A call to all parents

What do you usually pack as far as snacks to keep in your room for younger children? Im thinking like things that can be brought in a suitcase. Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
We always let our kids plan, pack and carry their own snacks, not only because snack food is so outrageously priced, but because it gave the kids a measure of control and participation in trip-planning. We let them use space in either their packs or backpacks, and they packed gum (you can't buy it anywhere on Disney property), small packages of crackers, raisins, trail mix, juice boxes (carefully!), etc. We tried to avoid the candy issue as much as possible, but didn't insist. Actually, those occasional hard candies or whatever killed some very important time during long waits, and made our lives easier. We didn't pack fruit, though, because it just doesn't travel, especially in the heat. Nothing like a squashed overripe banana to kill your holiday mood.

We also stopped at a grocery store between the airport and Disney (when driving or renting a car) and bought liters of juice and soda, and larger packages of snack food to keep in the room for pick-me-ups. If your hotel room has a small refrigerator, take advantage of it! If renting a fridge is an option, do it - it will save you all kinds of aggravation and money in the long run.
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New Member
goldfish crackers, snack-ums cereal (like fruit loops), fruit snacks (disney princess, and buzz lightyear are good), graham crackers, peanut butter and crackers, raisins, animal crackers

AVOID OREO COOKIES!!! they leave that black cookie stuff all over everything!!
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The Mom

Premium Member
I also like the little fruit snacks and fruit roll ups. I prefer Mentos to gum...nothing to dispose of when you're finished. ;)

And no Cheetos, either!!!
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New Member
Raisens, dried apricots and dried cranberries are all great sources of fiber to help balance out a diet of mostly chiken nuggets and fries. They're also light weight and travel well.

Fish crakers, crackers with peanut butter, Disney themed fruit snacks, Pretzles, Chex Morning Mix and dried cereal all travel well in the parks.

We also like to take things to keep in the rooms for quicker (and cheaper) breakfasts and late night snacks/light dinners. Good choices for us have been bagels (they don't get squished in the suitcase), instant oatmeal, and cups of noodles. If you are staying on sight, you can fill your resort bevargae cup with hot water to make the oatmeal or cup of noodles. We figured we saved about a half hour every morning by not having to wait in line for breakfast, and we also saved lots of money and were able to know there was soemthing reasonably healthy going into the kids.
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Well-Known Member
We like to keep Rice Krispie Treats, and fruit rollups. We go to Sam'sClub and buy the big box of fruit rollups. My boys like the Sour Cream and Chive crackers that Lance's puts out. i also chill Capri Suns or Hi-C box drinks and we also carry bottled H2O and I like Diet Nestea w/lemon. I know this seems like alot to carry, but with 3 boys, it's too expensive to continuously buy Cokes and snacks. They understand before we leave the house to travel that the only way we can afford this is to go this route I just spoke of.
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New Member
My kids also like to make their own persoanlized trail mixes before they leave home, which we package in individual ziplocs for travel to the parks. These usually include some combination of cheerios or kix, teddy grahams, M&Ms, dried fruit, jelly beans, mini ritz crackers, chex cereals, etc. Making this is a good project to keep them busy in those last few days of anxiously awaiting the trip.

When we get to the hotel we set up a n area (usualy a small, now empty suitcase) for each kid with all of their in park snack choices for the week. Each day, they put what they want into their backpaks to take to the park that day (my only rule is that they must each take one drink box (which are kept cold as long as possible) and a water bottle everyday). They are free to take all the sugary stuff on day one if they want, but then there wil be no sugar left for later in the week. They are surprisingly good at rationing themselves. Each child carries his/her own backpack (my son did this from when he was just over two) on buses, etc and we put them in the stroller in the parks.
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New Member
I have to admit, we don't usually take anything with us. In the past, we have eaten at the food courts in the resort, at the parks, and ordered room service. We have snacks at the parks and bought drinks every five minutes. The only thing we have ever brought with us is water bottles. We spent tons of $$$$

BUT, this year will be different! My husband lost his job last week, so we will have to adjust this trip accordingly. I waas thinking many of the same things as you guys have already mentioned. Ritz crackers (the peanut butter sandwich ones), fruit snacks, cereal, boxed milk for the room, juice boxes, nuts and raisins, and I thought apples too. Apples are the only fruit I can think of that travels well. Also, baby carrots. My kids love those carrots!!! I also bought those individual boxes of sugar cereal like fruit loops and cocoa puffs. They are not ever allowed those cereals at home, so bringing them to eat in the room will be a special treat for them. I will also bring a loaf of bread or two (we get hearty wheat bread at a bakery, not the fluffy and squishable white wonder bread) and a thing of peanut butter and some jelly. My kids can down two or three PB+J sandwiches every day and it is healthy for them, if you get the no sugar added stuff. We will save that for snacks in the room, cuz PB+J doesn't travel well into the parks, I don't think. Also, we like to snack on chips (Tostitos white corn :slurp: ) and salsa. We will bring some jars of that and some chips for in the room snacking!
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I'm Surrounded by Idiots
When we went down to Disney my mother went to a store down there and got some snacks like cheeze-itz and granola bars along with some candy that we put in little baggies to eat while we were in the parks. We also bought bottles of water outside the park it was much cheaper than buying the bottles in the park.
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Well-Known Member
Last year was our first with a kid and all she was eating then was cheerios (8 1/2 months old) Now she eats whatever we do.

In the past we have always taken those poptart toster thing (can't spell them this time of night, starts with an S) and eat them for breakfast. It is funny how food that you eat while at WDW reminds you of being there, and therefore tastes better when you are home!!!! Kinda like being there again in a small way!
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