Well folks, it's that time. We're headed to the lake early in the morning, not to return until after our cruise. So it's that time in the pre- trip. You know? The time I should be
A) Packing
B) Getting everything else ready (pet sitters, etc.)
C) Finishing my sewing
And what am I doing?
D) Starting my trip report!!! :lol:
Tomorrow, June 25, my Mother and Father in Law will celebrate 50 years of Marriage :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: No small feat marked by no small celebration. I joke with my husband that when we've been married 50 years we'll be taking a trip alone - and possibly by then we'll be so sick of each other, we'll even take it separately. :lol:
But not my in laws! Noooooooooo. They want to take all 5 of their kids, their grandkids, etc. WITH them - which works out to one sweet deal for us! A 4 night cruise on the Disney Dream!!! Woot! :sohappy:
Now, I'm not sure how comfortable all of my husband's family will be with me posting pictures of them all over the internet, so you'll probably be getting a lot of 'back of the head' shots, etc. when it comes to them, but here's the Cast:
MIL & FIL - married 50 years, MIL born and raised in Northern Germany, coming from Chicago
BIL & SIL & 2 of my nieces - coming from Manilla, Philippines
BIL & SIL & 3 of my nieces - coming from Maryland
SIL - coming from California
SIL & SIL - coming from Texas
aaaaand us:
Taken during our December 2010 Grand Gathering of MY family. Trip report here. coming from Alabama. Good thing my In Laws like to travel, huh?
A) Packing
B) Getting everything else ready (pet sitters, etc.)
C) Finishing my sewing
And what am I doing?
D) Starting my trip report!!! :lol:
Tomorrow, June 25, my Mother and Father in Law will celebrate 50 years of Marriage :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: No small feat marked by no small celebration. I joke with my husband that when we've been married 50 years we'll be taking a trip alone - and possibly by then we'll be so sick of each other, we'll even take it separately. :lol:
But not my in laws! Noooooooooo. They want to take all 5 of their kids, their grandkids, etc. WITH them - which works out to one sweet deal for us! A 4 night cruise on the Disney Dream!!! Woot! :sohappy:
Now, I'm not sure how comfortable all of my husband's family will be with me posting pictures of them all over the internet, so you'll probably be getting a lot of 'back of the head' shots, etc. when it comes to them, but here's the Cast:
MIL & FIL - married 50 years, MIL born and raised in Northern Germany, coming from Chicago
BIL & SIL & 2 of my nieces - coming from Manilla, Philippines
BIL & SIL & 3 of my nieces - coming from Maryland
SIL - coming from California
SIL & SIL - coming from Texas
aaaaand us:

Taken during our December 2010 Grand Gathering of MY family. Trip report here. coming from Alabama. Good thing my In Laws like to travel, huh?