Trip Report A Not So Splashy, Very Dashy, Somewhat Sleepy and A Little Frisky, Uplyfting Sept 2018 TR (Completed!)

Once again, it is so hard to believe that our adventure in WDW is over. I don’t understand how time goes so fast when we are there. Even though this was our longest trip ever, it still flew by.

We returned home around midnight on Saturday and I’ve been getting back to reality and catching up on reading other TR’s before beginning my own.

Just in case you may not know us…

Me: Mary/mom


Ross – Dad AKA Grumpy, but was acting more like Sleepy on this trip. (And yes – those Crocs came along with him.)


Julia – DD Sweet 16 this trip


Hope – My 9 year old princess whose diagnoses of Autism usually lends itself to some interesting tidbits for my TR’s.



Trip details:

September 6th – 8th at Art Of Animation (Room only)

September 8th – 22nd Pop Century (MYW Package Free Dining)

Yep- that’s a LONG trip – our longest EVER. Still it managed to fly by in the blink of an eye.

If you’re not familiar with my crazy crew or you need to catch up, feel free to check out my pre trip report here:

All caught up? Are you ready? Okay then, here we go!


Well-Known Member
After we escaped the Twilight Zone, back to Toy Story Land we went. We entered the line for TSMM. We walked through admiring all the new details. As we got near the area where you take the glasses, a woman walked past us to join the group of eight in front of us. She was carrying a platter of the beef brisket from Woody’s Lunch Box. It looked rather good, but I questioned her timing to have food while so close to getting on a ride. She proceeded to share it with her husband. As we approached the next CM, they were told they needed to discard the food. They responded to the CM by pretending not to know English. (I know they spoke English, because I was hearing their conversation.) I could see the CM was flustered by them and gave up trying, so they just walked right by and kept going along with the beef brisket. Soon it was time to board. By now, Julia and I were completely engaged and waiting to see what would happen next. Sure enough, as they reached the CM who told them what rows to stand in, there was still a half of sandwich and a few tater tots left. The CM told them they needed to throw out the food before they got into their rows. The woman told him not to worry that she would just take the food on with her. But the CM was stern and said they could not take food on the ride motioned for them to throw the food out. When they realized they were not getting on the ride, the woman shoved the sandwich into her mouth and took the biggest bite ever. Then she shoved the rest of the sandwich into her husband’s mouth, plopped the tray which still had a couple of lonely taters on it into the hands of the CM and walked onto the ride!

I looked at the CM who was just standing there with the tray in his hand. I told him I couldn’t believe what just happened. He was very sweet and proceeded to throw out their garbage into the trash can which was only a few feet away.

During all the brisket commotion, I realized that Hope decided she didn’t want to ride. Yep, she decided it was like an omnimover. I quickly took out her i-pod and hung it around her neck. That seemed to calm her and off we went. I rode with Hope and Julia rode by herself.

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As soon as the ride started, Hope was fine and having a great time. She actually got a pretty awesome score!

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Unfortunately, just as we were approaching the unload area, we stopped. Hope started to freak a little. She knew the ride should not stop there. I reminded her she had her i-pod to use. I looked ahead to see what was up and sure enough the brisket people were refusing to get off the ride!

The woman, who was riding with her husband and granddaughter, would not get off. Finally, the woman got out, but the little girl, who was probably around two, started crying. The woman told the cast members that it was her birthday so she should be able to ride again. By now, there were four CM’s over by the commotion. Thank goodness one of the other group members, I assume her son, who had gotten off the ride with no problem walked over to her laughing and said, “Come on, they are not going to let you do it here.”

With that they finally got off the ride and it started again. We got off and I had to fill Julia in on what she missed.
I wonder how many times that worked for them at other attractions. They obviously thought they'd get away with it and the son or whoever he was had to tell them it wasn't going to happen this time. What jerks!

Figment Forever

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I'm late to the party but the girls look so grown up!!!! They have changed so much in a year :)
Also, totally got chills reading about you getting MNSSHP! I was telling my Mom about it this morning and she was saying how sweet it was for you guys!

Thanks so much! Yes, they are getting so big! Even Hope had a growth spurt and got so much taller. I love reading about your trips because they keep me hopeful that maybe Julia will never be too old to go to WDW with her mom! The MNSSHP was beyond special for us! I know it is something we will never forget.

What a fun day at HS!! You were smart to try for the second Fantasmic show! Man, some people at Disney are crazy. The food story....those people should have known better and shouldn't have fought it. Some guests are so incredibly rude. Sometimes, I feel sorry for Disney Cast Members. Adults are perfectly capable of throwing away their own trash!

I'm glad the IPOD helps HOPE.

Anyway, the walk over to Ample Hills sounded nice. We have a reservation for Beaches and Cream while we are there later this month and we think the easiest way to get back to the All-Stars that night would be a Lyft. I understand it adds up if we use LYFT a lot but once a trip shouldn't be too bad.

I have definitely become a Lyft fan. I wouldn't do it all the time. But I think it's worth it for you to go from Beaches & Cream to All Stars.

Brisket Be-och and her family are everything wrong with the world of entitlement that we live in
I am glad the 2nd CM stood his ground on the food and that the team of CM stood their ground on the re ride
Hilarious that the brother called them out in public - as if this is something that had been trying all week!!!


Yes - it was a crazy situation. Even though we got a laugh out of it, I felt bad for all the CM's who had to deal with them.

I can't believe those food people!!! They were crazy!

They were!! Julia was happy about it because she said it would make my TR more interesting. Like our family doesn't create enough drama on our own. lol

:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::mad: so clearly she'd gotten away with it on at least one other ride!

I wouldn't doubt it. It seemed like they had done it before. Hopefully, after this experience, they gave up.

:joyfull::joyfull::joyfull: at Hope ordering a Lyft, too funny!!
And I got so annoyed reading about the brisket folks -- we witnessed a similar situation while in line for a roller coaster this past summer at Hershey Park that involved food, a baby & the baby stroller :oops::oops:

I had to be careful for the rest of the trip with Hope and the Lyft. Even now, if she's in a hurry she will tell me to get a Lyft car!

Great report

Thanks so much for reading!!

I can't believe the brisket family, the things people try to get away with. Hope is such a trooper, and I love the fact that she tried to order a lyft.

Yes - I can't image all the stuff the CM's have to deal with. Hope did great on this trip - a few hiccups, but what vacation would be without a few issues?

I wonder how many times that worked for them at other attractions. They obviously thought they'd get away with it and the son or whoever he was had to tell them it wasn't going to happen this time. What jerks!

Yeah, I felt bad for all the CM's who had to deal with them, but I'm glad they didn't get away with it here. Hopefully, maybe they gave up trying.

Figment Forever

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Can't help but laugh at Hope attempting to order her own Lyft!!!!

Can never trust a Florida weather report saying it won't rain :cry: I swear it always manages to get a drop or two in some where!!

I should have known better. I almost always carry our ponchos with us too! We were really lucky this trip. Almost every time it stormed, we were inside an attraction or eating.


Well-Known Member
I should have known better. I almost always carry our ponchos with us too! We were really lucky this trip. Almost every time it stormed, we were inside an attraction or eating.
Thats so lucky for you! Our last trip, we literally walked out from lunch, and not more than 5 minutes outside the heavens opened up and we were soaked! didnt even have time to put our ponchos on!!!! haahah

Figment Forever

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BTW, if anyone plays the Disney Parks Play APP, you will see they added a game for some of their resorts including AoA. That is what we were able to test when we were staying there. It was a lot of fun. The sketches in the lobby aka "Enchanted Gallery", come to life as part of the story. It was really fun and Hope liked it a lot. She will forever call the lobby of AoA "The Enchanted Gallery"!

Figment Forever

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Day 6 Tuesday September 11,2018

This morning started off with a trip to the laundry.


I threw all our clothes into two washers and then headed back to the room. On my way back, I found a mousekeeper and ask to raid her cart for room supplies. We had declined the room service for our stay in exchange for a gift card. She was very sweet and stocked us up well.

When I entered the room Julia was up and heading into the shower. I was getting some things in order when Hope woke up with a huge commotion. As soon as her eyes opened, she jumped out of bed, ran to the door, unlocked it and proceeded to open the door and began to walk out! All the time screaming “Got to say goodnight! Got to say goodnight!”

I was stunned and had no idea what was going on. I slammed my body against the door and stopped her. She was completely flipping out – only wanting to leave the room! I kept telling her she can’t leave the room by herself – it’s dangerous. But I wasn’t getting anywhere; she was not calming down. Finally I switched gears and asked her where she wanted to go. She stopped and said very clearly, “I have to say goodnight. I have to get ice-cream.” Now it took me a bit to put it together, but basically I think in her Autistic mind, her night did not finish. I had told her when we got back to POP she could get ice-cream there. But since she fell asleep on the bus, I didn’t wake her up. So not only did she not get ice cream, but, in her mind, she never got back to POP. I can’t imagine being trapped in a world that does not allow you to do things out of order, but that is Hope’s world (for now at least). But it must be so disorientating and painful for her. I looked at her and said, “Do you want to say goodnight to the bus and get ice cream?” She responded, “Yes.” With that she calmed down. I left Julia to get ready while Hope and I headed to the lobby.

On the way, I stopped to change the laundry from washer to dryer and realized that one of the washers never filled with water. I had to changed washers and try to figure out how to get a refund from the machine.


Once that was taken care of, we walked over to the bus area and then to the food court.



And yes, I did let Hope get ice-cream for breakfast. At first, I wasn’t sure if ice-cream was available at this time, so I asked a CM who was standing in the center of the food court. She was very sweet. I didn’t go into the whole story, but I gave her the idea that it was important. She told me to wait there and sure enough, she returned in a few minutes with a cup of vanilla ice-cream! I thanked her profusely and then we went about ordering the rest of our breakfast.


Originally, we wanted to have Tonga Toast at the Poly, but since we had a little bit of a late start and the Hope fiasco, I figured we may as well relax at the resort and eat in our room. So Hope and I gathered all of our food and headed back to the room.


As the girls ate breakfast, I collected our finished laundry. While I was there, my mom called. Like I mentioned, my mom and I speak almost everyday at 9:00AM. As I was chatting, I noticed a CM who was cleaning the laundry room starring over at me. When I was done, she asked if I was speaking to my mother. I told her yes and that we speak everyday at around 9:00AM. I could see she had a few tears in her eyes. She said her mom lived in Puerto Rico but she would always speak with her everyday on the phone until she passed away. We had a nice chat and she reminded me to keep those conversations going.

Figment Forever

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It was about 11:00 when we left the room.


Since we were experiencing a much later start time than I expected, I was hoping we could just making our way to BB, but Julia was on a mission. She wanted to see her beloved River Country one last time. She heard “Project 89” was in full swing and the rumors had a new DVC being build over the old River Country area, so she wanted to get in a farewell visit. Last year, Irma had prevented us from visiting since Fort Wilderness was closed down. So that’s where we headed. We got a bus to MK and then walked over to the boat to FW. I tried using the APP to see how long the wait for a bus was…. But it wasn’t working for me. Actually, not of my plans were showing up. But no matter, we were soon on our way.


Figment Forever

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Once we got to Fort Wilderness, we disembarked and headed over to where the Mickey’s Backyard BBQ was.


Unfortunately, they had ropes up and a no trespassing sign, so we were not able to get to the area we were last time we visited. Needless to say, Julia was very unhappy. But she made due with our location and made peace with the fact she may not see the ruins again.



Well-Known Member
I can’t imagine being trapped in a world that does not allow you to do things out of order, but that is Hope’s world (for now at least). But it must be so disorientating and painful for her.
I can't imagine it either. It sounds like she rebounded quickly from it though. Glad to see that!!
tried using the APP to see how long the wait for a bus was…. But it wasn’t working for me. Actually, not of my plans were showing up.
I know the feeling all too aggravating:arghh:

Figment Forever

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Sounds like you handled Hope's morning perfectly! I've got a couple of work kiddos who would have felt the same way as Hope, and there's nothing wrong with ice cream for breakfast (especially at Disney!). Great trip reporting!

Thank you so much!

I can't imagine it either. It sounds like she rebounded quickly from it though. Glad to see that!!

I know the feeling all too aggravating:arghh:

Yes - I'm glad she was able to rebound quickly. I love the MDE APP, but it can be so unpredictable sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you could figure out what Hope needed that morning! How frustrating life must be for her but I'm so happy she can enjoy magic moments! I'm glad Julia had fun at FW, even if she didn't get to see the ruins. :happy:

Figment Forever

Premium Member
Original Poster
I'm so glad you could figure out what Hope needed that morning! How frustrating life must be for her but I'm so happy she can enjoy magic moments! I'm glad Julia had fun at FW, even if she didn't get to see the ruins. :happy:

It actually took me a couple of days to fully realize what what going on with Hope - it would happen one more time, but yes, I was so relieved that it turned out okay.

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