So here is my write-up for the Christmas Carol attraction. It is pretty much a book-report ride, but I think that this is the best way to do justice to the story. It's such a classic story that everyone knows, so doing anything other than telling that story as is would just be kind of pointless. Some rides just fit best as book report dark rides, so instead of worrying about the story, I wanted to make it as true to the original dark rides as I could, with a slightly darker tone, simple animatronics, and very little dialogue that you can easily play on loop.
Thoughts? It won't be the most original attraction in our park, but I think it captures the essence of the OG Fantasyland Dark Ride really well
Attraction leaves the dock and immediately begins traversing through a Victorian English town where animal characters (including The Big Bad Wolf and Three Little Pigs from Silly Symphonies) are singing the song “Oh What a Merry Christmas Day”all surrounded by beautiful christmas decorations, including snow covered rooftops, garland, and lights. before going through a door that has a sign over it reading Scrooge and Marley, with Marley having a big “X” over it.
We pass by Scrooge McDuck (as Ebeneezer Scrooge) sitting at his desk hugging money while Mickey Mouse (as Bob Crachit) sits taking notes in a book. The figures are static, like those of classic Dark Rides, given very minimal repetitive movements. As we pass by, a door swings open and Donald Duck (as Fred) emerges, holding a wreath, lit up by a light. He shouts “Merry Christmas Uncle Scrooge” as we continue passing through the room, by Scrooge, who says “Bah Humbug.” We then exit the room as we hear Scrooge say “Out!” as he kicks Donald out the door.
The next room, we pass through another room, where Scrooge is talking to Ratty and Mole (from Wind in the Willows) who are collecting money for the poor. The figures have simple movements, but Scrooge is a bit more fluid, able to pull Mole towards him. A voiceover is heard of Ratty saying “We are collecting for the destitute” and Scrooge replying “If you give money to the poor, then they won’t be poor anymore. And if you don’t have to raise money for the poor, then you would be out of a job.” We then exit the room, passing through another set of doors that open into Scrooge’s mansion.
We pass by scrooge going up the staircase as a shadow of Goofy (as Jacob Marley, covered in chains) follows him, chains clanging as he goes. As we keep on, we end up in Scrooge’s room as he talks to a ghost animatronic of Marley. Marley says “I was bad, and for that, I have to carry these heavy chains for eternity. Maybe longer. And the same thing will happen to you Ebeneezer Scrooge.” We continue down the room as Marley and Scrooge appear again. Marley says “Tonight, you will be visited by three spirits. Listen to ‘em, do what they say, or your chains will be heavier than mine.”
The next room has Scrooge sleeping in bed as a Jiminy Cricket (as the Ghost of Christmas Past) rings on Scrooge’s alarm clock. He says “I’m the Ghost of Christmas Past. Come on Scrooge, it’s time to go.” We then pass by an empty window as an illusion of Scrooge and Jiminy fly through the skies. The rest of the room has us flying over London cities into the open doors of Fezziwig’s.
Fezziwig’s room has a large exciting party going on, with dancing animals including Mr. Toad (as Fezziwig), Angus MacBadger, Horace Horsecollar, Chip and Dale, and Daisy Duck (as Isabelle.) We pass by, seeing Ebeneezer Scrooge and Jiminy Cricket peeking through the window We then pass by Ebeneezer being kissed by Isabelle, before exiting Fezziwig’s to go back to the counting house, where a young Ebeneezer holds a foreclosed paper at a crying Isabelle, over some money. Jiminy’s voiceover can be heard, saying “Remember Ebeneezer, you fashioned these memories yourself.”
We pass into the next room, we pass by a massive animatronic of Willie the Giant (as the Ghost of Christmas Present), who holds an animatronic of Scrooge by his shirt. He sits amongst food and riches in a gilded room, telling Scrooge “It’s the food of generosity, of which you have denied your fellow man.” Scrooge then says “Nobody has ever shown me any generosity,” to which the giant replies “You’ve never given them reason to. And yet, there are some who still find enough warmth in their hearts, even for the likes of you.
We then pass under the giant, into the next room which we pass by Crachit, his wife (played by Minnie Mouse), and their three children, including Tiny Tim, who Crachit lifts in the air. They sit by a table with an incredibly undersized turkey, while Willie and Scrooge peek in the back. Tiny Tim says “Look at all this wonderful food. We must make sure to thank Mr. Scrooge.” We hear Willie voiceover say “If things do not change, I see an empty chair where Tiny Tim once sat.” We then pass into the next room.
The next room is covered in fog, and the climate controlled to be very cold. We see a large animatronic of Pete (as the Ghost of Christmas Future) stand over Scrooge. The ghost doesn’t speak as Scrooge asks “What will happen to Tiny Tim?” Instead, he points up a hill of projected tombstones, where miniature figures of Bob Crachit and his wife stand under a tall tree, Bob holding Tim’s crutch. Scrooge says “Tell me these events can still be changed.” We then pass by two weasels digging a grave, which they say “No mourners, no friends to bid him farewell.” We see the grave, says “R.I.P. Ebeneezer Scrooge” light up as Pete reveals himself, saying “Richest Man in the Cemetery.” We then cut to Scrooge’s POV as he looks down the grave hole (appearing from the ceiling) as we pass through it into the next room as Scrooge shouts “I’ll Change” over the spirit’s maniacal laughter.
The next room, the lights come on and we see Scrooge pop out from a door, shouting “Merry Christmas to one and all” as he hands money to Ratty and Mol to which he says “One hundred gold pieces, and not a penny more!” We continue to see Scrooge greeting Fred, saying “I’ll see you at your wonderful dinner, nephew.” As we continue down, we see the inside of Crachit’s house. Scrooge slams a massive bag down. He then says “I’ve had enough of this half-day stuff. You leave me no alternative… but to give you a raise, and make you a partner.” We pass by as Tiny Tim and family open toys, and a large turkey. We see Scrooge sitting on a rocking chair as Tiny Tim and the other two children sit on his lap, Crachit and his wife standing by. Tiny Tim then says “God Bless Us, Everyone!” as we exit out to the loading dock.