35 things We learned ....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
1)Pin trading will bring out great qualities in your children.. encourage them to take part, before you know it they are doing more than getting a pin..they are holding conversations and making new friends

2) it's very hot in Florida in August! And humid..
2a)..due to humidity it's not worth straightening your hair..ponytails are your friend!

3) the craze for Toy Story is worse then you could imagine until you see it

4) dollar store poncho's should have “single use” written on them

5) the counter service/snack location in America in Epcot gives out the biggest best free water in all of Disney.. and they give you a lid!

6) One of the chef's at Tusker House is the BEST when it comes to Gluten allergies.. his son is a celiac

7) that if u bring lots of glow stick bracelets with you.. .u have the ability to make a lot of kids and parents happy! (they are $1 at targets dollar spot for 15 of them.)

8).If you're going during a known rainy season bring your children baseball caps.. put over the hoods of the ponchos and they will not fly off their heads!

9)if you're traveling with a large party make separate ADR's for the same time..MUCH easier to get seated!
10) If your child is prone to meltdowns and fits .. this will NOT go away just because Mickey Mouse is watching! In fact as the vacation goes on they will increase in amount!

11)If you are traveling with a large group( think 21 of us).. please make cool matching t-shirts and wear them all at the same time.. the looks you will receive are priceless.. and the comments can be even better!

12)if you are touring with a large group and are wearing matching tv shirts people will move out of the way to let you all stay together.. I swear!

13)if you eat at 1900 park fare and have a daughter who is not fond of the princesses please be sure to tell one of the step sisters.. they LOVE this and will shout back and forth across the restaurant about it!

14)If you don't focus on the “negative” you won't even see it. So much I was preparing for because of the boards were non issue because I just didn't even focus on it ( strollers, tour groups and scooters.. etc)

15)that 1 room at Pop will fit 2 adults and 3 kids just fine if you know how to organize and if you are just never there except to sleep!

16)fastpasses make people smile

17)people in bathrooms who answer their cell phones then yell at the people calling them because they are in the bathroom happen more than you'd think ( 3 times!)

18 ) that no matter how far from home you are u will still run into someone you know in WDW.. HS bathroom between Beauty and the beast and ToT.. I went to wash my hands and I hear “Alison? You're the bartender from Chameleons right!!”.. yeah did not expect that!

19 ) that sometimes you must give up things u want because you have kids. I didn't get to see illuminations because my kids were just too tired..and crabby kids are not worth it!

19a ) my birthday was cut VERY short because of a little girl who did NOT feel well. Oh well!

20 ) that even if your kid is 16 and too cool for most things.. Mickey mouse can make him giddy.. and he WILL proudly wear Birthday ears all day on the day he turns 17!

21)plan plan plan,..then be prepared to take all those plans and toss them to the wind.

22)that research is way more important than plans when it comes to WDW. Things change fast..be prepared!

23)CM's are people..and like to be treated as such.. be nice to them and they will return the favor.. 12 days and not one unfriendly CM... not one!

24)It's really not that big a deal if people move thru a queue.. we had a few “meet up with family” and I smiled and let em by..lifes to short to worry about what happens once they walk past me!

25)Wishes is awesome.. leaving after Wishes is not! Was not worth doing more than once!
25a) Fantasmic was great.. even with staying back to have a snack leaving afterwards was bad!

26).The chef's at every Counter Service, food court and Table service we went to were just amazing with my allergy. I never once got “glutened”..

27)It sometimes rains more than “normal afternoon showers”.. and this will cause itchy feet after days of your feet getting soaked.. extra shoes and medicated powder are lifesavers!

28)Bring your good camera.. it's worth it

29)if your 9 year old son has long hair..he will get called a princess..a LOT.. but as the waitress at Tony's told him “it's better to be a pretty princess than and ugly prince”

30)Have a “no tag alongs” rule.. lesson learned.. no girlfriends/boyfriends again..ever!

31)it's very easy to lose your 5 year old in Pixar Place.. never be certain the other parent has them.. lesson learned..the hard way!

32)almost 6 is NOT too old for a stroller. I don't know what we would have done ( save shell out $15 a day for a nasty disney stroller) if I hadn't broken down and brought one.. was very much a good decision!

33)Disney strollers are not comfortable.. ask my daughter.. had to rent her one 3 times and she hated it..brought a blanket to line it.
34) Skip autograph books.. too much time.. and if kids aren't behaving at a meal ( kids u are traveling with) then a character might just write in your childs “ it's easier if the kids sit down until we get to the table “

35)Walt Disney World is the best escape from reality.. and I want to go back..NOW!


New Member
20 ) that even if your kid is 16 and too cool for most things.. Mickey mouse can make him giddy.. and he WILL proudly wear Birthday ears all day on the day he turns 17!

@Alison1975 -- as the DF of a 15 y.o. son who is too school for cool, this one made me just a little bit sniffly!

Thanks for brigthening up an otherwise dreary and rainy day!!!


Crush Dude!

Back from WDW!Counting down to DLP in November!
1)Pin trading will bring out great qualities in your children.. encourage them to take part, before you know it they are doing more than getting a pin..they are holding conversations and making new friends

2) it's very hot in Florida in August! And humid..
2a)..due to humidity it's not worth straightening your hair..ponytails are your friend!

3) the craze for Toy Story is worse then you could imagine until you see it

4) dollar store poncho's should have “single use” written on them

5) the counter service/snack location in America in Epcot gives out the biggest best free water in all of Disney.. and they give you a lid!

6) One of the chef's at Tusker House is the BEST when it comes to Gluten allergies.. his son is a celiac

7) that if u bring lots of glow stick bracelets with you.. .u have the ability to make a lot of kids and parents happy! (they are $1 at targets dollar spot for 15 of them.)

8).If you're going during a known rainy season bring your children baseball caps.. put over the hoods of the ponchos and they will not fly off their heads!

9)if you're traveling with a large party make separate ADR's for the same time..MUCH easier to get seated!
10) If your child is prone to meltdowns and fits .. this will NOT go away just because Mickey Mouse is watching! In fact as the vacation goes on they will increase in amount!

11)If you are traveling with a large group( think 21 of us).. please make cool matching t-shirts and wear them all at the same time.. the looks you will receive are priceless.. and the comments can be even better!

12)if you are touring with a large group and are wearing matching tv shirts people will move out of the way to let you all stay together.. I swear!

13)if you eat at 1900 park fare and have a daughter who is not fond of the princesses please be sure to tell one of the step sisters.. they LOVE this and will shout back and forth across the restaurant about it!

14)If you don't focus on the “negative” you won't even see it. So much I was preparing for because of the boards were non issue because I just didn't even focus on it ( strollers, tour groups and scooters.. etc)

15)that 1 room at Pop will fit 2 adults and 3 kids just fine if you know how to organize and if you are just never there except to sleep!

16)fastpasses make people smile

17)people in bathrooms who answer their cell phones then yell at the people calling them because they are in the bathroom happen more than you'd think ( 3 times!)

18 ) that no matter how far from home you are u will still run into someone you know in WDW.. HS bathroom between Beauty and the beast and ToT.. I went to wash my hands and I hear “Alison? You're the bartender from Chameleons right!!”.. yeah did not expect that!

19 ) that sometimes you must give up things u want because you have kids. I didn't get to see illuminations because my kids were just too tired..and crabby kids are not worth it!

19a ) my birthday was cut VERY short because of a little girl who did NOT feel well. Oh well!

20 ) that even if your kid is 16 and too cool for most things.. Mickey mouse can make him giddy.. and he WILL proudly wear Birthday ears all day on the day he turns 17!

21)plan plan plan,..then be prepared to take all those plans and toss them to the wind.

22)that research is way more important than plans when it comes to WDW. Things change fast..be prepared!

23)CM's are people..and like to be treated as such.. be nice to them and they will return the favor.. 12 days and not one unfriendly CM... not one!

24)It's really not that big a deal if people move thru a queue.. we had a few “meet up with family” and I smiled and let em by..lifes to short to worry about what happens once they walk past me!

25)Wishes is awesome.. leaving after Wishes is not! Was not worth doing more than once!
25a) Fantasmic was great.. even with staying back to have a snack leaving afterwards was bad!

26).The chef's at every Counter Service, food court and Table service we went to were just amazing with my allergy. I never once got “glutened”..

27)It sometimes rains more than “normal afternoon showers”.. and this will cause itchy feet after days of your feet getting soaked.. extra shoes and medicated powder are lifesavers!

28)Bring your good camera.. it's worth it

29)if your 9 year old son has long hair..he will get called a princess..a LOT.. but as the waitress at Tony's told him “it's better to be a pretty princess than and ugly prince”

30)Have a “no tag alongs” rule.. lesson learned.. no girlfriends/boyfriends again..ever!

31)it's very easy to lose your 5 year old in Pixar Place.. never be certain the other parent has them.. lesson learned..the hard way!

32)almost 6 is NOT too old for a stroller. I don't know what we would have done ( save shell out $15 a day for a nasty disney stroller) if I hadn't broken down and brought one.. was very much a good decision!

33)Disney strollers are not comfortable.. ask my daughter.. had to rent her one 3 times and she hated it..brought a blanket to line it.
34) Skip autograph books.. too much time.. and if kids aren't behaving at a meal ( kids u are traveling with) then a character might just write in your childs “ it's easier if the kids sit down until we get to the table “

35)Walt Disney World is the best escape from reality.. and I want to go back..NOW!

Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


New Member
Pin trading is big. Tip: Buy pins in LOTS on the web. You can purchase them in LOTS of 25, 50, 100, 200 etc off ebay. This will help your kids get started trading pins for cheap. Great list Alison!!!


Well-Known Member
Great list! DW and I have been doing #7 since we started going. I love to hand out the glo sticks/bracelets and see the joy on little childrens faces.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed your list and can relate to quite a few of them.

Our 3 year old (quite some time ago now) had longer blond hair (but that being said, I always dressed him as a boy and I had a baby girl that was very much in pink all the time)... anyways, everytime we went to a restaurant they would give my son the girls coloring placement!?!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I enjoyed your list and can relate to quite a few of them.

Our 3 year old (quite some time ago now) had longer blond hair (but that being said, I always dressed him as a boy and I had a baby girl that was very much in pink all the time)... anyways, everytime we went to a restaurant they would give my son the girls coloring placement!?!

yeah my son has long hair but he dresses ALL boy.. and he has a sister that is ALL girl.. it just so happens his hair is longer than her's..and he is kinda pretty.. we've had modelling offers .. plus he dances ( and plays basketball and baseball) so he's got moves and looks..lol

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Great list!

7a) The "juice" inside the glow sticks is non-toxic, so while you are watching Illuminations for the first time and your little one is screaming their head off because they bit into their glow stick and squirted it in their eyes, you don't have to worry that you have blinded/poisoned them while you are running to First Aid, heat from the inferno barge at your back. :wave:

31) I also learned that lesson at DHS, but over by Muppetvision.


Well-Known Member
glad you enjoyed what sounds like a great trip!!!! loved 14 ;)

your post makes me that much more excited for our trip next week- our trip for pics of my wife being pregnant. many more trips to look forward to as well!


Well-Known Member
30)Have a “no tag alongs” rule.. lesson learned.. no girlfriends/boyfriends again..ever!

You are not kidding!!! My son brought his girlfriend last November and it was drama, drama, drama. How 1 person could cause so much havoic is beyond me. Keep in mind these are 20 year olds we are talking about. I had never met such a spoiled "I'm going to have my way person" in all my life. After dating for 3 years I would have thought they were a little more compatible!! He is dating a new girl now and when were planning the trip this year, he said "Don't worry! I'm not bringing anyone this trip. I want to have fun!"


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You are not kidding!!! My son brought his girlfriend last November and it was drama, drama, drama. How 1 person could cause so much havoic is beyond me. Keep in mind these are 20 year olds we are talking about. I had never met such a spoiled "I'm going to have my way person" in all my life. After dating for 3 years I would have thought they were a little more compatible!! He is dating a new girl now and when were planning the trip this year, he said "Don't worry! I'm not bringing anyone this trip. I want to have fun!"

LOL..yeah. I invited her because let's face it.. my son is 17 and traveling with mommy daddy gramma and 3 younger siblings..not always fun. I wish I could go back to Feb when i decided to invite her and slap myself!

And yes.. this girl was selfish.. Noah spent 90% of his money on stuff to keep her happy all vacation. of course they are still together..grrrr

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