A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
A Spirited Marvel Quickee:

For all the fanbois who think that Marvel will come to WDW or have a huge presence in Disney Parks worldwide going forward comes this tidbit of NEWS from someone fairly up the food chain. It's not about attractions per se, but attitude.

What I've been told is that folks at Marvel care about two things largely: films and comics. If there was a third, then it would be TV and then merchandise.

You see what's missing?

Most of the top Marvel leadership doesn't really give a damn about theme park attractions -- and that's whether they wind up in IOA or DCA or DSP ... they don't have any passion or understanding for the medium. Not everyone, but enough of the leadership.

In other words, no one at Marvel will be jumping over the table in the boardroom to convince anyone at either Disney or UNI about how there has to be an amazing 3D adventure with Wolverine.
That's odd considering their intellectual property is behind one of the best rides on the planet.


Premium Member
Well, one would have to be logged into the site for that

No, just simply leave a tab open on your computer and you'll see it update automatically when you get notifications even if you aren't actively viewing the site. In my case, even my bookmarks bar will update when there are notifications.

Learn to be the master of many tabs... and your web-foo will increase dramatically :)


Well-Known Member
Well, one would have to be logged into the site for that. I don't know about you, but I am most definitely not tuned in here 24/7 ... whether people quote me, tag me, PM me, call me nasty names etc.

I really should be in a better mood anyway ... since Angie booked us on another Disney Cruise today! :)
You booked DCL and are not in a better mood? Shame on you. I booked two yesterday to sail in April and May and am in such a good mood I can't stand myself.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
It was started by a Tumblr that's basically set out to be a Disney-specific Onion, though its very focused on "Frozen is overexposed" jokes.

Wow, good thing this false rumour was debunked by our quality journalists! Otherwise we'd never have known it was not true!

Disney News Network
All news presented is fake. Parody account, not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.

Tower of Terror to be Removed, Replaced With Elsa’s Ice Castle
Disney announced earlier today that the once-beloved attraction will be demolished and replaced by Elsa’s Ice Castle, featured in the popular movie, Frozen.

Disney CEO Bob Iger commented, “I just wanna be rad and hip with the times, coolio?”

Demolition is expected to begin later this year. (x).


Well-Known Member
That's odd considering their intellectual property is behind one of the best rides on the planet.

I don't think its odd at all. I wouldn't expect the folks at Marvel to care about theme park presence. Even as many guests as WDW gets, it wouldn't really increase Marvel's public perception much given how widely disseminated they are now with the movies and all the related stuff. Spider-Man is an awesome ride, but how many people who ride it (1) don't previously know/care about SM and (2) are inspired by the ride to go learn more about him. Probably relatively few in the grans scheme of the money spending public.

That said, while I don't think Marvel execs would care about theme parks, I would think that the theme park execs would care about Marvel. They are the ones who should be pushing for Marvel content as something that expands their demographics (being more boy and action friendly) with something that is extremely popular right now. Of course, that would mean that the theme park execs are interested in adding more content to the parks and creating new attractions which is a big question at this point.


Well-Known Member
I don't think its odd at all. I wouldn't expect the folks at Marvel to care about theme park presence. Even as many guests as WDW gets, it wouldn't really increase Marvel's public perception much given how widely disseminated they are now with the movies and all the related stuff. Spider-Man is an awesome ride, but how many people who ride it (1) don't previously know/care about SM and (2) are inspired by the ride to go learn more about him. Probably relatively few in the grans scheme of the money spending public.

That said, while I don't think Marvel execs would care about theme parks, I would think that the theme park execs would care about Marvel. They are the ones who should be pushing for Marvel content as something that expands their demographics (being more boy and action friendly) with something that is extremely popular right now. Of course, that would mean that the theme park execs are interested in adding more content to the parks and creating new attractions which is a big question at this point.
You actually question whether Disney Execs want to build rides? Disney Execs have a burning passion for building fantastic mind blowing attractions. The whirlwind flurry of new additions is all you need to know to determine that Disney is all about building over the top state of the art attractions.


Resident Curmudgeon
You actually question whether Disney Execs want to build rides? Disney Execs have a burning passion for building fantastic mind blowing attractions. The whirlwind flurry of new additions is all you need to know to determine that Disney is all about building over the top state of the art attractions.

The sarcasm is strong in this one master...

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
No, just simply leave a tab open on your computer and you'll see it update automatically when you get notifications even if you aren't actively viewing the site. In my case, even my bookmarks bar will update when there are notifications.

Learn to be the master of many tabs... and your web-foo will increase dramatically :)
just dont abuse it like me. I'm swiming in 30 tabs in 2 browsers.. mostly job related x_X


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Feige LOVES the parks. I wonder how he feels about it, if at all - I mean he kinda has a full plate with running a cinematic universe.
Loving the parks does not mean he has to have Lasseter's obcession with dropping in his character's wherever and whenever. He might even get that story is the most important and think that there is at the moment not a compelling, story-based reason to push Marvel into the parks (especially if it will not top what has been done).


Well-Known Member
Wow, good thing this false rumour was debunked by our quality journalists! Otherwise we'd never have known it was not true!

Disney News Network
All news presented is fake. Parody account, not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.

Tower of Terror to be Removed, Replaced With Elsa’s Ice Castle
Disney announced earlier today that the once-beloved attraction will be demolished and replaced by Elsa’s Ice Castle, featured in the popular movie, Frozen.

Disney CEO Bob Iger commented, “I just wanna be rad and hip with the times, coolio?”

Demolition is expected to begin later this year. (x).

Yuck, I can't believe this site was even mentioned in the same sentence as The Onion earlier.


Resident Curmudgeon
You actually question whether Disney Execs want to build rides? Disney Execs have a burning passion for building fantastic mind blowing attractions. The whirlwind flurry of new additions is all you need to know to determine that Disney is all about building over the top state of the art attractions.

Indeed they are - yet they all look like cash registers, Did you see the one with a intercooled drawer release opens fully in under 100 milliseconds...


Well-Known Member
Loving the parks does not mean he has to have Lasseter's obcession with dropping in his character's wherever and whenever. He might even get that story is the most important and think that there is at the moment not a compelling, story-based reason to push Marvel into the parks (especially if it will not top what has been done).
Or it may also be he doesn't like what WDI is pitching and can hold out because Ike, or Marvel overall, doesn't view being in the parks beyond M&Gs as a priority.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That's the beauty of the Marvel universe. You can go for years and years without ever needing a Thor 7 (I get that you're using hyperbole, but still). Iron Man would have been the most obvious choice for a "Part 4" film, but Marvel doesn't seem to be expressing any appetite to go beyond a trilogy with any individual hero, and I think that's brilliant. The fact that their current slate goes out through 2019 without an Iron Man 4, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, or a number 2 from any of Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, or the Inhumans shows that they're committed to variety. If those films all become trilogies, that's another 18 films without even introducing a new hero and excluding any Avengers titles post Infinity War, enough to carry through 2025 at least.

Another thing to consider is that each franchise within the Marvel Universe feels like its own "thing." Winter Soldier didn't feel like Marvel Cinematic Universe, Part 9. It felt like Cap 2. Guardians didn't feel like Marvel Cinematic Universe, Part 10, it felt like something completely different.

ETA: Contrast this to DC/WB, who have committed their entire universe to the grimdark feel of Batman, he being the only hero they know how to produce and market.

The only Marvel films that I have really enjoyed are GotG, which I loved absolutely, the first Cap America and the first Iron Man.

I absolutely couldn't stand the Winter Soldier. And thought Avengers was OK but nothing spectacular.

The one issue I have with all Marvel films is they seem to end with a very long and overdone CGI battle scene over a city where you have to assume tens of thousands of innocents would be injured or killed but it really isn't addressed (I didn't like that Man of Steel, which I hated, did the same thing). It's a cliche and tiresome.

But you can bet Age of Ultron will go back there again...

Besides, people have been watching Bond films for 50 years and those films are all the same genre.

Bond films have had their ups and downs (Timothy Dalton and George Lazenby anyone?), but they also don't put multiple films out every year like Marvel does (and will only increase). There was quite a few years from Dalton's last outing to Brosnan's first (recall he was the choice in the 80s to replace Roger Moore, but NBC wouldn't let him out of his Remington Steele contract). I love the Bond series, certainly more than I do any Marvel or Lucas product, but I doubt I'd love it quite so much if I got 2-3 films in 18 months.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If China didn't want Disney they wouldn't have stuck around for so long to get a Disneyland of their own. They easily could have built their own version of Tokyo Disneyland with copies of all the best parts from around the world, but they wanted Disney to actually be involved.

Yes, they wanted THEIR Disney park. And soon(ish) they will have it.

But the deal was close to dead from about 2006-2008. Then our economy tanked, which naturally idled some of their factories and Disney kept pushing the job aspect. Ultimately, that and the 57/43 split with no media (i.e. Disney Channel) component got the deal done.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks. I would have thought that this was already in this thread but to my surprise it was not.

Concerning your comment regarding the eight hour work day, I was assuming that the reporter meant that people were to be limited to 8 hour shifts, with three shifts throughout each day, as opposed to having them work longer hours with only 2 shifts per day.

Regarding the number of visitors, I agree with you that there is no way they get only 7 million visitors in year one. The corporate culture for the parks right now is maximizing the number of guests in each park to drive up revenue. I don't see that being any different in Shanghai. Quite the opposite, as I would expect the most highly populated country in the world to achieve some of the highest number of visitors in any Disney park worldwide.

I don't know how much larger the Shanghai park is compared to WDW's MK, but considering Disney stuffed what, about 18 million people last year into the MK in Orlando, that Shanghai would be able to exceed that number IF they wanted to. The only way that they would hold the number back closer to 12 million or less, would be if it were being done strategically. And this is when I start to analyze this in terms of the Disney BRAND. If TWDC doesn't want the image of their BRAND tarnished immediately by overcrowding their new shiny toy they built in China, maybe the crowd levels could be held back at first so that the guest experience was more enjoyable. I always have this vision that major cities in China are incredibly crowded and that if the crowd levels in Shanghai Disneyland were controlled (at first), this could help create the illusion that the park allows for a less stressful, less overcrowded experience - something that I would think the Chinese people would appreciate.

Now obviously, in time the number of park visitors would increase to crank up the revenue. After all, you have to pay for the 5.5 billion you spent to build it. So initially, they might control the number of people allowed in on a daily basis. But overall, I agree more with the point you made. To me, If Iger wants this to be a big part of legacy to the company (aside from the other BRANDS he acquired), then it wouldn't surprise me at all of this park gets stuffed to the gills with visitors.

Time will tell. In the meantime, I intend to keep one eye open for anything else that interests me concerning this subject.

People have to want to go to the park. Chinese are used to crowds everywhere. That won't bother them.

I just see no way the park has half of the absurd 25 million figure that Disney has been slipping out to people writing basically PR. If they get half that, then the park will be off to a roaring success.

Besides, the edict from Burbank has been that the MK has always and will always be the most visited park in the world. I really don't see SDL knocking it off, let alone in its first year.

You have to be realistic. I recall when DCA was about to open, my old pal Georgie K did an infamous interview with the LA Times where he basically predicted DCA would fill to capacity almost daily by noon, but said that Guests who were late arriving could simply walk across the Esplanade and settle for DL.

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