Abusive guests?


Well-Known Member
Grizz will have a field day with this one...

This was in the queue of Thunder Mountain...and...Brent is my witness...there was a trashbarrel about 4-5 steps away. (If that many!)


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New Member
Hi Pixie Duster! It is funny because I won't take the time to do surveys anywhere else but in WDW or about WDW. I take about 3 each time I go for a visit. In fact if I see someone taking surveys I go over to them. My husband thinks I am crazy, but that is ok. After I get home I usually have a card waiting for me in my mailbox to do another survey on Disney websit, and of course do that too. Hope I see you in July when we visit next, I will be sure to put in my 2 cents. We visit WDW at least 3 times a year, we belong to DVC too. Keep up the good work! Your hard work IS appreciated!

On the vein of people being rude in WDW to CM's and others, I have seen more than my share and am amazed that they have the nerve to do the things they do. I'm just glad I don't have their nerve in my tooth:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
I approached a guest (to conduct a survey), introduced myself when she blew up on me, started yelling at me for us no longer having Lucy, the Blues Brothers, and Ghostbusters. She grabbed my arm then pushed me and began walking away while still yelling and cussing. Security intercepted her.

That is too funny, except the part about the arm grabbing. I think part of the issue with the slight decline in guest quality is that credit cards are so easy to get now. I remember visiting the parks in the earlier 90's and you rarely if ever saw trashy ppl...now, you still don't see a lot, but you do see more.


New Member
I've noticed a downturn in guest quality as well. Some guests are very disrespectful, and think since they paid to be in the park, they are the only important ones. I still see many good hearty families. The families that Walt built the parks for. All these bad guests must be the ones winning free trips. :lookaroun No, just joking. :lol:


New Member
When I was working as a character greeter, I noticed many abusive guests. One time I was working with Goofy at the Castle and it was time for Goofy to go inside. Now I had many many announcements like I always did informing guests of Goofy's departure. When I said "last family" the next guy in line looked SO MAD I thought he was going to hit me! I looked at Goofy and said, "I think he's going to punch me!" Goofy looked at the guy, looked at me, waved to the crowd, grabbed my hand and ran to the Castle. I was really scared when that happened!

Another time I was verbally abused by a guest was when I was working at the Barnstormer with Goofy again. I was forced up against a fence as two families screamed at me for Goofy going away although he was coming back in 5 minutes. My good friend saw Goofy wasn't moving so he ran over and got Goofy off set, but didn't know what was happening to me. By the time an older man told them to knock it off, I was nearly in tears! It was so horrible.

Moral of the story, when a greeter says the character has to get going, it's only them doing their job. Be nice, especially if they give lots of warning!

TheDisneyGirl02 :)


Well-Known Member

Folks, this is really just another symptom of one thing - America's morals and values are nosediving. This type of behavior does not "shock" people anymore. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Maybe we all need to unite and stand up to these rude obnoxious guests. Let them know that their behavior is unacceptable to others!


New Member
That is so terrible that that happened to you TheDisneyGirl02 and Goofy. I have seen people get angry like that when characters have to leave and cannot imagine how they are thinking. I feel awful that you and other CM's have to put up with this kind of treatment. To me and my family the CM's are gold and we listen and treat them with resepect that they deserve. God Bless all of you and the terrific work you do for all of us everyday and make our vacation the very best, everytime.


Anybody's who has raced on the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway need only look up at the "rare gum tree" in the queue. I too have noticed a downturn in guest "quality" in recent years, but thought maybe I was being too harsh.... apparently not.


New Member
Originally posted by Yellowbird97
That is so terrible that that happened to you TheDisneyGirl02 and Goofy. I have seen people get angry like that when characters have to leave and cannot imagine how they are thinking. I feel awful that you and other CM's have to put up with this kind of treatment. To me and my family the CM's are gold and we listen and treat them with resepect that they deserve. God Bless all of you and the terrific work you do for all of us everyday and make our vacation the very best, everytime.

Thank you for that comment! I really appreciated that! Even though I'm not a greeter anymore, I still have many friends who are greeters and many friends who are characters. Thanks for being so nice to us! It's helps make our day magical too!



New Member
I'll never forget when, as a Space Mountain CM, a guest raised her hand to me and almost hit me. She was just about to get on the ride and we had technical difficulties. Her wait was increased by like 15 minutes. She was so infuriated that she screamed at me, blamed me for the entire incident, and almost smacked me in front of her husband and children. After that, I was afraid of guests and barely got through the Christmas season.


New Member
When we are at MK last October, we were taking the tram to the park entrance and this little girl infront of her through her empty plastic cup out of the tram like it was no big deal. I wanted to say something but luckily the girl's mother say the cup was missing and asked her where it went. When the girl admitted what she did, the mother gave her quite a talking and infront of everyone on the tram. The lady also went up the tram operator and told him what happened and approximately where the cup would be. Thanks to the lady, I hope the girl learned the lesson of not littering. :)


Well-Known Member
A few years ago when I was a front desk manager at an off-property resort, I had a guest get so upset with me, because we did not have a room on a high floor, overlooking both the pool and WDW available (even though he was not paying extra for the poolview) that he hit my computer terminal and knocked it on the floor. Now, I could have used another terminal, but I decided that I wanted to fix the terminal before continuing to help the guest, so when the terminal was fixed, his reservation had mysteriously been deleted:lookaroun

Also, I had another guest grab my tie and try to pull me over the desk...he had the pleasure of spending the night at the 33rd street jail:D

Face it, many ppl believe they can treat service industry ppl like crap. They have the opinion that if they are paying to get into the park, or paying for a hotel room, that they have the run of the house, and can do as they please, and treat the workers however they want (because you know, they are the reason why we have a job:rolleyes: )


New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
I completely understand people not wanting to take a survey, but if you guys could see the way people act towards us it is mind boggling sometimes. But thankful there are a ton of guests who are so pleasant and remind why I do what I do.

And Dispu thanks for helping out, sorry you had to do our job :).
Pixie Duster, you are taking this with the best of attitudes. I commend you and I also understand how fickle guests can be. But if you handle it with the manner in which you talk on these boards then you are truly one of a kind. I really respect that. I myself work in the restaurant business and think that a similar attitude should be used there.(it is extremely hard to find such people).


New Member
Originally posted by BrerPete
I've more than noticed the rudeness and slovenliness. What really burns me most is when ignorant, and trust me they are ignorant, people are either rude or obnoxious to the CMs. The line cutting, the garbage throwing, the unattended children. The best is when they are confronted and I would say half the time these people have a total look of shock on their faces. As if to say, "You don't throw your garbage on the floor." or "In all my life I've never seen a 'line.' What's a line? You mean all these people standing one behind the other is not some random occurence in the universe?"

Rude and obnoxious guests should be escorted to a secluded room, away from an audience (which they so love) and given a stern lecture. Sounds weak, but I'm willing to bet no one has ever told these people how gross they really are.
Maybe if someone video them throughout their day and showed them..... Na that still wouldn't work. That would require self reflection.:rolleyes:


New Member
I'm glad this didn't happen at disney but some other person was tlaking about rude people at Sea World and their VIP pass....
My best friend and I went to Hershey Park and she has awful leg problems so for a long day like Hershey she likes to sit in a wheelchair. OBviously she can go on rides, rollarcoasters, etc. so when u are in a wheelchair you go through the exit and wait a short period of time to get on the ride. Well we waited a few minutes to get on a rollarcoaster and we were getting on and this man started screaming at us bc we were gettin on the ride before him. It just annoyed me that people don't have respect for people who need to use wheelchairs or have crutches, etc. Trust me my friend Becky would rather stand on the like for 3 hours that actually have to use a wheelchair for anything. Yea getting on the front of the line is awesome the price for it is not worth it. So this is something that would extremely bother me at parks.I'm so relieved I've never seen this at disney yet!


New Member
Pixie Duster,
I love it when the survey people approach me - the best part is when I get a phone call at home wanting me to evaluate more things after returning home. It brings that magical feeling back again even though I'm home:(
I'm leaving Saturday, May 29 for a week - hope to see you there! I'll be the one approaching the survey people!!


New Member
Originally posted by speck76
A few years ago when I was a front desk manager at an off-property resort, I had a guest get so upset with me, because we did not have a room on a high floor, overlooking both the pool and WDW available (even though he was not paying extra for the poolview) that he hit my computer terminal and knocked it on the floor. Now, I could have used another terminal, but I decided that I wanted to fix the terminal before continuing to help the guest, so when the terminal was fixed, his reservation had mysteriously been deleted:lookaroun

Also, I had another guest grab my tie and try to pull me over the desk...he had the pleasure of spending the night at the 33rd street jail:D

Face it, many ppl believe they can treat service industry ppl like crap. They have the opinion that if they are paying to get into the park, or paying for a hotel room, that they have the run of the house, and can do as they please, and treat the workers however they want (because you know, they are the reason why we have a job:rolleyes: )
This is why I think that everyone should work in public service at least once in their life. So they know what it is like on the other side of the fence. I truly believe if they were on the receiving end for a while they just might come out with a little more respect. I have to remind my brother of this all the time. He is one of the most impatient people I know. He will complain about things in a restaurant and not even know what might be factoring in to things beings slow or whatever. It's one of those things in which you have to have done it to know what it is like. I deal with a lot of customers who look down on you as if they were better than you becuase you are working in food service.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Its a good thing they did. Nobody has the right to treat anyone that way. I'm guilty of not always wanting to take the time for a survey, but at least I'm polite about it. ( I hope)

I always take the time to be surveyed. It only takes a couple of minutes and I want WDW to have my feedback. Hopefully, something I say will influence future development that is of particular interest or importance to me!


I feel so much sympathy for nice and considerate service workers and speak up when I see people being treated wrong. However, I have had my share of rude service providers and have spoken with managers about them as well. I just wish people could just be respectful of those around them and use a little consideration. Just try to put yourself in the other person's shoes awhile to get a small taste of their life. Geez-o, can't we all just get along! (-: :hammer: :p

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