20k site play area???

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Here is a thought.. Ever consider the idea that Disney may move the Winnie the Pooh ride into that area behind a playground? Then they would use the current building to bring back mr. toad?? or a new dark ride?


Well-Known Member
^^There is NO way that this small play area takes up enough space that it would prevent another E-ticket from being built in this area. Honestly, even after showing how large this area truly is, it isn't necessarily big enough to house two major ride-through E-tickets. I can surely see two D-tickets fitting in this area (even with the playground still there), but not necessarily two major E-tickets. And how can one call it "lousy" when you haven't even seen it? :confused: Its just a part of the redeveloping that land that has sat vacant for so long. Hopefully we'll all be laughing how this play area was blown out of proportion in a few years when something big is announced for this area (probably being saved for after the whole 50th celebration)


Well-Known Member
FamilyMan said:
Well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather have two E-ticket dark rides than one ride and a lousy playground.

I highly doubt there is room for two major rides / attractions and even if there was, I doubt that Disney will build two rides next to each other in the near future. Don't forget, this area went dormant for years, so two rides being built there immediately is probably out of the question.

"lousy" :veryconfu You haven't even seen plans so how can you call it lousy yet?


Account Suspended
2 dark rides were being considered for that area. Don't give me any guff. ;) -The Incredibles Easter Egg

There IS room for two rides there, and I'd hate to see only one get built because they put up a temporary playground. This isn't a large playground being built you know. It's gonna be like the Briar Patch and a sprinkler system added. Nothing like Honey I Shrunk the Kids or anything like that. And they already ruined Honey I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure by closing off most of the doorways into the ant hill.


Well-Known Member
If they build two, I'll do without the playground! :lol:

But, I really doubt that two e-tickets are going to be built in that area in the short term. So, why not have a playground in the mean time?


Account Suspended
Eh, in words, that works. But usually temporary things like playgrounds (Even Camp Minnie-Mickey) end up becoming permanent things. That's why we worry. ;)


IMHO, I'd rather have a playground than a meet-n-greet. This is something my kids will actually use. I'm not expecting anything as grand as the Boneyard or HISTK, but I would welcome anything in the MK that will allow my kids to blow off some steam. Hopefully, it will be better than that lame playground in Toon Town.

It appears clear to me from the pictures that this will only take up a small fraction of the "reclaimed" land if you include the former 20K show building. There's plenty of room back there for an E-ticket or 2 D-tickets, and I highly doubt they would build 2 E-tickets anyway.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
dxer07002 said:
Here is a thought.. Ever consider the idea that Disney may move the Winnie the Pooh ride into that area behind a playground? Then they would use the current building to bring back mr. toad?? or a new dark ride?

I really do wish that were the case my friend...but I don't see it happening with Toad. But I really do think Disney could do a hell of a better job, than puting in a playground. I mean it's ok, but I would prefer another ride at least. They'll put a ride in there someday though.


New Member
i am soooooooo happy to get a playground for me(a 28 year old) ...now i can play with pooh alll day and not have my wife yell at me:king:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
:lol: My only concern in all of this is this question: When have you ever seen Disney management close down a kiddie play area to build a more expensive attraction? :lookaroun I think the ankle-biters have scored again! :lol:

I'm just glad I don't see any slides and swing sets going up in MY favorite park - the Studios! **shudders at the thought** :D

edit: P.S. credit to DisJosh for being the first person to coin the phrase "ankle biters" in this forum - in April of 2002! That is my phrase for the day for some reason. I hope it makes you laugh, or at least smile, too!


Premium Member
I wouldn't object to a playground. I have 2 toddlers who don't like sitting in strollers all day. Something similar to what they have next to the Shamu show at Sea World would be cool, where the parents can climb around with the kids.

Right now the Magic Kingdom is a great park, lacking almost nothing. If Disney is going to spend a few million on a new attraction I'd rather they place it at MGM Studios or Animal Kingdom than MK. If that means they have to fill up some unused land with an inexpensive playground for a while then so be it. I think it is silly to continue putting more and more big attractions at a park that is already overflowing with incredible rides, when there's 2 other parks nearby that need so much more.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
I wouldn't object to a playground. I have 2 toddlers who don't like sitting in strollers all day. Something similar to what they have next to the Shamu show at Sea World would be cool, where the parents can climb around with the kids.

Right now the Magic Kingdom is a great park, lacking almost nothing. If Disney is going to spend a few million on a new attraction I'd rather they place it at MGM Studios or Animal Kingdom than MK. If that means they have to fill up some unused land with an inexpensive playground for a while then so be it. I think it is silly to continue putting more and more big attractions at a park that is already overflowing with incredible rides, when there's 2 other parks nearby that need so much more.

I totally agree, but then again I useally do with you!

I also think an Increbables attraction would not fit in FL really. It is for more tradtional movies. (as much as like Incredibles. I think MGM would be a better fit, and is more needed there.) MGM really needs more atractions you can just do and not need a time for (like a show.)

I think that a playground is always welcome and the space was dorment for a long time, at least we get something from it! Because Winne the Pooh is rather a tradtion in our family even though lately the wee ones tend to lean more towards Disney Princesses! I hope it really is 100 acre woodish and more tradtional Winnie the Pooh though.

I still would love a romored Airel attraction, not just meet and great. (though the play area in her gortto is nice.)


Well-Known Member
Give me a call (or wake this thread up) in a few years from now...

in the meantime, lets sit back and watch the fun as Iger steps in.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the MK will be the only Disney park where you can play with Pooh.

There, I said it.


And wait until Our Friends the Migrating Birds visit!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Doesn't Disneyland in California have a hedge maze in MK themed to Alice in Wonderland? If this play area gets a bunch of little kids and their parents off the attraction lines and makes the lines and wait times lower, then I am all for it.


Well-Known Member
My kids have never been interested in Winnie the Pooh (they're 16 and 13, may have something to do with it). This play area is going to hurt my unofficial gauge of how crowded MK is. If I enter Fantasyland at about 11:00 AM, the size of the crowd has always been a good indicator of how crowded the park will be for that day. With this new play area, I'll have to reevaluate my benchmarks.

Seriously, I wonder if the reason for not doing anything with the 20K building is due to cost. Not cost of a new attraction, but cost of the demolition. That's a lot of concrete, and from what little I know about construction, concrete can be very costly to tear down/dig up. Plus, is this something they want to start with the celebration starting? True, the building is fairly well concealed, but it still will be a big mess and a lot of noise.

Maybe we will hear something in a year or two. Or maybe not. :D

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Cost plays a part in a lot of things. Look at Stitch. Imagineering could have done a great job with this attraction if given a bigger budget. But let's give this site a chance to develope. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day either.


New Member
Does anyone feel this wasn't about cost, but more of the company figuring they are hitting bigger crowd numbers and wanting to put a best face forward for the 50th? I think part of this is putting in something to fill the area til the 50th is over and then start construction on new rides. It was quick and easy to put in once they made the decision.

I hated seeing any empty walled off area for that number of years. Glad to see something happening.

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