The more I think about it, the more I'm really getting into giving Centercore a more abstract show like this. Something really artistic and mature for our mature park.
I do think we need a bit of a story/host here, but keeping it mostly abstract is a good way to go.
Planets could be a strong theme.
I have another pitch though:
Steps in Time is great (And as the person with the only YouTube video about it's history, I have a shaky claim to being the world's foremost expert on it
), but there's another dumb opening day DCA show that could be a bit of an inspirationg for us.
Golden Dreams.
In that show, Queen Califia (played by Whoopi Goldberg) shows up in important moments in California History helping important people do important things. Usually through dumb stuff like giving Steve Jobs an apple.
Take the very loose inspiration of having our host character show up throughout history at important milestones.
Though I'd pitch more of a passive observer. Like the Ellimist from the Animorphs. Or, for a reference much more people will get, the Watcher from Marvel Comics. Someone who is amazed by humans and loves to watch us grow.
Set the show around some futuristic invention like a self sustaining space ship or whatever being shown off for the expo. Then our host takes us through history to see the discoveries/inventions that lead to that point.
Science is built on the back of giants, let's see that first hand. From the discovery of electricity, to lightbulbs, to phone lines, to computers, to microchips, etc. Trace a direct line from something so small seeming now all the way through history to this fantastic sci-fi invention that is 20 years or so ahead of reality.
Each scene is a different invention or discovery, but it is presented as an abstract act. Gymnasts representing electrons, ribbons for currents, dancers for photons, etc. A Cirque style show that tells the story of inventions from point A to point B to Point C etc. all the way to now.