A surprising omission?


Well-Known Member
I think you are overreaching a bit. My distaste for the brand has nothing to do with it. Apple uses crappy glass for its products. My JOKES about the brand seem to have hit a nerve and you (and others) appear to be tightening the wool around yourself for a full on assault and the defense of your favorite brand. It is rather comical to see people get all bent out of shape when you make a silly comment or joke about Apple. I posted a picture of a sheep going into an Apple store on Facebook once and O-H M-Y G-O-D did the mindless drones come attacking. LOL It was hysterical to see how upset they get when you trash talk or make the smallest fun of Apple.
Going back to the one example I spoke of, the sapphire glass on the watch. I still don't understand why you call this claim this is crappy? Again, I don't own an Apple watch, nor a phone of theirs for that matter. I use a Samsung. But in terms of crystal used on a watch, if you believe sapphire is poor quality, you're pretty much slamming Omega, Brietling, Rolex, Oris, Bremont, Nomos, I could go on with most every watch brand on earth. You haven't hit a nerve with me by slamming Apple, but you may have by slamming watch makers from small boutique sized to everyone under the massive Swatch/ETA umbrella.


Well-Known Member
I was talking about ALL Apple products. Go back and read the thread again. :)

Again....View attachment 150651 View attachment 150652 View attachment 150653 View attachment 150654 View attachment 150655 View attachment 150656 View attachment 150657 View attachment 150658

Okay. ;) Stop acting that way.

Apple user: "Ohhhh look! A new Apple product is out that only does one new thing that my current product doesn't do and costs just a mere $900. I HAVE TO HAVE IT!! I'm going to the Apple store to camp out for 2 weeks to get one first!"

ANY other product user: "Oh look. A new (Brand) product is out that only does one new thing that my current product doesn't do. I'll wait."

Oh, come on now. I think we both know the answer to that. ;)

Keep in mind, the more upset Apple people get and the more they get defensive the more I find humorous. You absolutely cannot stand anyone talking negatively about your brand. Steve Jobs really did a number on his followers. Scientology has nothing on Apple :D

You are likely trolling but I have owned both iPhones and Samsung Galaxy's. Both are great phones it really depends on what the user wants or likes.

As for cracked screens, that can and will happen to any mobile device out there. I have never cracked one of my phones or tablets ever. I also currently own an Apple Watch. I will say that it is very durable as I wear it every day, as well as when I am running or lifting weights.

Apple does have a cult following but so does everything. When new Samsung Galaxy's come out people are waiting at the door to get it. Same goes for gaming systems and plenty of other things.


Well-Known Member
Going back to the one example I spoke of, the sapphire glass on the watch. I still don't understand why you call this claim this is crappy? Again, I don't own an Apple watch, nor a phone of theirs for that matter. I use a Samsung. But in terms of crystal used on a watch, if you believe sapphire is poor quality, you're pretty much slamming Omega, Brietling, Rolex, Oris, Bremont, Nomos, I could go on with most every watch brand on earth. You haven't hit a nerve with me by slamming Apple, but you may have by slamming watch makers from small boutique sized to everyone under the massive Swatch/ETA umbrella.
Clearly you're just a paid shill for Big Watch.
Last edited:


Premium Member
So what's the update here? Apple's phone screens crack so no store at Disney Springs?

Phones are like cars for me. I don't give a rat's behind about the popularity of the brand. I want something reliable that works and something I don't really need to think about it. It always makes me laugh to see someone get all broken up about a brand like Apple. Buy the phone you like and forget about it. Life is too short to spend so much time sweating the details.

Of course I'm a complete hypocrite when it comes to theme parks. That's something worth sweating the details over;)


Well-Known Member
I'm not upset at all. :D I always find it humorous when Apple haters post pictures. Of course, you can post pictures of broken screens for every single phone and smartwatch manufacturer on the planet, so why do you single out Apple?

I have zero problem when people talk negatively as long as there is some basis in fact. Posting broken screens means nothing considering that you are talking about a minuscule percentage of users. Our family is all iPhone users for almost 8 years, and not once has anyone had a busted screen, but maybe we just take better care of our $900 products than most. ;)

As far as running out to buy something that does only one thing different than the current model, wow, nice sensationalist claim there. My wife just recently upgraded her iphone after having the previous model for 4 years. I am on year 3 for mine. I guess maybe you are generalizing everyone that buys Apple products into one class.

So what has done a number on you so badly that you detest Apple so much? :confused:

This thread singled out Apple. Not me. I just made a comment and Apple lovers came a runnin to defend their brand. Why do you people care that I don't like Apple? Before you say that you don't care take a look at the responses you people have hit me with. It's pretty stunning.

It is a fact that Apple screens are notorious for shattering very easily.

Not a "claim". I'd post a dozen photos of people camped out in front of Apple stores but A) photos seems to tick you Apple people off and B) what's the point? You know for a fact that it happens. :)

Go back and read the posts again. I'm not going to go into that story again.

Posting to intentionally get a rise out of people is pretty much the definition of trolling. There is a whole technology forum on this site where people can discuss gadgets.

Not trolling. A comment was made based on someone else's opinion and I made my comment based on my opinion. Apparently that inflamed some inner Apple gene in a few people. It's actually quite funny, but I am not attempting to troll. Answering your questions is not trolling. Saying something negative about your brand is not trolling. I cannot help it if you do not like it but don;t call it trolling just because it is something you do not like to hear. It is a comment about Apple in a thread based on an Apple store coming or not coming to DS. Don't like it? Deal with it or move on.

Your irritation must include yourself as you must have half read my post. I read the entire post! I never accused you of saying I did anything. I just related my experience with my watch. If you read my post, I stated I have never smashed my MAGICBAND against the Mickey head, meaning the chances of smashing against it with a watch would be as unlikely!

Then I concede that point and apologize. :D And no, I am not irritated at myself.

Have you ever owned an Apple product? If not, your opinion is 100% invalid. Apple's glass on their smartphones is the very same glass that is used on virtually all of the market leading smartphones and is made by Corning. You can find plenty of photos of cracked displays from competitor products, cracked screens are not unique to Apple products by any stretch of the imagination. Contrary to popular belief, comparing spec-to-spec Windows computers will yield similar, perhaps even higher price tags than Mac computers. Apple has developed a devotion to their products, born out of customer experience, not marketing. This is where you have it wrong.

Yes. Once. My daughter has owned three. Try again.

Never said it was. It is just far more common.

No. Sorry to burst that bubble. The last laptop I bought with a similar benchmark to an Apple product cost me far less than that Mac. Apple people just refuse to buy anything else. It is brainwashing. A typical Apple user will refuse to try anything else because they have to have what everyone else has. "Apple is the best and no one can beat them! Yadda yadda yadda.." Yeah. Okay.

Going back to the one example I spoke of, the sapphire glass on the watch. I still don't understand why you call this claim this is crappy? Again, I don't own an Apple watch, nor a phone of theirs for that matter. I use a Samsung. But in terms of crystal used on a watch, if you believe sapphire is poor quality, you're pretty much slamming Omega, Brietling, Rolex, Oris, Bremont, Nomos, I could go on with most every watch brand on earth. You haven't hit a nerve with me by slamming Apple, but you may have by slamming watch makers from small boutique sized to everyone under the massive Swatch/ETA umbrella.

If this second hardest substance on the planet is used for the glass faces on products why does it smash so easily? All three of my daughter's iPhone screens have shattered after very very minor drops/taps. My best friend's Apple watch face shattered after he hit it on a doorknob. A doorknob broke that watch face. So, tell me again how hard and great this substance is for device glass?

You are likely trolling but I have owned both iPhones and Samsung Galaxy's. Both are great phones it really depends on what the user wants or likes.

As for cracked screens, that can and will happen to any mobile device out there. I have never cracked one of my phones or tablets ever. I also currently own an Apple Watch. I will say that it is very durable as I wear it every day, as well as when I am running or lifting weights.

Apple does have a cult following but so does everything. When new Samsung Galaxy's come out people are waiting at the door to get it. Same goes for gaming systems and plenty of other things.

No. I really am not. People just don't like my opinion so they call me a troll. THAT is the funniest thing.

I know it can. It just happens far more frequently than on most other devices. Hell, there was even a news story about it a few years back. The media even stated that it happens far more frequently on Apple products than others after they conducted a poll from people like you and me.

Now, I understand that all the Apple users hate me and hate my opinions. BUT, they are just that. MY OPINIONS. If you don't like them.... move along. ;)


Well-Known Member
So what's the update here? Apple's phone screens crack so no store at Disney Springs?

Phones are like cars for me. I don't give a rat's behind about the popularity of the brand. I want something reliable that works and something I don't really need to think about it. It always makes me laugh to see someone get all broken up about a brand like Apple. Buy the phone you like and forget about it. Life is too short to spend so much time sweating the details.

Of course I'm a complete hypocrite when it comes to theme parks. That's something worth sweating the details over;)

I'm not sure the reason for no Apple store has ever been given. Do they have one in a mall close by that would negate the reason to have on here? If so would it be financially viable to shut the other one down and move everything to DS?


Well-Known Member
I know it can. It just happens far more frequently than on most other devices. Hell, there was even a news story about it a few years back. The media even stated that it happens far more frequently on Apple products than others after they conducted a poll from people like you and me.
Maybe that's because Apple products are owned by millions of people. If more people own apple products than other products of course Apple products will have more cracked screens. It's not an apple problem, it's user error. Like I said I've owned both sides and never had cracked screens.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the reason for no Apple store has ever been given. Do they have one in a mall close by that would negate the reason to have on here? If so would it be financially viable to shut the other one down and move everything to DS?
Does it matter if one is close? There are stores at Disney springs and the same stores are in malls or outlets just a few miles away. Disney springs has a different clientele. Many people that go to Disney don't leave property so an Apple Store could work without closing another one nearby.


Well-Known Member
Does it matter if one is close? There are stores at Disney springs and the same stores are in malls or outlets just a few miles away. Disney springs has a different clientele. Many people that go to Disney don't leave property so an Apple Store could work without closing another one nearby.

I didn't know they had stores close by that were the same. I guess that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Maybe that's because Apple products are owned by millions of people. If more people own apple products than other products of course Apple products will have more cracked screens. It's not an apple problem, it's user error. Like I said I've owned both sides and never had cracked screens.

Actually, that's a misconception fostered by Apple. More people own Android devices than Apple. However, more people own Apple than Samsung. More own Apple than Windows phones. It's already been stated by the media that Apple phones have more broken screens than any other manufacturer.


Well-Known Member
Actually, that's a misconception fostered by Apple. More people own Android devices than Apple. However, more people own Apple than Samsung. More own Apple than Windows phones. It's already been stated by the media that Apple phones have more broken screens than any other manufacturer.
Where are these said media reports.


Well-Known Member
Where are these said media reports.

You're going to have to look them up. I'm far too tired and far too sick today to be trying to do media report research for others. I watch the news. It's pretty well common knowledge about the glass on Apple iPhones and other devices. It's actually been a running joke for a long time. For people to say that they don't know what I'm talking about is no more different than just sticking fingers in the ears and pretending they can't hear somebody. There is absolutely no way that people don't already know about this. Every few years the media starts talking about how Apple's glass starts shattering on people's devices. Of course the last time they mentioned it was because idiots were sitting down with the things in their back pockets. It was a few years ago on one of the major news networks when they were talking about the high price of Apple phones and how the glass cracks so easily. I do remember after the entire bending iPhone fiasco Apple did say they were going to start putting much better glass on their phones. But I'm not sure that's happened yet.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
Actually, that's a misconception fostered by Apple. More people own Android devices than Apple. However, more people own Apple than Samsung. More own Apple than Windows phones. It's already been stated by the media that Apple phones have more broken screens than any other manufacturer.
Hmm, don't remember Apple ever fostering that. Fanboys maybe. Yes, more own Android over-all, that is true, but that is from several hundred Android manufacturers. When they talk about Apple having a bigger piece of the pie, it is usually for premium level smartphones in the U.S.

Oh, and you do know that the tech media absolutely hates Apple, don't you? Even more than you do. ANY tiny small thing wrong, and they blow it completely out of proportion to the truth. Like the "bendgate" issue. Tech media reported it like every iPhone was bending, when it was an extremely small percentage, and most of those were intentional. Consumer Reports then did a test and found EVERY single smartphone does the same thing.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Oh, and you do know that the tech media absolutely hates Apple, don't you? .

Businesses dont like Apple products as a whole as they don't support lots of interoperability standards. If you skip the GUI and just use the command line its an outdated BSD linux distro. Nice GUI though, even a 5 year old can use it.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
Businesses dont like Apple products as a whole as they don't support lots of interoperability standards. If you skip the GUI and just use the command line its an outdated BSD linux distro. Nice GUI though, even a 5 year old can use it.
Well, Apple is and always has been, consumer oriented, not business. They are getting better about interoperability, but I agree that they still have a way to go. And with Apple making more profit than any other tech company in history, I don't think they care, either.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Well, Apple is and always has been, consumer oriented, not business. They are getting better about interoperability, but I agree that they still have a way to go. And with Apple making more profit than any other tech company in history, I don't think they care, either.

Ahem, Alphabet :)

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