Before moving on...a lot of people asked if we were going to go by Steamboat Geyser to try and see it erupt. It's not in this area of YNP (it's Norris area), and while the eruptions are supposed to be spectacular, I wasn't going to go out of my way to wait for something that can't be predicted. I mean, if we made it to Norris...sure, we'd walk by, but no prolonged waits or must get there kinds of things either. Yes, it has entered a very active phase and to see it would be one of those once in a lifetime moments, but just like the wolf watchers...I can't sit there and just wait for maybe. And I'm glad we didn't. The last eruption before our trip was August 4th and it didn't go off again until August 22nd. Heck, with our 2005 trip, people were still buzzing how it had erupted in May of that year (had been quiet for nearly 2 years prior to that). It was quiet for nearly 9 years after that 2005, you just never know. I also know some people are freaking out about how active it's been, but it's had active years in the past. It had a whopping 29 eruptions in 1964. It's had 17 so far in 2018. Who knows...maybe
@Nemo14 will get luck and be in the right place at the right time. It last erupted on the 7th and it's been in a period where eruptions have been 5-6 days apart. Ya never know!
EDIT- I actually wrote this out before Nemo's post go to the Bob Saget thread to see more on Steamboat!
OK, back on track...
Aug 13th Cont-
While I joined up with the tour and while it was at the very end, we still got a lot of information. They've maintained all of these writing desks since some people still like to stay here and sent out letters and post cards like people did waaaaay back when.
She also told us a story about a woman whose grandmother stayed here waaaaaay back when, penned a letter/card from one of these desks to her family and even marked the window of the room where she stayed. When her grandaughter came here and showed them that card, they matched up a bunch of things and were able to get her a nights stay in the exact room her grandmother stayed in while she was there.
We also learned that in the early days, dinner was served at big tables in the dining room...dinner bell rung to signal everyone to come in...people ate sort of community style (think Biergarten)...and the musicians would sit up in the balcony playing music. The original musician's names are even on the light fixtures in the balcony.
And when dinner was over, everyone would come out onto the main floor of the inn lobby and dance in their fine formal wear.
She also said a number of bats are allowed to stay around the Inn to help curb the mosquito population. She also gave us details on the fire protection system equipped on the inn and the lengths they had to go to for it to be saved in the 88 fires.
She was really sweet...even stayed behind to answer more of Kendall's questions. David said that she works HR for the company during the winter months and stays up in Gardiner. Surprisingly, she also said Gardiner is kind of a bowl and doesn't see much in the way of snow.
Oh, and while I am going to share a handful of K's pics from the tour, they also were shown one of the rustic rooms that can be booked in the old house. I still think it looks pretty cool, even without a bathroom.
After that, we headed out. OOh...and even passed by the little back door area at the Bear Pit where we spent so much time on that night back in 2005. Memories!
So, we waved good-bye to the inn, but went across the lot to check out the lodge again to see if they had anything we wanted in the store. Of course, I took pics as we walked...
The Lodge is pretty cool and has its own nice view of OF. I remember eating lunch here back in 2005 and watching it over a nice plate of meatloaf and macaroni...perfect for the temps in the 40s that day.
*Sooooooooo much better than my pic from the morning.