manutdfan1 said:
i think mr. pickles is annoying and that he is wrong when he states that people likes his stupid tips of the day. and hey, if he is lying he can dream. but i personally beleive him. Mr. Pickles needs to stop being a criticizer and be nice to other people.
Hmmmmmm...Mr.Pickles sees the post of a child, Mr.Pickles will be delicate.
Mr.Pickles is annoying. You may believe so, that is your opinion to which you are entitled.
Mr.Pickles is wrong when he states people likes his stupid tips of the day. Hmmmm..Now this is intresting, incredibility ignorant, but intresting.
Define ingnorant? Mr.Pickles will with pleasure.
See, the world is filled with many different opinions about everything.
You might like to pick your nose, Mr.Pickles dont. You might like to eat what you have picked, Mr.Pickles finds it disgusting. But, for Mr.Pickles to judge you, and your opinion, even though you pick your nose, and eat your findings, is ignorant. Weather you want to belive it or not.
Your opinion might mean something to somebody, but, you havent really said anything of any relivance in the posts you have produced. Mr.Pickles is not judging you, Mr.Pickles is merely giving you an honest evaluation.
You should also do something about the nose picking thing, its unclean.
Mr.Pickles will now blow his nose of this topic.
Mr.Pickles tip of the day #26:
Mr.Pickles once caught a fish with his bare hands.