5th park in the TTC parking lot?


New Member
peter11435 said:
Justto clarify. Disneyland can fit inside the MK parking lot. However, Disneyland park is over 80 acres. Thus the 26 acre number is incorrect. I believe MGM's parking lot is around 66 acres and it is the smallest of the four at WDW. The MK parking lot is actually bigger than the Magic Kingdom and covers well over 100 acres.
I think the actual park of Disney is less then 80 acres. I believe the whole property of DL including the parking lot and cast facilities along the boarder are close to 80 acres. I could be wrong though. If Disney makes a 5th gate. I don't think they will even brake ground for another 10 to 15 years at the lest. Also, if the 5th park is built it will probably be their last. When you think about it, Walt had invisioned a 7 gate plan, like what is being said on here. However, I don't think he had invisioned Universal. With Universal Studio and IOA that is the 7 gate plan for people who visit WDW. Even 4 gates now are already pushing guests to the limits. I also think the theme for the 5th will be less then steller, unless it is a Disney Sea and if it is a Disney Sea it will be a clone. I really wouldn't want to see Disney make their 5th gate a clone. To be honest I don't even like Disney building clone Disneyland parks around the world. I think they should have built different parks at different locations. Of course it is a lot cheaper to copy and paste the parks, I just think the original Disneyland losses more of its soul everytime it is cloned else where in the world. Because of that Disneyland has lost most of it's uniqueness.


New Member
hakunamatata said:
Yes I agree. They need to bring back the orriginal Journey into your imagination, 20,000 leagues under the sea, and Mr. Toad before any new park is built....unless, its a retro park and all the rides of the past have a new home.....................
While I would love to see this done for our personal enjoyment, the only people that would visit this park would be us. Well more like 80% of the parks overall attendence would be from us. Which would indicate that the park would go bankrupt by the end of the first week, thats if the week started on Thursday and ended on Saturday.


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
oh i know, anything is possible, i just cant decide if i like the idea of a multi level parking deck. i know it is compact and saves space, but if they are to tall they are an eye sore.
I love the idea of multi-level parking. It could be themed on the outside and placed as to not be seen from the parks, at least.

I returned from a week-long trip this week, and the only "un-magical" thing I saw were those huge eye-sore flat parking lots for as long as the eye can see. It's such a monumental waste of space. A multi-level parking structure is so much more covenient for guests as well - no more endless tram rides to the end of the parking lot through a sea of shiny metal.

I know way-back-when Walt had a problem with these sorts of structures, but the world has changed - and I doubt even he could have predicted just how many people would be at WDW at any given time. Put some nice moving walkways like at UO, and I think the experience would be much more magical if done right.

Regardless, I think putting the fifth park at the TTC is a no-go, unless it's a villians park that is the sort of mirror version of the MK (i.e. the MK gone "wrong") I don't see it as feasable. I read the article, and it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.



Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
By the time the 5th park is built in Florida (my guess is 2012 at the earliest), DisneySeas will not be the "latest and greatest" concept.

Don't limit your dreams to what already exists.
I agree, but not only that - it's the fact that if we did get a Seas park, it would undoubtedly be an inferior clone as there is no way WDW would put in the same amount of financial backing that the Oriental Land company did; let's remember that while our Imagineers designed the park, it was financed by an entirely seperate entity from the Disney corporation.

I'll be honest, the "big" attractions there look very cool - and the theming is beyond imagine - but overall I don't think that park has much more to do than say AK.

Personally I'm all about a villians park with some thrill rides and a new state-of-the-art set of dark rides. Done up with Disney magic, it could be a really awesome place. Disney is really losing out on that segment of people teenaged-young adult that can get more traditional "thrills" at a reigonal park. Of course, those parks don't have the Disney magic, but if you are looking for true thrills it's your only choice.

I'd love a couple of villian themed coasters (say, to Maleficent or Kaa), a villian-mountain type dark water ride, and a couple of minor dark rides based on rides we don't have at the MK (say, Alice featuring the Queen of Hearts). Then again, this would all likely cost as much as a Disney Seas clone...

The idea of a fifth park excites me, only if it's something different for Disney. Done right, a villian thrill park could easily attendance wise be the #2 at WDW. AK is really aimed at the MK crowd, and Epcot and MGM both cater to the adult crowd with a minor attempt to incorporate thrills (M:S and TT; RnR and ToT).


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Perhaps WDW benefits of scale have allowed designers to become lazy where land limitations have made Universal a bit more creative.

Isnt the original Universal car park now a 2nd gate and a resort??


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Perhaps WDW benefits of scale have allowed designers to become lazy where land limitations have made Universal a bit more creative.

Isnt the original Universal car park now a 2nd gate and a resort??

You can not really compare the two.

Universal had to build two parking garages and demolish the original lot to build IOA, the 3 hotels, and Citywalk. Universal's property is surrounded by homes, a high school, other hotels, and I-4. If Universal wanted to expand, this is the only way that they could do so.

WDW has 43 square miles, most which is still undeveloped. Why would they bring on the expense of demolishing 100+ acres of paved parking lot.......that is not too cheap......when they have plenty of areas that a park could fit in just fine. Also, why would they spend $50million+ on parking garages when the surface lots work just fine (and it is much easier to get in and out of the surface lots.


New Member
speck76 said:
You can not really compare the two.

Universal had to build two parking garages and demolish the original lot to build IOA, the 3 hotels, and Citywalk. Universal's property is surrounded by homes, a high school, other hotels, and I-4. If Universal wanted to expand, this is the only way that they could do so.

WDW has 43 square miles, most which is still undeveloped. Why would they bring on the expense of demolishing 100+ acres of paved parking lot.......that is not too cheap......when they have plenty of areas that a park could fit in just fine. Also, why would they spend $50million+ on parking garages when the surface lots work just fine (and it is much easier to get in and out of the surface lots.
Great Point!!! I was thinking the same thing.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Except that some land has to be untouched ( as im sure Ive read on here). Just because you have plenty of space to build on doesn’t mean you should ignore careful planning. As for exit issues with a bit of thought at the design stage these would be no more problematic than single level parking areas

That was my point about Universal, constraints of their surroundings forced them to come up with a far more effective way of dealing with car parking. And the major plus is you don’t return to a mobile oven after a day in the park.

Perhaps MGM would benefit most from a multi story car park especially as it would negate the need to expand under road ways. If you can find anything positive to say about that vast expanse of wasted land that is the AK parking lot Id love to here it.

I know some people on here find it hard to admit that Universal can get anything right


Le Meh
Premium Member
Maybe I am wrong, but isnt a large % of park guests staying on property now? Wasnt the parking area built before the expanse of resorts? Why do they need all the parking space. I would think that the % of 1 day visitors or local visitors would be significantly less than the parking provided at the TTC.

I could be totally wrong about the above statement.


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Except that some land has to be untouched ( as im sure Ive read on here). Just because you have plenty of space to build on doesn’t mean you should ignore careful planning. As for exit issues with a bit of thought at the design stage these would be no more problematic than single level parking areas

That was my point about Universal, constraints of their surroundings forced them to come up with a far more effective way of dealing with car parking. And the major plus is you don’t return to a mobile oven after a day in the park.

Perhaps MGM would benefit most from a multi story car park especially as it would negate the need to expand under road ways. If you can find anything positive to say about that vast expanse of wasted land that is the AK parking lot Id love to here it.

I know some people on here find it hard to admit that Universal can get anything right

I don't know how often you visit Universal, but I live around a mile from the park. Universal does not get the attendance of the Disney parks, yet during peak entry and exit hours, the garages are a mess, and many days, it takes around 20 minutes to get in or out....once you get to your car.

Universal had really only 1 solution to its land-locked problem, and that was to build "up".....Disney does not have these problems.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Maybe I am wrong, but isnt a large % of park guests staying on property now? Wasnt the parking area built before the expanse of resorts? Why do they need all the parking space. I would think that the % of 1 day visitors or local visitors would be significantly less than the parking provided at the TTC.

I could be totally wrong about the above statement.
During the holidays, the parking lots do fill up.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
speck76 said:
I don't know how often you visit Universal, but I live around a mile from the park. Universal does not get the attendance of the Disney parks, yet during peak entry and exit hours, the garages are a mess, and many days, it takes around 20 minutes to get in or out....once you get to your car.

Universal had really only 1 solution to its land-locked problem, and that was to build "up".....Disney does not have these problems.

These days we stay at Universal so parking is not an issue. Use boats and legs to get around

The fact that Disney doesn’t have to build up shouldn’t necessarily preclude it from doing so. The point I made about MGM area is a perfect example.

If as you say exiting is a problem then may i suggest that may be down to the design of the exit ramps and service roads. The National exhibition Centre in Birmingham is a normal car park but it takes hours (literally) to get out because of the self same reasons. You seem to forget that the original point raised by ??? was about utilising developed areas Thats why to me the car parks are an area worth consideration. Don’t forget while a multi story option is much more expensive to construct that there is the costs of tugs etc to factor in.


New Member
I personally hope we don't see a parking structure at WDW because it would be very difficult to hide it from view as well as you can hide a parking lot.

Also, if you have never been to the parking structure for Disneyland, let me tell you it has a ton of problems. First, there are only a handful of elevators and one enormous escalator. For anyone with a stroller that doesn't want to risk their child on the escalator, you have to take an elevator. The lines for the elevators get very long, as the elevators are not much bigger than average size. When there are only 2-3 operating, the lines get even longer.

Then, when you get to the ground level, you still take a tram to the park, except in this case instead of having multiple tram stops all over the parking lot, you have just one, and again, the lines get VERY long. Especially for those few rows designated for handicapped accessibility. So imagine waiting out in the hot sun for your turn to get on the tram. I know you already do this while waiting for a tram in the parking lot, but now imagine waiting for several turns instead of one or two. And along with these long lines come a greater percentage of people who are less than honorable about waiting their turn. In my opinion, this system is a huge mistake.


Le Meh
Premium Member
mathmagic said:
I personally hope we don't see a parking structure at WDW because it would be very difficult to hide it from view as well as you can hide a parking lot.

Also, if you have never been to the parking structure for Disneyland, let me tell you it has a ton of problems. First, there are only a handful of elevators and one enormous escalator. For anyone with a stroller that doesn't want to risk their child on the escalator, you have to take an elevator. The lines for the elevators get very long, as the elevators are not much bigger than average size. When there are only 2-3 operating, the lines get even longer.

Then, when you get to the ground level, you still take a tram to the park, except in this case instead of having multiple tram stops all over the parking lot, you have just one, and again, the lines get VERY long. Especially for those few rows designated for handicapped accessibility. So imagine waiting out in the hot sun for your turn to get on the tram. I know you already do this while waiting for a tram in the parking lot, but now imagine waiting for several turns instead of one or two. And along with these long lines come a greater percentage of people who are less than honorable about waiting their turn. In my opinion, this system is a huge mistake.

Dealt with the DL parking garage last month. Did not like the experience. Even though we did not park in the garage itself, you had to go through it to pay and be directed where to park. We were one of the first people there and there was no really good instructions on which lanes would be open, closed, etc, so people were backing up and changing minds as to what line they wanted to be in. It would not a very magical experience. (plus when we got into the park, there was a big tarp over the castle.....and alot of the E ticket attractions were closed.)


Well-Known Member
There are parking garages at both Shades of Green and MGM. The one at MGM is next to the animation building and I believe is 5 stories tall. Both of which are well hidden.


New Member
My two cents

I would like to see Disney Seas or some other different idea but no villian or coaster park. Plus I would love to see the Disney America build anywhere. To me that is the best undevelop idea

in djmatthews pic why does everone believe the 5th gate being build by WWofS and not northwest of AK where all that land is


New Member
Could some body help me and tell me what is A and B

As you can see isnt there more land In the Orange disney could use then yellow

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