be how they will finally respond to Potter. This makes more sense than MI or a cloned Carsland.

I just hope Disney is behind this leak because if not I could see Lucas pulling the plug on it. Scarey thought that someone at Glendale might do such a thing to undercut the project.

OK, I'm leaving this thread because I'm not getting my hopes up. At least until August.


You're probably right, just some guy who came up with this concept. . . but can one just patent an idea based on property they don't have the license for? Could Lucas Entertainment of hired him to work on something sans WDI? I dunno I just find it odd that the patent has been kept up, revised and added to. Why would someone do that without reason, just for fun?
If you look closely, the patent doesn't specify that the ride must be Star Wars based. It's just a "Multi-track multi-vehicle roller coaster with special effects." Gordon just picked SW as the theme to illustrate his invention. He could have just as easily used Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica. Disney usually doesn't specify a property when doing patents. The patent for the EMV doesn't specify Indiana Jones, it just calls it "Dynamic ride vehicle."
Obviously, the SW theme could never be used in an actual attraction without Lucasfilm approval.

In any event, it's a cool idea...but it ain't coming to a Disney park near you. Sorry.

FWIW WDI has been contracting a lot of concept work out since the downsizing after 2001 and again in 2008.
That's different. It's one thing to hire an outside themed-entertainment firm to do some design work. This is some inventor who just came up with an interesting idea.


Well-Known Member
FLE wasn't leaked, at least not the original drainage plans that showed up here and elsewhere.
The plans were found at the South Florida Water Management District site. Anyone can go over there and search for filed plans.

Right. But the guy posted here before you or anyone else. He had specifics like the Meet and Greets, Belle Area and Mermaid ride. He was very, very extensive. Even listed some of the shops were are getting. So it might not have been "leaked" but it was broken to us by him. This forum went nuts. I would just like to know what happened to him.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
My bad man, I went back through my Disney patent archives and realized it was Crawford et Disney and not Gordon. I probably was confusing it because of the famous Bruce Gordon.

I've tried figuring out who this Gordon character is but can't seem to find anything on him. You're probably right, just some guy who came up with this concept. . . but can one just patent an idea based on property they don't have the license for? Could Lucas Entertainment of hired him to work on something sans WDI? I dunno I just find it odd that the patent has been kept up, revised and added to. Why would someone do that without reason, just for fun?
This is towards the end of the patent: "It is noted that some themes, including the STAR WARS used herein as an example (as well as the HARRY POTTER theme) may require a license from the trademark/copyright owner. "

Really, you may need a license to make a Star Wars or Harry Potter themed ride, huh?


Well-Known Member
FLE wasn't leaked, at least not the original drainage plans that showed up here and elsewhere.
The plans were found at the South Florida Water Management District site. Anyone can go over there and search for filed plans.

Not entirely true...the way I understand it, this was the thread that started it all. The blueprint was posted and then quickly taken down by Steve, not before they were saved to folks' hard drives and consequently redistributed all over the fan universe. The project, which had already been greenlighted, was reportedly posted online by some executive (I can't remember or find her name), and forced Disney into announcing the expansion at the D23 expo that September.


That was back in July of '09. Sometime in November, I believe user enfilm that posted the drainage blueprints from the SFMWD site. These are very different than the ones posted above. To my knowledge, those are the only publicly known blueprints floating around.


I'm a bit fuzzy on the FLE timeline, I confess.
I remember a set of prints being posted, then pulled. I could have sworn those were the drainage plans, and predated the more detailed site plans.

But, I could be wrong. Had to happen sometime.;)


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit fuzzy on the FLE timeline, I confess.
I remember a set of prints being posted, then pulled. I could have sworn those were the drainage plans, and predated the more detailed site plans.

But, I could be wrong. Had to happen sometime.;)

I'm not sure how many other prints were posted along with the one I just posted before, but regardless I'm sure you have something(s) a step up from that. :animwink:

The Duck

Well-Known Member
IF this were to be built at WDW, I would hope to see it at DHS since that park needs all the help it can get (IMHO). I'm not holding my breath but it would be a huge feather in the Diz cap.


soooooo even if this isnt in the works, i say if we get a big enough fanbase for it, they might actually build it!!! right!?!? right...?

its nice to dream anyway...


Active Member
Okay this is super cool... but I can't help hating "shooting" rides. I'd rather it be a cool roller coaster with some elements, more like the Mummy ride at Universal. Whether it's real or not, it's cool technology and makes me hopeful that things like this are the future. Well that and Harry Potter ride stuff :animwink:

But about those FLE plans that were leaked... I really wish they still had that "Aurora" section. She needs more park lovin'.


Active Member
After I little digging I figured out who Jonathan I. Gordon is. He runs a company called GordonRides that designs amusement park attractions. Currently they only appear to have one product. Here is thier web site:


They have a concept for a Harry Potter quiditch coaster lol

Seems a little too "roller coaster tycoon" over the top but still cool. :)


Back to SW,

And wouldn't a physical ridethrough sort of defeat the purpose of the simulator?

Mickey is King

New Member
If this was ever realized it could be a crowd favorite... it would go well in Lucasland no doubt.

You wait, all this is just the tip of the iceburg of what's to come in the next 5 or so years. WDW is just begining their techinical update for the resort.

After FL is done there will be more, much more.

I don't claim to have inside info. or even a bus driver I know (ha,ha)
Disney is cutting edge, always has been, always will be. HOw many times have we all said a few negative things about the parks condition or whatever, and then they always come out with something BIG that totally blows all our minds for a few years.......I love it when they do that!

I hope in the future this or at least a version of this Star Wars attraction comes to life. Although the wait times.....

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