7/11/2004 20k Lagoon Pics

That picture makes me want to cry. I am just thankful I was able to ride it as many times as I did. Yes it was cheesy (you saw the strings on the fish) but its a classic ride which should have been remodeled in one way or another. I just hope Eisner gets fired and money gets put into developing an incredible ride for this space. I will miss sitting in front of the lagoon eating my Brownie Sundae from Ms. Potts. :cry:


Well-Known Member
You can't really blame this on Eisner. Just from looking at this attraction, you can see what horrible condition it was in, and considering it wasn't wheelchair accessible, it would have costed a fortune to completely rebuild it and make the subs accessible, which is what it would have taken. The popularity of the ride simply didn't warrant that kind of spending. It's been gone so long though--I have long since moved on from this "okay" attraction. The stench of this ride stemmed from the closed, tight set-up of the subs and the fact that with Florida weather, people tend to smell very bad during the hotter months.


New Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
You can't really blame this on Eisner. Just from looking at this attraction, you can see what horrible condition it was in, and considering it wasn't wheelchair accessible, it would have costed a fortune to completely rebuild it and make the subs accessible, which is what it would have taken. The popularity of the ride simply didn't warrant that kind of spending. It's been gone so long though--I have long since moved on from this "okay" attraction. The stench of this ride stemmed from the closed, tight set-up of the subs and the fact that with Florida weather, people tend to smell very bad during the hotter months.

I got over the attraction being gone a couple years ago. I don't know though why people thought this attraction was so magical. I would think that most people would complain because of the fish on strings and such.

Well 20k is gone. Fantasyland now can double in size, and there is no longer an out of place lagoon.


Active Member
Wow - disturbing image for those of us who enjoyed 20k. It wasn't the best attraction in MK, just a cool ride. A FANTASY trip under the seas. Guess I'll have to dig out my old 8mm ride videos and re-live the magic. That said, I am glad they are finally doing something with the area. I can't believe that much prime real estate was sitting unused for 10 years. Here is hoping for a nice FAMILY e-ride addition to Fantasyland.


Well-Known Member
Well........ the "official" word for the moment is to replace that "out of place" lagoon with nothing more then a damned grassy area for character meet-and-greets. Which is one of the reasons I can't understand why they decided to drain it and tear it down in the first place. The tunnels are right below it along with a bunch of HVAC piping, so they can't put anything big or heavy on the spot.

And personally, I rather look at the water then just grass. So despite the fact the ride itself had been gone for ten years, it still seems like a waste to "reclaim" the land and do nothing with it.

WDW John

DarkMeasures said:
Well 20k is gone. Fantasyland now can double in size, and there is no longer an out of place lagoon.

HEY! Double the size of Fantasyland?!? Let's not go crazy. I mean, couldn't Mickey's Toontown Fair be enlarged just as easily? ::crosses fingers::

:) Just Kidding

Mission: SPACE

New Member
MissM said:
Well........ the "official" word for the moment is to replace that "out of place" lagoon with nothing more then a damned grassy area for character meet-and-greets. Which is one of the reasons I can't understand why they decided to drain it and tear it down in the first place. The tunnels are right below it along with a bunch of HVAC piping, so they can't put anything big or heavy on the spot.

And personally, I rather look at the water then just grass. So despite the fact the ride itself had been gone for ten years, it still seems like a waste to "reclaim" the land and do nothing with it.

Not to be a jerk and contridict your word, but consider the thousands of gallons of water that were sitting on the site for some 30 years. Water weighs over eight pounds per gallon, and assuming the lagoon could hold up to 200,000 gallons (based upon a rough estimate), then the lagoon would have held 1.6 MILLION pounds of water.
Water is one of the heaviest things we encounter upon a daily basis. The only reason I don't agree with your statement is because of my experience with water while working at a (fish) pet shop. Your bathtub alone can hold 250 to 300 gallons of water.

By the way, great web site. I love to see people devoted to preserving Disney history! :wave:

Mission: SPACE

New Member
OK... so, after reading through MissM's website completely, I noticed you said the lagoon held 11.5 million gallons, so I guess my rough estimate was extremely rough and the lagoon was much bigger than I remember.

So using that number, 11.5 million gallons times 8 pounds gives us 9,200 million gallons of water, or 9.2 billion pounds of water. That's a lot of wieght. So... from this I say that Disney could support any structure they wanted to build on the land.
Under the current administration I'm planning to see a 'quiant grassy knoll where children can gather with thier friends from Winnie the Pooh' (in Disney Talk) or for those of us here, a Meet 'n' Greet.

WDW John

11,500,000 x 8 = 92,000,000

That's 92 million pounds, not 9.2 billion. Still, you could fit quite a few characters and their fans there before you even think of getting close to that weight...


Mission: SPACE

New Member
WDW John said:
That's 92 million pounds, not 9.2 billion. Still, you could fit quite a few characters and their fans there before you even think of getting close to that weight...


Whoops... guess I don't even know how to read a calculator... :lookaroun Anyway, I think you see my logic in it :) .


Well-Known Member
While I completely understand what you're saying about the weight of the old 20k lending itself to the ability for a new ride to be there, there are two problems.

1) the weight was one of the serious issues with the ride in the first place. (It also leaked, was expensive to upkeep and was too slow for loading and unloading).

And 2) from my understanding, the problem is that because of the piping there, there's not enough for a proper ride foundation. It's not just the weight of the replacement ride (though I can't fathom how heavy some of the rumored projects like a coaster (!) would be), but the fact they simply don't have room (depth) to build one.

I suppose with extremely careful planning, one might be able to put a dark ride like HM or such, but even those generally have large "below ground" foundations. Keep in mind MK is built on a platform basically above the actual ground level and right below the lagoon area is already being used for the tunnels.

The location was left empty for so long from what I've heard mainly because of the uselessness of reclaiming the area. (That and it's always leaked so I think they finally got sick of what I've been told is a "musty" smell there.) It's just going to be rather depressing to see a grassy character meet there. If they actually do something with the spot, then I wouldn't mind as much! *smirks*

(And thanks for the compliments on my site!)


Well-Known Member
WDW John said:
That's 92 million pounds, not 9.2 billion. Still, you could fit quite a few characters and their fans there before you even think of getting close to that weight...


As discussed in another thread long ago, the ride did not actually sit atop the tunnel system as some speculate. It was very close but not a part of that structure.


Active Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
I can't take any more of this pain. It's sad to see it took them this long to do something about it, now if only we knew what was going in there. (DO NOT BRING UP HARRY POTTER PLEASE!) I'm just glad I have pictures from the skyway (RIP) when it was still in it's original beauty and full, of water, not rubble. I need some alone time now, :cry: :cry:

Hey ScottieBoy, could you post the pictures you have of 20K made from the skyway? I'd like to see those. I never got to ride on 20K, but from what I have read, it sounds like it was a fun ride.


Well-Known Member
TravisMT81 said:
well how the hell do they supose to tear it apart, not like it is an ancient burial site.
Yeah, but you'd think they'd cut the coral so that the coral pieces would be intact and could be sold on eBay.


New Member
tunnel under 20k

there is part of tunnel under 20k, it was costuming and wardrobe area. which a new buliding was built for it in part of cast mk parking lot. it has just been completed. this area underneath was emptied before demo started for saftey,also there has been serious leaks for years. we still havent heard a definate idea with area either.


Well-Known Member
David said:
Hey ScottieBoy, could you post the pictures you have of 20K made from the skyway? I'd like to see those. I never got to ride on 20K, but from what I have read, it sounds like it was a fun ride.

I can find them and do my best to get them scanned in the next couple of days. I know it's just a picture of me (or my brother) with 20K behind. I believe I have one though that shows 20K from the skyway. I'm only 18 and went to WDW for the first time in 96, so it was closed by then. I have one proble, I need someone to host my pictures once I get them.

Just on a side note, I hope to get into the city (chicago) and take pictures of Walt's birth home and then the second home he lived in from 1917-1918 as he finished high school. I'll get those scanned on here and hope to get someone to host those as well for me.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
here's my 4 pics from today.

<img src="http://www.mkt3000.com/pics/disney_7-13-04/dsc03581_std.jpg">

<img src="http://www.mkt3000.com/pics/disney_7-13-04/dsc03582_std.jpg">

<img src="http://www.mkt3000.com/pics/disney_7-13-04/dsc03583_std.jpg">

<img src="http://www.mkt3000.com/pics/disney_7-13-04/dsc03630_std.jpg">


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and MissM,

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