A few observations from my trip I just took.


Well-Known Member
When i was 8 years old my dad just said "dont be a wimp" when i was crying in the line for Tower of Terror. And i am glad he did... otherwise i would still be scared of rides today.

It was our first day ever in WDW and i was 9, and petrified of TOT. My dad and sister had been on it first to see how it was, and then my dad bribed me to go it for $10. He still remarks today that is the best $10 he ever spent. I now go on anything and everything.

And as someone remarked earlier with a similiar thing with HM, if anyone were to ask me what my favourite ride was it would be the Tower of Terror, and we also got a cracking ride photo out of it.


Well-Known Member
It was our first day ever in WDW and i was 9, and petrified of TOT. My dad and sister had been on it first to see how it was, and then my dad bribed me to go it for $10. He still remarks today that is the best $10 he ever spent. I now go on anything and everything.

And as someone remarked earlier with a similiar thing with HM, if anyone were to ask me what my favourite ride was it would be the Tower of Terror, and we also got a cracking ride photo out of it.

It was the same way with our DD. She talked for months how she couldn't wait to try ToT. I think she was about 6. Before any one flips out, she was tall enough:) Anyway, we finally get in the line and she decided she didn't want to go. We just told her that she should try it once and if she didn't like it, she did not have to go on it again. She calmed down and said ok. After that first ride, her and I must have gone on it 10 times. It is her absolute favorite ride. It's her dad that wouldn't go on it again.:lol:


New Member
2. I don't think so. People who like Hannah Montana are ages 4-8, and I don't think they would go on RNRC. If they did ride it in the future, I bet they would be out of the Hannah Montana phase.
3. I know the Mexican ride is dumb but I believe they should just keep the dumb Disney theme. There is not a lot of Disney themed attractions at Epcot besides the Nemo Pavillion.
5. Delux resorts are one of the best resorts. They make you feel like you are at home. It is definately worth the money. :)
6. I don't like Indiana Jones stunt show anymore. The acting is really bad.
7. Finding Nemo is good for kids. It is not bad. I do it at night when all the kids are gone.
9. I agree. I hate it when it is your first time going on the ride or it's a new attraction and they just spoil it. I don't mind if it is a ride that I already been on.
12. I agree to you. I hate it when you are on the bottom and the last row and you see legs in your way and they are moving.
13. They just want to be in the Disney spirit.
16. I really want to go on TSM. Now I have to wait until February 2009. It sounds awsome.
17. I get annoyed at it. My dad does this. He calls Fast Pass Speed Pass. He calls Test Track Fast Track. He calls RNRC Rock and Roll Roller Coaster. He calls BTMRR Runaway Train. He calls Primeval Whril Twril and Hurl.Also HM the Haunted House. He used to call MK DL. But I told him that and he stopped saying that.


New Member
I just got home to the UK from the magic today and I have to agree with the comments!

Also, can I ask what the heck is Tiki Room: Under New Management all about?! It's not a patch on the original!! Leave things alone! :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Not every vacation is perfect. Even Disney has its flaws. There are a few rides I don't like but I know even Disney can't make everyone happy. Just accept that there are are going to be things you dislike and go with it. I wasn't going to make waves and that is why I wrote the post I did above but it seems a lot of complaining went on from the OP who even complained about complaining. Some people enjoy the things you disliked. It's a part of life.

Yeah, didn't quite understand the comparison between Ellen and politics.

I am 32 and also wore a tiara at 1900 Park Fare. It was given to be because the CM overheard our conversation about my upcoming b-day. He gave me a tiara that said happy birthday on it and a crown to both my husband and son. Plus....where else could you wear tiaras, matching shirts, packs and look like a sweaty pig??


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah, didn't quite understand the comparison between Ellen and politics.

A couple of reasons. 1) Ellen is gay...which is perfectly fine in my view, 2) the ride talks about going away from fossil fuel, and 3) it refers to time millions of years ago...

All three of those would tend to not be on the right side of the idealogical spectrum.

That was all...in fact what made me think about it was I have a co-worker is a big disney fan, but is also very very conservative, and I wondered what he thinks of this attraction.


Well-Known Member
We just made a visit and haven't been there in a couple of years. I made several observations that I thought I might share on here.

1) I can't believe how much people complain about stupid things. So you've been waiting 5 minutes for a bus or a boat...aren't you supposed to be in the happiest place on earth? (Ironic because I complain a bit on here, but I meant complaining in person)

5 minutes is a good wait. 10 minutes is a good wait. Actually, anything under 20 minutes is a fair wait I think.

2) Always loved the Rock 'n Rollercoaster. But going through it this time got me worried that in a few years, it's going to be the "Oh My God Hannah Montana Super Awsome Rockin Rollercoaster." Does anyone else think this?

I don't think so because Aerosmith is now on guitar hero. A whole new generation of fans.

3) What they did to the Mexico boat ride was kind of dumb.

I happen to like it. I think it's fun.

4) What good is an HD TV (in the Wilderness Lodge) with no HD programming?

I liked at least having the flat screen even if it wasn't running HD programs yet.

5) It was my first time staying in a Deluxe resort, I've been in a moderate and a value, and I think a deluxe resort is well worth the extra money.

I absolutely 100% agree. I used to think the hotel was just a place to sleep. It is so much more.

6) The acting in the Indiana Jones Stunt Show was really REALLY bad.

It can be sometimes.

7) They should post that the Finding Nemo ride is just a kids ride and that anyone over the age of 7 or 8 shouldn't waste time with it. Cute idea, but only for really little kids.

I happen to like that ride, too. I'm definitely not 7 or 8.

8) The Imagination ride....I go on it each time and each time come off of it thinking how dumb it is. I went to YouTube to watch the original version, and it really was much better.

I still like it because I love Figment. However, the original was better.

9) Neither my wife or I ever remember our parents doing this when we were little. Since when do little kids require a detailed explanation of each and every ride before they go on it. It seemed like every time we were in line for anything, there was a parent telling their kid exactly everything about the ride.

I saw a parent talking to a kid about the ride because the kid was scared. The kid then started yelling at her mom and PUNCHING her!

10) I've probably been on the Dinosaur ride 8-10 times since it opened...and I still CAN NOT, no matter how hard I try, keep my head up and my eyes open during the very last scene. I'm 29 years old, I can ride the worlds tallest roller coasters, the craziest of thrill rides, all that...but I just am completely unable to not duck when that friggen Dinosaur comes RIGHT at you. I am completely aware that it is a robot, I've been on it several times and obviously nothing bad has ever happened...and every time I go, I tell myself I'm going to make it this time with my eyes open and my head up, but I just can't do it. I guess that goes to how good of a job they did to make it real.

The on-ride photos are great for this one.

11) They really should consider having a roving backup type person for the counter service restaurants to help when people have trouble ordering, especially during peak meal times. We were at I guess the Yak and Yeti place, and a guy in front of me was having a hard time because he didn't speak english well and didn't know how the meal plan worked...and of course I was the next in line, and it took nearly 10 minutes to get this guy straightened out. Very frustrating.

Columbia Harbour House is doing something like that now. Cast members hand you menus out front to look at before getting in line.

12) Riding Soarin' is no fun when the couple next to you screams and points to the screen every 10 to 15 seconds during the ride.

I agree.

13) I can understand with little girls, but why would a grown woman ( a mother ) wear a tiara (not sure if i spelled it right)

Grown women still want the fairy tale treatment, too. I have mouse ears with a crown and wear them proudly. I'm honestly too busy at WDW to care if anyone cares what I wear or to care about what anyone else is wearing. (I do start to care if there is something they are NOT wearing...:lookaroun)

14) It is funny watching a mother in a family of four trying to convince her two young daughters they are really in Africa during the safari, only to see the look of panic on her face when the thought the bridge was really going to collapse.


15) Republicans and conservatives must really hate Ellen's Energy Adventure...for so many different reasons.

Wow...that is offensive on so many levels. That is a very unfair and degrading stereotypical view of anyone who might be conservative. Contrary to popular misconception, not all conservatives are dismissive of science and alternative forms of energy. True conservatives (think Teddy Roosevelt) want to save the environment and wisely use our natural resources. Don't blanket conservatives and Republicans in the same statement. Not all conservatives are Republicans and not all Republicans are conservatives.

16) Didn't think it would be, but Toy Story Mania is FRIGGEN AWSOME!!! One of the best new attractions in a long time.

We had the high score one day! The line was insane. We waited 20 minutes for a fastpass one night. :eek:

17) Lastly, I get bothered on here when people call others stupid for not knowing the exact right name for things (Fast Track, etc), but I do have to share what I heard while in line for the new Mexico boat ride. All from one lady while talking to someone on a cell phone (I'm not making this up either) "Yeah, we are going to get a speedpass for fast track and try to get on mission to mars later on. Yeah, we already rode the golf ball and we are going to try to go to disney world tomorrow."

I like when people call the Haunted Mansion the haunted house. :hammer:

***Save Liberty Tree Tavern Character Dinner***


Well-Known Member
It was our first day ever in WDW and i was 9, and petrified of TOT. My dad and sister had been on it first to see how it was, and then my dad bribed me to go it for $10. He still remarks today that is the best $10 he ever spent. I now go on anything and everything.

And as someone remarked earlier with a similiar thing with HM, if anyone were to ask me what my favourite ride was it would be the Tower of Terror, and we also got a cracking ride photo out of it.

I am a single parent of two girls, 6 and 9, so it's either we all go, or nobody goes.

My 6 y/o LOVES ToT - its her favorite ride. My 9 y/o HATES drop rides with a burning passion. I usualy have to throw a combo of bribes and guilt at her so her sister can ride. It has sort of become a tradition. :)



New Member
I wear a tiara at WDW. It's a really pretty one I bought at the Germany pavilion. I love it - where else can you wear a tiara?

Everyone's got a silly hat on there - I love my tiara!

I totally agree! I bought myself a tiara before eating at CRT last winter with my boyfriend and I loved it! It was fun to wear it and I didn't care what anybody thought. I'm planning on wearing it next month when I'm there. I'm 28 years old but when I'm at WDW I'm a kid and I get to be a princess that I can't be in my 'regular' life.


Well-Known Member
15) Republicans and conservatives must really hate Ellen's Energy Adventure...for so many different reasons.

I've voted for every Republican Presidential candidate since Gerald Ford in 1976 (He lost, by the way). Ellen's Energy Adventure is one of my favorite rides at Epcot. When I went to Epcot with my parents in 1999, both of whom have been voting for Republicans since Eisenhower, they also loved it. Ellen is my Mom's favorite TV personality, and she never misses her show each afternoon. Mom adores Ellen, and I like her too. She's the perfect fit for the Energy pavilion.

I'm not sure why you felt the need to be extremely disrespectful of others and why you seemingly fail to value the diversity of our country, but it was a really weird thing to say. It is also completely untrue. :confused:

Other than that one closeminded comment, I found all of your other comments to be pretty hilarous and very true!


New Member
3) What they did to the Mexico boat ride was kind of dumb.

7) They should post that the Finding Nemo ride is just a kids ride and that anyone over the age of 7 or 8 shouldn't waste time with it. Cute idea, but only for really little kids.

10) I've probably been on the Dinosaur ride 8-10 times since it opened...and I still CAN NOT, no matter how hard I try, keep my head up and my eyes open during the very last scene. I'm 29 years old, I can ride the worlds tallest roller coasters, the craziest of thrill rides, all that...but I just am completely unable to not duck when that friggen Dinosaur comes RIGHT at you. I am completely aware that it is a robot, I've been on it several times and obviously nothing bad has ever happened...and every time I go, I tell myself I'm going to make it this time with my eyes open and my head up, but I just can't do it. I guess that goes to how good of a job they did to make it real.

13) I can understand with little girls, but why would a grown woman ( a mother ) wear a tiara (not sure if i spelled it right)."

3) I don't think it's that bad, but that's just my opinion

7) I think Finding Nemo has some cool effects people should see at least once.

10) I do the same thing and I'm 26.:ROFLOL:

13) Because when you're at Disney, you can be a kid again. It is the Happiest Place on Earth!:D

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