Well-Known Member
Is it ok if I just don't like Melissa McCarthy or Leslie Jones? If the movie is really that good I'll give it a chance on Netflix.
I think your opinion of Leslie Jones is reasonable. All the trailers and clips online have painted her as the "loud obnoxious black woman" stereotype that racists like to make fun of. Practically the female JarJar Binks. I'm surprised there wasn't more of a backlash against it.
As for Melissa McCarthy, i'm not very knowledgeable. Though i've seen one particular scene in the movie Bridesmaids that some claim as a "highlight" of her comedic talent- Several women get food poisoning and puke uncontrollably (including on each other) while Melissa's character has explosive diarrhea in a sink (Maya Rudolph's character craps herself in a wedding dress in the middle of the street). Maybe this is more funny if you're a woman (though I always thought immature gross out humor was more associated with men), but I really don't find this scene amusing at all. It's the sort of humor I expect from a 4 year old boy, gross and demeaning. As for her "real" self, Melissa joined the director in branding anyone who doesn't like Ghostbusters 2016 to be a "sexist loser"... So yeah, the maturity levels leave something to be desired...
I've yet to see the movie, like yourself I might give it a chance on Netflix eventually but I probably won't see it in theaters. I've still not seen a single clip from this movie that makes me want to watch it, the trailers were bad and none of the other non-trailer clips i've seen have been any better.
I am finding it hard to trust anyone for a reasonable non-biased opinion due to everyone trying to push their own personal socio-political agenda, whether it be misogyny OR misandry. The garbage fire that is this movie's media buzz (surpassing the movie itself which is an otherwise inconsequential work of fiction mind you) has done little besides further showcase that BOTH genders have an absolutely embarrassing amount of hateful degenerate sexists among their ranks. So if I can't get a reasonable and objective opinion of the movie uncolored by personal bias, all I have to go on are the trailers/clips as well as my own brain, and everything i've seen is telling me to stay away because it STILL looks like a bad movie.
EDIT- I do want to add one thing to this in case this came across as overly antagonistic. I meant no offense to anyone who legitimately likes any of these actresses, their movies or Ghostbusters in particular (which who knows, I may end up enjoying once I get around to watching). I absolutely understand and don't wish to demean your opinion. My post is more directed towards the hate exhibited by the media and culture surrounding this film (extremism which can be readily found in both genders) than the film itself.
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