Really. I'd not heard that before.
At what point did I say that a kid that drinks a root beer is going to be an alcoholic? Please tell me, because I'd like to know. The over-generalization of all of the comments berating me here are astounding and I'd just like to get a handle on exactly what drives everyone to tear another person apart because of their opinions. I never even said that all kids who have parents irresponsible enough to give them alcohol at young ages would become alcoholics. LOL I make a comment about how unDisney the image of a kid drinking what is supposed to be a real/fake beer is and
everyone loses their minds. "A root beer is not a beer." "A root beer can have a foam head." yadda yadda yadda. LMAO :ROFLOL:
It is a sad commentary on how entitled and superior some on this site think they are. Actually it's pretty funny to see everyone blow this out of proportion and try to make themselves seem superior here. :ROFLOL: Really. We're getting a pretty good laugh about it over here. Please, send back something else witty.