3D Preshow Feature at E.E.?


Le Meh
Premium Member
Original Poster
I was at DAK yesterday and photographed a CM that was behind the barrier with Joe R. while they were doing a photo shoot and what appeared to be a interview for some type of article. What appeared interesting was the CM was holding a pair of 3D glasses. Based on this, I can only assume that there may be a 3D preshow movie or something of that nature.

I wont be able to upload the photo until I return home, so I will do so in approximately a week, but I wanted to see if anyone else has seen this CM with the 3D glasses or possibly has a photo to confirm.

Very interesting....


Le Meh
Premium Member
Original Poster
CaesarBoxFan said:
Hmm, Seems interesting.

A 3D preshow? How does that fit into a museum of yeti artifacts (aka the queue line)?


Dont know. Just reporting what I saw. Why would a CM (and not the hourly CM answering questions, this was a coat and tie type CM, possibly imagineer?) be carrying them in this area?


Well-Known Member
Intriguing. Just for giggles -- you're sure that they were 3D glasses and not sun glasses or safety goggles/glasses? Also, are you sure they weren't from Tough to be a Bug? Maybe they were doing a photo shoot about popular attractions and the CM had the 3Ds to represent Tough to be a Bug. Then again, maybe not. I don't know that I'd read too much into it, but I wouldn't discount it, either. Either way, sharp eyes! Good job.


New Member
brkgnews said:
Intriguing. Just for giggles -- you're sure that they were 3D glasses and not sun glasses or safety goggles/glasses? Also, are you sure they weren't from Tough to be a Bug? Maybe they were doing a photo shoot about popular attractions and the CM had the 3Ds to represent Tough to be a Bug. Then again, maybe not. I don't know that I'd read too much into it, but I wouldn't discount it, either. Either way, sharp eyes! Good job.

That's exactly what I was thinking :lol:


New Member
were they the black bug glasses from its tough to be a bug? or the yellow glasses from honey i shrunk the audience? or were they a new type?


Le Meh
Premium Member
Original Poster
brkgnews said:
Intriguing. Just for giggles -- you're sure that they were 3D glasses and not sun glasses or safety goggles/glasses? Also, are you sure they weren't from Tough to be a Bug? Maybe they were doing a photo shoot about popular attractions and the CM had the 3Ds to represent Tough to be a Bug. Then again, maybe not. I don't know that I'd read too much into it, but I wouldn't discount it, either. Either way, sharp eyes! Good job.

Other than I was there for the majority of the interview and they were talking specifically about EE, photographing Joe R in the village area in different spots, even on top of one of the buildings with the mountain in the background, and in the que area. At no time did they discuss other attractions, that I could hear, and I was approximately 15-20 feet from where they were interviewing, just on the other side of the half wall in front of the building that has the Fast Pass Return Signes on them.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... Very intriguing. I do have trouble seeing how a 3D flick (or Flik -- wocka wocka wocka) would fit it into the storyline, but it's obviously a possiblity. I also wouldn't think that any 3D preshow would be very long -- maybe not long enough to be worth it without severely impeding the queue. But then again, If they're expecting gangbuster crowds (and why wouldn't they), then that would definitely eat people. This'll be a very neat little "wait-n-see." Thanks!

Jose Eber

New Member
I'm going to have to confirm this observation. I was there also and noticed this.
This might explain whey the interior line is half air conditioned. There must be an interior area where they have a 3D preshow.


Trophy Husband
That's pretty cool Paul, but I think it's time to step back and think about this a second:

While on vacation with your family, not only did you recognize Joe Rhode - a guy who 99.9 % of the population would not recognize if he drew a picture of a the Tree of Life on their cocktail napkin, but you also noticed that someone was wearing 3d glasses, understood the significance of that, took a photo and ran back to tell us about it.

Do you think maybe you're spending a little too much time on here?


Hope you're having a great time!



Le Meh
Premium Member
Original Poster
Jose Eber said:
I'm going to have to confirm this observation. I was there also and noticed this.
This might explain whey the interior line is half air conditioned. There must be an interior area where they have a 3D preshow.
Thank you for confirming this. I am glad someone else noticed this. It was difficult to notice as it appeared the person holding them was trying to conceal them. I had to take a number of photos before I was able to get one that you could see the glasses.

Another interesting thought. What if this is going to be the first 3D moving attraction/roller coaster.....


New Member
hakunamatata said:
Thank you for confirming this. I am glad someone else noticed this. It was difficult to notice as it appeared the person holding them was trying to conceal them. I had to take a number of photos before I was able to get one that you could see the glasses.

Another interesting thought. What if this is going to be the first 3D moving attraction/roller coaster.....
Now that wouldnt be so great.... I would take real AAs over 3d any day.


Le Meh
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Original Poster
garyhoov said:
That's pretty cool Paul, but I think it's time to step back and think about this a second:

While on vacation with your family, not only did you recognize Joe Rhode - a guy who 99.9 % of the population would not recognize if he drew a picture of a the Tree of Life on their cocktail napkin, but you also noticed that someone was wearing 3d glasses, understood the significance of that, took a photo and ran back to tell us about it.

Do you think maybe you're spending a little too much time on here?


Hope you're having a great time!


Actually having a great time, and saw this little nugget of info yesterday. I am on tonight to look at our photopass photos before we change resorts where I will have no internet access.

I would upload the photo, but my work laptop wont interact with the Kodak camera due to administrative lock out......


Well-Known Member
I would think 3D preshow would be much more likely than 3d moving ride. First up, glasses would be flying off left and right. Secondly, it'd be tough to time the video just right to make it show up in 3D on a car going 40mph (or whatever it's supposed to be). But then again, what do I know? The imagineers can do pretty much anything. "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."


Trophy Husband
hakunamatata said:
Actually having a great time, and saw this little nugget of info yesterday. I am on tonight to look at our photopass photos before we change resorts where I will have no internet access.

I would upload the photo, but my work laptop wont interact with the Kodak camera due to administrative lock out......

Ohhhhhh, yesterday.

That's okay then. I guess you're sane after all.;) :lol:

Tell Heather her imaginary friends say: "hi"


Account Suspended
Although that would be incredible, does anyone think that they would go through all of that trouble with the filming, and glasses for a five min. preshow video? Just wondering no point intended:wave:


New Member
No 3D

A friend of mine is cast, and has walked the queue at Everest.

There are no 3-D elements to be included in the coaster, or queue.

What replaces Tarzan Rocks, however... that may be a different story.

Jose Eber

New Member
Like HM said -- it could be attraction based. There's been much talk about shadows etc. 3D shadows sounds like a 'next step' sort of idea.

And in terms of preshow -- and fast ones -- RNR has one, why not EE? Granted its not 3D -- but training musicians to be actors can't be much easier!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I'm sure there's a preshow, but I highly doubt it'll be 3-D. What's the point in having a 3-D pre show anyway? Are you sure the glasses were 3-D glasses, or perhaps like someone else said, they could've been from ITTBAB.

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