Fri., 6/7:
*It's gonna be a rough day...for me: I barely slept, waking every hour to contain a nasty, massive head cold that had reared its ugly head...or, my cold symptoms never fully disappeared from earlier in the week. Either way, I was feeling terrible. By 7:30 a.m., I was showered, but not exactly ready to "start" the day. After waking my DH, I headed down to Sundry's
(small gift shop right off the lobby), to peruse their selection of cold medicines: I settled on Benadryl and CONTAC Cold & Flu. I already had my allergy medicine in my system, so I kept the Benadryl in the room, but took a dose of CONTAC, hoping it would be working within the hour.
*Time check: 8:20 a.m.: We were out the door to MK
(via bus) to finish up rides we hadn't done yesterday
(mainly, the "mountain" rides). A solid 20 min. passed and 2 busses for AK and 1 for DTD went by before one showed up with "MAGIC KINGDOM" in its destination box. To my delight, our stop had first dibs and my oldest DD selected the very, very back seats. Another stop at Swan AND then Dolphin, and we were finally on our way. Between the 2 extra stops, a very crowded bus, a traffic jam by CT, and my cold, I began to feel very anxious and claustrophobic. I tried very hard to stay calm, but my DH could tell something was wrong, as my face was turning bright red, I was having trouble breathing, and was sweating. As soon as that bus stopped, I bolted off with my DD's following right behind.
DH to me: "I didn't think you were gonna make it. Are you O.K.?"
Me: "I almost didn't. This cold medicine is doing absolutely nothing for me. Do you mind if we stop in at the First Aid Station for some ibuprofen, because all I have is Tylenol and I can't have any for at least 4 hours. These aches are getting worse and my nose won't stop running."
*MK was already open and full of guests, and the weather was heating up: We slowly walked up Main Street, which gave my DH time to check his app for wait times: there was already a 30 min. wait for PP. I popped into the infirmary, signed in, and talked to the on-call nurse. I informed him that I already had an Alegra and one dose of CONTAC, but was wondering if I could have an ibuprofen because the CONTAC meds weren't doing a thing for me. He must've misunderstood me and gave me 2 doses of extra-strength Tylenol and 2 doses of nasal congestion.
"Welp, in 4 hours I'll hopefully find relief with this stuff..."
*First up, the ever popular Circus area: Parked the stroller by Dumbo and headed toward Barnstormer which had a 10 min. wait...not too bad, but that sun was brutal. As we were making our way thru the line, a little girl, about 10 y.o., was trying to get by us to catch up with her family, when she lightly elbowed Chloe in the head...well, that was it for her as she went into full drama mode. And, since I was not feeling so hot, my patience level was at a "0", I immediately took Chloe out of line, while my DH and Eliza rode the mini-coaster. Chloe calmed down a couple of minutes later, and I saw that there was only a 5 min. wait for Dumbo...HOW?
because the CM's opened both dueling Dumbos to all guests, not designating one or the other as a FP line. We were off the ride before DH and Eliza had even boarded Goofy's coaster!
*Two rides down, 3 bottled waters & 1 Vitamin Water drunk, and a slowly fading momma: We picked up the stroller and took the newly opened path from Circus-land to the newer FL. Ariel's Grotto only had a 30 min. wait time, but the girls had met her at the end of April and were satisfied with that greet. Ariel's ride however, only had a 20 min. wait, but no one really wanted to ride
(a shocker I thought)! DH wanted to head over to Gaston's Tavern and get a LeFou's Brew
(his favorite drink in WDW). While waiting for him to get his drink on, the girls and I staked out a bench in the shade when we saw Gaston out for a M&G. The girls were happy just to watch him from afar, as was I

He was full of Gaston-ian behavior and entertained all the guests around him!
*Time check: 10:15 a.m.: As my DH made his way out with his brew, I noticed a long line forming to my left...was there another M&G going on? I couldn't see any characters and came to the conclusion that that crazy long line was for lunch at BoG!! If I hadn't been feeling so crummy, I would've hopped right next to those hard-core QS junkies, but alas, my muscles were aching just looking all those guests standing

We slowly moved on thru FL and didn't ride a single, bloomin' ride

! Wait times were just too long for us
(including IASW)!
*Yet another stop: Everyone had "that feeling," so we stopped at the awesomely-themed Rapunzel restrooms. Chloe had fun pointing out all the objects painted or fastened to the bathroom walls:
"Look, there's her guitar! Look, there's one of her books! I love this bathroom!"
rapunzel tower by
journ116, on Flickr
creek by
journ116, on Flickr
As we muddled around the provided seating nearby, my DH checked the wait times...every ride was too long of a wait for us, especially me, the sniffle monster. Ah, we've got nothing better to do, so lets go toward some of the attractions to see what the
real lines were doing...buuuut, we first stopped at the Liberty Square Market for another Vitamin water for me, Cheetos and grapes for Chloe, Goldfish and a banana for Eliza, and water for Joel. Snacks in hand, we headed toward Splash. However, as we approached the ride, Chloe started to chicken out, so we by-passed it again
(and for good
*"I'm hungry...Pecos?": My DH's bottomless-pit-of-a-stomach was growling and the closest food establishment was Pecos Bills, which was fine by me given my state of health and the fact that there was an air-conditioned seating area calling my name. While my DH hopped in line, I scooted the girls, double-stroller and all, to a somewhat empty room. I then grabbed a stack of napkins, as I had run out of my beloved tissues. Here's the kiddos while we waited for Joel:
(I am impressed that my 7-year-old loves playing Scrabble!)
DSC_1125 by
journ116, on Flickr
(playing a game on the iPod)
DSC_1126 by
journ116, on Flickr
DH arrived back with a tray full of goodies as the place started to fill up with more hungry guests seeking relief from the heat. No pictures, but he did enjoy a BBQ pork sandwich, corn on the cob, fries, carrot cake, and Coke. Once consumed, we continued thru Adventureland.
*"Guess we're done with this park for the day?!": After passing PotC and finding a queue hanging out the front entrance already, we knew the hordes of people had officially made their way to the park, so we officially decided to leave it. Oh wait! I promised one of my sisters that the next time I was in MK that we would Facetime...I love free wifi! We caught the castle stage show:
DSC_1127 by
journ116, on Flickr
DSC_1130 by
journ116, on Flickr
DSC_1134 by
journ116, on Flickr
My sister and her little one thoroughly enjoyed the show, and I could tell she was itching to plan a trip down!
With the masses out in the streets, rides and attractions, there was no time like the present to peruse the gift shops. I briefly checked out the D-Tech wall, had entertained picking up a Minnie Mouse handset for my younger sister's iPhone, then found my DH and DD's eyeing the Monster University stuff. However, we managed to walk out empty handed!
*Oops, one more stop: Guest Relations. First, only my DH was having trouble using his AP to get FP's, then mine didn't work, and then the girls. Not sure what happened, especially because we had no trouble using said AP's to get into the parks, so we stopped at GR to get new ones. It was at this point that my DH was having his first meltdown over the girls...he has a short fuse to begin with. The CM who helped me was not overly-friendly, but not outright rude either...she fell somewhere in between. She non-chalantly made an accusation that my DH must've kept his AP near a credit card or phone
(which we know NOT to do) and gave us a new holder to keep the passes in. With the 4 new passes in hand, 2 cranky kids, 1 sick momma and 1 impatient dad, we were off to the monorail!
*Monorail time: While waiting for our ride to take us from the TTC to EP, I began to feel hot, like
really hot. I grabbed one of my DD's fans and attached it to the stroller handle, pointing it directly at my face. Once on the monorail, a jammed packed one at that, I could literally feel my cheeks getting hot. Oh no! Was I breaking a fever in front of all these guests?! I felt like I did on the bus to MK this morning, and I could see all eyes in our car were on me as I began to fan myself in addition to having the portable fan running. Then the sweat came...this is it...I must be breaking a fever!
DH to me: "Are you gonna be sick? Your cheeks are bright red and your sweating pretty bad!"
Me, to reassure the guests around me: "I'm not going to puke, if that's what you mean. I am just really, really, really hot."
We finally pulled into the station, I backed the stroller out, headed toward the ramp and stopped to chug a water. Once outside, breathing some fresh air, my cheeks toned down to a faded pink, and all that sweat was now partly due to the heat...I hoped.
*Arrived at EP and had two hungry children.
epcot 2 by
journ116, on Flickr
epcot by
journ116, on Flickr
*Another time check: 2 p.m.! Yes! I could finally take the medicines the nurse at MK had given me!!
A look around some WS pavilions:
fish n chips place by
journ116, on Flickr
UK by
journ116, on Flickr
UK by
journ116, on Flickr
EP panorama by
journ116, on Flickr
*Before heading out of EP via IG and onto our resort, I managed to place an order at the patisserie for some delectable pastries: 2 strawberry tarts, a berry parfait, a chocolate mousse, a Napoleon, and a croque monsieur. I was quite the sight!
France by
journ116, on Flickr
France by
journ116, on Flickr
DSC_1137 by
journ116, on Flickr
*As we walked back to our room, our DD's reminded us of the promise of renting a surrey bike. Let's eat first, see how I feel, and then ride. Welp, the medicine kicked in
(but I was only operating at 60%), the girls had a healthy lunch back in the room
(thank goodness for groceries), re-applied the sunscreen, and replenished my tissue/napkin supply.
*Back down to the boardwalk for a surrey ride! I found an attendant (who was also manning a kiosk nearby), handed over $30 for a 30 min. surrey bike rental. He gave us a quick tutorial and reminded us twice to apply the brake going downhill. We were assigned a bike with two seats with pedals and a two-seat "basket" in front. My DH took the "drivers seat" on the left, while I had the "dummy wheel." Let's go?!
"Ring the bell, Chloe!"...DING, DING...pedal...pedal...oh goodness, our first hill
(DH did most of the leg work up this one)...phew, made it!...first downhill...DING, DING....oh crap, what's going on here
(an entertainment company had blocked 3/4's of the path by BC to set up a massive event on the beach)...after carefully manuevering the obstacles of trucks, personnel, and guests, we finally made it to a clearing by the boat dock...pedal...pedal...another uphill drive (this time I helped a lot, but was coughing horribly afterward)...
"Yay!" yelled the girls!....oops, turn here!...more pedaling and we found ourselves back on the boardwalk...time check: 10 min.! What?!
(not my smartest decision to wear a skirt)
surrey bike by
journ116, on Flickr
surrey bike by
journ116, on Flickr
After a joint decision, we slooooowwwwly headed back toward the Swan resort, because we didn't want to deal with the BC ordeal...nor the hills. We slooooowwwwly circled back around and found we were only gone for another 10 min.. Ahhh, we give up! We forfeited the last 10 min. of our rental and headed back to the room.