That is how 2015 looked. One teeny-tiny slow period.
So a look at Crowd levels, 2015. Final Edition. (As usual, all data pulled from the Observed Data of Touring Plans. If you have a problem with how they collect their data, take it up with Len. I’m fine with their methodology)
Other terms I use: Off Peak is a day categorized as a crowd level of 1-3 by TP, Average is 4-7 and Peak is 8+. The other stat I use is a -5/6+, the number of days the park was either Average and below (-5) or Above average (6+). (Off-Peak are generally really nice days in the park, average is simply that, average and Peak days are likely insane and rather unpleasant)
Why am I talking in Peak/Average/Off-Peak? Because Disney went to Tiered Pricing. (which for our long time readers this year started me down this path.)
The biggest thing to remind everyone is that this is all based on wait times. Wait times don’t necessarily reflect attendance, it recognizes whether or not the lines are long. Several factors determine that: Bodies in the Park, Labor & Staffing, attempted CM manipulation, Weather, FP+, etc. (Again, take it up with the source of the data if you have a problem)
Lets jump right in to the Oct-Dec Numbers (aka 1QFY16)…. They're up, ridiculously so.
Magic Kingdom. 2015: 5 Days off-peak, 39 days average, 48 days peak out of 92 days for the quarter. 25 days average or below, 67 days above average for 2015. 52% of the quarter showed a peak crowd.
For comparison to 2014…. Same period has 26 off-peak days. 48 average and 18 peak. -/+ was 48/44
For Comparison to 2013…. Same period had 34 off-peak days, 47 average and 11 peak. -/+ was 62/30
Epcot. 2015: 3 Days Off-Peak. 65 days average. 24 days peak. -/+ was 35/57.
For Comparison to 2014…. Same Period has 24 off peak, 48 Average and 20 peak. -/+ was 59/33.
For Comparison to 2013…. Same Period has 36 off-peak, 42 Average and 14 peak. -/+ was 68/24
DHS. 9 Days off-peak. 39 Average and 44 Peak. -/+ was 22/70.
For Comparison to 2014…. Same Period has 24 Off-peak, 45 Average and 23 peak. -/+ was 51/41.
For Comparison to 2013…. Same Period has 43 Off Peak, 40 Average and 9 Peak. -/+ was 67/25.
DAK. 25 Days Off-Peak. 40 Average and 27 Peak. -/+ was 45/47.
For Comparison to 2014…. Same Period has 38 Off-Peak, 40 Average and 14 Peak. -/+ was 58/34.
For Comparison to 2013…. Same Period has 40 Off-Peak, 40 Average and 12 Peak. -/+ was 63/29.
The biggest take-away? You’re waiting in line a lot longer this quarter than in years past, which was the trend all year.
The Attendance Curves pretty much follow one another year after year, just with 2015 slightly higher.
2015 Overall
The numbers have shifted up so drastically, its just not worth giving with any further commentary. Things changed this year and its not good for the guest. For whatever reason, you’re waiting in line longer and longer.
WDW as a whole pulled 66 Off Peak/198 Average / 101 Peak days.
2014: 74 off-peak / 248 Average / 43 Peak
2013: 117 Off-peak / 193 Average / 55 Peak.
This is the frequency of the number of days MK reached that level. 45 days of a crowd level of 10.
MK: 58 off / 163 Avg / 144 Peak. (39.5% of the year MK pulled a crowd of 8+)
2014: 69 off / 244 Avg / 52 Peak.
2013: 88 off / 215 Avg / 62 Peak
Epcot: 87 off /192 Avg / 86 peak
2014: 97 off / 219 Avg / 49 peak
2013: 130 off / 181 Avg / 54 peak
DHS: 94 off / 148 Avg / 123 Peak. (Thats insane, IMO)
2014: 124 off / 193 Avg / 48 Peak
2013: 147 off / 162 Avg / 56 Peak
DAK: 97 Off / 180 Avg / 88 Peak
2014: 111 Off / 203 Avg / 51 Peak
2013 137 off / 169 Avg / 59 Peak
MK Maingate Blackouts totaled 202, or 55.3% of the year. 47 of those days were Average or Below. 13 were off-peak. Out of those 13, 8 were a level of 3 and 5 were a 1 or a 2. So at least 6.5% of the time blacked out, it does not seem to be called for. (Which is a 2.5% improvement over last year, see below)
Conversely.... 100 of the 202 blackouts pulled a peak crowd, so 49.5% of the time it was easily justified. (A whopping 25% improvement over last year)
For 2014 comparison, total of 153 blackouts. 14 were off peak and 38 were peak. Meaning, 9% of the blackouts weren't really needed while 24.9% of the time, they were totally justified.
Other Interesting Tidbits..... (That mostly reinforce common knowledge)
The best days to visit were Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as when the parks were slow, they were the slowest.
The worst days to visit were Monday and Tuesday as when the parks were busy, they were the worst.
January and February were the slowest. June and July were the busiest.
So your best bet? Midweek in January and February if you want to visit this place.
The overall analysis? You're waiting longer. You're paying more to do so.
There's only been a 4% rise in attendance overall domestically. These numbers don't reflect a 4% increase in your wait rather it shows a whole lot more. There are indications that FP+ data is a component with forecasting attendance and a component of labor needed, and there’s a distinct likelyhood that is the prime reason why these numbers are so bloody high. (FWIW, Iger announced a 4% growth in Domestic Attendance during the Q4FY15 Conference Call)
Also.... and we've been over this before.... these numbers simply do not support the tiered/demand/surge pricing structure. Not one bit.
See you at the end of the Quarter for more Charts!