A September 2011 Disney Anniversary Pre Trip Report

Hello and welcome to my September 2011 Disney Anniversary Pre Trip Report! My name is Jon, for those of you who don't know me (which is probably most of you), and my travel partner is my beautiful wife, Brittany. Here is a shot of us from our December trip to WDW so you'll know who you are dealing with…


We will be going to Walt Disney World this September for our 3 Year Anniversary and we can't wait!! We actually just got back from the World in December 2010 and had a blast (even though we froze our butts off)! I am a slacker and just finished posting that trip report. You can read it here…


That report is FULL of pictures, so I hope you enjoy it! You can also check out my videos from WDW on my YouTube page by clicking here…


Ok, back to our upcoming trip! Here are the details…

When: September 15-25, 2011
Who: Just Me and My Bride
Where: Animal Kingdom Lodge - Jambo House
Why: Our 3 Year Anniversary
What: 9 Day Park Hoppers and the Disney Dining Plan
How: From North Carolina to Florida by Car

Now, for the tentative itinerary…

Thursday September 15
We both plan on working a half day and then driving all the way from North Carolina to Orange City, FL and stopping for the night at the Holiday Inn Express there so that when we get up on Friday morning, we will only have about an hour drive to Walt Disney World!

Friday September 16
We plan on getting up early and driving the rest of the way to WDW. Once we arrive, we will be checking in to Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge - Jambo House! We have 9 day Park Hoppers so we might check out the resort for a little while, but then we are going to start our vacation off right by hitting the Magic Kingdom, which is open until 7:00pm. The MK closes at 7:00pm for the average guest, but we have tickets to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party - so we will be in the MK until midnight!! Before MNSSHP, the plan is to hop on the monorail and ride over to the Polynesian Resort for our first ADR of the trip at 5:45pm at Kona Cafe! After Kona, it's back to the Magic Kingdom for the night!

Saturday September 17
Today we plan on hitting Disney's Hollywood Studios which opens up early for EMH at 8:00am. The plan is to grab a counter service lunch and then we have our second ADR of the trip at the Sci-Fi Dine In Theatre at 6:35pm!

Sunday September 18
Today we are going to EPCOT. We will be spending a lot more time in EPCOT this trip… if you read my last trip report, you know what I'm talking about! Anyway, we have ADR's for lunch at Le Cellier at 12:15pm. That evening we are heading over to Disney's Wilderness Lodge for our 7:30pm dinner ADR's at Whispering Canyon Café. After dinner, we are going to ride the boat over to Fort Wilderness and catch the Electric Water Parade on the dock. Then we are going to head to the Magic Kingdom, which is open until 1:00am for EMH!

Monday September 19
Today we are heading to Disney's Animal Kingdom, which has morning EMH from 8:00-9:00am and then is open until 5:00pm. After DAK closes, we plan on having dinner at the Rainforest Cafe before hopping over to Hollywood Studios, which is open until 10:00pm with evening EMH.

Tuesday September 20 - Our 3 Year Anniversary!!!
Today we are starting the day off at Disney's Contemporary Resort at 8:00am with breakfast ADR's at Chef Mickey's! Then we plan on spending the day at the Magic Kingdom before heading over to Disney's Polynesian Resort for our 8:15pm ADR Anniversary dinner at 'Ohana!

Wednesday September 21
Today we have another early start with 8:30am breakfast ADR's at Cinderella's Royal Table in the Magic Kingdom! I booked this especially so we could walk down Main Street before the park opens! I can't wait to get some pictures of an empty Magic Kingdom! After breakfast we plan on heading over to Animal Kingdom and then finishing the day up at Hollywood Studios.

Thursday September 22
Today is kind of a free day. The plan for right now is to sleep in a little bit and then hit the pools at Animal Kingdom Lodge and do some swimming until around lunctime and then we will head over to Downtown Disney in the early afternoon when it is less crowded. Then we want to head over to the Boardwalk for a while and I want to check out the Beach Club Resort. The only other plans we have for this day as of now is our 6:00pm dinner ADR's at Coral Reef in EPCOT.

Friday September 23
Today, once again, we will be spending the majority of the day at the Magic Kingdom, which closes at 7:00pm. Then we are heading back over to EPCOT for our 7:30pm dinner ADR's at San Angel Inn! EPCOT is open until 12:00am for EMH.

Saturday September 24
Our last day :(
Today we plan on hitting our two favorite parks! We will start out at Hollywood Studios and then finish our trip off right in the Magic Kingdom! We also have our last ADR of the trip at 5:00pm at Trail's End at Fort Wilderness.

Sunday September 25
We will probably get up at 8:00am or so and drive from Florida all the way back to North Carolina…

Well, that does it for my September Pre Trip Report. I hope you all have enjoyed it and hope you will be looking forward to my actual Trip Report upon our return! Send me a message if you have facebook because I usually do live updates and pictures from the parks.
Thanks for stopping by and See Ya Real Soon! :wave:


Well-Known Member
If you can, please post on crowds. I would love to have an idea of what I am getting into before I arrive. I am still trying to plan my first day this coming Sunday.

If our room is ready, I will see if I can get DD down for a nap (good luck on that), then have dinner at Boma, and then head to a park. If not, it is AK, parade, dinner at Boma, mini golf, and then relax at the resort until we fall asleep.


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Original Poster
I'll try to post to wdwmagic when I get the chance, but I'll mostly be tweeting or posting on facebook live from the parks.
Follow me on Twitter @jonclendenin or find me on facebook - Jon Clendenin


Well-Known Member
Have a great trip. We will be there in 4 days. If we were there, we would be at Boma right now. I am praying they have carved prime rib on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Have a great time!!!! :) :sohappy:

Thank you!!

Have a great trip. We will be there in 4 days. If we were there, we would be at Boma right now. I am praying they have carved prime rib on Sunday.

Thanks! You too! Lol, I hear ya. I hope they do too for your sake.

See ya at "home" Jon!! Tomorrow here we come!!

:sohappy: See ya real soon!

Congrats on the anniversary! Sounds like it'll be a fantastic trip!

Thank you! I hope it will be!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, today is the day! We leave in just a few hours for the most magical place on earth! Thanks for following along on this pre-trip report and hopefully you all with come back to read the trip report upon our return. If you want to follow us on our trip, feel free to follow me on Twitter @jonclendenin or facebook - Jon Clendenin. :wave:

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