A Way To Get Many Fastpasses!


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Original Poster
Ok, no negative comments please, this is NOT cheating but just some inventive thinking. I know many people do this because I started it by watching another person do it. You have to lose some pride but it's worth it.

I first did it at Tower of Terror and have since done it many times since.

This is a way to gain MULTIPLE Fastpasses by simply being nice.

Have you ever noticed on extreme rides, such as Tower of Terror, there are MANY people waiting outside of it while they're friend or family member is riding it? You can simply be very very polite and go up to someone waiting and ask if they will put their ticket into the fast pass machine so that you can go on it without waiting.

Something you must notice is that at WDW, most people are overly nice, either because they're just nice people or because WDW puts them in a good mood.

I tried it at ToT to begin with. I saw a lady sitting waiting for her husband. I simply walked up to her and asked if she was waiting to ride the TOT. She said "no way, im not riding that thing" and I asked if she would mind using her ticket to give me a fastpass. She was more than willing. I have since done it with Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, TOT (many times), Buzz Lightyear. It's harder at Splash Mountain for some reason. I think it's because most people WANT to ride it.

Something else you can do is even offer someone a couple of bucks for a fastpass. Most people will get you one and then refuse your money since it's only a couple bucks. hey, paying $2.00 for a fastpass is well worth me not waiting an hour in line.

It's not cheating but just being polite and not afraid to ask. Just be nice and ask someone who you know is not riding. The worst they can do is say no, and most that say no, simply say they gave their husband or friend their pass.


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Original Poster

Oh, I assure you, I'm not trying to convince myself of this. I dont need to TRY. Im a grown man and do what I feel is ok.

Honestly though, I see what you're saying. However, I don't see why it's such a bad thing. I mean, if i'm walking around trying to get 20 tickets to one ride and asking everyone I see, then I would be annoyed by someone like that.

However, I don't see a problem if there's an hour wait for something and Im not embarassed to simply walk up to someone and ask if I could get a fastpass from them. If they are willing then there's no problem. Im a nice guy myself and if I wasnt using one, I would definately give someone mine.

I don't think though the same reason they put a time separation between issuing of tickets. Let's be honest. Im simply walking up and asking someone if I can have their ticket. If you allowed limitless tickets at the box, Fastpasses would be gone within 30 minutes of opening and only about ten people would have them.

I see the reasoning but it is a difference.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Well, I guess that's worth it if you're willing to chance the rejection or even the possibility of someone getting angry. Granted, there's not to much to get angry about, but no doubt, some people would.

I tend to want to steer clear of the possibility of negative confrontations while in WDW. And while it may get you out of waiting in line, I would still feel bad for some reason.

I can also telll you I wouldn't want someone bothering my mother or father for their tickets as they were relaxing outside of ToT as they were waiting for me to ride. What if they wanted to get a fastpass 30 minutes later for another ride? They wouldn't be able to because they went out of their way for someone else, thus making them wait in line when they otherwise could have used fastpass.

And, please, same as civileng68 said, I think we can all discuss this without being mean, nasty, and negative.:)


Well-Known Member
I'm just not sure about that... I think that you are right that it's not cheeting really, but still something about it doesn't sit right with me. If it was a one day ticket, I would say that it's perfectly fine. I would not even trust Mickey himself with a Multi-Day Ticket, though. I would hate to give it to someone that says they want to get a FastPass and never have it come back. So, just to be safe, if you happen to ask me if you can borrow my ticket, the answer would be no. A very polite, "I'm sorry" no, but still a no. :D

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by meeko_33785
I'm just not sure about that... I think that you are right that it's not cheeting really, but still something about it doesn't sit right with me. If it was a one day ticket, I would say that it's perfectly fine. I would not even trust Mickey himself with a Multi-Day Ticket, though. I would hate to give it to someone that says they want to get a FastPass and never have it come back. So, just to be safe, if you happen to ask me if you can borrow my ticket, the answer would be no. A very polite, "I'm sorry" no, but still a no. :D

Well, I think he meant that the person with the ticket would put their ticket in and give him a fastpass. I would hope NOBODY would hand over their $50 and ^ park ticket and let the other person walk to the fastpass machines alone. That would be just plain moronic.


Well-Known Member
The person helping you is locked out of getting a FP on another attraction. Carefull you don't "screw" the good samaritan.

When I get FP I get them for everyone in my party, even the non-riders. Sometimes we'll use the extra FP to ride twice, other times I'll give the extras to people who at the FP machine.


I guess I don't see it as cheating. You're not doing something expressly or even implicitly against the rules since other people are giving you their passes freely. However, it is kinda cheesy to ask. If I was asked by someone, I'd politely declinecause I might want to use it on a ride a little later.


Premium Member
Originally posted by SamatBCV
I guess I don't see it as cheating. You're not doing something expressly or even implicitly against the rules since other people are giving you their passes freely.

Technically, it is against the rules. Both admission and Fastpass tickets are explicitly marked as being nontransferable. Of course, no one really cares about or enforces this rule except when it comes to things like annual passes.

My personal opinion is that if someone wants to do this, they can go right ahead. It isn't something that I would do personally, though. As mentioned above, if you do decide to do it, please make sure that the person donating their Fastpass is aware that they won't be able to get another one for a while.


Originally posted by lewisc
The person helping you is locked out of getting a FP on another attraction. Carefull you don't "screw" the good samaritan.

When I get FP I get them for everyone in my party, even the non-riders. Sometimes we'll use the extra FP to ride twice, other times I'll give the extras to people who at the FP machine.

I honestly don't see anything wrong with the fact of asking someone to get you a Fastpass. If you have the courage to ask, I would just hope you could have decency to tell the person that they can't get a Fastpass for another 2 hours or so. And most likely they are not going to be blocked from getting a fastpass sooner because if for example they are with a family member going on a ride like ToT, why would they be need a fastpass somewhere else? They will be waiting for their significant other most likely. In this situation I think "to each, their own".
Unless you are cutting in front of me in the normal standby line to rejoin your family that went in 5 minutes before...now that bugs me, but thats a different story:hammer:


Well-Known Member
If someone asked to use MY ticket for THEIR fastpass, I'd treat them like I do the Bums at the Chicago Train stations.

I'd tell them leave me alone and to get a life. :D


Active Member
Originally posted by civileng68
Ok, no negative comments please,
I first did it at Tower of Terror and have since done it many times

Something else you can do is even offer someone a couple of bucks for a fastpass. hey, paying $2.00 for a fastpass is well worth me not waiting an hour in line.

Uh, don't ask that there be no negative comments and then tell us how you cheat the system.

You are not following the rules as written or intended. Then you tell us you are also buying fast passes.

This type of behavior done by a lot of people will kill the golden goose (fast pass).

There are a lot of people who would like to see the end of fast pass and you are just giving them more ammunition for their cause.

I bet if Disney ended fast passes due to abuse you would be one of the first to complain about the end of fast pass.

Creative breaking of the rules is still cheating no matter how creative.


Well-Known Member
Love Fastpass, hate cheaters. Just cause you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. I don't think you'd be so cavalier if you were behind the guy with 50 fastpasses and having to wait an extra 30 minutes


Active Member
I know a very cool way to get FastPasses without using your ticket.

If anyone wants details, PM me. If you get caught using this method, I can not be held responisible.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
alright.. I have to agree. It doesn't hurt to ask, the worst they can say is no. And since you aren't doing anything dishonest, I also don't view it as cheating. And to be honest... that doesn't seem like a bad thing to do. Like the Vanilla Coke commercial says, "satisfy your curiosity." In this case, the worst thing that will happen is you will be told no.


Well-Known Member
This is a way to gain MULTIPLE Fastpasses by simply being nice.
If by "nice" you mean bothering people while they're on vacation.

Something else you can do is even offer someone a couple of bucks for a fastpass. Most people will get you one and then refuse your money since it's only a couple bucks.
That way you get the FastPass for free, but get credit for having offered something in return! What a nice gesture! :rolleyes:

It's not cheating but just being polite and not afraid to ask.
If by "polite" you mean annoying and by "not afraid" you mean lacking dignity.

The worst they can do is say no,
Correction: the worst they can do is alert a nearby CM of a disingenuous, rude guest who's breaking the FastPass rules.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by GenerationX
Correction: the worst they can do is alert a nearby CM of a disingenuous, rude guest who's breaking the FastPass rules.

don't correct my post... read the whole thing first. I was talking about asking a CM for an extra one. The worst they can do is say now. And there's no harm done in asking a CM.... I'm a CM, and if a guest were to ask me, I'd say no. I wouldn't be mean about it, I wouldn't even be snide about it... I'd just tell them no, sorry. And if the guests is anything like me, they believe that "if dad says no, ask mom" and they'll ask another CM who may very well let them.

Now, asking a guest if you could use their tickets.. that I do not agree with. If it's a member of your party, and they're not using theirs, that I understand... but going up to a complete stranger I don't agree with.

in closing... read the post before you comment on it.

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