Advice needed for solo trip


New Member
My first post here! Hello everyone!

I've been lucky enough take 2 trips down to WDW in the last year and a half, but I need another fix! So I'm debating booking a trip for probably 3 or so days and going by myself, which I've never done before.

I am looking for any advice from anyone who has been to WDW alone, from what resort you stayed at, and any tips and advice on things that would be fun, or that you can do by yourself. I am thinking I'd fly down and use Magical Express, and stay on property. Undecided as to resort, or category, or when I would actually book the trip yet. Although I would love to get there before Christmas, it probably won't happen.

I'm thinking so far of spending time at Downtown Disney, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and maybe since I will have time alone, taking the time to explore the resorts. I've only ever stayed at Port Orleans Riverside (which I love).

Any advice from anyone who has done this before? I would love any suggestions!


Well-Known Member
I have pre-trip advice for you. I am taking my first solo trip in December of 2010.
I am flying in and taking DME. I'm staying at Pop Century. I am only going to be in Orlando for 4 days, so I don't think I will spend that much time at the resort. That is why I picked Pop instead of my usual, Beach Club.
I am doing 3 days at WDW and one day at US/IOA.
I am planning to spend most of my time on my favorite rides, enjoying the holiday decor and drinking my favorite drinks!
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Well-Known Member
I have gone on several business trips to Orlando without the family. When staying off property I get to go to WDW in the afternoon or evening. When I stay on property I find myself in a “Disney” mood all day. Being alone, I always felt I didn’t need as much room as when DW and DS are with me so I went with a Moderate over a Deluxe resort, I have stayed at Port Orleans Riverside, Port Orleans French Quarter and Caribbean Beach. The next trip however I think I’ll stay at either Animal Kingdom Lodge or Wilderness Lodge. I donot go with a Value resort as I thought there would be too many small children and it would be noisy, that however is just my opinion.
Being alone is great in that you can go where you want when you want and do what you want when you want. I get to ride the attractions I like and skip those that DW and DS like. I can shop at my own pace without DW saying you’re not buy another watch are you?” Or I can join Dave’s bench brigade and stop, sit and people watch.
I usually go for a week from Sunday to Friday and I usually get a lot of advanced notice of upcoming trips so I usually make one or two ADR’s depending on how much advanced notice I do get. I like to leave some evenings open however. I can usually get an ADR at Restaurant Marrakesh at short notice no problem, but I digress.
I have also just walked into Whispering Canyon, Grand Floridian Café and Kona Café for dinner. If I get turned away I usually go see Sonny Eclipse appearing at Cosmic Rays, Casey’s Corner or visit Sunshine Seasons.
One thing noticed is that some people are amazed when they find out that I am there alone. I was waiting for the Hall of the Presidents to open once, a mother with 2 children asked if she could sit next to me. Her 2 children got bored and began to wander around the waiting area with some other children who were also waiting for the show to begin. She asked which of these kids were mine. I told her none I was there alone. She couldn’t believe that a grown man would want to go to WDW by himself. She got quiet for a moment than looked at me and said “Come to think of it that must be great!”
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Well-Known Member
Personally I would stay at Pop. Its cheaper so you can maximize your money and you won't be at the resort all that much. I have also noticed I have met more interesting people when traveling alone.
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Well-Known Member
Bonus for going alone: Single Rider Line!!

WDW doesn't have enough attractions with that benefit to be any kind of real bonus, especially since I've seen groups of people get in those lines.

I always go solo, and in fact don't think I could ever go with anyone else ever again! You have so much freedom to do things your way. As such, you'll get through the parks quicker.
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Well-Known Member
Solo time at WDW can be fun.

Regarding hotel, I would really look at how you plan on touring. If you plan on spending time at the hotel, then pick a resort you are comfortable at. But it you plan on just crashing there, I would go value. No reason not to. As a PP mentioned, it gives you a little extra cash to play with.

Cruising the resorts can be fun, but not the easiest thing to do without a car. I would suggest taking your resort transit to DHS, walking or taking the boat to the Epcot resort area, and then take a bus from a resort there to MK, do the monorail loop, and then boat to WL, back to MK, and bus to your resort. If you feel like blowing a park ticket that day you can do the monorail from Epcot to TTC instead of bus.

I strongly recommend making that loop if you are down while the Christmas decorations are still up, otherwise the Epcot resorts are eh. They are nice resorts, but nothing about them screams see me in my opinion. AKL is definitely worth a visit, it is just a little harder to get to than the other resorts.
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Well-Known Member
I did a solo trip last December and loved it! Stayed at POR - beautiful resort, if a little large.

I would suggest as you've already been twice in a short amount of time to not focus on rides but use this trip to catch all the "extras" no one takes the time for on a regular trip. Go to the Studios and watch all the Street Performers. Watch all the enterainers at World Showcase. Catch all the parades and fireworks shows. Sit on a bench and eat ice cream and watch all the people go by. You didn't say when you were going, but if it's over the holidays, do some resort hopping to see the decorations. Usually you have to choose between waiting in line for a ride or show or just taking the time to actualy enjoy all these hidden little gems.

And POR has a really good foodcourt!
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Active Member
I went solo in 2006, Just have fun, don't go with a schedule well plan out which park to go to on that day but just do what ever you want. And remember HAVE FUN :wave:
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New Member
just got back from a solo trip. LOVED it.
stayed at value. literally was there for about 5-6 hours a night, to sleep, shower, and charge phone & camera.
i felt a little awkward at first but didn't after about 5 minutes.
met a LOT of people, always had someone to talk to.
i even did the dining plan and did sit down dinners. i was nervous about that, but it wasn't bad at all.
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Well-Known Member
Most people will step down a resort level when going solo, but for my first solo trip in August I bumped from a value up to the Wilderness Lodge. The main reason for me was I'm a young woman, traveling on my own, and I wanted a hotel with indoor corridors. I knew I'd be getting back to the hotel super late at night and I just wanted to be able to get off the bus, walk inside, and be at my room. It worked out perfectly, and since I spent most of my trip at the MK, the convenience was lovely too.

I may be going back solo in January though, and will probably stay at Pop to save some money this time, especially since I've traveled on my own a few times now.

If you're a Disney nerd like most of us here, I strongly suggest taking a tour! I took Keys to the Kingdom on my solo trip, and that's something I never would have been able to do if I had someone with me. I don't travel with anyone who's as big a nerd as me and wouldn't subject them to 5 hours of MK trivia :lol:

I only did a few sit down dining options by myself, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I kept myself busy by reading Kindle books on my phone and had some good food, rather than just CS meals the whole trip.
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While I haven't had a full solo trip.. My last trip included parts of several days of me having time to myself..

It is plenty easier to navigate the parks and do what you want to do.. Have fun!
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New Member
I just booked my first solo trip this morning. I am planning to do the Keys to the Kingdom tour (thanks for that great idea!). I am excited to be able to do whatever I want, even if it is following a talking trash can for an hour! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
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Well-Known Member
I LOVE going by myself and go twice a year for four days.

I always stay at Port Orleans French Quarter -- It caters more to adults than families with kids, it's usually quiet, and it's the right size.

Some tips and hints?:

You still need to follow the TouringPlan information if you want to do all the attractions. Single Rider lines are generally worthless -- with the exception of Expedition Everest which will cut your wait time to 20 minutes or so -- ask the person at the Single Rider entrance. Sometimes standby is only 20 minutes, and then you get the cool theming at least. All other single rider lines are worthless. Mostly they fill in with families who don't mind getting split up to ride the ride, making them useless for true single riders.

You still need to make ADR's for dining -- it is just as hard to get a single seat in a crowded restaurant as it is to get a table for 4. So heads up on that one. One thing that IS a lot more convenient is the counter service. Pick the line that has the least kids in it, even if there might be a few extra people in line compared to the others -- you will always get served faster.

Downtown Disney is awesome by yourself -- I love taking the boat from POFQ to DD, and the bar at Raglan Road is an awesome place to hangout. The bartenders are super-sociable, and they will tell you everything you need to know. If you have a university affiliation (I wear a lot of University of Michigan gear) you will instantly strike up conversations everywhere you go.

Be careful in restaurants -- the servers are trained to chat with you and make you feel "sociable"....if you prefer to be left alone, carry a book with you, or play a game on your cellphone, because otherwise the Chatty Cathy, (he or she) will be dropping by your table non-stop to gab. Personally, I prefer to be left alone.

You will find it much easier to get around all of the parks. Since you are not getting distracted by others in your party, you won't be stopping to stare at things, look at shiny objects or waiting to get an autograph from Belle. You also won't be travelling around the park at the slowest pace of your group members -- unless you yourself are the slowpoke, of course.

You'll find it easier to find good seats at all the shows, since you won't be looking for 4 seats together, just one. As a result, you will always be able to get good seats down close for almost all of the shows. Just look for a space for one, and move on in.

Paid events like La Nouba also become amazingly more assessable -- you can usually find single seats for sale fifth row center, whereas when you go for a group you might only be able to find a bunch of seats together much further from the stage. (By the way, the same holds true of Broadway shows and tours -- when you look for singles, you will get much better seats).

The converse is also true -- unless you want to sit on the outskirts of an event, you will always be sitting between larger family groups. Don't get sucked into their shenanigans. Again, the book or cellphone works wonders.

Above all, have a magical time! You will be amazed how awesome solo trips are. I am not sure I could do WDW with anyone else in tow ever again (Lord knows I did enough of those over the years)...
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Original Poster
Most people will step down a resort level when going solo, but for my first solo trip in August I bumped from a value up to the Wilderness Lodge. The main reason for me was I'm a young woman, traveling on my own, and I wanted a hotel with indoor corridors. I knew I'd be getting back to the hotel super late at night and I just wanted to be able to get off the bus, walk inside, and be at my room. It worked out perfectly, and since I spent most of my trip at the MK, the convenience was lovely too.

I may be going back solo in January though, and will probably stay at Pop to save some money this time, especially since I've traveled on my own a few times now.

If you're a Disney nerd like most of us here, I strongly suggest taking a tour! I took Keys to the Kingdom on my solo trip, and that's something I never would have been able to do if I had someone with me. I don't travel with anyone who's as big a nerd as me and wouldn't subject them to 5 hours of MK trivia :lol:

I only did a few sit down dining options by myself, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I kept myself busy by reading Kindle books on my phone and had some good food, rather than just CS meals the whole trip.

I'm a huge Disney nerd! I think I'm going to wait and book a trip for late winter/early spring to allow me to save more money and maybe stay at one of the deluxe resorts. My family never wants to pay the extra money but I would love to stay in one. I'll be a woman traveling alone too, and I think if i was going anywhere else I'd be nervous, but I'm just excited. One of the things I'm looking forward too most is to go at my own pace, going wherever I want.

Thanks to all for the tips!
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Well-Known Member
I've never vacationed solo, but when I lived down there I would go to the parks alone all the time. It was actually my favorite way to go. I met so many people and had so fun. Want to ride mansion 6 times in row? DO IT! It's the best ever. Just enjoy your time.
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Active Member
The "Stay at a Deluxe so you can have indoor corridors" is common advice and I think also good advice.

One way you can do some sit down dining, is to note that many Disney restaurants have attached bars, where you can eat off the same or similar menu as the restauraunt. Off the top of my head I can think of the bars attached to 50's PTC and the bar next to the Yachtsman.

Have a good time!!
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Well-Known Member
Most people will step down a resort level when going solo, but for my first solo trip in August I bumped from a value up to the Wilderness Lodge. The main reason for me was I'm a young woman, traveling on my own, and I wanted a hotel with indoor corridors. I knew I'd be getting back to the hotel super late at night and I just wanted to be able to get off the bus, walk inside, and be at my room. It worked out perfectly, and since I spent most of my trip at the MK, the convenience was lovely too.

I don't buy that excuse. If you wanted to stay at a deluxe, by all means do so. Don't justify it. I'm too cheap to pay for a deluxe...or even a moderate...but if I wanted to stay at the Contemporary I'm certainly not going to justify my choice (though, unlike a lot of members on this board, I certainly am not denigrating people who stay at a value or moderate).

The reason this caught my attention was because some people on this board act as if there are people around every corner just waiting to attack. It's almost as bad as people who say they need to be armed at all times...the way they explain it they practically live in war zones. People need to get some perspective. They aren't visiting (former) Cabrini Green in Chicago.

I may be going back solo in January though, and will probably stay at Pop to save some money this time, especially since I've traveled on my own a few times now.

I'm finding that I prefer the All Stars resorts. I used to swear by Pop Century, but now I try to stay at ASM or AS Movies.

If you're a Disney nerd like most of us here, I strongly suggest taking a tour! I took Keys to the Kingdom on my solo trip, and that's something I never would have been able to do if I had someone with me. I don't travel with anyone who's as big a nerd as me and wouldn't subject them to 5 hours of MK trivia :lol:

I would love to take the DAK backstage tour (something with safari...can't recall the name at the moment). I just can never get up on time!

I only did a few sit down dining options by myself, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I kept myself busy by reading Kindle books on my phone and had some good food, rather than just CS meals the whole trip.

I've never actually understood this. Are people really that self-conscious that they can't eat in a restaurant by themselves? I've never thought twice about it myself. I mean, I'm more concerned about what else they are saying about me other than, "awww...he's alone." They could be saying something more hurtful, like"OMG! What is that shirt he is wearing? And those shoes! Did you see those shoes??" :p
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Well-Known Member
I've never actually understood this. Are people really that self-conscious that they can't eat in a restaurant by themselves? I've never thought twice about it myself. I mean, I'm more concerned about what else they are saying about me other than, "awww...he's alone." They could be saying something more hurtful, like"OMG! What is that shirt he is wearing? And those shoes! Did you see those shoes??" :p

I don't think it has anything to do with self-consciousness. I am single and go out to eat 90% of meals by myself. It's about not wanting people to bother you. As I mentioned earlier, Disney CM's are trained to chat with you and keep you entertained if you are there by yourself. Letting them know right up front your not interested by reading a book is a good way to keep them off your back and give you privacy while dining.
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