What's the difference between a "regular tank" and a "wife beat"? The guy in the picture is wearing what looks like a grey tank top to me. I always thought a wife beater was a sleeveless undershirt.
All you guys need to publish the rules of proper theme park attire so I can make sure a picture of me enjoying some time with my kids doesn't turn up here
He's wearing a grey colored wife beater. They are made in white and grey, he's wearing a grey one. Wife beaters are meant to be worn as undershirts, not as shirts. Going out in public in nothing but a wife beater makes you look like trailer trash. Did you ever think to wonder why people refer to them as "wife beaters?" Think trash!
A regular tank is pretty easy to identify so I'm not going to go through the basics but that being said, if I line up someone wearing a wife beater and someone wearing a regular tank, and ask you to identify each, you'd have no problems.