3/24 Mini AK Update - Everest painted/cranes


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
ReturnOfGhost said:
I know why they are there

do ya, person who just joined? do ya, ReturnOfGhost? do ya really know, captain vague rumor?

Then if so... just say it.

I haaaaaaaate when people pull this. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well... two cranes and Kali was down. The cranes seem like they are right by Kali...

Maybe something happened to the attraction that actually required some serious emergancy work to repair.



New Member
Legacy said:
Well... two cranes and Kali was down. The cranes seem like they are right by Kali...

Maybe something happened to the attraction that actually required some serious emergancy work to repair.


I was thinking the same but i didnt know Kali was down.

Wishful thinking: Expansion of Kali would be great. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
ballewclan said:
I was thinking the same but i didnt know Kali was down.

Wishful thinking: Expansion of Kali would be great. :hammer:
In the original post it is briefly mentioned that Kali was down all day.

Just a thought... and if there was any credibility to it we would have probably found out from Steve officially by now.


Well-Known Member
ReturnOfGhost said:
Don't sprain your brain trying to figure it out.... I know why they are there, but I am under orders to keep it quiet.

Oh god, Ghostbuster's back, now pretending to be "in the know"


Account Suspended
peter11435 said:
The back of the mountain is looking much better. It looked like they were still working on painting it when I was there.

The paint job does make it look MUCH better than it did before. It stood out like a sore thumb and totally ruined the illusion. Still, it is a shame they did not just complete it so that it would look like a mountain regardless of what side you viewed it from.


New Member
Just speculation, but if they are keeping those cranes up...and there is a big Media event for the official opening of Expedition Everest very soon...could they serve to aid that press event? To hold large banners? To unveil the next 'big thing' for Disney World?


Well-Known Member
ReturnOfGhost said:
Don't sprain your brain trying to figure it out.... I know why they are there, but I am under orders to keep it quiet.
Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!!! :lookaroun


New Member
Enderikari said:
Oh god, Ghostbuster's back, now pretending to be "in the know"

Wow, and you pretend to be smart....

Not Ghostbusters so don't try it..... Mr. Know Nothing...

And they aren't doing anything huge.. Don't worry.. There is no expansion going on.... It is bug, but not big big.. just some back stage stuff....


Well-Known Member
ReturnOfGhost said:
Wow, and you pretend to be smart....

Not Ghostbusters so don't try it..... Mr. Know Nothing...

And they aren't doing anything huge.. Don't worry.. There is no expansion going on.... It is bug, but not big big.. just some back stage stuff....
You were banned once, so what made you think it was ok to come back? :veryconfu


New Member
TurnipHead said:
You were banned once, so what made you think it was ok to come back? :veryconfu

Turnip, you really think I am Ghostbusters?? Well, I throw the challenge to you... Just like I did with Connor... If I am Ghostbusters, then I leave and never post here again... HOWEVER, if I am not, then you LEAVE the boards?? DEAL OR NO DEAL???


New Member
peter11435 said:
I went to AK again this morning. The park was very busy. When I got there they had all of the bag check tables open but the lines were easily 50 people deep at each one. I grabbed a FP for Everest at about 9:40 and it was already for after noon. When I left Everest was at 80 minutes, and the safari was at 70. Kali was down all morning.

Everest was great as usual. The Yeti was working great but still no steam or mist. The back of the mountain is looking much better. It looked like they were still working on painting it when I was there.

There was a pair of cranes behind Asia that were not there two days ago. They were behind Kali and beside the Maharajah Jungle Trek. I’m not sure what they were there for.

Just click the image to see a much larger version.

Backside of Everest

Cranes behind Asia

Baby Elephant on the Safari. This is Kianga

Baby White Rhino

Hope you enjoy.

nice pics


Well-Known Member
ReturnOfGhost said:
Turnip, you really think I am Ghostbusters?? Well, I throw the challenge to you... Just like I did with Connor... If I am Ghostbusters, then I leave and never post here again... HOWEVER, if I am not, then you LEAVE the boards?? DEAL OR NO DEAL???
Throwing out some mighty tall ultimatums for a "newb"...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
lcruises said:
my family and i will be traveling to disney in 6 days. are you still allowed to carry snacks into the parks?
Yes. You will have no problem bringing snacks into the parks. The only things they do not allow are achohol and anything in a glass bottle.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
elle72688 said:
Peter great update as always I love the last pic. Where was that taken?

That was taken along the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. It is across from the Colobus Monkeys.


Beta Return
ReturnOfGhost said:
Don't sprain your brain trying to figure it out.... I know why they are there, but I am under orders to keep it quiet.

Attention everyone: I know exactly what the 5th gate will be, when they'll announce it and when they'll break ground - but I've been sworn to secrecy...in fact, there are two men in suits guarding my house to keep me safe. So, I'll be able to confirm that I was right the day after WDW announces it publicly - and then you'll all believe me!

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