Frozen will remain popular, but I think there may be a difference in long term popularity of Frozen vs classic Disney animated films such as Snow White, Cinderella or even BatB or Little Mermaid.Yeah. Are there really people who think that Frozen won't remain "popular" for the long term? Not the 2014 level of hype, but why wouldn't it plateau at the same level of popularity as other Disney animated films of the type?
The difference being that those films were released in a day and age when the market was not constantly being flooded with new movies every two weeks and people had to wait over a year or two before a movie was available on VHS. It allowed kids (and adults) to yearn for more over a longer period thus allowing for a more long term passion to be born. If you wanted merchandise for those films you had to actually go to the store. You couldnt just log on to Amazon in 1989 and buy stuff. Going to the store to buy a toy was big deal for kids. Not that people dont do it anymore, but back then it was the ONLY way aside from the Sears catalog. I still remember when my parent would take us to the store for a specific toy. We could hardly sleep the night before knowing we were gonna get the Han Solo blaster gun at Toys R Us the next day. I doubt kids now will remember the day their parent went online and ordered they Elsa doll with overnight shipping.
The market is saturated now. Ive seen Frozen merch everywhere from Home Depot to the gas station. Kids have the DVD within 3-6 months and are watching it in the mini van on the way to soccer practice and then on Moms smart phone in the grocery store. Not saying thats a bad thing either, it just allows them to get bored with it more quickly and move on to the next thing. My niece was head over heels in love with Frozen and by last Christmas she just kinda shrugged at the Frozen gift I gave her. She still loves the movie, but doesnt watch it anymore.
I think Frozen will always be popular for this generation, just in a different, less beloved, less important way.