Advice for a Nov Trip


Well-Known Member
We are considering visiting WDW in Nov (we have never been during that time).

I have a few questions:

1) Are the resort pools heated?

2) What are the usual temps (day & night) for mid to late Nov?

3) What should we pack (SS, LS, jacket???)

Thanks for your help!

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
I went the first week of last November and had great weather and light crowds - definitely a great time to visit. To answer your questions:

Yes, pools are heated so you won't freeze if you swim at night.

Temps when I was there were usually in the 70s but there were a couple hot days in the 80s. Very nice weather overall. Nights cooled down a bit and we always had sweatshirts in a locker to put on since it could cool down to the 50s at times. Other nights were ok with temps in the 60s and I didn't need a sweatshirt.

I'm from New England, so I wore shorts and short sleeves every day and night and never needed long pants. A light jacket or sweatshirt should be all you need in the evenings if you're like me.

Have fun!
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Active Member
Have done the last 3 Novembers, and swear that each trip (all the same week - around the 11th to the 16th) was totally different weather. One was pants all day, one was pants only at night, while one other was shorts at night, as long as we had the sweatshirts. And not necessarily for the whole trip either!

From NJ, it's not typical swimming weather for the most part, but we have had members of our group swim as the pools are heated.

Temperatures vary as I stated above.

We usually go with mostly SS and because we do the Christmas party, we always have a long sleeve shirt with us. We always take at least one sweatshirt - can always buy more if need be (but very expensive!) As for pants, depends again on the forecast. Usually one pair to ride down in, and one to return in. Can always use the washer and dryer there!

Christmas party is awesome, lights in Hollywood Studios are great. Enjoy!
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Well-Known Member
Our November visit coincided with a slightly unusual cold snap for that time of year...when I was walking around the parks I almost always had a hooded sweatshirt on. I think I may have also bought a light jacket while we were down there. At night it got pretty chilly (well, for Florida at least).

My suggestion would be to watch the weather forecast before you head out there and pack accordingly. A couple of people in our party packed their bags based on historical averages and not the actual forecast and were pretty under-dressed when we were outside walking around.
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Well-Known Member
We always go the whole week of is usually 70-75 the past 2 years we have gone so very comfortable! Although this past year we basically had to leave Disney Hollywood Studios the Wednesday smack dab in the middle of our trip because of the torrential downpour! However, it didn't do any rain 2008 LOL Pools are heated...what you need to worry about is when you get OUT of the pool on the long run to your room :ROFLOL:I usually wear jeans the whole trip and for the early morning headouts...I have a light jacket that winds up getting tied around my waste for the rest of the day by 10 or 11 a.m. Hope that helps!
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Well-Known Member
I did it last year with shorts/sweatshirt in the morning, t-shirt for the afternoon and sweatshirt again at night. It's still Florida so even when it cools off it can still be muggy in the evening. I found walking around pushing a stroller I was still working up a sweat. Beware of Kali River Rapids - I rode w/my family and got SOAKED - like I went in a dunk tank. I was so cold when I got off the ride I had to buy a dress and shoes at AK to make it through the rest of the day (it was about 73 but totally shady and after 2 hours of being sopping wet I had enough!). Definitely bring a poncho and store your shoes, just in case!
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Well-Known Member
maybe it's the Canadian in me but I've never worn anything heavier than t shirt n capri pants or shorts I've gone in December aswell,and I think of all the times i've gone there was only ever one day where it was cool enough for me to wear longsleeves,so I think it depends on the person and what they are used to.Definately some good suggestions on here though 8o)
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Well-Known Member
Nov/Dec you can always tell the folks from the North apart from the folks from the South. We have been for Thanksgiving before (2007) and only took 2 pairs of jeans and the rest shorts. Some nights you may need pants and some morning might call for a sweatshirt...but it will depend on where you call home and what your use to.
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