A Trip of Firsts, Crowds, and lots of magic! A May 2013 Trip Report!!

Hello all! We just got back from our May 2013 trip! Incase you haven't read our pre-trip report I will give you all a quick summary.

We stayed at Pop Century Resort from May 22nd-May 29th.
Who are the we you might ask?
Well there is me (Emily) 21 year old Disney geek. Before this trip, I was diagnosed with gallstones and told a very strict diet to abide to. I also found out that my hip flexer was a little off so walking a lot would bother it. Nevertheless, I was given the okay to go and just take it easy. This was also my first time flying! We will get into both of these things more as we go on.

The other person on this journey was my friend (Mariana), also 21 and also a disney geek. Before this trip, she hadn't been to EPCOT or DHS since she was 11 years old so there was a lot of new things for her!

That's us :)

Throughout this trip report, I will be giving shout outs to different people we met, amazing cast members, and adorable children. If any of these people are you or if we look familiar don't be a stranger!

Are you Ready? Because Duffy sure is!

Here we go!!!

We woke up around 3:20am on Wednesday. We booked a super early flight out of logan for 5:25am. We got up and dressed and we were out the door by 3:45! We arrived at Logan around 4:00am and the place was dead. Went down the escalator to security, they weren't even there yet! around 4:15am Security arrived! Made it all the way through Security and we were at the terminal by 4:30.

Our energy level was pretty good for 4:30am! We got teas from dunks and we were on board the plane! Our first flight was to Georgia.We were supposed to arrive around 8:00am and arrived 10 minutes early at 7:50!

Some Jams at 6:30am.

Our connecting flight to Orlando was leaving at 8:40am. We quickly wet to the bathroom and tried to find our gate. The Atlanta airport was HUGE and very busy at 8am. We found our gate around 8:20 and they were already boarding our zone so on we went!

We landed in Orlando around 10:05am! My thoughts on flying? I absolutely love it. You get to your location so much faster than driving.

Next task? Find magical express! We got a bit lost but we were in the Magical express line by 10:30am and on the bus 15 minutes after that. Onward to Pop Century!

Our first stop was Art of Animation and then it was our turn to get off! We did online check in and our two priorities were the room be ready when we arrived, and 70s building. We ended up getting both! We were on the 4th floor of the 70s building facing towards the playground and the 80s section.

By the time we dropped our bags off, we were starving. And this is where Emily learned how difficult eating will sometimes be on this trip. I was told to avoid lactose, greasy/fried foods, red meats, certain fruits like oranges, strawberries, raspberries, etc. Looking around the food court, my options were pretty much salad or turkey sandwich. I went with the kids turkey sandwhich for the pure reason it came with carrots and apples which I could eat.

After eating we swam for a bit, and relaxed in the sun. Both of us ended up falling asleep on a chair outside until 3:30ish! When we woke up we were refreshed and decided to go to downtown disney!


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Great TR! :)


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Awesome, we were there around the same time!! I too ate a lot of the kids turkey sandwich. I have a lot of food allergies so I can't have half the stuff. I laughed when I saw the picture of the fishy sandwich...lol...

Will be interesting to compare the trip...looking forward to more!


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After our afternoon nap, we showered up got a bite to eat, did the hustle, and went to downtown disney!

Chicken and broccoli for dinner.
We looked around the shops at Downtown Disney I bought minnie ears, Mariana got some earrings. This is where we met our first awesome cast member. Mariana and I are Cast Members at a disney store back home and depending on the CM working, we learned we may or may not get a discount on merchandise. Jackie who works at World of Disney, cashed us out and took the discount no problem. We then bonded over how much we would love to go on a disney cruise one day. She was just a very very friendly CM.

Few pictures of downtown disney:

Now we had heard that across from dtd was a gas station. you needed to cross the street to get there but it was close enough to walk. We thought we would go there get some bottled water, and snacks for the parks. I plugged it into my phone and it said the closest gas station was next to EPCOT. We hoped on a boat to take us to Saratoga Springs, and then the plan was to take a bus to EPCOT. Boy did we get lost in Saratoga. Neither one of us had been to a resort so large we were both used to the values and we had no clue where to go. Finally we found the bus and got on to go to EPCOT. By now it was around 8:50ish and Illuminations was about to begin. We got off the bus and I plugged the gas station into my phone again no results.o_O We decided rather than just hunt for this place forever, we will go back to the resort.

The duffsters was ready for bed.

After a 5am flight, being in the sun, and knowing we had a whole park to conquer the next day it was off to bed.

Up next, Breakfast with some princesses, french wine, and a 15 minutes wait for Test Track.


Active Member
I can't wait to finish reading! Funny (well not really), last August when I went to Disney I had gallstones too! I was having awful stomach pain for the year prior and my family assumed it was reflux. But eventually it got too bad and I couln't eat. So after all my medical tests my doctor sent me to a surgon and two days before I left for Disney and he said "You need to get surgery ASAP. It's really really bad." My response was, "uhm I'm going to Disney in 2 days is that okay? Can we do it when I get back?" Basically he didn't want me going but it was my sweet 16 present and there was noo way I was missing it! So pretty much without my doctors permission I went to Florida && thankfully only had 2 attacks while I was down there. I hope you're feeling better and everything goes well!


New Member
Looking forward to the rest of your trip report. I like the idea/story behind the Duffy bear. We may pick one up on our next trip to our Disney Store.


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I can't wait to finish reading! Funny (well not really), last August when I went to Disney I had gallstones too! I was having awful stomach pain for the year prior and my family assumed it was reflux. But eventually it got too bad and I couln't eat. So after all my medical tests my doctor sent me to a surgon and two days before I left for Disney and he said "You need to get surgery ASAP. It's really really bad." My response was, "uhm I'm going to Disney in 2 days is that okay? Can we do it when I get back?" Basically he didn't want me going but it was my sweet 16 present and there was noo way I was missing it! So pretty much without my doctors permission I went to Florida && thankfully only had 2 attacks while I was down there. I hope you're feeling better and everything goes well!

Same thing happened! I had been in pain for about half a year and they kept saying reflux and I listened to them but I kept telling my parents, it's something else. They actually found out I had the gallstones 4 days before my trip! I couldn't meet with the surgeon until after my vacation anyone so they told me to go have fun :) I actually did pretty good down there. Had a mild attack the day we landed and an attack on the day we went to DHS (I'll talk more about it later). Hope everything turned out well! I'm in the process of scheduling the surgery now.

Looking forward to the rest of your trip report. I like the idea/story behind the Duffy bear. We may pick one up on our next trip to our Disney Store.
Funny story. So my mom is a Disney nut too and was kinda bummed she wouldn't be going with me. So she bought me a duffy and told me to bring duffy out on things she liked. So he came out during rides like It's a Small world, and eating snacks lol. She loved getting all the updates.


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Thursday May 23rd

We had reservations to eat with the princesses at Akershus. Our reservations were for 8:30am. We had our alarms set for 7:10, 7:20, and 7:30. Time we got up? 8am:eek: We had slept through all 3 alarms! We quickly got ready and were waiting for the EPCOT bus by 8:15. The bus came about 10 minutes later. At this point we were thinking we could make it, we would be about 10 minutes late but we could make it. We made it to EPCOT around 8:40am, already 10 minutes late. Now here's the part we forgot, before we can go to our meal we need to wait in line to get bags checked, then wait in line to enter, and then walk to Norway which is the other side of the park. I have to hand it to the CMs though, they were fast and efficient. Our bags we felt were the most thoroughly checked at EPCOT and we were in the park by 8:55. We power walked it over to Norway. I felt bad because Mariana hadn't been to EPCOT in so long and she really wanted to stop, smell the roses and take pictures of everything. I told her after breakfast we will go back to the front of the park and walk by everything again.
Finally, over a half hour late, at 9:05am we made it to Akershus.

We went right out to where they were checking people in and explained what happened to the CM. He said it would be about a 15 minute wait, but they will seat us!

Duffy says hi from Norway!

Our breakfast was very nice. We loved the hot plate that came to the tables and the fruit options. The princesses were all very good and we absolutely loved that the picture with belle in the beginning was included with the price of the meal. The princesses meeting when we were there were Belle, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, and Snow White. My camera was being a little funky in there so the pictures aren't the best.


Overall we liked Akershus. However, it was very pricey. For the two of us to eat there, without tip, it was $80. Not sure we will be running back there but going every few trips would be nice.


Active Member
Same thing happened! I had been in pain for about half a year and they kept saying reflux and I listened to them but I kept telling my parents, it's something else. They actually found out I had the gallstones 4 days before my trip! I couldn't meet with the surgeon until after my vacation anyone so they told me to go have fun :) I actually did pretty good down there. Had a mild attack the day we landed and an attack on the day we went to DHS (I'll talk more about it later). Hope everything turned out well! I'm in the process of scheduling the surgery now.

Good Luck with the surgery! You'll be extremely uncomfortable the first two days and then you'll get better! Walking around really helps afterwards!


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$80.00!!!! That's..... That's..... Disney :rolleyes:. No really that's a lot. Glad you had a good time. We ate there once in 2006 but we were on the dining plan that year. Can't wait to hear the rest.


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$80.00!!!! That's..... That's..... Disney :rolleyes:. No really that's a lot. Glad you had a good time. We ate there once in 2006 but we were on the dining plan that year. Can't wait to hear the rest.
LOL. We still had an awesome time but $40 a person for a breakfast of fruits, bacon, and home fries was a bit high. We have both done cheaper character meals at other places and have liked them just as much.

But hey at least we got to meet some princesses :) (granted we met all of them for a second time besides belle and Snow White).


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After breakfast it was around 10:30am. World Showcase wasn't open yet so we went over to The Land to get fastpasses to Soarin.

Fast pass return time was for right after 1pm. Perfect! Game plan became do the other attractions in the land, go to the seas, back to the land to get some lunch, ride soarin and off to World Showcase!

First stop riding Living with the Land, which was a walk on. Now I have been on this ride hundreds of times, but Mariana had never been on. She really liked it!

Duffy rode too
Seeing as I had been to Epcot 11 months ago, and Mariana hasn't been in 10 years, I told her she can choose what we do today. I will give her suggestions on what is good and what is ehh but if she really wants to do something we can do it. What she wanted to do next was the Circle of Life. Honestly I don't like this show. I think it's one of those things you can see once and be done with it but she wanted to do it so in we went.

During the middle of the film, Mariana turned to me, "this is depressing". Yes my friend it kinda is.
After that we left the land. We walked over to the Seas and Nemo had a 30 minute wait. I told Mariana we will come back to the seas because it will probably have a 5 minute wait later today. It was too early to go back to the land so we went to ride that big golf ball, Spaceship Earth.

On our way over, we met some chipmunks.

Spaceship Earth time!

10 minutes later and we were on! Mariana is a history geek so I knew she was going to enjoy this ride. She enjoyed it so much she wanted to get right back in line and ride again. But the line was getting longer and we had more stuff to see and do. Back to The Land for some lunch and Soarin.

We got back to Soarin around 1:05, on we went! The Fastpass line ended up still being around 25 minutes. We got the top row which I had never sat in before. I decided I kind of like the lower rows better, something about the feet dangling while soarin. During the middle of the ride I started to feel off. My head and stomach was hurting. I decided to not worry about it, it could be the motion of the ride (even though I had rode it before), or changing from hot outside to cool inside.
By the time we got off it was around 1:40 and I was in some pain. I needed food and I needed it now. Looking around Sunshine Seasons I knew I would find something that fit my dietary needs. I decided on the Turkey and monetary jack sandwhich, with no monetary jack. The sandwich was huge and it came with potato salad. No picture of this meal because I devoured it. I felt a ton better after some food, water, and sitting.

Back to the Seas to check the wait for nemo. What do you know? 5 minute wait!

On my last trip we didn't really get to explore the seas because we ran out of time. This time, we spent a good amount of time looking at the different fishes in the seas.



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More pictures of the Seas

Our next place to go was World Showcase. However, while walking over we pasted by the board with wait times on it. Mission Space had only a 5 minute wait as well! We decided to go over and ride.

I've been going on this ride since it first opened but for some reason all the warnings they give for this ride always gets to me and makes me nervous to ride. I still go on but I get nervous every time. Mariana said the ride was okay but she thought it was going to be better.

Back on track, going to World Showcase. But wait! Who is that bear over there? Duffy?!?!!? Little Duffy needs to meet the big Duffy!

The line only had about 5 people in it and it went super fast. Duffy was so excited to meet his mini me.

Okay for real this time World Showcase! Mexico first. We rode the ride in there and Mariana got a frozen mango margarita. My doctors told me to have very little alcohol if any at all so I passed on the margarita and just had a few sips of Mariana's.

Norway was next. Maelstrom had a 45 minute wait (the attractions with long waits today were weirdo_O). We decided we would come back and ride.
In Norway I got really thirsty and decided to buy a water. I thought it was going to be Dasani water like everywhere else but it was this water called Voss which is water from Norway. It cost $3.50 but boy was it good. The bottle was bigger and ugh I want to order voss water and have it shipped to my house.


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We continued to do all the countries in World Showcase, besides America. Don't get me wrong I love our country but we live here and I see America and eat American food everyday.


Some Flowers and Garden stuff was still up!

As we were going through World Showcase, Mariana was trying things left and right, foods, deserts, drinks. Meanwhile I was with my Norway Water because of dietary needs. When we got to Japan, we found a shaved ice stand. Ice and Flavoring, I can eat that! It was delicious and I was a happy camper.

Next up was France! I can't do much of the shops in France because they spray perfume. But we did spend some time exploring the outside and got some french wine:) I wish I could remember the name of it but it was a white wine and was around $7 for a sample glass.

A little bit of Canada

After we finished World Showcase it was around 5:30pm/6pm. Silly us went over to Test Track hoping there was still Fast Passes. Nope all gone. Then we find out the ride is closed :mad:. They said they had no idea when and if the ride was opening again. Even after the CMs said this, a line was forming at the standby entrance of people who were going to wait it out in hopes of the ride opening soon. Mariana and I thought about it. Should we wait it out? or should we go ride other things? We decided we would get in line, wait about 15 minutes and if the ride wasn't working we would skip it. We were probably the 10th group or so in the line and as we waited the line got very long. About 10 minutes later, we hear the first car roar by. Everyone cheered and we waited to hear another. The next car came zooming by. That was it the ride was open! And we were the front of the line! We were part of the first group to design a car. We completely failed at this. The touch screen was very specific on where you needed to draw lines and how to rotate. We weren't the only ones who struggled, the people next to us got stuck to. We ended up with some weird purple car. When we got into our car, we were up against 2 boys and their mom whose car completely destroyed ours in the test. :rolleyes: Overall I didn't think the ride was any better or worse after the redo. I just think its different I still like the ride just the same.



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After Test Track we went back to World Showcase. We decided to check if Maelstrom had any less of a wait now. It did! Only about 15 minutes so on we went! Shout out to the family who was in front of us in line from I believe either Arizona or Arkansas. We had a great conversation with them talking about the parks and other places to travel and sports teams.

Two task left for our day at Epcot, Find some dinner and find a spot for Illuminations. Dinner in World Showcase without a reservation and with dietary needs, allergic to seafood, and not just wanting a salad was a tad tricky. So we went to good old America. Mariana got a cheeseburger and fries (Classic American) and I got 2 kids meals of grilled chicken, broccoli, and fruit.

It was getting dark and it was already after 8pm. Now to find a spot for illuminations. I told Mariana the key is to not be in front of a tree or pole and be able to see the water. We ended up at a spot near the UK, a few people back but we could see everything. No Pictures of Illuminations this time around, we truly wanted to enjoyed it without being distracted by taking pictures that would probably come out bad. But here is a picture of the spot we were at to watch.

And so we said goodbye to Epcot. As we were leaving we both came to the conclusion, we want to come back to Epcot this trip. And on the bus ride back we decided we would be coming back after we go to Animal Kingdom :D

See you in a few days oh giant golf ball

UP NEXT: Magic Kingdom All Nighter!, A swimming race between Ariel and Gaston, and dinner in the forbidden West Wing!

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