1986 - House of the Future (Week Five)


Well-Known Member
This all looks amazing!

Only question, where is the Table Service going? I know I haven’t finished the write up (finalizing the website right now) but want to make sure we are on the same page so the writing doesn’t contradict the map!
I was under the impression the Salad Bar = the Table Service. Am I mistaken?

I have the Table Service next to Innerspace Mountain from my model, but I can add a new qs Salad Bar next to Sustainability (that pavilion could use some more).


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression the Salad Bar = the Table Service. Am I mistaken?

I have the Table Service next to Innerspace Mountain from my model, but I can add a new qs Salad Bar next to Sustainability (that pavilion could use some more).
I had the salad bar as a quick service with a seafood table service still being worked on right now. I love the idea of adding the salad bar into sustainability!


Well-Known Member
The Stark Expo Store

Welcome to the gift shop at the Stark Expo where you can purchase merchandise featuring the armored hero himself, Iron Man. Shirts, toys, plushes and more are available at the Stark Expo Store as a scale model of the original Stark Expo stands in the middle of the shop.


You can even digitally create your own suit on a screen and control things like the speed, durability, and color. After you’ve created the suit, you can see how it matches up against other peoples’ suits or even Iron Man villains like Justin Hammer, Whiplash, or Iron Monger.

Inside the store, you can assemble your own Arc Reactor as well. Using assorted pieces on a continuously moving platform, you can make your own Arc Reactor for 29.99. It will even light up and make noises.


(Inspired by the Droid Depot at Galaxy’s Edge)

(Different types of available Arc Reactors)

In the back of the store is a not-so-hidden trick door that leads to a whole new store called:

Avengers Outfitters


SHIELD needs to keep an eye on Tony Stark (who knows what could happen considering Whiplash attacked the 2010 Expo) so they’ve set up a hidden base in the back of the store where some of the Avengers’ most iconic suits are on display. SHIELD uniforms are for sale as well as replica costumes of some of your favorite heroes like Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and the Winter Soldier!

D Hulk

Well-Known Member

A retail concept by @b-wolf95

Discover an intergalactic farmer’s market, where CenterCore Expo guests can explore a rotating assortment of merchandise spanning the cosmos. VendorPort is the land’s centerpiece shop, centrally located with easy starship access from both the skies and the waterways.

Sleek, stainless steel airlock doors lead into an enclosed sci-fi drydock setting. Picture a bustling stellar shipyard which doubles as a marketplace. A hangar rooftop, partially open, peers out onto a galactic wormhole portal - a simple screen effect, really - where all manner of ships come and go. The shop space is set up to be incredibly malleable, with five unique docking ports each able to house a totally distinct vendor. Think of it as a simple way to seamlessly include various popular IPs without disrupting the overall land.

Individual vendors can switch out seasonally thanks to the store’s modular drydock design. Here is a sampling of a few IP-based storefronts guests might encounter:

WALL-E - The WALL-E Transport Vehicle which is home to the loveable robot’s curio collection

Avengers - Marvel-themed goods sold from the rear entry ramp of a Quinjet

Star Tours - Rex oversees a firesale on outdated Star Wars items sold out of a repurposed StarSpeeder 3000

Additional storefronts can cover additional IP topics such as TRON, Big Hero 6, and more. Of course, original ideas are welcome at VendorPort as well! It is a playground for new Imagineering retail settings.



A retail concept by @b-wolf95

Discover an intergalactic farmer’s market, where CenterCore Expo guests can explore a rotating assortment of merchandise spanning the cosmos. VendorPort is the land’s centerpiece shop, centrally located with easy starship access from both the skies and the waterways.

Sleek, stainless steel airlock doors lead into an enclosed sci-fi drydock setting. Picture a bustling stellar shipyard which doubles as a marketplace. A hangar rooftop, partially open, peers out onto a galactic wormhole portal - a simple screen effect, really - where all manner of ships come and go. The shop space is set up to be incredibly malleable, with five unique docking ports each able to house a totally distinct vendor. Think of it as a simple way to seamlessly include various popular IPs without disrupting the overall land.

Individual vendors can switch out seasonally thanks to the store’s modular drydock design. Here is a sampling of a few IP-based storefronts guests might encounter:

WALL-E - The WALL-E Transport Vehicle which is home to the loveable robot’s curio collection

Avengers - Marvel-themed goods sold from the rear entry ramp of a Quinjet

Star Tours - Rex oversees a firesale on outdated Star Wars items sold out of a repurposed StarSpeeder 3000

Additional storefronts can cover additional IP topics such as TRON, Big Hero 6, and more. Of course, original ideas are welcome at VendorPort as well! It is a playground for new Imagineering retail settings.
I didn't read the thread title and thought this was the DisneySky thread. I was like wait I thought we were in Mythic Realms?


Well-Known Member
OK guys, the project is due in 6 hours 30 min, here is the status:

- Horizons Successor- @Mickeynerd17 [D/E Ticket]
- Iron Man Ocean Rescue-
@NigelChanning09 [C-Ticket]
- Inner Space Mountain- @D Hulk @Pi on my Cake
- Living with the Land Successor- @PerGron [D-Ticket] (Unsure if finished)
- PeopleMover-
@Brer Panther [C-Ticket]

Shopping- @b-wolf95

Land Design- @PerGron @Mickeynerd17
Concept Art- @Outbound

We're almost done! We just need to wrap up a few things.

Congrats to everybody on this land, in my humble opinion, this is one of the best lands we've done yet, and I'm proud to have been apart of it!

Lets push hard to the finish line!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
You guys are lucky I don't still have any of my old presentations or essays/reports on carbon nanotubes or else this would've been a lot longer with a lot more geeking out rather than just basics I remember from like 3 years ago lol. But the post-show is done. And I think the whole ride write up is good. I added @Outbound's art of the facade and moved the intro to the top. @D Hulk if you could just do a last double check of it on the site I think we're good



Well-Known Member

Guests enter the SustainABILITY queue which winds through an old-timey barn that sits at the entrance of the attraction. Inside, animatronic chickens roost at the top of the rafters as bales of hay sit piled up along walls and create the queue pathway. Throughout this portion of the queue, there are small exhibits along the way, showcasing improvements in agriculture throughout the ages. Set up a lot like the Expedition Everest queue, these displays hold artifacts and signs of different parts of agriculture and human history. Artifacts of pitchforks, scythes, a display of a milking machine, and even a tractor are all in the queue, as well as multiple other features as we go through. Throughout the barn, as an homage to the inspiration attraction Living with the Land, an extended version of the acoustic guitar riff from that attraction in their barn plays through the queue.

Guests reach a part of the barn that hosts the loading dock where they board a boat tram, similar to Living with the Land, but with a sleeker design, feeling as if it were meant to be from the future. This ride vehicle doesn’t rely on the canvas roof, instead, having a tinted glass roof with clear solar panels (simply for aesthetic as the attraction runs on an underwater track). The sides are sleek and modern, with white and silver finish, making the attraction feel like a water train rather than the boats of the Living with the Land attraction.

The vehicles exit the barn, out into a show scene of a barnyard. Here, we see animatronics of donkeys, cows, chickens, and a beloved barking dog, before our narrator greets us, voiced by Zac Efron (after his pledge to sustainability and documentary Down to Earth on Netflix, he’s the perfect choice), as we pass into the open doors of the farmhouse.

“Welcome to SustainAbility, a journey through the important and downright surprising nature of our consumption of natural resources. Along this expedition, we’ll be learning about agriculture, energy, and water, as well as how to use the best practices to use our resources sustainably, including what we right here at Disneyland are doing to commit to a greener tomorrow.”

We exit the tunnel into the house, particularly into the bathroom, where we see the sink left running, the toilet continuously flushing, and the shower running as well. As we pass through this first part, the narrator says…

“Water is the substance that makes our planet livable. Every species alive, from plant to animal to human needs water to survive, but as a species, we don’t treat it like such an important resource. In fact, the average American household wastes around 180 gallons of water per week, which equates to 9,400 gallons of water annually. That’s enough water per household to fill up nearly 224 bathtubs. But there are steps you can take to limit your water consumption. Just shutting the water off while brushing your teeth will help to save around 8 gallons of water per day!”

We then pass through the next portion of the house, which is the kitchen. We see a dishwasher running and a sink overflowing into the river we ride in as pots and pans are piled up in the sink. We then pass by a large “window” looking out onto a yard with a sprinkler running. The narration queues in each time we pass an object the narrator is talking about.

“If we only run the dishwasher when it’s full, it can eliminate a whole load of dishes every week. This can save you up to 320 gallons of water annually. Letting the water run when doing dishes in the sink wastes around 10 gallons of water and enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 18 hours. The average lawn is watered for 20 minutes a day, seven days a week, which is the equivalent of running the shower consecutively for four whole days, or taking over 800 showers! Installing a proper irrigation system in your yard to hold and recycle the water saves around 25,000 gallons of water annually.”

We then exit the house, passing through another tunnel as the narrator says “If we all take precautions to limit the amount of water we use every day, we will ensure that we will continue to have plenty of our most important resource going forward into the future.” We exit the house and enter a large field where a lone bison stands, looking out at a series of oil rigs pumping from the ground. The grass around has been decimated.

“Here, we can see that our once magnificent natural landscapes are now being used to harvest crude oil which we use as fuel for so many things. However, our overdependence on this limited resource has put us into increasing danger for our future. Not only do these massive machines displace natural wildlife, but offshore oil drilling has even greater environmental impact, including highly deadly oil spills that can be incredibly devastating to marine life.”

We pass by a model of an offshore oil rig, hearing the whirring and pumping as a boat honks its horn nearby.

“The fossil fuels burned by manufacturing plants, automobiles, and power plants create toxic gasses that are then released into the atmosphere. In many parts of the world, these so-called greenhouse gasses have depleted the ozone layer, leading to more and more UVB and other dangerous rays from the sun to seep in, causing our planet to heat up. These gasses also cause air pollution, making some places increasingly dangerous to breathe in.”

The boats, though, pass into the next segment where a large model of a solar field sits, with displays of windmills on the other side of the boat.

“However, there are eco-friendly alternatives, such as using renewable resources to power our everyday lives. Using water, wind, or even the sun itself to produce electricity and power can actually reduce emissions by upwards of 90%, as well as taking up much less space and being a far smaller danger to wildlife and our natural landscapes. By committing to sustainable and renewable energy, we can help to make sure that our planet still has plenty of resources going forward into the future. In fact, this entire attraction, as well as all of the rest of Disneyland, is powered exclusively by green renewable energy.”

We then pass into a model of a rainforest. It starts off similar to the rainforest scene in Living with the Land, including the same amazing smell that is found in that attraction. However, as we pass through, the sounds of chainsaws and drills can be heard.

“Tropical rainforests like this one here are found all across the world in the equator region and are home to nearly 50% of Earth’s plant and animal life, despite covering just 2% of the Earth’s surface. Such biodiversity has led to many amazing things we take for granted today, including fruits, oxygen, and even our cellphones.”

As we pass by a portion of rainforest that is being cleared, we see fires, stumps, and a mining operation going on. We also see the tail end of a truck that appears to be leaving, where the tarp is open just enough to show a parrot in a cage.

“Unfortunately, due to the bountiful nature of the fertile rainforest, humans have taken to exploiting them for our own gain. Rather than respecting the land and living alongside it. Every single day, 150+ acres of the Amazon Rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world, is cleared for agriculture or industry. The Earth is mined for minerals and metals that we use inside technology while animals are illegally captured and sold as exotic pets all across the world.”

We enter into a log cabin that serves as the “barn” of this attraction. Here, we see screens showcasing large efforts across the world to switch to green renewable energy. We see pictures of people cleaning oil off of sea life and taking trash out of the ocean. We see videos of animals being re-released into their natural environments, trees being planted, etc. We pass by another screen where we see protests with signs advocating for the Earth. We see the likes of Sir David Attenborough, Greta Thunburg, and Bill Nye appear.

“Despite everything our planet is going through, it’s not all grim. All across the planet, people just like you and me have made it their mission to do their part in protecting our planet. Everyone can do something, even as simple as recycling your metals, paper, and even devices. Just recycling one cellphone can prevent tons of damage in the rainforest for the metals found within. It doesn’t take one person doing everything perfectly, all it takes is everyone doing it imperfectly, and soon, we will be able to make a great difference.”

We then exit the building into the greenhouse. “Now we will take a look at the agriculture industry and at Disney’s own Living Laboratory where scientists from Disneyland and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are exploring innovative ways to produce bountiful harvests—now and into the future.”

We pass into the greenhouse, and this portion is very similar to the same portion within Living with the Land. Guests pass by innovative and sustainable growing techniques for tons of different plants and fish, including touching upon home gardening, water conservation in agriculture, and use of predator insects instead of pesticides. The fish portion is very similar as well, focusing on sustainable aquaculture and aquaponics as well as hydroponics. The narrator describes all of these important developments as we pass by.

We then pass by a laboratory window showcasing tanks that house crickets, mealworms, and ants. The narrator says “In many parts of the world, insects are a staple part of the diet. Providing tons of protein packed in small edible morsels and requiring far less space than traditional meat, many environmentalists and nutritionists are trying to make the idea of “Cricket Parmesan” sound just as good as the poultry counterpart. While this development may take some time to convince the public of, insects may one day become the most widespread, sustainable, and ecologically friendly source of animal protein all across the world.”

We then pass by a window looking out into the petting zoo. “For those looking for other sources of sustainable farming, check out the “SustainAbility Petting Zoo” where you can interact with some of our furry and feathery friends and learn about the sustainable ways that Disney and USDA scientists are learning to farm eggs and milk.”

We then enter back into the barn from the start. We pass by a few changing pictures of people all around the world smiling, some having planted a tree, some with a prized chicken, and many others. We then pass by a large projection of the Earth. It starts off brown and sad, but as we pass by, the blues and greens begin to appear and pop.

“We hope you’ve enjoyed our tour through the importance of sustainability. If we all do our part, we can ensure the survival of our planet and all of her bountiful resources.”

We then approach the exit dock as the narrator finishes up. “As you approach the exit of the attraction, please remain seated until the vehicle comes to a complete stop and a cast member tells you you may exit. If you’d like to learn more about sustainability and what you can do to help our planet and her resources, check out the Green Disney Initiative on our website www.GDI.disney.org. Your boat is now approaching the dock. Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete stop and have a phenomenal rest of your day here at Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
SustainAbility Petting Zoo

Located right outside of the SustainAbility attraction is the SustainAbility Petting Zoo. Featuring a small collection of domestic animals for guests to interact with, the petting zoo is a fun space for children to relax, and even learn a little bit.

The main petting yard hosts goats and sheep, with a few different exhibits including a shearing station where, depending on their visits, guests may get to witness a sheep getting sheared and learn about how to properly do so. There are also exhibits about how goats produce both milk and meat and require much less land, food, and water than cows, making them a much more eco-friendly alternative to their large bovine friends.

There is also a chicken coop where guests can interact with chickens as well as read about sustainable egg farming. There is also an incubation room where guests can take a look at chicks and eggs that are being incubated for the petting zoo.

There is a small yard separate for donkeys where guests can take a look at a pair of Poitou Donkeys, a French species used to work fields, where exhibits and signs about draft animals including donkeys, oxen, and horses.

Guests can spend as much or as little time with the animals as they’d like, the only important thing is that everyone makes sure to wash their hands before and after interacting with any and all animals.


Well-Known Member
SustainAbility Petting Zoo

Located right outside of the SustainAbility attraction is the SustainAbility Petting Zoo. Featuring a small collection of domestic animals for guests to interact with, the petting zoo is a fun space for children to relax, and even learn a little bit.

The main petting yard hosts goats and sheep, with a few different exhibits including a shearing station where, depending on their visits, guests may get to witness a sheep getting sheared and learn about how to properly do so. There are also exhibits about how goats produce both milk and meat and require much less land, food, and water than cows, making them a much more eco-friendly alternative to their large bovine friends.

There is also a chicken coop where guests can interact with chickens as well as read about sustainable egg farming. There is also an incubation room where guests can take a look at chicks and eggs that are being incubated for the petting zoo.

There is a small yard separate for donkeys where guests can take a look at a pair of Poitou Donkeys, a French species used to work fields, where exhibits and signs about draft animals including donkeys, oxen, and horses.

Guests can spend as much or as little time with the animals as they’d like, the only important thing is that everyone makes sure to wash their hands before and after interacting with any and all animals.
Awesome work! I’ll add it in after I eat!

All that’s left is general land descriptions!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@AceAstro I got the aesthetics of the land for you! @PerGron should have the intro soon!

The themes of Centercore Expo can be felt throughout the architecture and aesthetics of the land.

Much of the look of the land is a modernized take on the original style of EPCOT Center. Distinct architecture with unique designs, but never overcomplicated. Simple lines, clean curves, dynamic shapes. These designs call to mind the optimism and spirit of discovery found at the start of the age of information when the internet/computers were new in the 80s.


There is also inspiration taken from Tokyo Disneyland's Tomorrowland. The simple color scheme, consistent visuals, and a modern look at the future. These designs call to mind a tomorrow full of promise and progress. A utopia we can all strive for. While still being distinct enough from reality to aid in enough suspension of disbelief of the sci-fi elements at play in the land.


These inspirations are tied with an increased focus on the natural world with the seaside theme and the greenery compared to epcot/tomorrowland. Showing that the best future is a sustainable one. One where as tech evolves, so does our connection to the earth!


All of this culminates in a lovely and inspiring land unlike any other where every visual detail adds to the thematic meaning of the land!




Well-Known Member
PART 3, Mars Colony and the finale

Scene 9

We move into a large omnimax screen as we follow a rocket launching into space, and drifts out of sight.

Scene 10

We enter another data stream as were picked up on a communications signal to Mars. Popping out on the other end, we see a laboratory growing plants on the martian soil.

Gpa: New advances in genetic engineering have made it possible for plants to grow on the red soil of Mars, allowing people the ability to grow their own food while waiting between SpaceX transports. Speaking of which, I think that rocket has arrived.

Scene 11

We come out of the labratory through a tube where guests can see a Starship land on a landing pad. Meanwhile, robots clear the surface of debris and trash in front.

Gma: Those robots are quite the housekeepers, they almost put me to shame!

Gpa: Don't worry, you always are the best at keeping the house together.

Gma: That's the right answer my dear.

Scene 12

We head back into the base where we find a restauraunt populated with figures overlooking a beautiful mars canyon with Olympus Mons in the background.

Gpa: This canyon makes a beautiful view to dine from. Some of the foods we've grown here on mars are used in this restaurant. Quite the fine dining experience!

Gma: It's out-of-this-world!

Scene 13

We enter a launch tube, and proceed into a room with a screen showing us rocket back into space. We come into a starfield, and then into a familiar nebula from the beginning of the ride.

Gma: Man, it's already over?

Gpa: Yes it sure is, but the future is never far away from us, all we have to do is dream. One day, the transportation systems of SpaceX will power our dreams to create this bright future! Thanks for joining us!

Gma: See you in the future!

Guests pass by a SpaceX logo formed from stars in the cloud as the vehicles arrive at unload. An announcement plays, "Horizons2 is now arriving back at the Future Port. Please gather your belongings and take small children by the hand. The moving walkway is moving at the same speed as your vehicle. Thanks for joining us on New Horizons."

After unload, guests walk up a ramp past a modernized version of "The Prologue and the Promise" and exit the pavilion, all the while, the pavilion soundtrack plays in the background.

Ok, New Horizons is done, and so are my contributions to this land!

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