I grew up drinking big frosty mugs of A&W Root Beer. Looked just like a big frosty mug of dark beer. I never confused the two. I really think this is a non-issue.
See. That is what I am talking about. LOL I never said that. I never once said anything about root beer at all. :ROFLOL: All of you brought that up. I never said that anyone who drinks a foamy beverage will get confused and start drinking beer. But every single one of you, for some God foresaken reason, have assumed I started that line of thought. So apparently you didn't read the thread as completely as you thought. How much more clearer can I make it here... (which to be honest is the funny part. That you all do not seem to get it.) I just made a comment about a rendering. Not about morality or anything else. The rest of you kept dragging the conversation into that territory, so I would respond and try to bring it back to topic. But none of you can seem to let go of some fantasy that I said if a kid drinks a root beer they'll become a drunk. LOL