17 & 13 year old on their own


New Member
We will be staying at the Pop Century and my 17 year old daughter and 13 year old son want to take Disney bus from resort to Downtown Disney to go to the movies (Harry Potter emergency!)while my husband and I enjoy some pool time. Should I let them?


Well-Known Member
Thats really a hard call. Only you know how responsible your kids are. Last year was the first time we let our 15 y/o out on her own. She was going to spend the day in EPCOT while her dad & sis went to Blizzard Beach. I was staying in due to illness. She had a great time (once she got over taking the wrong bus) and called every so often on her phone.
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Well-Known Member
I am assuming that they would be together? I wouldn't have any problem with that. I mean, at 17 your daughter should be old enough to be on her own and responsible for someone, I know people who had their own kids at that age!

If you are talking about the 13 year old on his own - that depends upon the person. Certainly me and my friends were off on our own by then - we would take the bus into the city to go to the movies and hang out at that age. But again it depends upon the person.
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New Member
A 17 and 13 year old on their own? It sounds like me and my sister! We are 5 years age difference, and my parents used to let her and I go off on our own around the resorts and sometimes to the parks. Are they just going to go to Downtown Disney? I would say I guess it's OK since the Busses drop off resort guests close to the AMC theater. I would say it's OK, everything around Disney is well lit, and I think your 17 year old is responsible enough to watch the 13 year old. But, that is completely up to you, Disney is a safe place and unless you feel too uneasy about letting your kids go off on their own, then that is completely up to you.
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Premium Member
I'd play it safe and stay with them. Nothing wrong with a day or night @ DTD. Are they the type that are embarrassed to be with their parents out of curiosity?
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Kermit the Frog

New Member
Letting them go off on their own shouldn't be a problem at all as long as they stay on Disney property. It's very easy to take the busses to and from Downtown Disney, and as someone stated before the places are very well lit. My parents have been letting my brother and I go off into the parks on our own when we were as young as 10 and 11 years old. Your 17 and 13 year old kids should be fine on their own.

Here's the most important question: Do you and your kids have the proper knowledge and previous experience of the Disney transportation system and of Downtown Disney? If yes, then they should be fine on their own. If no, then you're probably best off going with them and just crusing the shops/restaurants while they're watching the movie.
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New Member
I'm 28 and I still remember what it was like to be a kid,I think for the most part kids are too sheltered. I was given alot of freedom by my parents and I think if controlled,freedom is the stepping stone to maturity. If they are not trouble makers-and you'd know it if they were...let em go. 13 is old enough to roam a park without your parents and 17 is old enough to do just about anything. By 17 they are probably driving and are 90% an adult. By now she has most likely been exposed to ______, Drugs, Drinking, and just about everything bad that YOU know about-not that she personally has done any of these things but been EXPOSED to them.I think DTD is a pretty safe place and I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sorry if this seamed a little harsh but try to put it in perspective. If you want to know what you're kids are doing and going through rent American Pie-It's not too far off.
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Premium Member
I'd let them go without question as long as they are mature.

I was married and had my own house at 17 years old (I'm not kidding). I was very mature at that age. I had my Senior Trip at Disney when I was 17 and was on my own (with friends) the whole time, and then took my honeymoon (a Disney Cruise) 2 days after I turned 18.

But then again, some 17 year olds are not so mature. It's your call!
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New Member
I would say yes! Me and my brother were allowed to do small things on our own at that age and all that really happened was arguments over which sweets to get!

If they have showed responsibility in the past reward them with this, and if they're bad they don't get to do it again. Simple.

Also make sure they know to call in regularly not speak to strangers, other than staff and other proper people (such as police) and call you to let you know all is well.
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the advice

Thanks to everyone for the advice.
They are both mature and responsible good kids and I am talking daytime,I wouldn't send them off on the buses alone at night.I would allow them to seperate from us for a time at night as long as we were in the same venue.
Someone asked if they were embarrassed to be with their parents,it is not that at all. It is more a matter of everyone getting a chance to do what they really want. And some parent time alone.So, I will allow them to go to DD to the movies in the afternoon if they decide thats more fun then pool time. We will meet them there later for shopping,dinner,etc.
I was more concerned if Disney would have a problem with them on the buses alone,etc. But it sounds like kids do there own thing all the time there.
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Active Member
I'm almost 30, but I too remember what it was like being a teenager. While in high school, my best friend came on vacation with us alot and my parents let us go off on our own all the time as we were both pretty mature and responsible 16-17 year olds. As long as we weren't brought back to the camper by the cops, everything was fine. :lol:

On a kind of related note, next week, my cousin and 3 of her friends will be in Orlando either next week or the week after. They graduated from high school this past week, so the trip is a graduation present. Odd thing is, they're all 18 and they're staying at a condo with no adult supervision. Plus since they're all 18, none of them can rent a car, so I have no idea how they're going to do anything like go to Disney or even shopping unless the condo is by transportation like busses that can take them where they want to go. And from what I know, they don't even have any activities planned. I have a feeling they're just going to sit around the condo for a week and be bored out of their skulls. Kind of amazed their parents all are allowing them to go on such a poorly planned trip. I was kind of planning on driving upt o see my cousin one day as I haven't seen her in 3 years (I'm her favourite cousin... she practically worshiped me while she was growing up). But the way it sounds, she probably doesn't even know the address to the condo so I could just get directions online. :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
I've been touring the parks alone since I was maybe 13 or 14 for several hour periods--it's actually quite fun! While it's great to tour Disney World with the whole family, it is easier to experience more attractions in smaller groups, so I like to make my trips a good balance of each. This trip, I saw fireworks every night and did the Evening Extra Magic Hours at the Magic Kingdom alone...but I'm also 20 haha
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Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Im 19 now and my sister is 5 years younger then me and we have been travelling around property on our own since i was 15! Well the past 4 years i have had my own car on property so that might make a difference, we never took the buses. I think it is a great idea for kids/teens to explore on their own!!! Let them go and enjoy themselves!!!!!!!
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
It all depends on your kids and your feelings. Truthfully, if you would let them go to the movies at home alone, then it really is the same situation. The busses are probably easier to deal with than cars anyway.
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Well-Known Member
I think the kids would be hard-pressed to get into trouble as long as they're on Disney property. They sound responsible and reliable, too. Let them go!
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Originally posted by lamarvenoy
I'm 28 and I still remember what it was like to be a kid,I think for the most part kids are too sheltered. I was given alot of freedom by my parents and I think if controlled,freedom is the stepping stone to maturity. If they are not trouble makers-and you'd know it if they were...let em go. 13 is old enough to roam a park without your parents and 17 is old enough to do just about anything. By 17 they are probably driving and are 90% an adult. By now she has most likely been exposed to ______, Drugs, Drinking, and just about everything bad that YOU know about-not that she personally has done any of these things but been EXPOSED to them.

i agree
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New Member
Originally posted by lamarvenoy
I'm 28 and I still remember what it was like to be a kid,I think for the most part kids are too sheltered. I was given alot of freedom by my parents and I think if controlled,freedom is the stepping stone to maturity. If they are not trouble makers-and you'd know it if they were...let em go. 13 is old enough to roam a park without your parents and 17 is old enough to do just about anything. By 17 they are probably driving and are 90% an adult. By now she has most likely been exposed to ______, Drugs, Drinking, and just about everything bad that YOU know about-not that she personally has done any of these things but been EXPOSED to them.I think DTD is a pretty safe place and I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sorry if this seamed a little harsh but try to put it in perspective. If you want to know what you're kids are doing and going through rent American Pie-It's not too far off.
Actually nowadays the 13 year old has been EXPOSED to all of the things mention here. Kids are learning about even worse things at even younger ages. Bottom line your kids are probably going to know about things before you tell them anyway.(through school,friends, etc.)
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New Member
Last year, my best friend and I (both 17 at the time) and both our girlfreinds (both 18 at the time) took the 10 hour trip to WDW alone for our senior trip. It was a lot of fun. I think that by the age of 17, you're able to handle it.

Like, everyone has said, only you know your kid's maturity. I also think the 13 year old should be fine along with the 17 year old in WDW alone. My sister is 3 years younger than me, and she and I will be on our own some this year in WDW as well. I wouldn't let her go alone, and I'd advise you to not let the 13 year old go alone either (not quite old enough, imo), but w/ the older sister should be fine. Just be sure that the 13yo knows that they have to stick with the 17yo at all times, and listen to what they say.

Also, make sure they EACH have fully-charged cell phones on them, in case they got split up (not the hardest thing to happen... it happened to us multiple times last year, despite our best intentions), or in case you need to contact them / vice-versa.

Hope that helps.

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Premium Member
My parents used to let my brother and I run around MK by ourselves all the time when he was 13 and I was 9. This is a little different than going to downtown disney.

On a side-note we let my stepson and nephew both go from FW to MK for early entry when they were both 10. I gave my stepson his ticket, 20 bucks and my cell # and told them to meet us at the castle at 11:30 am.

Not only were they there before us, but he gave me back $14 in change and apologized because they got thirsty and each had a pop. After my bro-in-law and I picked our jaws off the ground we promptly took them over to the SM arcade and let them spend a bit more than $14. :lol:

I have been truly blessed with one of the best step-children ever (well, except when it comes to mowing the lawn, haha).
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