A Program for the Iphone at WDW?

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I know those maps are free apps, so I'm not complaining, but those are OLD maps. The Skyway is still on there. VERY cool, though, still. I'd love to see some of the stuff in that article come about.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
To all who love the Iphone why not send me a video of you enjoying it... oh wait you can't. Well at least you have the fast 3g network most phones have.... oh wait that's not there either... well how bout those awesome hard drives they're like 30g right? oh wait no that's not possible because of the flash drive. At least you can watch stuff on YouTube.... Never mind like half the videos don't even work.... guess it's more of a priest phone then a Jesus phone isn't it. Well think about how fast you can text... wait no because the buttons are like half the size of a normal textin button so you'll prolly get a D instead of an A. Well.... at least it's a phone with music... even if you don't have the space for more then 1 or 2 movies without any music.
...and here's one of those people I was talking about. LOL Hilarious. Geez. I sense anger.


Well-Known Member
The iphone market is way too small. Mobiles perhaps, Symbian perhaps, or even an established brand (Nokia, SE etc.) but the iphone has been seen over here for what it is - overpriced and underspecced.

Too right, 5 years ago I had a phone which had all the functionality of the iPhone (minus WiFi) plus and it cost me a whole £30 on contract. Granted the touch interface wasn't as nice but still.

2 years ago I had a phone with EVERYTHING on the iPhone plus a whole lot more like GPS and that cost me..... nothing. Again, not as nice to use but still very impressive.


Well-Known Member
The iphone market is way too small. Mobiles perhaps, Symbian perhaps, or even an established brand (Nokia, SE etc.) but the iphone has been seen over here for what it is - overpriced and underspecced.

The iPhone is predicted to have sold 45 million units by 2009. I wouldn't say that it's "too small."

EDIT: And don't forget that the iPod Touch would probably get the same software.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The iPhone market is actually growing extremely rapidly, and is going to get even bigger in June when third-party applications are released...I don't see what's not to like.
Apart from it`s overpriced and you have to be on one single network in the UK to get one (Apple and O2 signed a deal restricting it to just one UK network)

I`ve used one and it is a fantastic bit of kit - don`t get me wrong - but touch screen aside (with its pros and cons) my Nokia does the same. And more.

If Disney took this route would it be right to limit certain advantages over other guests to those who have one particular piece of equipment? Not an argument - I couldn`t care less unless it meant iphone owners got fastpasses before me or similar - but a thought about the bigger picture of haves and have-nots.


Well-Known Member
If I could get that small percentage to buy a $400 phone from me I would be one happy guy.:D

And plus...take the Earth's population. I would say that the majority of the Earth's population have a trip to Disney as the last thing on their mind.

I'm not saying that the iPhone is the way to go if you are going to give benefits at Disney with it. Maybe the iPod...but don't restrict it to a single unit. Have it compatible with all iPods...or ALL cell phones.

The problem also lies within the fact that not a huge majority of the Earth's population have Smart Phones. Most people couldn't care less whether they can get email or watch movies on their phone...


New Member
i love my iphone

I love my iphone. I don't know how I would survive without it. I do agree that it is limited in certain areas, the biggest not being able to link up with Microsoft Exchange servers, but they are fixing that. I love how I can listen to music and play movies and videos because I produce music on the side and I can dump music straight to my iphone without having to go through the annoying process of burning it to cd. Also, another thing people are overlooking is Apples long term commitment to the iphone. They are alway coming up with software updates to improve use. Every other brand of phone just comes today and is gone within a few months. Plus I think Apple is on the verge of overtaking the PC as the norm. Less problems, less haggle.



Cingular. Oh, I'm sorry, that's right. Cingular has such a HORRIBLE reputation, they switched back to the AT&T name.

Sadly, THAT is the reason many, many people wouldn't have an iPhone. I'd never get bound into a contract with those jerks again, ever. And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. :(

Off topic, but...
As a AT&T/Cingular employee, I can't not respond to that.
The name change had NOTHING to do with any "reputation". It was done simply because the big AT&T bought Cingular (who had earlier bought out AT&T's unprofitable wireless division). Simple as that.:rolleyes:

I love my iphone. Wouldn't take two Blackberries for it.

Yes, it's locked to our service...happens with most phone models when they first come out (remember the Razr?) I fully support the locking of the phone, and the bricking of it when it's hacked or unlocked. We paid good money for that exclusivity.

The new iphone will hit between June 15 and July 15. It will be 3g (fastest 3g in the US and getting faster)and will handle enterprise mail (as likely will the 2g version following the 2.0 software update coming at around the same time).

Now...I'm off to download that app......:D


Well-Known Member
I don't want this thread to be overtaken with iPhone pros/cons when it is definitely related to WDW...but...

Technophiles or not...I'd like to see a survey done by all cell/smart phone owners and see which ones gets the best reviews across the board. Which cell/smart phone has the happiest owners?

You either love the iPhone or hate it...but I would assume most of the haters only hate it because they can't bring themselves to buy an Apple product or the hype made it seem like it was the end-all-be-all as far as technology in your pocket goes.

I have yet to meet an iPhone owner that didn't absolutely love it. Sure, it has it's pros and cons...but all phones do. I wouldn't trade mine in for anything else on the market today though.

Lee, here's a question for you concerning the new one. Will the existing iPhones be able to get the Push email and Exchange Server connectivity in a software upgrade or is that only available with the new phone coming out? Also, will the 3G network be accessible with the old phones?


Lee, here's a question for you concerning the new one. Will the existing iPhones be able to get the Push email and Exchange Server connectivity in a software upgrade or is that only available with the new phone coming out? Also, will the 3G network be accessible with the old phones?

Nothing for sure, since Apple is more tight-lipped than WDI, but...
I hear that the Push/Exchange service will be part of the 2.0 software upgrade for all iphones. Again, not sure, just heard it.

And, no, the current iphone will not run on the 3g network. I wish it was possible, but that would require all new guts inside the device.

On topic...Just downloaded the map apps. Cool.


Well-Known Member
Nothing for sure, since Apple is more tight-lipped than WDI, but...
I hear that the Push/Exchange service will be part of the 2.0 software upgrade for all iphones. Again, not sure, just heard it.

And, no, the current iphone will not run on the 3g network. I wish it was possible, but that would require all new guts inside the device.

On topic...Just downloaded the map apps. Cool.

I want a piece of the iFund :lookaroun :lol:

If you think about the restaurants (quick service especially), it's mostly just a touch pad with the meal selections. The DS, Iphone, Ipod Touch, etc. could wirelessly use this same system. You punch in your order, it gives you a number and tells you what window to pick it up in...and you can basically order your food as you're walking to the counter! It would definitely be a timesaver! (Basically a FastPass for food)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I don't want this thread to be overtaken with iPhone pros/cons when it is definitely related to WDW...but...

Technophiles or not...I'd like to see a survey done by all cell/smart phone owners and see which ones gets the best reviews across the board. Which cell/smart phone has the happiest owners?

You either love the iPhone or hate it...but I would assume most of the haters only hate it because they can't bring themselves to buy an Apple product or the hype made it seem like it was the end-all-be-all as far as technology in your pocket goes.

I have yet to meet an iPhone owner that didn't absolutely love it. Sure, it has it's pros and cons...but all phones do. I wouldn't trade mine in for anything else on the market today though.

Lee, here's a question for you concerning the new one. Will the existing iPhones be able to get the Push email and Exchange Server connectivity in a software upgrade or is that only available with the new phone coming out? Also, will the 3G network be accessible with the old phones?
I do not think you will ever get an accurate survey concerning anything that involves an Apple product. There are to many people that have drunk the Steve Job's kool-aid and believe that everything produced by Apple is the best thing going. On the flip side there are way too many people that hate everything Jobs does and will always find fault with it. In between you have those select few that see the place for all the electronics manufacturers and will select a product based on features that suit their needs and price, not the logo on the box.

My own personal feelings on the subject....

The thing I hate most about Apple are not its products or its owner but its devote customers that have an almost cult like obsession with the company and believe everyone else should feel the same. Apple puts out good stuff. Sometimes I feel they sacrifice form for function a little too much (ie the MacBook air) but their products have excellent build quality and reliability. They are just a little too "inflexible" for my taste.


Well-Known Member
My own personal feelings on the subject....

The thing I hate most about Apple are not its products or its owner but its devote customers that have an almost cult like obsession with the company and believe everyone else should feel the same. Apple puts out good stuff. Sometimes I feel they sacrifice form for function a little too much (ie the MacBook air) but their products have excellent build quality and reliability. They are just a little too "inflexible" for my taste.

I guess you could say that is me. I fit in the "logo on the box" guy. That being said though...I only say that because every piece of Apple technology I have used, it's been extremely user friendly, reliable, and it just plain works.

The iPod. I've had Sony mp3 players, and a Dell...of the three I've personally owned, the iPod wins hands down.

I now own a Mac. I only decided to get a Mac (I was a devout PC guy) because I was fed up with the lackluster reliability, the constant crashes, and updating virus protection over and over and over again...to STILL not have the latest when the virus hit. I turned to an iMac and have never looked back.

My original cell phone was a brick (no problem, back then it was fine.) My next phone was the iPhone. I'll admit that I only got a new phone because I hated Sprint/Nextel and needed a new phone. I did wait for the iPhone though. It seems that I've become the "Blackberry/SmartPhone" guy around work so I do get to use a lot (The big cheese is very picky when it comes to phones...so he gets a new one basically every 3 months...and then...the OTHER big cheese can't be outdone so that one gets the "biggest and best.")

The worst phone I've used is the HTC Touch. Horrible. I will say though...the best I've used is the iPhone. It's not because my mind is branded with an Apple now...everybody that tries it out loves it. I have my reasons that I love it...and in other ways it drives me nuts. Of the phones I have used though, it has the LEAST AMOUNT of things that drive me nuts :lol:

I've slowly become an Apple nut but only because they haven't let me down.

BTW, they're not flexible because of their reliability. If you start switching out parts and pieces...the reliability may go down because things weren't tested and designed to work together. If I were Apple, I'd be the same way. No matter how great my technology is, my name is the most important thing to me. If my name is synonymous with "Reliability," I'm going to make sure it stays that way.


Well-Known Member
I do not think you will ever get an accurate survey concerning anything that involves an Apple product. There are to many people that have drunk the Steve Job's kool-aid and believe that everything produced by Apple is the best thing going. On the flip side there are way too many people that hate everything Jobs does and will always find fault with it. In between you have those select few that see the place for all the electronics manufacturers and will select a product based on features that suit their needs and price, not the logo on the box.

My own personal feelings on the subject....

The thing I hate most about Apple are not its products or its owner but its devote customers that have an almost cult like obsession with the company and believe everyone else should feel the same. Apple puts out good stuff. Sometimes I feel they sacrifice form for function a little too much (ie the MacBook air) but their products have excellent build quality and reliability. They are just a little too "inflexible" for my taste.

As a WindowsIntel programmer/sysadmin, I agree with pretty much everything Master Yoda has to say here. Now, I'm waiting for the 3g iPhone, and pretty much WILL buy one when they come out...Not right away, but pretty soon after they are available. Having the Disney park maps available for it would just be gravy...!!!


So just unlock one and use it with any provider you wish
Sadly that is not exactly possible - we paid double the price for an unlocked iPhone, only to find out that it is only compatible with certain networking systems (none that are of any preference to me) and my current service is not a compatible network. So here I sit with an iPhone and no service because I HATE at&t, and the other compatible services do not have very good reception out here - or are not available at all in my area... :brick:

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