D23 Expo 2015


Well-Known Member
A few ideas....(1) Could a catalog of some type be put online for the big three stores?- Mickeys of Glendale and the Dream Store and Disney Store. I waited the better part of two hours to get into Mickeys of Glendale and apart from pins, the stuff was pretty lackluster and it could have been an Etsy shop for crying out loud . Had I known what was (or wasn't) in the store, I could have saved some time. The whole idea of waiting so long to go into a store without knowing at all what is in it, is silly.
(2) Just what real Expo value is a gold membership anyway? Maybe folks with a gold membership could get a "free, no-wait StagePass or ShoppingPass of their choice" in advance , mailed to them with their credentials so they get something without having to wait...just one. Would be nice. Otherwise, you have no guarantee of getting into anything.
(3) Just bite the bullet and have a mid-range price level of attendance for the Expo. Something 'more' than regular attendance and 'less' than the insane price of a Sorcerer admission level.
(4) For 'camera allowed' presentations have an overflow room (it could be the queue room for that event) where the presentation is on video screens and speakers for those who were in line and didn't get in in-person. This is just about everything except the live action and animation presentations. It greatly increases the number of fans who waited in line and still get to see 'something'.

General gripe....Increase the number of limited edition things, so it's less limited. You KNOW they will sell them! The company makes more money, scalping and resale gets reduced somewhat and more people are happy. Folks were taking pictures of the Pixar Hawaiian shirt in the checkout line and posting it for sale before they had even checked out with them. Pretty brazen and a fine example of what's wrong with the whole shopping madness at the Expo. Or, do what is done at RunDisney events for pins and 'exclusives'...pre-order and pickup when you arrive.
By the way...no Run Disney presence at all at the Expo other than (sorta) at the New Balance booth..weird.


Well-Known Member
Weird question...did they announce that there would be another Expo in 2017? I remember there being an announcement at the end of the last two Expos that there would be another one. Just wondering...


Well-Known Member
Update: It was later revealed that Star Wars Land at Disneyland will be taking over Big Thunder Ranch and nearby backstage areas to comprise that 14 acres. It will begin construction by the end of 2017. (Source: @DisneylandToday)

That is sad. I just had the chance for the first time on Monday to see the Big Thunder Ranch (petting zoo) and to eat at the restaurant there. The performers were authentic and nice. It is like an out-door, simpler version of the Hoop-De-Doo Revue, with barbecue chicken and ribs and all the fixin's, while you see an old West show. One of the few things not themed to a movie. I was there at lunch, and there was a singing cowboy and cowgirl there who did a great job singing great country and western songs with beautiful harmonies, ending of course with the Dale Evans and Gene Autry classic, "Happy Trails to You." They had great interactive fun with children on stage, and with at least one child they were making up songs based on what the child said. It was brilliant and quaint. It had a Wally Boag sensibility to it.

I spoke to the performers afterward, and they said that they had not heard yet whether they would be affected by Star Wars Land. The man said that that pictures he had seen online (MiceChat he referenced), if correct, had the backstage area (including his breakroom) gone, but not necessarily the ranch itself, but he wasn't sure. He said they would all have to wait and see. In the meantime, he had been called up the day prior to play Jimmie Dodd's mousegetar for the original Mouseketeers to sing and dance during their presentation at the expo. He had really enjoyed that experience, and relished playing the mousegetar from the original series.

I really hope that they do not take this wonderful, quaint area of Disneyland for Star Wars Land. Even though it is smaller now, it harkens back to the original concepts of Frontierland, and is really nicely interactive. Even the small petting zoo is a nice, interactive touch, especially for a place like L.A., where it is largely a concrete jungle these days. And the animals are authentic to the Western farms (with donkeys and other animals found usually in the West). They said that the barns for them were just behind the ranch, which was also where the horses were kept at night. So, if they get rid of those stables, they will need another place at least for the horses that draw the carriages on Main Street.

I would rather see them take down part (or all) of Toontoon than to take down this very quaint and interactive area that has such a positive feel to it.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I am back home now, and gathering my thoughts on my Expo experience for those interested in hearing them.
I have a batch of photos as well to share, once i am able to get them uploaded.

This was quite a experience, though exhausting, and there were some wonderful moments as well as some not-so-wonderful.

I have been asked already : 'Would you attend another Expo in the future..?"
Well, to be honest..i probably would depending on what was being offered.
It was fun for the most part, although there was a price to pay to partake in that fun ( and i'm not just talking about money-wise ).

I will post my full thoughts soon...when i have my photos ready.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Here is the sea of people waiting outside the ACC waiting to get in.
Things were really crazy on Friday...but ya'all probably have heard all about it by now.

For anyone familiar with the ACC, this shows only a very SMALL area directly in front of the entrance.
All around the entire building stretched lines as far as the eye could see...and i mean ALL sides.
It was quite a sight to see.
I have more 'crowd photos' if you would like to see them....this one shown more of the building and less of the masses.

I didn't do the overnight thing...but arrived around 9am and things were already quite chaotic, confusing, and uncomfortably HOT.
People were very cranky and it was a lousy way to start off ones' Expo experience...but i knew it was coming.
I had been long forewarned...and knew not to bother arriving too early as there really was no point unless merchandise was a top priority ( for me, it was not ).
I really felt bad for other newbies who arrived and were not prepared or didn't do their research ahead of time.
Must have been a horrible shock....and i am sure many left extremely disgruntled.

Dr. Jones and his friend Sallah however fit right into this chaotic scene....shown here in front of me in line on Friday morning pondering their next adventure that awaits far in the distance....

After sweltering in the heat for a good hour or two just to get into the building ( which for me, was around 11:30 ) it was time to wait in another massive long line to secure a StagePass for the ONE 'must see' panel i wished to experience out of the entire three day Event.
That was mind numbing as well...but the panel was well worth it.
I think i spent almost two hours in line to get this little piece of paper to insure i had a seat for this entertaining panel.

After waiting in the heat outside, and then moving inside to wait another couple of hours for StagePass, i was knackered.
I walked around kind of in a dazed state...and couldn't really focus on the displays and the Pavilions yet as much as i would have liked.
I felt a little overwhelmed, and needed to sit down and take a breather.
So i 'crashed' in the D23 commoners lounge on the Show Floor and took in some contemplative time.

Part of the exhaustion was also brought on by being a little stressed earlier on in the StagePass line...as there is absolutely NO guarantees that waiting in that long line will actually get you the panel Pass you were waiting for.
So the first half of Friday's experience was.....not all that enjoyable.

A scene from the Show Floor -

The later half of the day on Friday however, was MUCH better.
The Imagineering panel was a great experience...although i had wished i had been able to sit closer.

Here are a few blurred photos i snapped during the panel....showing how far back i was, despite all the waiting and dedication -

Start of the panel -

The man of the hour, Tony Baxter, telling his marvelous tale on stage.
I really would have enjoyed hearing more from him...but it's difficult in a group session setting like this panel was.
He was wonderfully entertaining as always -

My experience on Saturday was a little better, as i had no 'goals' to accomplish and i only waited in one semi-short line ( by D23 Expo standards ) to check out the Imagineering shop 'Mickey's Of Glendale' at the end of the day.
The rest of the day i just kind of wandered around to enjoy the various Pavilions on the Show Floor as i was better able to focus on what was before me.
The vibe of the crowd was much more relaxed on Saturday...people really seemed to be in a utter frenzied state on Friday and it effected me.

The real surprise of the day was actually being able to get into the Parks & Resorts panel. I really did not expect to be able to get in, as i was not planning on lining up a ahead of time.
But on a whim, i did just that...and waited less then an hour to get in.
I'm glad i did, as it was good to see in person.

I really liked the Parks & Resorts Pavilion naturally, and the Pandora display was also nice to see.
The collectors booths were interesting to view, but it made me chuckle to see some of the pricing for items they were trying to sell that i have in my collection.
I bought nothing, except the few items i picked up at Mickey's Of Glendale.

I didn't get to experience the Archives exhibit...the line was way too long and every time i passed by i was on my way somewhere.
I saw a few things while walking by that i was glad to view, such as a original popcorn cart from Disneyland ( makes me think of Tony and his teenage days at Disneyland ) and the original Maleficent dragon head from 'Fantasmic'.

Photos of said items -

The REAL reason for going to this Expo for me was the chance to meet Tony Baxter in person.
While i have enjoyed a 'long distance' relationship in some respects, it is always nice to be able to finally meet with someone face to face and i have been awaiting the opportunity for some time.
So Sunday was the 'big day' for me at the Expo and the highlight of the entire experience.
As i noted in a earlier post, i only leaned the day before i left that he was scheduled to do a signing via the Expo app ( NOT the website! ).
So i duly arrived early Sunday morning...and immediately took my spot in line a hour before his appearance to be sure i would be able to participate.
Met a lot of interesting Baxter fans while sitting in that line...some had some amazing stories to share.

When the time came, Tony was generous and charming, and it was a great honor to finally have this chance to say some things to him in person.
I think he took them to heart, to be honest.
I presented him with a special hand made card in honor of his recent 50th Anniversary at Disney, which he enjoyed.
After my time with him, i stayed to watch other fans have their experience with him.
He stayed long after the scheduled session had ended...making sure everyone who wanted to see him did.

So the 3,000 mile flight from coast to coast, the hours of waiting, the money invested, and the sheer will power to stay together during all of this had a wonderful 'happy ending'.

I did however feel bad for Tom Morris.
He was paired with Tony during the signing session and Tony was clearly getting a lot of love from the fans, and poor Tom was just.....there.
I kept having people in line with me during the session keep asking each other'who is that guy sitting next to Tony..?'
These are the uber-fans we are talking about here...they should all know who Tom Morris is !

I had a good time with the two of them.
Here is a fun moment shown below, when the three of us had a impromptu 'Imagineering brainstorming session' where we talked about the possible future for Dreamfinder & Figment.

How often do you get to have a chance to do THAT with Tom Morris and Tony Baxter...??
What a cool moment for this self confessed WED-head !

So from the craziness and fatigue of Friday...to the mellow uncertainty of Saturday...to the joyful realization of a dream on Sunday.
What a roller coaster.

Would i do a D23 Expo again...?
Depends on what was presented, but yes, i think i might be lured back.
It was all about the panels and general displays for me.
Not the merch ( although i enjoyed MOG and my WED stuff..!) and not the shopping.
It was all about the 'experience'...although much of it was labored.
Tony's presence put that all in perspective however and led to a truly 'happy ending'.

Would i do something differently now, having gone through my first Expo experience?
I cannot think of anything to be honest, as i think i did a fairly good job preparing ahead of time.
If anything, i would have listened to myself and brought my insulated Resort mug to keep ice water on me at all times.
That would have been nice when waiting outside in the heat, but last minute i decided not to bring it.
I will say this - thank goodness for 'Mustache Mikes' Italian ice truck out front !
A real life saver....
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Well-Known Member
well in other news just saw this. poster for the upcoming D23 Expo Japan. it has anniversary posters and some hints that might be announced during the parks and resorts presentation. on the 1 st day


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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Nice report! If you ever have a chance to see Disneyland Paris, do it. Tony assembled a great team and has great ideas. Tom Morris will get more of your attention after that for his work on Fantasyland. ;)

Oh i know all about Mr. Morris.
I was thrilled he was there, as he was a surprise addition.
I just found it surprising that the uber-fans around me kept asking each other who he was...as they did'nt know.
These are the UBER-FANS we are talking about here....and they did'nt have a clue!
That makes me a little sad.

I will admit, if you didn't know there was nothing to really clue you in.
There were no signs on the tables labeling names as is the norm at convention signings, so most folks had to have some foreknowledge ahead of time as to who was who.
I had no idea who was who at the other tables, where they had the 'Disney Kingdoms' comic series talent doing signings at the same time.

I would love to experience Disneyland Paris.
It truly is one of the most beautiful Parks ever built and Tony and his team had a lot to do with that happening.
Some day i will make it over there.
It took me many years to finally decide to do a Expo, so next on my 'bucket list' is Paris, right under 'Baxter Manor'.
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I may have mentioned this earlier, so forgive the repeat if this is the case....

Sunday was a much more pleasant experience getting into the ACC as they actually had signage outside telling you where the ends of the various lines were.

Also, Cast Members were working the lines playing games and handing out impromptu prizes.
This helped ease the fatigue of standing there ( or sitting on concrete ) and cheered up the audience a little.

The best part however was the Event staff pre-scanning the tickets of those already lined up.
This made a huge difference in the speed of entry once the time came, as we could all just march up to the doors and go in instead of having to wait to be scanned pre-entry.

I do hope they remember to do this next year for all three days.
It really made a big difference, especially the pre-scanning.


Well-Known Member
Here is the sea of people waiting outside the ACC waiting to get in.
Things were really crazy on Friday...but ya'all probably have heard all about it by now.

For anyone familiar with the ACC, this shows only a very SMALL area directly in front of the entrance.
All around the entire building stretched lines as far as the eye could see...and i mean ALL sides.
It was quite a sight to see.
I have more 'crowd photos' if you would like to see them....this one shown more of the building and less of the masses.

I didn't do the overnight thing...but arrived around 9am and things were already quite chaotic, confusing, and uncomfortably HOT.
People were very cranky and it was a lousy way to start off ones' Expo experience...but i knew it was coming.
I had been long forewarned...and knew not to bother arriving too early as there really was no point unless merchandise was a top priority ( for me, it was not ).
I really felt bad for other newbies who arrived and were not prepared or didn't do their research ahead of time.
Must have been a horrible shock....and i am sure many left extremely disgruntled.

Dr. Jones and his friend Sallah however fit right into this chaotic scene....shown here in front of me in line on Friday morning pondering their next adventure that awaits far in the distance....

After sweltering in the heat for a good hour or two just to get into the building ( which for me, was around 11:30 ) it was time to wait in another massive long line to secure a StagePass for the ONE 'must see' panel i wished to experience out of the entire three day Event.
That was mind numbing as well...but the panel was well worth it.
I think i spent almost two hours in line to get this little piece of paper to insure i had a seat for this entertaining panel.

After waiting in the heat outside, and then moving inside to wait another couple of hours for StagePass, i was knackered.
I walked around kind of in a dazed state...and couldn't really focus on the displays and the Pavilions yet as much as i would have liked.
I felt a little overwhelmed, and needed to sit down and take a breather.
So i 'crashed' in the D23 commoners lounge on the Show Floor and took in some contemplative time.

Part of the exhaustion was also brought on by being a little stressed earlier on in the StagePass line...as there is absolutely NO guarantees that waiting in that long line will actually get you the panel Pass you were waiting for.
So the first half of Friday's experience was.....not all that enjoyable.

A scene from the Show Floor -

The later half of the day on Friday however, was MUCH better.
The Imagineering panel was a great experience...although i had wished i had been able to sit closer.

Here are a few blurred photos i snapped during the panel....showing how far back i was, despite all the waiting and dedication -

Start of the panel -

The man of the hour, Tony Baxter, telling his marvelous tale on stage.
I really would have enjoyed hearing more from him...but it's difficult in a group session setting like this panel was.
He was wonderfully entertaining as always -

My experience on Saturday was a little better, as i had no 'goals' to accomplish and i only waited in one semi-short line ( by D23 Expo standards ) to check out the Imagineering shop 'Mickey's Of Glendale' at the end of the day.
The rest of the day i just kind of wandered around to enjoy the various Pavilions on the Show Floor as i was better able to focus on what was before me.
The vibe of the crowd was much more relaxed on Saturday...people really seemed to be in a utter frenzied state on Friday and it effected me.

The real surprise of the day was actually being able to get into the Parks & Resorts panel. I really did not expect to be able to get in, as i was not planning on lining up a ahead of time.
But on a whim, i did just that...and waited less then an hour to get in.
I'm glad i did, as it was good to see in person.

I really liked the Parks & Resorts Pavilion naturally, and the Pandora display was also nice to see.
The collectors booths were interesting to view, but it made me chuckle to see some of the pricing for items they were trying to sell that i have in my collection.
I bought nothing, except the few items i picked up at Mickey's Of Glendale.

I didn't get to experience the Archives exhibit...the line was way too long and every time i passed by i was on my way somewhere.
I saw a few things while walking by that i was glad to view, such as a original popcorn cart from Disneyland ( makes me think of Tony and his teenage days at Disneyland ) and the original Maleficent dragon head from 'Fantasmic'.

Photos of said items -

The REAL reason for going to this Expo for me was the chance to meet Tony Baxter in person.
While i have enjoyed a 'long distance' relationship in some respects, it is always nice to be able to finally meet with someone face to face and i have been awaiting the opportunity for some time.
So Sunday was the 'big day' for me at the Expo and the highlight of the entire experience.
As i noted in a earlier post, i only leaned the day before i left that he was scheduled to do a signing via the Expo app ( NOT the website! ).
So i duly arrived early Sunday morning...and immediately took my spot in line a hour before his appearance to be sure i would be able to participate.
Met a lot of interesting Baxter fans while sitting in that line...some had some amazing stories to share.

When the time came, Tony was generous and charming, and it was a great honor to finally have this chance to say some things to him in person.
I think he took them to heart, to be honest.
I presented him with a special hand made card in honor of his recent 50th Anniversary at Disney, which he enjoyed.
After my time with him, i stayed to watch other fans have their experience with him.
He stayed long after the scheduled session had ended...making sure everyone who wanted to see him did.

So the 3,000 mile flight from coast to coast, the hours of waiting, the money invested, and the sheer will power to stay together during all of this had a wonderful 'happy ending'.

I did however feel bad for Tom Morris.
He was paired with Tony during the signing session and Tony was clearly getting a lot of love from the fans, and poor Tom was just.....there.
I kept having people in line with me during the session keep asking each other'who is that guy sitting next to Tony..?'
These are the uber-fans we are talking about here...they should all know who Tom Morris is !

I had a good time with the two of them.
Here is a fun moment shown below, when the three of us had a impromptu 'Imagineering brainstorming session' where we talked about the possible future for Dreamfinder & Figment.

How often do you get to have a chance to do THAT with Tom Morris and Tony Baxter...??
What a cool moment for this self confessed WED-head !

So from the craziness and fatigue of Friday...to the mellow uncertainty of Saturday...to the joyful realization of a dream on Sunday.
What a roller coaster.

Would i do a D23 Expo again...?
Depends on what was presented, but yes, i think i might be lured back.
It was all about the panels and general displays for me.
Not the merch ( although i enjoyed MOG and my WED stuff..!) and not the shopping.
It was all about the 'experience'...although much of it was labored.
Tony's presence put that all in perspective however and led to a truly 'happy ending'.

Would i do something differently now, having gone through my first Expo experience?
I cannot think of anything to be honest, as i think i did a fairly good job preparing ahead of time.
If anything, i would have listened to myself and brought my insulated Resort mug to keep ice water on me at all times.
That would have been nice when waiting outside in the heat, but last minute i decided not to bring it.
I will say this - thank goodness for 'Mustache Mikes' Italian ice truck out front !
A real life saver....

Jenn! Loved the insightful trip report! I've always wanted to go to D23, yet I really hate the massive crowds, so I've decided against going. It's so cool you got a little 'brainstorming session' with Tom and Tony...now if only Disney would consider a solid re-imagining of Imagination...


Premium Member
I may have mentioned this earlier, so forgive the repeat if this is the case....

Sunday was a much more pleasant experience getting into the ACC as they actually had signage outside telling you where the ends of the various lines were.

Also, Cast Members were working the lines playing games and handing out impromptu prizes.
This helped ease the fatigue of standing there ( or sitting on concrete ) and cheered up the audience a little.

The best part however was the Event staff pre-scanning the tickets of those already lined up.
This made a huge difference in the speed of entry once the time came, as we could all just march up to the doors and go in instead of having to wait to be scanned pre-entry.

I do hope they remember to do this next year for all three days.
It really made a big difference, especially the pre-scanning.

Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed following your informative posts while you were at D23, as they provided insight as to what D23 was all about. (I hadn't even heard of "D23" until I joined the WDW Magic forums a few years ago.) Your first-hand experiences were fascinating to read. Also, I was thrilled for you that you met Tony Baxter! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on D23 while you were there, and now with some of your follow up thoughts.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Jenn! Loved the insightful trip report! I've always wanted to go to D23, yet I really hate the massive crowds, so I've decided against going. It's so cool you got a little 'brainstorming session' with Tom and Tony...now if only Disney would consider a solid re-imagining of Imagination...

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed.
I could have said a lot more, but wanted to keep it brief.
Pick a topic and i can elaborate more if you wish.

The Expo is well worth trying out at least once, but definitely do your research..talk to people who have been...and decide WELL in advance what you want to do the most and just focus on those things.
I consider my experience a success story compared to the disastrous reviews i have read elsewhere about other attendees experiences.
After seeing how things were, and knowing how not everyone may have been prepared, it is easy to see how it turned really ugly for some folks.
I had a couple of not-so-great moments, but it's all a balancing act.
The big payoff was well worth the few shortcomings i experienced.

The crowds are massive, but once you are inside the ACC it is not all that bad unless you are lining up for something.
If you just stroll around and enjoy the Show Floor offerings, it's actually pretty nice.
You get to see lots a neat costumes people have made and the atmosphere is festive ( Sat/ Sun ) if yet sometimes frenzied ( Friday ).

Mickey's Of Glendale was the only shop i found to have items i was really interested in, but i'm a self confessed WED-head so naturally some of the old school styled items appealed to my inner being.
I picked up three pins, a black WED bolo lanyard, and two retro tees ( Frontierland with 'Tony's Mountain' and a black 'WED Imagineering' tee ).
The Dream Store didn't have anything particularly interesting except a couple of neat large scale sculptures by a artist friend, Javier Soto.
Never entered the Disney Store...no interest.
Later i discovered it was good i had no interest, as the lines for that were poorly handled and people waited 3+ hours to enter.

Something else i should mention that was a fun positive was the scene outside the ACC during the days events.
Lots of costumed folks would just be hanging around outside taking a break from the mayhem inside and it was a fun atmosphere with just fans hanging out.
Folks stayed after the Expo closed for the day, and for those looking for some fun photo ops with fans in their elaborate costumes this was the go to place.

Something strange - i did not see a SINGLE 'Sorcerer' the entire time i was there.
Did not see anyone wearing the prominent ticket badges at all during the three days.
Perhaps they were all gathered elsewhere...for their special events, or just all clustered up in the Lounge?
I found it odd....never saw a single one on the Show Floor. Not that i was looking for them, but it was something i thought of in hindsight once i saw the photo galleries now up on the D23 Website.

Regarding the Imagination Pavilion....
While talking with them both, it was clear that the success of the 'Figment' comic series is making a positive impact on the possibility of those original characters making a real return to Epcot.
I commented earlier on Tony's comments, and i had known previously that it was something he was really hoping for...the series to be a success.
It obviously is...with a 2nd series on the way next month.
It's good that this is happening, and who know where it may lead.
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed following your informative posts while you were at D23, as they provided insight as to what D23 was all about. (I hadn't even heard of "D23" until I joined the WDW Magic forums a few years ago.) Your first-hand experiences were fascinating to read. Also, I was thrilled for you that you met Tony Baxter! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on D23 while you were there, and now with some of your follow up thoughts.

Thank you Minnie, that is sweet of you to say.

I could say a lot more, but if there is something you want to know about in particular feel free to ask.
There is a plethora of different angles and elements that make up a Expo experience....so i'll do better relaying my thoughts if someone starts me off in a direction.

I can talk all night about Mr. Baxter....but i will save that for my 'Tony Baxter Tour of Disneyland' thread.....

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I felt motivated to share this here.....

Anyone else remember seeing this last year right after the 2015 Expo was announced and tickets went on sale...?
Well when i saw this on the official D23 Expo website home page, i have to admit it sure motivated me to seriously consider going.

You can plainly see why....
Oh they know how to get to me, those Marketeers...!



Well-Known Member
I've been to the last three expos and each time I like it more and more. I actually felt that the 2013 Expo had better smaller panels, but Saturday at the 2015 Expo was an awesome day if you're a fan of the movies and the parks. From an organizational standpoint they've improved significantly as well. I really hope they continue to put these on every two years.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of more photos i thought i would share here.

This one i think is a better representation of the huge crowds to been seen outside the ACC before the doors opened -

And just for the heck of it, a snapshot of the Disneyland booth...where you could purchase Park tickets and pick up a slew of free 60th themed giveaways -

A neat giveaway from the Walt Disney Family Museum booth was this great postcard of Walt.
Being a big fan of the 'Tomorrowland' film, and a EPCOT Center geek, this was a neat keepsake -

One of the neatest giveaways however was this glossy leaflet one was given when you exited the Pandora area of the Parks & Resorts Pavilion space.
I've posted all of the photos i took inside that area in the 'Avatar' section of this Forum...in the 'Avatar Land Concept Art' thread...for those interested in checking those out, but here i will share this -

The neat leaflet promoting your upcoming adventure to Pandora -

Front -

Inside spread -
Notice the photo 'Marshall', the 'founder' of A.C.E. ( Alpha Centruri Expeditions )
Folks familiar with the creative team responsible for making the 'Avatar' film may recognize this gent...despite the makeup and hair!

Back -

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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Ah...i forgot to include this one!

I'm a huge 'Tron' fan, so i really enjoyed seeing the concept work for the forthcoming 'Tron Lightcycles' Attraction being built for Shanghai Disneyland.
Here is a model of the ride vehicle.

So wish something like this would make it to one of the US Parks.
DHS would be perfect for something like this....

And speaking of Shanghai....here is a snapshot of the model that was on display for the 'Enchanted Storybook Castle' -


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