A complete stranger making your day at Disney


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There are so many great experiences that make Disney what it is, especially when a complete stranger does something nice for you or a member of your family. We have had so many memorable experience from fellow Disney fans! One year, my husband and I were in the United Kingdom, my husband was drinking Bass ale, he struck up a conversation with a gentleman from Liverpool about the Beatles (we are HUGE fans!) The gentleman asked if my husband ever tried Harp ale, which he had not, the gentleman from Liverpool disappeared for 5 minutes, came back, with a Harp ale! (Of course my husband reciprocated! LOL). Another time, we were in France, and overheard a family celebrating their daughter's engagement, we offered our congrats, and the Father of the Bride came up to us with 2 Kir Royals and asked us to join in a toast to the happy couple!!!(Yep.. my husband reciprocated again!! LOL). Yet another time, my son, when he was younger, had his heart set on riding in the front car of the monorail, a family of 3 had already taken the seats, and offered to let my son (then 12) ride in front with them. The list of good doers goes on and on. Any one else ever experience the good deeds of strangers in the parks?


Well-Known Member
There are so many great experiences that make Disney what it is, especially when a complete stranger does something nice for you or a member of your family. We have had so many memorable experience from fellow Disney fans! One year, my husband and I were in the United Kingdom, my husband was drinking Bass ale, he struck up a conversation with a gentleman from Liverpool about the Beatles (we are HUGE fans!) The gentleman asked if my husband ever tried Harp ale, which he had not, the gentleman from Liverpool disappeared for 5 minutes, came back, with a Harp ale! (Of course my husband reciprocated! LOL). Another time, we were in France, and overheard a family celebrating their daughter's engagement, we offered our congrats, and the Father of the Bride came up to us with 2 Kir Royals and asked us to join in a toast to the happy couple!!!(Yep.. my husband reciprocated again!! LOL). Yet another time, my son, when he was younger, had his heart set on riding in the front car of the monorail, a family of 3 had already taken the seats, and offered to let my son (then 12) ride in front with them. The list of good doers goes on and on. Any one else ever experience the good deeds of strangers in the parks?

Did the driver give him alcohol too :)

My wife and I have been given spare comp tickets to a theme park years ago after chatting to a guy :cool:


When we were in AK before some random guy came upto us with fastpasses and just gave us them cause he didn't need them for EE which was pretty nice.


Well-Known Member
we've received from others and have passed along fast passes that weren't going to be used otherwise. we also like to take the time to acknowledge people wearing their buttons since others have done the same for us.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
When we were in AK before some random guy came upto us with fastpasses and just gave us them cause he didn't need them for EE which was pretty nice.

That might have been me :ROFLOL: I give out FP when we leave the park early. KS and EE are pretty common for us.


Well-Known Member
The number of experiences I have either experienced or witnessed is lengthy.... of course we as a family try to spread some experiences of our own to complete strangers at Disney too...

Its funny too you do nice things for people at Disney and it is a better place for all... and yet try doing similar things out in the real world gets you negative responses/looks a lot of the times.... sad but true.


I've was given a couple of fast passes for tower of terror. The guy said he gave them to me because I had an Indiana University football shirt on and he was from Indiana. I struck up a conversation that I used to work with athletics there until I moved to Florida last year. Whenever I wear an IU shirt to the park someone always says something to me about it:).

Since I'm a passholder i always try to go out of my way to do something nice for out of state families. I get to come here whenever I want so I try to make their vacation a little better.


Last summer on our honeymoon, we decided to wear the bride and groom ears. We were walking through Toontown and a lady stopped me to ask if her daughter (who looked like she was around 4 or 5) could take a picture with me. She said the little girl's dream is to be a bride and dresses up at home all the time.

I got a kick out of all of the things at WDW to see, and this girl was excited to see me!! It definitely added to our experience.


New Member
A few years ago when I was in middle school, we were getting off Maelstrom and I was talking to my parents about my pins. Suddenly, this couple (looked like they were in their 20s or so) stopped me and started talking to me about pin trading. Then they took out giant plastic bags with a ton of pins in them and just started to give me pins! I was so suprised! I thanked them many times, and I tried to make up for all the pins they gave me by trading a few of my pins with them so they weren't giving away as many.
It was just so nice... I will always remember that moment! It was just so magical :)


Active Member
We get fast passes handed to us atleast once each trip. We always try to go out of our way to make other's days too. It's a part of the experience. While a CM can make someone's magical moment, it is truly, truly special when a stranger goes out of their way for you.

Edisto Pluto

New Member
There are so many great experiences that make Disney what it is, especially when a complete stranger does something nice for you or a member of your family. We have had so many memorable experience from fellow Disney fans! One year, my husband and I were in the United Kingdom, my husband was drinking Bass ale, he struck up a conversation with a gentleman from Liverpool about the Beatles (we are HUGE fans!) The gentleman asked if my husband ever tried Harp ale, which he had not, the gentleman from Liverpool disappeared for 5 minutes, came back, with a Harp ale! (Of course my husband reciprocated! LOL). Another time, we were in France, and overheard a family celebrating their daughter's engagement, we offered our congrats, and the Father of the Bride came up to us with 2 Kir Royals and asked us to join in a toast to the happy couple!!!(Yep.. my husband reciprocated again!! LOL). Yet another time, my son, when he was younger, had his heart set on riding in the front car of the monorail, a family of 3 had already taken the seats, and offered to let my son (then 12) ride in front with them. The list of good doers goes on and on. Any one else ever experience the good deeds of strangers in the parks?

Nice thread. Yes we have experienced kindness and we aslo try to pass it along. Everything from a bus seat, a beer,to FP's.


New Member
Picture Taking

When I go to the Parks I like to offer to take pictures of couples or family. Usuallly one person has to take the picture and get left out. So I love to male their day by taking the picture.


Well-Known Member
I feel like being Disney fanatics gives us great leverage to make someone's day in the park. From just stopping to give a lost person directions or someone online a good dining or attraction recommendation it's so simple to "spread the magic". CMs are always taught that it's the little things that make people remember a Disney vacation and when it comes from an unsuspected stranger it makes your day just the same. I too have had strangers make my day at Disney and try as often as I can to make people's day while I'm there. =)


Back in June '07 I was doing a solo trip to WDW and one morning I was having breakfast at the Crystal Palace. They put a family with a few children at the table across from me. One of the little ones caught my eye. She had to be all but four I'm guessing and she was decked out in Tigger buttons.

The characters were coming starting on the other side of the restaurant and we would get to see them as they round the corner to our side. This little one would puff up waiting for her favorite to come around the corner but get disappointed.

She sat down when there was a slight lull from the characters coming to our area. I decided to get another plate of food so when I got up I told her I would check to see where Tigger was. When I got back I told her that Tigger was bounce on people on the other side of the place and would be over soon.

The characters started to come back again and she stood up waiting and waiting. Then her smile and eyes lit up the entire section that sunny day as Tigger came around the corner. She stood there nice and tall waiting for him to get to her not moving toward him like other children were. Finally he saw her and she puffed up some more and showed off the buttons. Tigger was impressed and gave her the biggest hug I saw. She was in heaven!!!

After the characters left the area and we all went back to eating, I got up when I was done & wished the family a great day at the Kingdom but then thank the little Tigger fan for making it an extra special day by sharing her love of that bouncing fun guy with me.

I smiled and teared when I watched her then and am doing it now remembering it. It should the real meaning of the characters there in Disney.


Well-Known Member
During our trip this July we were in the Magic Kingdom and the sweetest exchanged happened while we were in the queue for Stitch's Great Escape. I forced my boyfriend to go to the experience because I had never seen it and love Stitch so much. A little boy and his mom were standing next to us as we were the only people currently in line. We started talking about our pins and the little boy asks me where I got one of my Stitch pins. Now I can not say no to a child so I told him exactly how I got it. He left it at that. His mother went on to tell us how Stitch was his favorite. At that moment I took my Stitch pin off my lanyard and told the little boy that he could have the pin because I wanted to share my love of Stitch with me. He was like "But I don't have anything to trade." I told him he could have it. A minute or two later he taps me on my shoulder and hands me a Mickey pin saying "This is for you because I needed to make room for Stitch."
I cary that pin with me in my purse daily now so that I can look at it and remember the smile on that little guys face. I know I made his day but seeing kids happy always makes my day even more.


Well-Known Member
When we were in AK before some random guy came upto us with fastpasses and just gave us them cause he didn't need them for EE which was pretty nice.

I've done that a few times. I got fastpasses and then rode EE and then decided I wanted to do something else and just gave my fastpasses away.


Well-Known Member
I can't recall anything that has been given to me. But my last trip, my wife and I had fastpasses for RnRC which had just went down with us waiting to board the next car. They were good for the rest of the week, but it was our last day. We kept checking back that night but it never reopened. So we found a couple that was sitting outside, explained our situation and handed them the fastpasses. I was sad that I didn't get to ride RnRc but it made me feel good to pass those on to someone that would use them!!


Well-Known Member
When I go to the Parks I like to offer to take pictures of couples or family. Usuallly one person has to take the picture and get left out. So I love to male their day by taking the picture.

That is so nice. I travel to Disney with my daughter and almost every picture has her in it, but very few pictures with both of us.

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