Aladdin (May 24th) - This one might be the canary in the coal mine of the year ... er ... parrot in the cave ... ? This will be the 9th in the line of Disney's modern "live action" takes of classic properties, and the 2nd of 3 for 2019. While the first looks for this movie have been mixed at best, reactions over a month out often don't hold as much sway as those closer to release. Time will tell if opinions soften with more exposure. Aladdin is reasonably well loved, but nowhere near the levels of it's contemporaries Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King. There's not any proper tracking on it yet so the field is pretty open.
A good showing for Aladdin could prime the way for later movies to over perform; a bad showing could effect moods on those later movies. Honestly ... Aladdin is not in a great release window to begin with. Family friendly competition Detective Pikachu will be in it's 3rd weekend but late May/Memorial Day weekend can be a death match for movies. For the weekend before and after there will be 11 wide release movies including many highly anticipated movies: John Wick 3, Brightburn, Minecraft, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and Rocketman. There will be little recovery if it has a soft opening weekend. These movies have done "okay" in past averaging around 250m, with 2017's Beauty and the Beast being an outlier. On a mid to good run, with positive buzz I'd top it out at 300m, but realistically if the mood stays the same it could be half of that. However ... moods can turn on a dime when it comes to nostalgia driven flicks so I'll have to reserve a real guess until much closer to showtime!
Either way I think this will be where it's gonna cut on the "is this a 3 billion year or a 5 billion year?" question.