A Little Bit of Disney in Indy?


Beta Return
Original Poster
I was listening to the radio on the way home from work today (www.radionow931.com) and just as I was about to turn the car off I heard the start to Illuminations! I thought I had hit the CD button (since ROE is CD#4 in my 6-disc changer) but I hadn't! It was the commercial for Sky Concert 2005, the big fireworks show sponsored by that station on Labor Day weekend each year. They played Illuminations all the way through the :60 commercial - no other songs - which leads me to believe that Illuminations is the main song for the upcoming show! WOW!

First of all, I can only imagine the royalties they'll have to pay to use it in a public fireworks show, and secondly, I've GOT to see it this year!!!

Anyone else ever heard a big Disney Soundtrack, or specifically Illuminations, used in public events like this?


Active Member

i just can't see disney allowing this, they protect their property so vigorisly

i seem to remember them forcing a daycare center to remove the pictures of mickey and donald


Le Meh
Premium Member
Connor002 said:

i just can't see disney allowing this, they protect their property so vigorisly

i seem to remember them forcing a daycare center to remove the pictures of mickey and donald

I have personally notified Disney of Day Care Centers, Towing Companies, and Resteraunts that have used likenesses of Disney Characters......to me its blasphemous, especially when its a poor likeness.....


New Member
Connor002 said:

i just can't see disney allowing this, they protect their property so vigorisly

i seem to remember them forcing a daycare center to remove the pictures of mickey and donald
Disney allows high schools to perform their Broadway shows by paying immense royalties. I don't see why they wouldn't allow a fireworks show in Indiana to use a song if immense royalties were paid.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Well it all depends on what part of the soundtrack they are using, because if I'm not mistaken most of the music is not owned by Disney.

Disney doesn't own the rights to classical music (Bach, Beethoven, Strauss, Tschaikovsky,et.al.). They might control the specific arrangement and orchestration, but not the music itself.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Pongo said:
Disney allows high schools to perform their Broadway shows by paying immense royalties. I don't see why they wouldn't allow a fireworks show in Indiana to use a song if immense royalties were paid.

Any "royalties" would be included in the cost of purchasing the sheet music.


New Member
Celebrity Cruises used the music from Illuminations on their ship Millennium this past June in an advertisement encouraging future cruises. Frankly I was surprised when I heard the music, especially since Disney owns its own cruise line and probably wouldn't license the music to a corporate adversary.


Le Meh
Premium Member
rubysparky77 said:
Celebrity Cruises used the music from Illuminations on their ship Millennium this past June in an advertisement encouraging future cruises. Frankly I was surprised when I heard the music, especially since Disney owns its own cruise line and probably wouldn't license the music to a corporate adversary.

Wouldnt suprise me if Disney didnt own a portion of that company....they have their corporate hands in alot of stuff.....


Well-Known Member

Anyway, I wonder if they will make mention of the source of the music? Hope you enjoy the show!


New Member
While this doesn't have a thing to do with fireworks, but is a little bit of WDW...Off Kilter will be playing at the Indy Irish Festival in September :)


Beta Return
Original Poster
You know, now that I think of it, perhaps they just pay ASCAP for a Entertainment license that covers the use of the copyrighted song. Even at our church festival we buy a Carnival License from ASCAP so that we can play pretty much any music on the grounds, including what the carnival rides play.

Since Illuminations is listed with either ASCAP or BMI (or both), a fee paid to those orgs could actually cover the event. And since they're a radio station, they already own the biggest ASCAP license you can get - which probably allows them to play any licensed music for any purpose. So, you just think of this song (Illuminations) as just any 'ol song by any artist you hear on the radio - that's all it is, a song. Thus, with the right license, you can play it however you want, just as if the radio station played it on the radio. I should have thought harder before I posted - but it's still exciting if they indeed use it in their show.

As many have said, I doubt Disney would just "sell" instances of their works to competitors or other orgs, so this must be it.

On a side note, I sent an e-mail to my contact at a regional fireworks company asking what they'd charge my church festival to do a PyroMusical that's 9:31 long for our event next year :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
That's cool. I might just have to check that out. I'll be in Indy on Labor Day Weekend.

My wife used to live on the West Side of Indy (Just off of 465), and she worked in Avon.


New Member
Boston did use the Illuminations score in their 4th of July fireworks show that CBS broadcast nationally. I thought I was hearing things also when a Disney song was playing on 1. a non Disney sponsored event, and 2 an event not even being shown on an ABC affiliate.


New Member
edwardtc said:
You know, now that I think of it, perhaps they just pay ASCAP for a Entertainment license that covers the use of the copyrighted song. Since Illuminations is listed with either ASCAP or BMI (or both), a fee paid to those orgs could actually cover the event. And since they're a radio station, they already own the biggest ASCAP license you can get - which probably allows them to play any licensed music for any purpose.

Bingo !

Any music released on CD in the US is registered with ASCAP or BMI. Radio stations pay for their ASCAP and BMI rights every year. The ability to play the tracks on a CD are covered with ASCAP and BMI, if you are to play music live then you need to secure the rights some other way. I can’t remember too much from my copyright law class (it’s been 12 years) but I think that there is a license that a venue can buy that covers liver performances too (that’s how cover bands can ply Rolling Stones tunes).


New Member
wdwishes2005 said:
didnt the boston fireworks show have part os illuminations or some other disney song?

They used "We Go On" immediately following the music from the opening sequence of Dinosaur.


Well-Known Member
In 2000, I was in a marching band competition, and another band did the Millenium Version of RoE and We Go On. They had giant clocks on the field, it was pure awesome......Imagine the royalties they paid.

The same year we did music from the Lion King, but I don't think that's nearly as cool as WDW music


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
didnt the boston fireworks show have part os illuminations or some other disney song?

We sure did, but we paid through the nose for it! It was worth it though. People are still talking about how good it was.


New Member
They also used a portion of the RoE soundtrack for the 2005 National Boy Scout Jamboree fireworks show. Although we left before the fireworks (a WHOLE other story), the music was played on the Jamboree radio station and piped throughout the entire jamboree site. I was mad enough all ready about everything leading up to the fireworks, but hearing that sent me to a whole new level of angry, especially because I did NOT hear enough shells going off for it.

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