Advice for UK Visitors (Don't wear tops at Disney)

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New Member
A- They don't publish the dresscode where the public can see it.
B- If you ask for a printed copy at guest relations, they don't exist
C- When I give them $500+ for my annual pass, there is no dress code stipulation as part of the terms of the sale
D- I like the aforementioned French Connection shirt
E- I'm offended by anyone wearing a religious shirt, political shirt, athletic team shirt, non disney theme park shirt, and any other shirt not mentioned. But why do they get to keep their shirts on?

It's private property. You're right. So in this situation I'll speak with my wallet, which in the end is ALL Disney cares about.

I agree!


Well-Known Member
As a rule, I usually stay aways from these threads, but I have to object... if my child would ask what meant I would tell them the truth: French Connection U.K.... is that so hard? Does that conversation really at all lead back to the F-bomb? If the child relates it to the F-bomb, then most likely it's something they have heard or been exposed to before... I have personally seen many many offensive shirts while on vacation at WDW, but I believe in freedom of speech and expression... WDW has the right to make ppl change, it is private property, but as a guest and citizen none of us have the right or should have the right to judge other's choices about personal expression... flame me- I don't care...

Sorry, but that doesn't work. The company in question has made a whole marketing campaign focused around how close that word is to the swear word in question. Now, I believe in freedom of speech and expression as well, but I also believe that companies have the right to run their business as they see fit. If Disney makes it their policy to not allow those despicable shirts as a rule, then as a guest, you either follow those rules, or you don't visit.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I think it all boils down to common sense.

Which is considerably lacking in Disney's end

However, would you go to the White House with a shirt that says "Support Bin Laden"?

Absolutely not, but I wore an "Impeach Bush" button during my White House tour in 2006 and my tour of Congress in 2005 :). Worn over a nice LaCoste collared shirt and khakis.

Think about it. Freedom of speech can only go so far.

You're right, which is why I didn't bring up Freedom of Speech in my post :) But if you want to open that can of worms, we can talk in private. No need to bring my politics directly into this thread.

If,in the event, my children asked me about someone's shirt with an obvious blur on some profanity, more than that shirt would be turned inside out!:fork:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you condone violence as a means to settle a dispute on profanity. Please tell me that isn't so.

IIt's bad enough to see people in the general public wearing these articles of cltohing

Where they have a constitutionally protected right to do so :)

but to come to a family oriented park in clothing such as that just screams" Hey look at me I'm immature!"

"Hey, look at me! I have a sense of style that is different to yours."


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
those despicable shirts

"I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write."
Voltaire, letter to M. le Riche, February 6, 1770


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Taken from : The Parks are a casual, family-oriented environment. We suggest you dress comfortably, wear good walking shoes and check the local weather report before you leave for the Parks.

It is an important part of the Disney experience that the Parks are family-friendly. In that spirit, we ask you to use your discretion and common sense regarding your attire in the Parks. Attire that is not appropriate for the Theme Parks (and which may result in refusal of admittance) includes, but is not limited to:
  • Adult costumes or clothing that can be viewed as an actual character
  • Masks (unless you are dressing up for a particular event)
  • Easily visible obscene or objectionable language or graphics
  • Excessively torn clothing
  • Clothing with objectionable material
  • Clothing which, by nature, exposes excessive portions of the skin that may be viewed as inappropriate for a family environment
  • Objectionable tattoos
  • An adult or older Guest is allowed into the Park if their hair and/or make-up has been done to resemble a Princess or character (e.g., after a Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique makeover) provided the Guest is not also wearing a costume or clothed to look like the character

That's completely new to me, but as are all rules, it is written far to vaguely and leaves far too much judgement power to those enforcing the rules.


Well-Known Member
That's completely new to me, but as are all rules, it is written far to vaguely and leaves far too much judgement power to those enforcing the rules.

Really? All the rules you need to know are written on the back of the ticket...

Something about reserving the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.


New Member
Sorry, but that doesn't work. The company in question has made a whole marketing campaign focused around how close that word is to the swear word in question. Now, I believe in freedom of speech and expression as well, but I also believe that companies have the right to run their business as they see fit. If Disney makes it their policy to not allow those despicable shirts as a rule, then as a guest, you either follow those rules, or you don't visit.

I absolutely agree- like I said in my previous post, Disney has every right to refuse service to anyone they deem inappropriate; it's private property. My contention is with the idea that freedom of speech/expression be restricted in general for the sake of possibly offending an individual's comfort levels, ethics, morals, etc. In general, I may not agree with Disney's policy about this particular brand, but, again, it is Disney's right and yes, people should respect the policy or be prepared to deal with the consequences.


Well-Known Member
That's completely new to me, but as are all rules, it is written far to vaguely and leaves far too much judgement power to those enforcing the rules.

I've seen that somewhere too... in small print on a park map once upon a time i think.


New Member

Me if my 4 year old (who is spelling everything outloud, very loudly at that) would have asked me what it spelled I would have been kinda offended. (This is the first time I have ever heard of the brand. Good marketing, sounds like it sells well) I as a mother who trys to protect my child from such words would only think that Disney was trying to do the same thing. That said I found a map with a Special Considerations on it from MNSSHP 2007

"Courtsey-We work hard to offer a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable experience for all our Guests. Please assist us by showing common courtesy to fellow Park Guest. Please be respectful of others. Do not use profanity or engage in unsafe, illegal or offensive behavior. Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times."

Disney is a FAMILY based company. Look at it this way, would you wear or say something in front of your Grandmother that you think might offend her? No, then don't wear or say it at Disney. It's called respect! If you can't have any for yourself atleast try to have it for the innocent children that are around you.:D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Really? All the rules you need to know are written on the back of the ticket...

Something about reserving the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
Ah yes, the catch-all to cover Disney's hide :)

All business have policies like that. It's nothing special Jeff.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is Bravo Disney!!!

We see enough profanity and obscenity dumped on us in pop culture. Thank God there are still some private organizations with some common sense decency. Disney will get my dollars!

Society used to go out of it's way to protect children from profanity and indecency.

I'm sure the founding fathers would be real happy to see thier sacrifces exploited by un-principled men hell-bent on shoving profanity and obscenity in everyones face while hiding behind some warped view of free speech.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I've seen that somewhere too... in small print on a park map once upon a time i think.
You're right, but it's not like that catch-all would ever stand up in court. In fact

*Briefly consults attorney. Seriously, there's an ACLU attorney who's a friend of mine in the house right now. Not kidding, not hiding behind the internet. Dead serious. PM me for details if you MUST know*

Attorney says: None of what Disney says in the ticket will hold up in court. Especially if the other party can be considered a member of a protected class. However, what does a person stand to lose from this other than time and possibly a little indignation? The argument wouldn't stand up in court, but there's not many courts that would take up case.


New Member
Which is considerably lacking in Disney's end

In your humble opinion of course..:rolleyes:

Absolutely not, but I wore an "Impeach Bush" button during my White House tour in 2006 and my tour of Congress in 2005 :). Worn over a nice LaCoste collared shirt and khakis.

Bravo to you for your boldness, but we're not talking about impeaching presidents; we're talking about shaping young minds.

You're right, which is why I didn't bring up Freedom of Speech in my post :) But if you want to open that can of worms, we can talk in private. No need to bring my politics directly into this thread.

No PM needed, point taken on politics. That just seems to be the basis of arguments for why these shirts can be worn.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you condone violence as a means to settle a dispute on profanity. Please tell me that isn't so.

No, not the case at all. I look to violence only when my back is against the wall. Blurring my childs christian views backs me in a corner.:animwink:

Where they have a constitutionally protected right to do so :)

Ah, thought we didn't need to go to politics.:wave:

"Hey, look at me! I have a sense of style that is different to yours."

Your sense of style....uh not so much. Wear a three piece suit to the parks if you want, dress in goth if you wish, just watch the filth!:lookaroun

Glad to have a debate with someone without it getting heated. that is the point of threads like this, and to be honest, it's fun!:sohappy:


New Member
I'm sure the founding fathers would be real happy to see thier sacrifces exploited by un-principled men hell-bent on shoving profanity and obscenity in everyones face while hiding behind some warped view of free speech.

Free speech is free speech... A person's freedom to wear whatever they choose is the same right you are invoking by judging them in a public forum... A warped view of free speech would be restrictions on expression or speech- in other words, NOT FREE SPEECH. According to our constitution, free speech is a right every person is granted even if it makes others uncomfortable. Yes, I would prefer if only in the interest of "family values" (I use that term very loosely) park attendees would self-censor their t-shirts, but I would never be so presumptuous as to judge or discriminate againist anyone's fashion choices... that's for Disney to do- it's their property.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member

Ah, thought we didn't need to go to politics.

It's not politics when the truth is spoken ;) :lol:

Your sense of style....uh not so much. Wear a three piece suit to the parks if you want, dress in goth if you wish, just watch the filth!:lookaroun

I've dressed both ways you've described in the parks :D The three piece suit left me with tourists asking me questions and the goth.... err.. the leather left me unable to father a child temporarily :lol: For the record, I typically dress in comfortable casual... or dressed to go to the beach after class or work ;)

Glad to have a debate with someone without it getting heated. that is the point of threads like this, and to be honest, it's fun!:sohappy:

Oh, absolutely. I love a debate where afterwards I wanna grab a beer with the person I debated rather than punching them in the face ;)

As for the christian comment, I'll leave that one to be. There's many non-christian guests out there :)


New Member
It's not politics when the truth is spoken ;) :lol:

Ah the grand ole double stanard.:rolleyes:

I've dressed both ways you've described in the parks :D The three piece suit left me with tourists asking me questions and the goth.... err.. the leather left me unable to father a child temporarily :lol: For the record, I typically dress in comfortable casual... or dressed to go to the beach after class or work ;)

So that was you...... on both occasions!:lookaroun I concur, comfortable attire is the way to go.

Oh, absolutely. I love a debate where afterwards I wanna grab a beer with the person I debated rather than punching them in the face ;)
Oh no, punching is definitely out of the question, violence you know, bad morals!

As for the christian comment, I'll leave that one to be. There's many non-christian guests out there :)
To each their own on religous based debates. I believe what I believe and try not to cross lines on judging others for theirs. However, I do look for a little respect from others as to attire fashioned after a Satanic crowd, as I do not wear attire forcing my religous preferences upon others!:D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
To each their own on religous based debates. I believe what I believe and try not to cross lines on judging others for theirs. However, I do look for a little respect from others as to attire fashioned after a Satanic crowd, as I do not wear attire forcing my religous preferences upon others!:D
And I'm far from satanist... I'm a respectful agnostic. Former Catholic, now Catholic Light (None of the Faith and all of the Guilt :D) If you choose to follow the scriptures, bravo to you- I won't criticize or chastise you (or anyone who makes that choice) for it. I chose to lead a good life without a church.

So... which beer you drink? I really don't want to punch you in the face :lol:


New Member
And I'm far from satanist... I'm a respectful agnostic. Former Catholic, now Catholic Light (None of the Faith and all of the Guilt :D) If you choose to follow the scriptures, bravo to you- I won't criticize or chastise you (or anyone who makes that choice) for it. I chose to lead a good life without a church.

So... which beer you drink? I really don't want to punch you in the face :lol:
Gotta go with the Bud! I'm from the South you know!:animwink: Eh. don't tell the church!
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