A Fifth Park?!!!


Well-Known Member
dflye said:
On a more serious note (dum da dum dum):Where is that "not annoying the paying customers just becuase I'm a freeloader" post? :eek:

Really now, the poor guy paid a few bucks to support this site, and you've not (at least according to your current status), so cut him some slack and show him around, versus just kicking him in the .

If my post came off that way I'm sorry, never intended it to sound that way. Notice how I pute the emphasis on please, then I answered his post question. I could have gone about it a completely different way as we have seen in the past (i.e. flaming). So if I sounded rude, I apologize, I never intended it to sound that way. And to your freeloader comment, I would give money if I could afford it, I'm in college, and almost all the money I make goes towards paying that thank you very much. The vibe I got from that post is that because you can afford to pay money you are of more importance than I am, cause I could just as easily pull the "I've been here longer than you" card, which by the way I don't agree with either, just using it to support my argument.


Well-Known Member
edwardtc said:
STOP harassing people for starting a thread that has been discussed before. If he had done a search, and then posted a reply to a thread that died a year ago, he would have been harassed for bringing back an old, dead thread - guaranteed.

There are only so many damn topics we can talk about, and after many months or a year, new people join the boards who haven't been part of those discussions and don't need to spend the rest of their lives reading posts that are antique. Heck, opinions change with time - let's all relive these ideas and toss around new concepts.

Just be glad this one wasn't on extending the monorail!

well said. its about time people stand up to the self-appointed thread police.

you dont like a thread, then dont read it.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see a new idea.....

It is not something I can think of right now, nor something that already exists.

Perhaps it is not something that we currently consider a theme park, nor a theme park by the current definition.

The Disney theme park has been around for 50 years....and the only thing that has changed is the cosmetic theme......perhaps it is time for a change on a deeper level.


Account Suspended
speck76 said:
I would love to see a new idea.....

It is not something I can think of right now, nor something that already exists.

Perhaps it is not something that we currently consider a theme park, nor a theme park by the current definition.

The Disney theme park has been around for 50 years....and the only thing that has changed is the cosmetic theme......perhaps it is time for a change on a deeper level.

Problem with that is twofold. First, how do you know this new idea of a Disney park would draw people? The old way works, why try to fix it? Second, what could they possibly do? I guess if we knew that, Disney would be building it.


Well-Known Member
DoomBuggy05 said:
Wowsie, wosie, woo woo. Sorry, didn't mean to kick anyone's puppy with this thread. I'll admit I am new here, but I didn't need to see the thread "Posting and You". If all these ideas have already been discussed here, sorry again a thousand times. Give me my $50 bucks back. I don't need to see a vintage 50's clip to let me know I'm a dumba$$. Just be adult enough to tell me that this is as old as moldy bread. If everything has been discussed here before and you don't want to hear it again, why hang out here. Try woodworking or something :hammer:.

Ho%y ____!t


As I said earlier, sorry if I sounded rude with my post, it wasn't meant to sound that way, and I just think that the video is funny, and didn't inted for it to insult you. I think it's awesome that you contribute, and like I said earlier, if I could, I would too. So I appreciate people like you who help to keep this site running. Again, I wasn't trying to offend you. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Problem with that is twofold. First, how do you know this new idea of a Disney park would draw people? The old way works, why try to fix it? Second, what could they possibly do? I guess if we knew that, Disney would be building it.

I understand that a large company does not really have the ability to take such a risk......yes, the old way works, and it is wise to stick with the proven business plan.....at the same time, the industry itself has been slowly fading over the last 10 years.....so a change from the current plan, although risky in today's market, could be wise in the long-term.


Well-Known Member

I think mr. thrawn needs to lighten up. Not everyone who posts here has his obvious intellect and grasp on all things Disney.:rolleyes:


New Member
goofyfan13 said:
If my post came off that way I'm sorry, never intended it to sound that way. Notice how I pute the emphasis on please, then I answered his post question. I could have gone about it a completely different way as we have seen in the past (i.e. flaming). So if I sounded rude, I apologize, I never intended it to sound that way. And to your freeloader comment, I would give money if I could afford it, I'm in college, and almost all the money I make goes towards paying that thank you very much. The vibe I got from that post is that because you can afford to pay money you are of more importance than I am, cause I could just as easily pull the "I've been here longer than you" card, which by the way I don't agree with either, just using it to support my argument.
Sorry for picking you as the target of my response, it was yours in combination with the one with the actual link to the "Posting and you" clip that was a bit much.

I can totally relate to not having any money while in college. Public transportation, roach-infested studio apartments (when I could afford the luxury of an apartment versus a house where I had 1/3 of the living room that had been diced up so small I only had 1/2 of the radiator!), walking, and trying to live on a budget of $20 a week for food was more educational than college! :lol:

Then again, I dropped out after three years. :eek: But, now I work for Apple in a software development role, so all is good! :sohappy: Then again, there were the four years after I dropped out of college where I did warehouse work by day while teaching myself NeXTStep (the pre-cursor to Mac OS X) development by night....Everything in life is a compromise. :wave:


Well-Known Member
dflye said:
Sorry for picking you as the target of my response, it was yours in combination with the one with the actual link to the "Posting and you" clip that was a bit much.

I can totally relate to not having any money while in college. Public transportation, roach-infested studio apartments (when I could afford the luxury of an apartment versus a house where I had 1/3 of the living room that had been diced up so small I only had 1/2 of the radiator!), walking, and trying to live on a budget of $20 a week for food was more educational that college! :lol:

Then again, I dropped out after three years. :eek: But, now I work for Apple in a software development role, so all is good! :sohappy: Then again, there were the four years after I dropped out of college where I did warehouse work by day while teaching myself NeXTStep (the pre-cursor to Mac OS X) development by night....Everything in life is a compromise. :wave:

Glad to hear everything worked out for you! :) :wave: It's okay though about picking me, I can see how that can be taken in the wrong way with how many times people are told to use the search function especially in a not so polite way. I wanted to inform the OP in a polite way that wouldn't seem like I was jumping down his throat. But with the request for the link I can see how it seemed like I may have been.


Account Suspended
DisneyDavO said:

I think mr. thrawn needs to lighten up. Not everyone who posts here has his obvious intellect and grasp on all things Disney.:rolleyes:

Wow. If you think what I posted here was in any way mean, disrespectful, or "tough" you need to read some of my other posts. I could have simply replied with either "this has been done 3848435934954395 times search first!!!!!!" or "they won't build a coaster park so forget it". But I also pointed out the other things they won't build, and I did so for two reasons, being that I didn't single anyone out and I added to the discussion, which is more than your post did. Roll your eyes at someone else.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
goofyfan13 said:
As I said earlier, sorry if I sounded rude with my post, it wasn't meant to sound that way, and I just think that the video is funny, and didn't inted for it to insult you. I think it's awesome that you contribute, and like I said earlier, if I could, I would too. So I appreciate people like you who help to keep this site running. Again, I wasn't trying to offend you. :wave:

No offense taken(well maybe a little), but nothing I can't get past.

As far as the paying member thing; I have money to do a lot of things. The website seemed like somewhere that I could contribute both monetarily (to keep the site going) and from experience. The video is funny as long as it's not pointed at you.

I have visited other Disney sites they seemed to be to be a private club. If you haven't been there since it began you should just sit in the corner and watch the experts in action. I thought this site was different. Apparently not. I have a lot to learn and I have a lot to contribute to this site. I hope you all don't treat your kids this way. We have all walked and talked before, but it is new for kids. Just like this site is new for me and others. Hopefully you filmed your kids first steps instead of showing them a video about all the people who have already done it.

I am a premium member because I thought this site was different than the others. I am not a premium member because I think that my experiences and ideas about WDW are better than anyone elses.

My parents took me to MK in October 1971. I was 7 then. I don't remember a damn thing about it. We stayed in St. Augustine, FL and drove to Orlando. Back then there weren't many places to stay in or near WDW. I have pictures and coupon books to prove it. If we want to talk about who was there at the beginning I'm ready.



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
dflye said:
Sorry for picking you as the target of my response, it was yours in combination with the one with the actual link to the "Posting and you" clip that was a bit much.

I've already apologized to the O.P. via Private Message. :wave:

The link is not mine nor did I have anything to do with the creation.
Just passing along something that I saw on these very boards that I thought was funny!


DoomBuggy05 said:
Pretend it is 2010 and Disney is ready to add a fifth park to WDW. What type of park would you like to see them build? They are asking for ideas from the most loyal and hardcore WDW fans, Us! What would you want and more importantly what is going to be the WDW park for the 21st century?

This is what DB05 wants:

A flat out, no holds barred freaking amusement park! The best coasters and rides ever imagined. The total sum of the greatest amusement park rides in the world. If there has ever been a weakness at WDW is is the lack of COASTERS. I'm talking the big guns here. Not R&R, not Space Mountain and not (certainly not) BTM. A park that is not a place for a nervous person!

But I digress, tell us all what you want.


The search funtion would be a good option here, but as I've said before, I would also love to see a park with losts of rollercoasters and thrill rides. :sohappy:


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Thrawn said:
Wow. If you think what I posted here was in any way mean, disrespectful, or "tough" you need to read some of my other posts. I could have simply replied with either "this has been done 3848435934954395 times search first!!!!!!" or "they won't build a coaster park so forget it". But I also pointed out the other things they won't build, and I did so for two reasons, being that I didn't single anyone out and I added to the discussion, which is more than your post did. Roll your eyes at someone else.

I thought about going to your link and blocking all your future posts. Then I thought better.

I once had a dog that would bark at everyone he knew. When someone came to the front door that he didn't know, he would tuck tale and run and jump in the tub. I loved that dog, but I knew I could never trust him to alert my family of a stranger at the door.

This site is your comfort zone. That dog had his too. I don't expect you to bark at anyone other than those who post here.

I felt sorry for that dog. His bark was truly worse than his bite.

DB05 :kiss:


New Member
unkadug said:
I've already apologized to the O.P. via Private Message. :wave:

The link is not mine nor did I have anything to do with the creation.
Just passing along something that I saw on these very boards that I thought was funny!
Thanks for passing it on, it is too funny! :lol:

I don't think that you (or GoofyFan13 for that matter) meant any real harm to DoomBuggy05, and I was just trying to make it seem like not everyone was here to put a dunce cap on his head for starting a new thread on an old topic. :zipit:

And now, back to our original query...

My vote is for a Monty Python themed park! :eek:

We could then do the following:
  • Bring in the Spamalot touring group as a new show (heck, they could be the act that replaces Tarzan at the AK! :) )
  • Have a dead-bird show "This is an ex-parrot!", similar to Flights of Wonder in the AK
  • Have a silly-walk parade
I could go on for days! :lol:


Account Suspended
DoomBuggy05 said:
I thought about going to your link and blocking all your future posts. Then I thought better.

I once had a dog that would bark at everyone he knew. When someone came to the front door that he didn't know, he would tuck tale and run and jump in the tub. I loved that dog, but I knew I could never trust him to alert my family of a stranger at the door.

This site is your comfort zone. That dog had his too. I don't expect you to bark at anyone other than those who post here.

I felt sorry for that dog. His bark was truly worse than his bite.

DB05 :kiss:

You know I wasn't talking to you, right?


New Member
Well, I guess I am in the minority that thinks a 5th park should not be built. What is the point in building a fifth park, other then please us Disney fans - which isn't in any way a goal of the WDC.

But for the sake of fun brainstorming and use of imagination, I would like to see a park that has a more edgy appeal. It doesn't have to be filled with all coasters, but just have a sharper, in-your-face feel. Kinda like IOA, it isn't as fluffy as Disney, it seems more exciting.

Having said that, Disney isn't good at being edgy, even when they try it still has a bit of corniness left in it. But I don't like Disney for there edge, I like Disney for being Disney, which is why I go to Universal to get my edge fix. Disney should just stick to doing what they do best, storytelling the whole family will enjoy.


Account Suspended
Lynx04 said:
Well, I guess I am in the minority that thinks a 5th park should not be built. What is the point in building a fifth park, other then please us Disney fans - which isn't in any way a goal of the WDC.

But for the sake of fun brainstorming and use of imagination, I would like to see a park that has a more edgy appeal. It doesn't have to be filled with all coasters, but just have a sharper, in-your-face feel. Kinda like IOA, it isn't as fluffy as Disney, it seems more exciting.

Having said that, Disney isn't good at being edgy, even when they try it still has a bit of corniness left in it. But I don't like Disney for there edge, I like Disney for being Disney, which is why I go to Universal to get my edge fix. Disney should just stick to doing what they do best, storytelling the whole family will enjoy.

You are in the minority, at least on a Disney fan site. However, this is one of those times when the minority is right. The current guest patterns wouldn't support a fifth park, the park would simply take guests away from the other three parks (not including MK), and not cause an uptick in the number of guests to visit.

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