Advice for UK Visitors (Don't wear tops at Disney)

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How do they feel about sweatshirts from Ball State University that say "Ball U"?
Well, here goes post #1 for me (you gotta start somewhere): since you mentioned my alma mater, I will let you know that I have indeed worn such a shirt into the parks without incident. Perhaps they did not take action because of the "Ball State University" hat I wore, which added "legitimacy" to the shirt being from an actual institution, and not just some off-color fashion statement by myself. My guess is that with all of the people, they didn't even notice. I can assure you my intent was only to wear the colors of the school where I grajuated....gradyuated.....gragu.....went!:hammer:
It's real simple: you have a whole wardrobe to choose from, so out of that wardrobe make sure the ONE item that you don't wear on your trip to a Disney park is that beloved shirt (or whatever other juvenile garment you may have!) One word: TACT. (ok---here's another hyphenated one: SELF-RESTRAINT.)

p.s.--Ball State is located right off I-69 in Muncie, IN.
Interstate # + "BALL U" = infinite dirty t-shirt connotations!!!

------------Scott (celebrating EpScott's 36th year!)


p.s.--Ball State is located right off I-69 in Muncie, IN.
Interstate # + "BALL U" = infinite dirty t-shirt connotations!!!


I hadn't ever heard of before opening this thread. Just goes to show you how sheltered I am...

I guess if I saw someone wearing a shirt like that, I would just assume they are looking for "shock value" attention. I too, am glad to see that Disney is enforcing this. I have an 8 year-old son (who isn't afraid to ask questions about things he doesn't understand, as well as being a veracious reader.) He would inevitably mispronounce this word, in his very loud, outside voice. My 5 year-old daughter, who is just learning to read, would also want to read this word, no doubt, incorrectly. Just another thing that I, as a parent, want to avoid dealing with!!! :brick:

kirst_al UK

tees are sold in couple of shopping malls in the orlando areas arn't they?

I honestly can't believe such a small thing causes such controversy.....surely if children see the logo they wont think anything of it unless of course they are already aware of the naughty:fork: word. Just because one or two people wear the t-shirt doesn't mean its encouraging children to use the word. Over here in the UK, as im sure you guys do over there, we have alot more crude clothing logos that that - yes i agree that you should pick and choose when to wear it but the majority of these logos on t-shirts are like wee big !!

Saying that when tees were at the beginning of their era i wouldn't wear mine in front of my grandparents :).....nowadays, there are that many around it doesnt bother them.


Well-Known Member
tees are sold in couple of shopping malls in the orlando areas arn't they?

I honestly can't believe such a small thing causes such controversy.....surely if children see the logo they wont think anything of it unless of course they are already aware of the naughty:fork: word. Just because one or two people wear the t-shirt doesn't mean its encouraging children to use the word. Over here in the UK, as im sure you guys do over there, we have alot more crude clothing logos that that - yes i agree that you should pick and choose when to wear it but the majority of these logos on t-shirts are like wee big !!

Saying that when tees were at the beginning of their era i wouldn't wear mine in front of my grandparents :).....nowadays, there are that many around it doesnt bother them.

It doesn't really matter where they are sold, who wears them or who reads them. The fact of the matter is that Disney has deemed the logo as inappropriate wear in their parks. It is their right to do so. Unless everything you own has that logo prominently displayed I don't see what the problem is. Just wear a different shirt on the days you visit WDW. Proudly wear them at all other times if you so choose.
Disney owns the park and can refuse entry to anyone they want to. If you have a problem with it then just don't wear the shirt. I am sure you have more than just shirts in your wardrobe.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
The Disney Company owns the parks and can set a dress code if they choose.

I don't get what the big deal is...just don't wear the shirts to the park. :shrug:
A- They don't publish the dresscode where the public can see it.
B- If you ask for a printed copy at guest relations, they don't exist
C- When I give them $500+ for my annual pass, there is no dress code stipulation as part of the terms of the sale
D- I like the aforementioned French Connection shirt
E- I'm offended by anyone wearing a religious shirt, political shirt, athletic team shirt, non disney theme park shirt, and any other shirt not mentioned. But why do they get to keep their shirts on?

It's private property. You're right. So in this situation I'll speak with my wallet, which in the end is ALL Disney cares about.


New Member
A- They don't publish the dresscode where the public can see it.
B- If you ask for a printed copy at guest relations, they don't exist
C- When I give them $500+ for my annual pass, there is no dress code stipulation as part of the terms of the sale
D- I like the aforementioned French Connection shirt
E- I'm offended by anyone wearing a religious shirt, political shirt, athletic team shirt, non disney theme park shirt, and any other shirt not mentioned. But why do they get to keep their shirts on?

It's private property. You're right. So in this situation I'll speak with my wallet, which in the end is ALL Disney cares about.
I think it all boils down to common sense. True, I have yet to see a dress code published at Disney. However, would you go to the White House with a shirt that says "Support Bin Laden"? Think about it. Freedom of speech can only go so far. You are in a place that revolves around family. Use your brain. If,in the event, my children asked me about someone's shirt with an obvious blur on some profanity, more than that shirt would be turned inside out!:fork: It's bad enough to see people in the general public wearing these articles of cltohing, but to come to a family oriented park in clothing such as that just screams" Hey look at me I'm immature!"


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with people wearing free advertising for these companies, it is their business. These shirts, like many others, are not allowed in the parks. I do not make the rules, but I do follow them. Why cause unnecessary aggravation for yourself and your travel companions? Skip the shirt on the days you are there.


Active Member
haha 69 and ball u...dirrty... Im sorry my grown-up mind is back now neways, I can understand their interpretation of what the shirt or w/e actually says but I mean its become like this with anything I mean not just at disney but at restuarants I mean the other night I went out with a friend and it said something like chemists do it on the peridioc table and hence he has the shirt b/c he's a chemical engineer major the restaurant informed us that it wasn't appropriate...this is not just becoming a disney thing


Active Member
I think it all boils down to common sense. True, I have yet to see a dress code published at Disney. However, would you go to the White House with a shirt that says "Support Bin Laden"? Think about it. Freedom of speech can only go so far. You are in a place that revolves around family. Use your brain. If,in the event, my children asked me about someone's shirt with an obvious blur on some profanity, more than that shirt would be turned inside out!:fork: It's bad enough to see people in the general public wearing these articles of cltohing, but to come to a family oriented park in clothing such as that just screams" Hey look at me I'm immature!"

Hmm.. So blurred out profanity on a shirt is a huge no-no, but using violence to ensure that shirt is turned inside out is A-OK!
A- They don't publish the dresscode where the public can see it.
B- If you ask for a printed copy at guest relations, they don't exist
C- When I give them $500+ for my annual pass, there is no dress code stipulation as part of the terms of the sale
D- I like the aforementioned French Connection shirt
E- I'm offended by anyone wearing a religious shirt, political shirt, athletic team shirt, non disney theme park shirt, and any other shirt not mentioned. But why do they get to keep their shirts on?

It's private property. You're right. So in this situation I'll speak with my wallet, which in the end is ALL Disney cares about.
Taken from : The Parks are a casual, family-oriented environment. We suggest you dress comfortably, wear good walking shoes and check the local weather report before you leave for the Parks.

It is an important part of the Disney experience that the Parks are family-friendly. In that spirit, we ask you to use your discretion and common sense regarding your attire in the Parks. Attire that is not appropriate for the Theme Parks (and which may result in refusal of admittance) includes, but is not limited to:
  • Adult costumes or clothing that can be viewed as an actual character
  • Masks (unless you are dressing up for a particular event)
  • Easily visible obscene or objectionable language or graphics
  • Excessively torn clothing
  • Clothing with objectionable material
  • Clothing which, by nature, exposes excessive portions of the skin that may be viewed as inappropriate for a family environment
  • Objectionable tattoos
  • An adult or older Guest is allowed into the Park if their hair and/or make-up has been done to resemble a Princess or character (e.g., after a Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique makeover) provided the Guest is not also wearing a costume or clothed to look like the character


New Member
Hmm.. So blurred out profanity on a shirt is a huge no-no, but using violence to ensure that shirt is turned inside out is A-OK!
Violence is not always the solution, however when dealing with certain groups of people there a few other options. Think of it, if you will, as negative reinforcement. The point being is, I would rather have my children have strong moral values, and do not wish for my children to see such things on clothing. The same reason that I limit what they watch on T.V., and monitor what they view on the internet. I don't know why violence has become such an issue. Now I know that I'm from the South, but what was wrong with the days when people had a problem a good brawl would solve it. You get up, shake hands, and your friends again the next day! This is simply my opinion, but I think it boils down to respect. By all means, wear whatever you like in the comfort of you own home, but in public, where you will be seen, why do these things have to be worn? It's all to get attention!


Well-Known Member
A- They don't publish the dresscode where the public can see it.
B- If you ask for a printed copy at guest relations, they don't exist
C- When I give them $500+ for my annual pass, there is no dress code stipulation as part of the terms of the sale
D- I like the aforementioned French Connection shirt
E- I'm offended by anyone wearing a religious shirt, political shirt, athletic team shirt, non disney theme park shirt, and any other shirt not mentioned. But why do they get to keep their shirts on?

It's private property. You're right. So in this situation I'll speak with my wallet, which in the end is ALL Disney cares about.

I'm sure it's a better financial decision for Disney to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, even if it means turning away a few people who insist on wearing offensive clothing.


New Member
How do they feel about sweatshirts from Ball State University that say "Ball U"?
I have seen people in hats and shirts representing the Gamecocks OF South Carolina .. I guess people from Bangkok Thailand should`t wear hats telling people where they come from:hammer::hammer:


New Member
As a rule, I usually stay aways from these threads, but I have to object... if my child would ask what meant I would tell them the truth: French Connection U.K.... is that so hard? Does that conversation really at all lead back to the F-bomb? If the child relates it to the F-bomb, then most likely it's something they have heard or been exposed to before... I have personally seen many many offensive shirts while on vacation at WDW, but I believe in freedom of speech and expression... WDW has the right to make ppl change, it is private property, but as a guest and citizen none of us have the right or should have the right to judge other's choices about personal expression... flame me- I don't care...


New Member
As a rule, I usually stay aways from these threads, but I have to object... if my child would ask what meant I would tell them the truth: French Connection U.K.... is that so hard? Does that conversation really at all lead back to the F-bomb? If the child relates it to the F-bomb, then most likely it's something they have heard or been exposed to before... I have personally seen many many offensive shirts while on vacation at WDW, but I believe in freedom of speech and expression... WDW has the right to make ppl change, it is private property, but as a guest and citizen none of us have the right or should have the right to judge other's choices about personal expression... flame me- I don't care...

I couldn't have said it better!
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