2 Londoners at WDW Trip Report!

Hi Guys!

I did a PTR a few months ago and had TERRIBLE trouble learning how to add images but got there eventually after amazing help from @unkadug! Several months have past since then and I've forgotten what to do!:mad: BUT I am able to add images just thumbnail ones! That will do until I grow a brain!!!!!

So ...............Our Trip: 3rd - 12th September 2012, Wilderness Lodge
Cast: Me, Diane, 35 years old, this will be my 3rd trip to Paradise!
David (Dave) 42 years old, my OH, he had been twice in the 90's before our 3 trips together.

Travel Day - 3rd Sept

We woke at 5am :eek: as my parents were taking us to the Airport at 6am, we arrived around 8am and checked in, I get a bit claustophobic and always request bulkhead seats which luckily we got!!
After walking around the departure lounge for 2 hours zzzzzzzzz we entered the V-Room (lounge for Virgin Holidays passengers) the lounge is lovely, there is a glass section so you can see the runway! Plus you get free food!
Our flight was delayed by 2 and a half hours so we flew at 2.30pm, already we had been awake for 9 and a half hours!

Nine hours later we landed at MCO!!!! At this point I am already really grumpy and all I want to do is shower and sleep! We then queue for 1/2 hour to get through Immigtation, then wait for the cases. We also had to find the Virgin Desk to collect $300 free Disney Dollars BUT we can't find it, 15 minutes after pulling around 4 cases I refuse to move any more and proceed to sit on the floor! Dave thought it best to leave me there! He returned 10 minutes later with the goods! Time to get a cab to Wilderness Lodge!!!!!

1/2 hour later (its now probably around 7.30/8pm) we have been awake for 18 hours now! :eek: we check in at the WL!!!!! It all goes well until we ask to exchange our Theme Park Ticket voucher for ACTUAL tickets which our voucher says we can do at the resort, the CM had never heard of this and said it has to be done at the parks! Now its not the end of the world but after a loooonnnnngggggg day its slightly annoying! ;) We hoped to have the tickets BEFORE we got to a park just so we knew all was well, never mind!

Our room was lovely, the view amazing (pics will follow at some point, honest!) We had the 5th floor and the very end room so we had a great view of the Bay, we were above the pool and next to the Geyser!

After a shower we went to The Roaring Forks as we were starving, I had the Pulled Pork Sandwich, which was lovely but for some reason after a few mouthfuls my stomach turned and I could eat no more! I think a mixture of hunger, tiredness and excitement was too much and I felt too nauseous.

Once Dave had eaten everything he ordered (I have no memory of what it was!) I finally went to bed while Dave went to the Bar!

Roll on tomorrow!!!



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Day one @ Parks - Magic Kingdom

We both woke early, around 6ish, Dave went to The Roaring Forks for brekkie, I'm not brilliant first thing, I need time to wake up before I start the day! He returned after eating the Bounty Platter and had brought me Froot Loops! I prefer to start the day light so I have more room to snack later!!!!

This is our view of the Bay!!! It was better than I could have hoped for!

Once we left our room we spent 10 minutes taking a few snaps of the resort and the theming is amazing! A kind guest offered to take our photo together! (Of me and Dave, not me and the guest! :eek:)

We then got the boat to the MK in time for the Opening Ceremony, this is a tradition of ours, we always make MK our first park and always make a point of seeing the Ceremony on this visit. We managed to exchange our Voucher for tickets no problem! Phew!


This is the countdown, if I could get the picture larger you would see the party string stuff they chuck! :oops:


Well-Known Member
That's not funny, I'm very sensitive about my tiny pics! ;)

I can't remember how to resize them, I'm really annoyed !!!!
Hey at least you can get a picture on your report, more than myself.

But since I didn't have a WDW trip this year I have been living vicariously through your 3 week vacation I demand some good pics..lol


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Hey at least you can get a picture on your report, more than myself.

But since I didn't have a WDW trip this year I have been living vicariously through your 3 week vacation I demand some good pics..lol
Yeah a tiny pic is better than no pic! I will continue my TR on Thursday, don't forget your bifocals!


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Day One Cont:

Ok, so we have entered the MK!!!!!! I always have a lump in my throat as we enter Town Square still waiting to see the castle!!!!


This is our first view!!!! (Yes I know the picture is small but the castle is there honestly!!!)

We have a set routine we do on our first MK visit of the trip: We head to Fantasyland and ride (in this order) Peter Pan, IASW, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountian and then Philharmagic!!!

After riding Thunder I always get my first snack of the trip, always a Corndog! which we get at a cart in Frontierland, Dave did not partake but got himself a soda, while I sat on a wall to eat, a man came running over very excitidly asking Dave where he got the cup from, the cup was one of the 'Disney Parks' one which forums will tell you are now rare as WDW seem to be switching to Coca Cola ones! After this happened I made a point of looking at peoples cups :oops: and tbh I saw quite a few Disney ones!


I had to take a picture of Dave with said cup!!!!

While in Frontierland we saw Donald Duck with a Photopass photographer, there was no queue so thought it would be rude to walk past! As we posed his camera stopped working so he used ours instead!!!! (This is the only photopass photo we have at the moment, we ordered ours nearly 3 weeks ago and are still waiting for them! :()


We obviously had a gander at the new Storybook Circus area, the theming is amazing! Here's a pic of Casey Jr.


I didn't make notes of exactly what we did while I was there! :oops: so it's a bit sketchy! For lunch we ate at Caseys on Main St, I had the Pulled Pork slaw dog (omg, it was amazing, I couldn't eat it all!) Dave had the Chicago Dog, he did eat all of his, surprise surprise! I have no pics sorry, I did take some pics of food during the trip, but sometimes your'e just too hungry to bother!!!

We managed to catch some of 'Move it, shake it, celebrate it' parade, this is my favourite parade, I absolutely love it! I have more pics later but here's one I took for @real mad hatter !


I have no reason for posting this next photo other than because I like it, I'm not good at taking photos but this one I'm impressed with! It's better when it's bigger!!!!!:D


This is all I am showing for the MK trip - day one, these TR's take alot of work!!!! It has taken me over an hour to upload pics and write this and I'm bored now!!!!

NEXT- Day One Evening @ Epcot!!!!!


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Day One Evening @ Epcot

After leaving the MK we returned to the WL, I attempted to have a nap but unfortunately some rooms nearby were being refurbed and it was too noisy! Plus the organised games around the pool and the EXTREMELY loud music being played didn't help either! I got used to the music in the end though and this would not stop me returning in a heartbeat! Here are a few photos I took on this occassion.



That evening we got the bus to Epcot, it is another tradition for us to go to Epcot on our first night to see Illuminations. We arrived around 6pm and did a few attractions in Futureworld followed by a walk around The World Showcase, there was one place I was dying to go!


I had the Caramel Marshmallow swirl, I enjoyed it so much it was the only item I had every time I went there! I bought the Chocolate and Pecan Popcorn in various other shops and loved it, I went through 3 bags during the trip!


I had to take a picture of some CM's flying the flag for the UK!!!!.


I have to moan about my lovely partner Dave at this point, I'm the one that takes most of the pictures on our trips, why? because he's useless! I'll give you an example, here's a picture I took of Dave that night:


So, I make a point of making the photo mostly of him but with a landmark in the background, now I'll show you an example of Daves handy work taken straight after:


Where am I???? He always takes my photo from far away, it really annoys me!!!! :rolleyes: The next one is a bit better but he managed to get the sun in too!


At 7.45pm we decided to find a spot to watch Illuminations, we always watch it from Canada. At 8pm we plant ourselves on a rocky ledge and plan on staying there for the duration. As time goes on others join us and squidge on the ledge. I HATE these situations, I have no patience whatsoever, I get too uptight about people pushing in or standing in front of me! I can't bare having to sit rigidly in one spot for an hour completely bored!!!! :mad: Was it all worth it? No! At 8.50pm just as the announcement had been made that Illuminations will be starting in 10 minutes, the heavens opened! I can't exaggerate how badly it suddenly rained, it felt like someone had just tipped a massive bucket of COLD water over my head! We ran towards Mousegear for some shelter but by the time we got there we couldn't be any wetter :eek: . The undershelter part of Mousegear was already crammed with people and I couldn't go into the shop as the AC is amazingly cold when your'e wet! So I sent Dave in to buy some ponchos, although this was pointless as a poncho over wet skin and clothes is really uncomfortable! So off we went to get a cab back to the WL :(. Upon arrival at the resort a bellboy said it hadn't rained a drop there!

On the upside we did get back in time to see this!


This view is from our balcony!

So thats the end of Day One! We will attempt to see Illuminations on another night, does that work out to plan?? :mad:

Day Two starts with Brekkie with Mickey Mouse!

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