Our bodies were still on central time and messed up from not really sleeping the previous night, so I was up around 5:30am MT. I sat in bed for a while, but the sun comes up pretty early (or so it felt), so I was out and about not soon after taking pictures around the ranch...
OK, you get the idea. It was just this serene sort of wide open space that said...RELAX! Oh yea...Ms. Twila's husband did all of the wood carvings. He's no longer able to do them, but they add a certain cute factor to the whole place.
In the process, I also met one of the other guests staying at the B&B. He and his wife were in the area from Minnesota. We'd eventually hit that point where it was time for breakfast where we all got to sit down and get to know each other. There was also a third couple there from Alberta. Breakfast was great...fresh fruit, an egg dish that involved cottage cheese, homemade scones (caramel, I think), etc.
We did have some drama before hitting the road. There were a number of honey bees around the property...makes sense with the flowers. Both girls are fearful of bees (wasps, yellowjackets, etc.), but we gave them this whole talk about how honey bees rarely sting and it's really only if they feel threatened when there's an issue. So, we're walking down the boardwalk path to our car and all of a sudden, there's this blood curdling scream behind me.
I thought it was Kendall at first, but it was Samantha. My mind immediately went to allergies. Sam used to have allergic reactions to ant bites and mosquito bites. She outgrew it, but her old pediatrician always told us to be ready since she may also be sensitive to bees. No, I didn't grab any of Kendall's auto-injectors, but I did get a Zyrtec tab into her right away. David ran inside to see if the B&B owner had any baking soda...which she did. So he was able to make a paste and apply it to the sting. Not even 9am and we already have drama! Thankfully, Sam was OK, but the sting bothered her for a while. She's still pretty freaked out by it though, so I haven't tried to make light of it with this classic Donald cartoon (again- not mine).
We got on the road after we got her comfy, officially waved good-bye to Devils Tower (which we could see on the way out), but stopped pretty quickly because David wanted to grab sodas (caffeiene source of choice). We already had lots of bikers around before we ever even got up on the main highway. I did have a good chuckle with the B&B owner before all of this...her talking about all of the traffic...and realizing she and I have very different definitions of traffic. Oh well...lots of bikers at the gas station where we went to get sodas.
In fact, I took biker pictures all through the trip just to show how it followed us from point to point. Like I said before, I was actually pretty happy they were there...well, most of the time (video to come on my only issue). Look, signs everywhere to watch for the bikers. I guess they must have a lot of problems with them getting hit. Before we moved, we had a lot of bike traffic on our route to Galveston, so it was more normal to us.
It wasn't long before we were in South Dakota. I missed the state sign, but I love how their rest areas have these tepees.
I really just took pics as we went...ya know, terrain changes and all.
I also initially thought this plane was something kitschy, but when we saw another one in another area (later to come this day), I guess these denote an airport. We did see the red ball markers on the wires (I'm sure they have a better, more technical name).
We were still following lots of bikers, but things really ramped up as we passed through the Sturgis area.
Ultimately, it was kind of cool to be there during this and see even the little things on the perimeter of the actual area set up for them...along with all of the camper and tent cities...not to mention all of the cool toy-haulers and mega bikes that we passed.
RIght around this point, you also pass the Black Hills National Cemetary...another somber marker on this trip.
Oh...and no stopping in Belle Fourche or Deadwood. I had to prioritize and it just wasn't in the plans. I did, however, learn who to pronounce Belle Fourche. And thankfully, it was not me saying it incorrectly in front of anyone and making a fool of myself. Nope, just overheard a guy at the B&B and reconfirmed it while watching the local news that evening.
I know we stopped around this time...ya know, restroom, drinks, snacks, etc. I tried to explain to David that it would be a while before we'd be eating (he has all kinds of issues if he doesn't eat often enough), but he thought I was overreacting with my "we're going to be out in the middle of nowhere" concerns. So, I got the kids snacks and took over driving at this point...set the GPS to Badlands National Park...and hit the road. We started seeing signs to turn off for the park well before the GPS directions had me going. So, naturally I disregarded my GPS and turned off according to the road signs. We could see some of it before we ever got to the park entrance and there were already tons of oooohs and ahhhhhs.
I was driving for a chunk of our time in Badlands, so I have to rely on the kids' pics for any points in time where we weren't stopped. Of course, I was the only one who noticed the prairie dog town off to our right before arriving at the guard shack, so I'd have to wait on prairie dog pics. We showed the ranger our 4th grader (LOL) and were in...and pretty much got out at the first overlook.
Just my 2 cents about the bee sting. If I remember correctly when my kids wee going through that, the doctor told us that most people do not get an allergic reaction from the first sting, but the second time they're stung. Something about antibodies I think. Just something to keep an eye on.
That ranch ya'll stayed at near Devil's Tower looked really neat. It gets extra points for the bear woodcarvings. Sad to hear the guy who made those is unable to anymore.
It's not necessarily an airport....a lot of ranchers are pilots and have their own planes or share one with another pilot rancher. They can keep track of their herds and find any strays that are missing, and a lot of them also do programs like Pilots for Christ where they will fly someone to a hospital in a bigger city for treatment that the smaller hospitals can't do.
Did your husband come to regret his decision not to eat/drink anything? The Badlands are really breathtaking, but they are pretty far away from civilization.
Edit: Now I see what you were talking about with the planes. I thought you saw one of those little planes landing. Wall Drug is a neat little place, but it's usually horrendously busy, and being the ONLY thing for miles and miles, it's quite the tourist trap. EXPENSIVE. You probably did better going to Perkins for the meal.
I'm really enjoying this trip report - brings back so many childhood memories. I remember back then thinking about the early pioneers and just marveling at how they ever made it through their journeys.Just absolutely amazing!
Can't wait for your Yellowstone pictures!
I'm really enjoying your report too. It bring back memories of our road trip to Yellowstone. You are traveling basically the same route we did from South Dakota to Wyoming!
LOVE the cabin you booked and the surrounding views. I bet you all were glad you didn't opt for the Best Western up the road. BW's are nice, but you can stay in those anywhere, and they're pretty much the same anywhere. What you picked was truly fitting for the theme of the trip and that area.
Oh man, I want that cinnamon roll!! Decades ago, before they redid Mount Rushmore (The visitor center was separate from the giftshop and restaurant, the walk of flags was in a different place, there was no huge archway at the entrance...they changed that all when I was a senior in high school) they had a little restaurant and there was a breakfast option for each president...One was a sweetroll, (I think Jefferson) one was standard eggs and sausage or bacon, I think one was probably pancakes? I don't remember the other....I always got the sweetroll. We'd go there first thing in the morning and have breakfast, and then go exploring.The way these pics uploaded is really driving me crazy, but one of the treats is seeing what the kids were doing in the back seat. Apparently, they took a lot of pictures of each other to pass the time.
I will not be sharing all of the less than flattering pictures they took of me without my knowledge.
Aug 9-
I woke up kind of grumpy. I really liked the area and just wasn't ready to spend the better part of a day driving from Keystone, SD to Cody, WY. Oh was also my birthday (extra points if you heard that in Rapunzel's voice), and it just wasn't feeling like a very celebratory thing to do.
Oh well, I got up, packed up and convinced Sam to not get into the coffee in the room...even though it had some fun names.
We decided to head back to the Powder House Restaurant for breakfast.
It gave our server a good laugh, but we decided to indulge Sam with her coffee wishes...
I honestly can't remember what David and Kendall ordered (not important enough to photograph!), but I had a bison patty and eggs. I was really happy that I could order this a la carte so that I wasn't having to order a meal that included things I couldn't eat.
Samantha had the real head turner. She was going to order their cinnamon roll and something else (like maybe bacon or pancakes) because we were afraid that a cinnamon roll wouldn't be enough food. was PLENTY of food! I mean, she even took off the Mickey hoodie to tackle this beast.
I also had to deal with something I wasn't anticipating. Not really a bad thing, but I don't think all of the bikers in for breakfast were expecting a 9 year old to be so in awe of all of their gear. Sam loves that look...often wears a crystal skull and crossbone necklace...fave softball socks are skulls, etc. So, she loved all of the ornate vests and shirts.
After breakfast, we checked out and headed back up to our room's parking area to get the vehicle. I also took a pic of the terrain behind the structure we were staying in because I thought it was neat with how much rock there was in the natural landscape.
We hit the road and started to make our way out of town...well, not before driving through a chunk of Rapid City. I couldn't take pics while driving, but I really liked the area. David did buy a summer home in the hills "like." Not that we did...but it's a thought for down the road. We eventually got to 90 and started on the way...well, until David decided he needed soda, which had me stopping in the Sturgis area.
And not that I meant to capture these people in the shot, but I do think it's funny that I got the Sturgis sign in the hills right above their helmets.
*I figure we just got done with breakfast, so bacon to hide his face seemed appropriate.
The kids managed to get what I really wanted...
I took some pics from the rest area we stopped at right after getting back into Wyoming and the kids took other random pics along the way of the drive to our first stop (I'll spare you the kid pics...mainly fields). Oh, and I had to take a Disney reference pic...who wouldn't want to go to Aladdin?
A different WY rest stop picture...and no service here.
Ultimately, the first real stop was really just for lunch. I remember looking at this drive weeks before we traveled and it made me nervous. It looked like a lot of wide open spaces with very little civilization for miles upon miles after we hit a certain point. So, we stopped in Buffalo, WY for lunch.
Lunch was really nothing exciting. We had a few other options, but we wanted quick...yet also not something we get at home. So, this worked. David gave the chili a thumbs down, but the milkshake got better reviews.
We topped off the gas tank and got back on the road.
We'd debate for miles over whether or not we should have followed the GPS. He felt we should have continued on 90 to Sheridan and start heading west from that point, but the GPS wanted us to get off in Buffalo and cross the Bighorn National Forest on a more southern route. We kept seeing signs telling us to go the other way...the safer way (which may be a consideration if you're in bad weather or driving an RV), but it also implied that the GPS was right and that we were taking the faster way.
So, we decided to go with the GPS and entered Bighorn NF via 16...and it was beautiful.
Wow....I don't think I've ever heard of Emblem, Wyoming. I'd guess the stares you got were not necessarily how you looked....just the fact that you were there screams tourist. In most of those smaller towns, everyone knows everyone, so anyone you don't recognize must be a tourist. Funny story: Every year, our town held a celebration of the incorporation of the town. There was a parade, bed races, a street dance, craft fair, etc. (Think the fair in Pollyanna) One year, they decided they were going to find a tourist family coming through and make them honorary town members for the day and they'd have VIP access to everything...a ride on a float in the parade, tickets to the rodeo, etc. So the way they planned to do this was to have the local highway patrolman sit at the intersection on the highway by our town and pull over the first out-of-state license plate car they saw. Only they sat there and sat there and sat there and the only out-of-state car that came by, they pulled over, and it was a family heading to a funeral, so obviously they couldn't be delayed and weren't in a celebratory mood. The best laid plans. The point being that you stood out from the locals just by being there in the first place.Still seeing a number of bikes...
It was about this time that my fears with steep cliffs and driving kicked in. Don't get me wrong...this was some of the most stunning scenery of the drive...but I'm more of a grandma driver when it comes to things like this and with David behind the wheel...well...
Thankfully, it was all OK. My only disappointment was that I didn't see any wildlife while we were driving. Although, we saw plenty of signs about how many have been killed by vehicles this year, so far. We also passed a beautiful lake area before we drove out of the forest...looked like there may have been a Boy Scout Camp down there too. Unfortunately, we were also passed up by an ambulance a few miles back and that ambulance was now at the lake. So, I really didn't want to take pics of someone's misfortune. Hopefully, everything turned out OK.
*Best lake pic is more a nice pic of David's arm!
We went through the town of Ten Sleep after leaving the forest.
We'd been seeing Crazy Woman this and that everywhere we'd driven during the trip and David likes to call me a crazy cat lady...even though I've never owned a cat and am definitely a dog person...but this was my chance to finally snap a pic of one of the Crazy Woman signs.
Oh, and I liked the story behind the town's name. I guess before autos and highways, this point used to be 10 sleeps to a handful of key spots in the area (one being Yellowstone).
After we left Ten Sleep, we went through a whole lotta nothing. I mean, I was expecting it, but I wasn't expecting it to feel so empty. Some of the fencing and the occasional corrals suggested that at least some of this may be someone's land for livestock purposes. Still, it was making me nervous and this was our first taste this trip of going through longer stretches with no phone service (started in the forest).
After making a northern turn, we'd go through towns like Worland, Washakie Ten, Manderson, Basin and Greybull. It all felt very off the beaten path, but we at least saw more farms during this stretch which made me freak a little less. After David not agreeing with the GPS's definition of what constitutes a few short turns, we took a western turn onto 14, which would take us into Cody. At least Kendall had a growing map case we got really lost and needed them.
Everyone also really needed to find a place to stop. I think this was in Emblem, WY. Official population is around 10, but it's surrounded by unincorporated areas that brings that number up over 100. Regardless, we needed a bathroom...they had a bathroom. We were buying sodas and snacks...they had sodas and snacks. I did notice how this was one of those stores that also does a bit of everything...convenience store, super market, hardware, etc. The kid behind the counter was sweet, but we got some stares from some locals coming our appearances screamed TOURISTS! LOL Did the cameras give us away?
On a side note, one of the things I liked driving through the three states on this trip was all of the local rodeos. I knew about the Cody night rodeo, but I saw a number of smaller rodeo arenas in more populated spots along our various drives. I don't love or hate rodeo, but considering Houston has the what is supposedly the largest of them (and it can be a real pain with all of the crowds), it was cool seeing all of these other venues.
There wasn't much of anything between Emblem and Cody, but the mountains ahead were now much clearer and that got the girls excited about what was to come. Heck, it got me excited that we were much closer to our next destination.
*And sadly, since these are the kids' pics, I'm not 100% if these are them taking pics of the mountains ahead of us, or the ones to our east that we just left. I just know we could see them to the west at this point.
I didn't take many pictures on our first pass through Cody because I had to navigate. In fact, none of mine were from the downtown/commercial area...same with the kids (not sure what their excuse was LOL). We saw the little airport we would have flown from had I made my original plan work, we saw the hotel in town I was considering but nixed over bed size (Buffalo Bill Cody had called it a "gem"), and even passed the Walmart we'd be visiting later for some essentials. It was around that time when David was wondering what I'd booked and if it was even in Cody. It was from what I'd read, but it was far western Cody...almost in the Shoshone National Forest. Their address comes up as Cody, but basically, the lodging was about 14 miles west of downtown Cody.
So, David was getting annoyed, but I was getting excited. The terrain had started changing again, I could see a river running along side of us...and we were driving through tunnels that were going through the mountains (Sheep Mountain area). Sorry...bugs on the windshield did not make for good pictures and some of these are on the kids' camera.
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