Adults with a "Birthday" button


Well-Known Member
Newbie :animwink:

Lol! We'll be old & over the hill soon enough. I'll wallow in my noob-ness as long as I can! HeeHee!

Forgot to comment on your 'pixie dusted hottie' comment. ((Dang kids throw me off when they come in the room with a thousand questions.)) You crack me up! Hubby had me rolling years back in a Disney Store Outlet when he excitedly asked a CM if the Tinkerbell slumber bags came in big boy sizes followed by some really off-handed comment about why he wanted one. :lol:


Well-Known Member
We went the week before my 41st bday and 3 wks before my daughter's 11th bday and we both got pins. I even checked first to make sure it was ok for her to get one being her bday was farther out. They were more then happy to give her one. I wore mine all week but she only wore hers even now and then, she didn't like the attention. When I called for reservations for the trip I told them we were celebrating my bday. We didn't decide to do hers until we got there. Anyway, I got tons of happy birthdays from everyone from CM's to other guests. My favorite was when I was sitting outside of Mission:Space waiting for my hubby and daughter and a young girl came up to me and wished me a happy birthday. I thought that was so sweet of her. One day when we got back to the room there was a balloon and a picture autographed from Mickey waiting for me. And we got desserts here and there. And the chipmunks loved me up and kept pointing at my pin. It was a great week!!:sohappy:


I went this past year. I used to go with my parents every year for my birthday but never on the actual date. I only really went that day since it was free. I didn't even expect to get a button or anything but since they gave it to me I figured I should wear it at least.

It was very nice having complete strangers wish me a Happy Birthday and do the same with the other people I saw wearing their buttons. About 2 hours in I decided to go all out and bought the Happy Birthday Mickey ears, got my name on the back and wore that the whole day too.

I got front row for a few rides, plus they showed me on the screen during the Laugh Floor. It seemed like the CM's were very genuine about wishing me a Happy Birthday and a few even started some small talk asking where I was from and similar questions.

I would do it again in a heartbeat.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Just so you know, it doesn't have to be your birthday to wear a birthday button, just that you're celebrating your birthday on/with the vacation... As one CM put it to me: "We're very strict on one thing, your birthday has to be within six month's of the visit you celebrate on, one way or the other!" :lookaroun



Active Member
Just so you know, it doesn't have to be your birthday to wear a birthday button, just that you're celebrating your birthday on/with the vacation... As one CM put it to me: "We're very strict on one thing, your birthday has to be within six month's of the visit you celebrate on, one way or the other!" :lookaroun


That is a fantastic quote. I am guilty of using a birthday button six months away from mine. :D


Well-Known Member
We got to the World on my 42nd birthday in January 2009 and had dinner at Whispering Canyon - need I say more. I wore my button for the next two days and got "happy birthdays" from CMs, a cookie at Sunshine Seasons and a cupcake at Crystal Palace. What made it extra neat, the characters gave me hugs and during Spectromagic, Mary Poppins came over to us and wished me happy birthday.


Well-Known Member
i don't think there is anything wrong with wearing your pin (birthday, anniversary, etc) for the duration of your stay when you're there to celebrate for that very reason. my sister's birthday is mid november (she'll be 40:eek:) so we decided to put together our christmas gift money from our mother and her birthday celebration money and make it a 5 day birthday trip to wdw starting the monday after thanksgiving...and believe me she'll be wearing her birthday pin. i plan to wear one of the "i'm celebrating pins" just so it can say i'm celebrating her being 40 lol (especially since she's not exactly happy to be the big 4-0).

one of the cutest things that happened to my husband and i when we went for our anniversary was in epcot...we were walking past the american pavilion and it was a little slow that day when a cm called us over and said we had a phone call inside. inside there was a phone (the cm had told us to press some combo of numbers) and it was one of those recorded happy anniversary messages from mickey and minnie mouse. it was a cute touch to our trip.


Well-Known Member
When I was wearing my birthday button I got a lot of happy birthdays in addition to a cast member stopping all the people around us to sing happy birthday and the barber shop group singing us happy birthday. Of course, that could have all been because my son was wearing his button too... we share a birthday so ya know!


Well-Known Member
Lighten up... Just my opinion. :rolleyes:

Disney provides an escape from the real world where everybody can be a kid or at least a kid at heart. If people want to celebrate and share a special time in their lives with others and it does no harm to you, why be such a grumpy curmudgeon? Live and let live and maybe you'll live a bit longer and happier life.

Believe it or not I am pretty happy in my life and I do live and let live. I am just responding to how I see it thats all. No it does not harm me and I am not trying to stop anyone from wearing a button if they so choose. I would not wear one and I was just saying how I see it.(I know this really isn't allowed on here unless one believes as all the fanboys and pixiedust snorters do)

Believe it or not I have even wished a few folks "Happy Birthday!" when I have seen folks celebrating, buttons or not, at WDW. The not is when I have seen them at dinner without buttons but get sung to by the staff. I know shocking for such a grumpy curmudgeon, right?? Shoot I may even still say it to you if I ever see you down there!! :D


Why not just carry a sign that says" LOOK AT ME!!! I need some attention and maybe a free dessert, too!" :D

Now that you mention it, nothing is free and that is especially true at Disney. If they're giving freebies for wearing the birthday button, they're getting it back somewhere else, and that means that in general, you are paying for that free dessert whether you get it (by wearing the button) or you don't.

So I say, wear the button and take whatever it gets you. You're paying for it one way or another.


Well-Known Member
Now that you mention it, nothing is free and that is especially true at Disney. If they're giving freebies for wearing the birthday button, they're getting it back somewhere else, and that means that in general, you are paying for that free dessert whether you get it (by wearing the button) or you don't.

So I say, wear the button and take whatever it gets you. You're paying for it one way or another.

With that logic, since I have already paid for them somewhere.... I can just take those pins that the kids wanted right? I mean it was their Birthday last month and I have paid for them somewhere of the many trips I have made to WDW right? :brick: :lol:


With that logic, since I have already paid for them somewhere.... I can just take those pins that the kids wanted right? I mean it was their Birthday last month and I have paid for them somewhere of the many trips I have made to WDW right? :brick: :lol:

Someone else has already reported (anecdotally) that they were told exactly that by a cast member - that they'd prefer that you try to claim your birthday button within six months of your birthday either way - in other words, at any time of the year.

PS - where at the Jersey Shore? I used to live in Wall.

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