A Flap in the Right Direction

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
:eek: so i guess now a days, a new major Eticket is not a large prediction???

im sure you are talking about TLM but i really dont see that coming in the next 5yrs. now if you backed it up with FACTS i would honestly respect you a lot more. until then i cannot take anything you say seriously, along with many other people on this site

He doesn't have facts... That is why he bashes 74 so much... 74 comes in and presents facts to his opinions.. jt provides nothing to back up his... 74 can be taken more serious, jt can be taken as silly.... Until jt can give facts, he has to be taken as a lightweight and a troll/shill for TDO...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
He doesn't have facts... That is why he bashes 74 so much... 74 comes in and presents facts to his opinions.. jt provides nothing to back up his... 74 can be taken more serious, jt can be taken as silly.... Until jt can give facts, he has to be taken as a lightweight and a troll/shill for TDO...

Time is on my side.

74 told is AC was gutted without facts. WRONG.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Time is on my side.

74 told is AC was gutted without facts. WRONG.

Wow, you really hate competiton.. 74 has been spot on more than you... You are trying to constantly spin things to make you look right.. PROVE IT!!! There is no time...

You obviously don't know how to debate... When you present your case you use FACTS to back it up... You want the doom and gloom to stop, but yet add nothing... You, kiddo, are a troll...

WDWMagic members, pelase heed my call and:



Well-Known Member
Original Poster

He said it was a possibility. Find the post...prove me wrong...

No no no. He said the stuff was on it's way to Tokyo. To his credit he was on to something with the HKDL rumor being the source apparently. He acknowledged he was wrong (to his credit).

He posts so much that I am sure it is passed the 500 mark. But again he admitted it. Of course none of the self-righteous here called him on it. But I mention something new coming to the MK, within 5 years no less, and all hades breaks loose. And then some have the nerve to question my credibility. Kettle meet pot as you like to say.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, you really hate competiton.. 74 has been spot on more than you... You are trying to constantly spin things to make you look right.. PROVE IT!!! There is no time...

You obviously don't know how to debate... When you present your case you use FACTS to back it up... You want the doom and gloom to stop, but yet add nothing... You, kiddo, are a troll...

WDWMagic members, pelase heed my call and:


Steve knows my style very well and has never told me to stop. Same with all the moderators. You are not drawing me into an argument dxer, no matter how hard you try. And I don't hate spirit (nor do I have a "crush" on him :hurl:) I just hate his technique which I sincerely believe is counter productive.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
No no no. He said the stuff was on it's way to Tokyo. To his credit he was on to something with the HKDL rumor being the source apparently. He acknowledged he was wrong (to his credit).

He posts so much that I am sure it is passed the 500 mark. But again he admitted it. Of course none of the self-righteous here called him on it. But I mention something new coming to the MK, within 5 years no less, and all hades breaks loose. And then some have the nerve to question my credibility. Kettle meet pot as you like to say.


Like I say, things change in an instant.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone going crazy because JT does not reveal his sources when 74 will not reveal his sources either?

Just wondering?

I seem to recall that everyone felt the same way when 74 would say this or that would happen and no one would believe him because he would not reveal his source but once something he predicted happened then he was trustworthy...

Who is to say that what JT is saying will happen will or will not happen?

Why not give JT the benefit of the doubt and see what happens..you did that for 74?

Maybe JT has a certain way or posting..joking..or whatever that some may not like..but you know many MANY posters here annoy the ever loving crap out of me and I just ignore it...

Just wondering..it seems like the same people are always praising 74..who I have no problem with...I do not know him..and condemning JT..who I also have no problem with..I do not know him..yet Steve or the mods do not seem to think they are causing a problem so who are we to say they are?

Just wondering..:)


it all comes down to facts. i never praised 74 or anyhting. there are only a handful of people on this site that i take as credible. the rest are just a fun read and some really neat people to discuss the greatest theme park in the world.
but when certain people(not just Jt) continually say, new things are coming! and their source is "...just trust me, i know" it's really really hard to accept that without FACTS.
now if in a few years, or in October WDW announces it's getting many new Attracations and such i will apologize, but until then it's very hard to trust and beleive someone who is not known for providing insider information as others are


Well-Known Member
it all comes down to facts. i never praised 74 or anyhting. there are only a handful of people on this site that i take as credible. the rest are just a fun read and some really neat people to discuss the greatest theme park in the world.
but when certain people(not just Jt) continually say, new things are coming! and their source is "...just trust me, i know" it's really really hard to accept that without FACTS.
now if in a few years, or in October WDW announces it's getting many new Attracations and such i will apologize, but until then it's very hard to trust and beleive someone who is not known for providing insider information as others are
I understand that..but JT, 74, and many others do that and it seems like JT gets all the crap for it..I do not get it..:shrug:

I only trust a few people here also..ones that I know for a fact have connections and inside sources..:)


Why is everyone going crazy because JT does not reveal his sources when 74 will not reveal his sources either?

Just wondering?

I seem to recall that everyone felt the same way when 74 would say this or that would happen and no one would believe him because he would not reveal his source but once something he predicted happened then he was trustworthy...

Who is to say that what JT is saying will happen will or will not happen?

Why not give JT the benefit of the doubt and see what happens..you did that for 74?

Maybe JT has a certain way or posting..joking..or whatever that some may not like..but you know many MANY posters here annoy the ever loving crap out of me and I just ignore it...

Just wondering..it seems like the same people are always praising 74..who I have no problem with...I do not know him..and condemning JT..who I also have no problem with..I do not know him..yet Steve or the mods do not seem to think they are causing a problem so who are we to say they are?

Just wondering..:)

Persoanlly, 74, when he does bring up a rumor, he claims it a manor to make it believable, and he has said he has sources. Does he? I have no idea.

JT, on the other hand, blathers on about this huge plan, when he says he is not an insider and has no inside sources what so ever. He claims "look to the future" without even the slightest hint of what the future is. And then there's the sheriff nonsense. He's been proven wrong countless times by people that he has no idea how the inner workings of the company work, yet he still proceeds to act like he does know. It's just very frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Persoanlly, 74, when he does bring up a rumor, he claims it a manor to make it believable, and he has said he has sources. Does he? I have no idea.

JT, on the other hand, blathers on about this huge plan, when he says he is not an insider and has no inside sources what so ever. He claims "look to the future" without even the slightest hint of what the future is. And then there's the sheriff nonsense.

Bingo. JT admits he isn't an insider and has no insider information, but then he wants to pretend that his opinion is on the same level as info from 74/Lee/Corrus/etc.

I think people are fed up with JT because he wants to play the part of insider but he's not qualified to be one. He needs to admit that his predictions are simply his own guesses that aren't based on any contacts within the company. And then he needs to admit that the sheriff business is just a product of his own fanboy daydreaming.

Then he might not be such a blight on this discussion board.


Well-Known Member
Persoanlly, 74, when he does bring up a rumor, he claims it a manor to make it believable, and he has said he has sources. Does he? I have no idea.

JT, on the other hand, blathers on about this huge plan, when he says he is not an insider and has no inside sources what so ever. He claims "look to the future" without even the slightest hint of what the future is. And then there's the sheriff nonsense. He's been proven wrong countless times by people that he has no idea how the inner workings of the company work, yet he still proceeds to act like he does know. It's just very frustrating.
Ok..well I have seen the sheriff pictures but do not get too deep into the conversations because honestly you all confuse me..:eek: to know what the whole sheriff thing is..:lol:

I just know from reading some of the stuff..that he seems to be attacked a lot..so I just wanted to ask..:shrug:'

I do know that 74 knows a lot about the inner workings of the company.

As for JT..I do not know..I just was reading where everyone was hounding him for sources and decided to ask...I am a nosy girl and like to ask questions..:D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Bingo. JT admits he isn't an insider and has no insider information, but then he wants to pretend that his opinion is on the same level as info from 74/Lee/Corrus/etc.

I think people are fed up with JT because he wants to play the part of insider but he's not qualified to be one. He needs to admit that his predictions are simply his own guesses that aren't based on any contacts within the company. And then he needs to admit that the sheriff business is just a product of his own fanboy daydreaming.

Then he might not be such a blight on this discussion board.

No that is just the way some people take it. And I certainly don't claim to be on the level of Lee/Corus/Martin/Jedi at all. I do a lot of research, not just on the internet, and I have connections, though not anyone that works directly for Disney. I make my comments based on that information. I purposely try to bring a different perspective to the boards. Many viewpoints make for more diverse conversations. I am legit and time will show that. If you find me to be a "blight" :rolleyes:, then don't read me. Where is the tolerance? I disagree with spirit but I would never call him a "blight" or say he does not have a right to his opinions. But then I'm not an intolerant jerk.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Persoanlly, 74, when he does bring up a rumor, he claims it a manor to make it believable, and he has said he has sources. Does he? I have no idea.

JT, on the other hand, blathers on about this huge plan, when he says he is not an insider and has no inside sources what so ever. He claims "look to the future" without even the slightest hint of what the future is. And then there's the sheriff nonsense. He's been proven wrong countless times by people that he has no idea how the inner workings of the company work, yet he still proceeds to act like he does know. It's just very frustrating.

I know a lot more than you give me credit for. If I said everything I know it would be a mistake. Same for spirit and others. But I will make you a deal, if spirit reveals his sources (or even one of them) I will do the same. He won't and shouldn't.


Well-Known Member
No that is just the way some people take it. And I certainly don't claim to be on the level of Lee/Corus/Martin/Jedi at all. I do a lot of research, not just on the internet, and I have connections, though not anyone that works directly for Disney. I make my comments based on that information. I purposely try to bring a different perspective to the boards. Many viewpoints make for more diverse conversations. I am legit and time will show that. If you find me to be a "blight" :rolleyes:, then don't read me. Where is the tolerance? I disagree with spirit but I would never call him a "blight" or say he does not have a right to his opinions. But then I'm not an intolerant jerk.

I don't care if you disagree with 74. That's really not the issue.

Your attitude and posturing are.

You haven't broken any stories here, except for things you've found at other websites. That doesn't add jack to your credibility.

And needless to say, your sheriff business has become a complete joke around here. Bringing it up can only do one of two things: remind us how little cred you have or call attention to yourself. Maybe it's the latter that you really want.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't care if you disagree with 74. That's really not the issue.

Your attitude and posturing are.

You haven't broken any stories here, except for things you've found at other websites. That doesn't add jack to your credibility.

And needless to say, your sheriff business has become a complete joke around here. Bringing it up can only do one of two things: remind us how little cred you have or call attention to yourself. Maybe it's the latter that you really want.

OK, I will ask you a couple very general questions. People almost universally rave about the HM and HoP refurbs, and the other refurbs to LS. These are beyond mere refurbs in some instances and involve totally new show elements that truly contain the classic WDI quality. Since we are told that TDO is incapable or too cheap to make these things happen, why are they beginning to be seen more and more? Why does ES (more of an insider than any WDWmagic insiders) also say he sees the magic and creativity returning to animation and WDI? :shrug:

Hint: It's not tinkerbell

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Im making a bold new prediction. Within the next 5 years, WDW will be getting a new attraction!

I wll do you one better... In the next 5 days, I say a piece of trash will be picked up off the ground in Magic Kingdom by someone who works in the custodial field...

Steve knows my style very well and has never told me to stop. Same with all the moderators. You are not drawing me into an argument dxer, no matter how hard you try. And I don't hate spirit (nor do I have a "crush" on him :hurl:) I just hate his technique which I sincerely believe is counter productive.

I am not trying to argue with you jt... I had enough of the arguments with Condumdrum to last me a lifetime... I am simply saying to just back up your arguments with facts instead of the nonsense you post... Believe me, I like to read the positive stuff too... But, 74 at least gives evidence and facts to backup his "not so bright present and future of TWDC" opinions... His posts turn people to his side cause he gives evidence... If you were a criminal defense lawyer, your clients would be found guilty...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am not trying to argue with you jt... I had enough of the arguments with Condumdrum to last me a lifetime... I am simply saying to just back up your arguments with facts instead of the nonsense you post... Believe me, I like to read the positive stuff too... But, 74 at least gives evidence and facts to backup his "not so bright present and future of TWDC" opinions... His posts turn people to his side cause he gives evidence... If you were a criminal defense lawyer, your clients would be found guilty...

OK, I will ask you a couple very general questions. People almost universally rave about the HM and HoP refurbs, and the other refurbs to LS. These are beyond mere refurbs in some instances and involve totally new show elements that truly contain the classic WDI quality. Since we are told that TDO is incapable or too cheap to make these things happen, why are they beginning to be seen more and more? Why does ES (more of an insider than any WDWmagic insiders) also say he sees the magic and creativity returning to animation and WDI? :shrug:

Hint: It's not tinkerbell

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