7am on Monday


It requires being transferred to another department. The CM I'm speaking to confirmed that reservations without the credit card will be booted out of the system.


Active Member
It seems there has been an error with the automated system, and we have been told by numerous cast members that if you made a reservation with the automated system, and did not give your credit card number, the reservation will automatically be cancelled by tomorrow. You need to call and rebook the reservation.

It took them some time to figure out how to add the credit card information in, but they have now figured it out! Your time will remain the same, but you will need a new confirmation number.


Well-Known Member
It seems there has been an error with the automated system, and we have been told by numerous cast members that if you made a reservation with the automated system, and did not give your credit card number, the reservation will automatically be cancelled by tomorrow. You need to call and rebook the reservation.

It took them some time to figure out how to add the credit card information in, but they have now figured it out! Your time will remain the same, but you will need a new confirmation number.

Thanks for the update. So glad I started calling as soon as I heard the possibility it may be thrown out and now am just waiting on hold.
I called for 1.5 hrs with no luck on the wdw dine line but then finally read about people calling DVC, DUH why didn't I think of that?! So I did that and got in after three calls. 11 minute wait later and I got a table for 8 on Thanksgiving Day! It's at 4pm but WHATEVER haha!!! They were all booked the 19-21st.
It DOES require a credit card, sorry guys.


Well-Known Member
FINALLY got through after 4 hours and over 400 re-dials.
nothing available dec 9 or dec 10 or dec 11 AT ALL!!!!
how disappointing
guess it's be there for rope drop and go get in line for lunch at 9 am if we really want to eat there :(


New Member
Well I give up. Started at 6:59am with no luck until 10:00. Finally got through and automated says nothing available for date requested Nov.19 after several time modifications. So I chose to wait for CR and still waiting until about a minute ago. Maybe I'll have luck with a cancellation closer to time. I'll be hearing busy signals in my sleep tonight. That's 4 hours of my life I'll never get back, hoping for quick service or a Fantasyland soft opening to atleast "see it" on the 19th(our last day) as a last resort.


Active Member
I booked 7 of us for 12/15 this morning but just found out that it will be cancelled without the credit card so I'm now holding...40 minutes to speak with an agent now 15 and counting for her to figure out how to add my card number bc all times are booked so they can't rebook it.


Active Member
ok so I am trying again so that I can confirm and add my cc information. Disney should have figured out something better if this was going to be an issue.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I just figured the best part of this whole thing, I called earlier, got the automated system, got my date and time, but did not confirm with a credit card. So now I was lucky enough to get through and have been on hold for about 19 minutes to confirm with a credit card. Now here comes the good part, I have been listening to Disney music the whole time. This sort of makes up for it right? o_O


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just got of the phone with DVC. I feel like a moron for not thinking of that sooner! It was a 6 minute wait! Anyway, the 15th was booked, but we got the 27th, which had been our DTD day. I guess we'll just head to MK and cut DTD short. It's probably better anyway. The 15th is our arrival day and we're driving, so who knows what might happen. I'd hate to miss it!

Good luck to everyone dealing with the CC thing! Disney really should have figured out a better way!


Well-Known Member
Update to the madness!!! LOL I tried for close to 30 minutes with no luck. Heck I didn't even get a busy signal until I absolutely HAD to leave to go to work! Then my Disney BFF took over...after a few attempts and a 45 minute hold....



I hope everyone else is getting through and getting their rezzies also :)


Active Member
Ok...finally got through and after holding about 10 minutes lost the call. Finally got through again and I've been on hold for about 30 minutes. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Edit: you all will not believe this. After holding for 30 minutes I got a automated response that this line will not accept voice mail messages at this time...please try your call again later. Then immediately went to that survey.............


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok...finally got through and after holding about 10 minutes lost the call. Finally got through again and I've been on hold for about 30 minutes. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Edit: you all will not believe this. After holding for 30 minutes I got a automated response that this line will not accept voice mail messages at this time...please try your call again later. Then immediately went to that survey.............

What the heck! You are a more patient person than I... Fingers crossed for you!


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are trying to fix the issue but it is taking a while. If you made a reservation without a credit card you need to call back. It will take a while but they will be able to get it guaranteed with a credit card. It will take a while but if you dont do it you will lose your ressie!:oops:


Well-Known Member
I had to call back to give my credit card number. I was given the option of making a brand new reservation or wait an additional 30 minutes ( I was already on hold for 30 minutes) for them to apply my credit card to the existing reservation. I was able to make a new reservation only 20 minutes after my original time.

I used the old 407-WDW-INFO number. Try that one if you are still getting only busy signals.


Active Member
Looks like they are trying to fix the issue but it is taking a while. If you made a reservation without a credit card you need to call back. It will take a while but they will be able to get it guaranteed with a credit card. It will take a while but if you dont do it you will lose your ressie!:oops:

I have been trying to call for an hour to add cc information. Hope my ressie is still there.


Active Member
To Mickey&Minnie;

It is still there. Called back was on hold for about 30 mins then had to wait another 10 min to add CC. Orig ressie is still there and will be there until tonight. They said it will cancel after 24 hours or so depending upon when you made your ressie it may still be there in the morn but I would not risk it.

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