100 YoM Gone


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Original Poster
What will you miss the most about the 100 Years Of Magic Celebration once it is gone? Will it be something small like the lighted banners all around the parks, the Magical Moments pins, or maybe something larger like the Walt Disney Experience, or one of the parades?

I am going to miss the smaller things like the Magical moments Pins and the lighted banners around the park.


Well-Known Member
The Walt: One Man's Dream exhibit was great, and needs to stay, perhaps as a renovated "Walt Disney Story" and moved to the Magic Kingdom in a scaled-down version.

People need to have exposure to Walt's legacy. It made the rest of it make sense when I first saw it as a child in 1972, and it still does. WDW is big enough to keep a legacy to its namesake.


since it was the first time (last august) i had been to disney in over a decadei will miss all the parts of that celebration

Toy Trumpet

New Member
Just FYI... One Man's Dream is slated to stay for at least the forseeable future. It is, in my humble opinion, one of the nicest attractions created in a while, if only for its subject matter. I'm glad to see they paid proper homage to the man that started it all!

PS - This is my first post here, though I've been going to WDWMagic and reading the posts for almost two years! Great site Steve, and thanks for the hard work you put in!!!


New Member
People complain that there is always a celebration going on...but, I think that I will miss the fact that there won't be one the next time I go. But as for the 100 YOM Celebration, I will miss the homage to Walt Disney (and those Magical Moments pins).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by leeocean
People complain that there is always a celebration going on...but, I think that I will miss the fact that there won't be one the next time I go. But as for the 100 YOM Celebration, I will miss the homage to Walt Disney (and those Magical Moments pins).

I believe the pins will still work...and...new ones are coming out (if they're not already out)


The pins are still working, and being sold--they look the same, just without the 100 Years logo on it. I believe now they just have the park name on it. As far as I'm aware, there are only four now (as the one that was solely the 100 Years logo is now gone). Everything, including One Man's Dream, is staying except for Tapestry of Dreams. Anne Hamburger, head of Disney Parks and Resorts Entertainment, has been quoted saying they are currently designing a new parade for Epcot. Should be out sometime in 2004 I'd guess.


New Member
Well other than the One Man's Dream exhibit, the overall celebration was underwhelming. I was so disappointed by the whole thing.

MK - the only park walt actually got to really develop (although he didn't see it) was devoid of any celebration. The Parade?? what a disappointment. Some parts of the floats were rehashed from other parades, some of the ideas about audience interaction was also copied from other parades, and the entire concept seemed like an excuse to capitalize on the sucess of the disney snowglobes.

Epcot - did they even realize a celebration was ongoing other than the napkins?? Tapestry of Dreams was built for the Millenium celebration and was hardly different.

AK - the parade had nothing to do with the 100 years.

Studios - now i liked the hat, one of the few ppl who did. I liked the exhibit, but it could have been much more. AS it is i'm grateful for it. I was really moved. But I know there are alot more models and concept drawings out there for the parks and the movies that could have been shown. Each park should have had a full scale exhibit rather than those sorry informational kiosks. For ex. Ak owes alot to Disney's True Life Adventure movies, it was the forerunner of so many tv shows and even discovery channel/animal planet. Yes there was a brief mention but hardly any big deal. HOw about at Epcot really showing us in detail what walt really wanted epcot to be and how it became unworkable and turned into the Epcot we have now. The STudios exhibit was good, but i'm sure as i've seen it in museum exhibits there are so many cells out there and drawings for the various movies. Just my opinion, but i thought the whole thing was depressing and i tried not to focus on it during my trip. But there was no gratitude whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Toy Trumpet
Just FYI... One Man's Dream is slated to stay for at least the forseeable future. It is, in my humble opinion, one of the nicest attractions created in a while, if only for its subject matter. I'm glad to see they paid proper homage to the man that started it all!

PS - This is my first post here, though I've been going to WDWMagic and reading the posts for almost two years! Great site Steve, and thanks for the hard work you put in!!!

Greetings and welcome aboard! :wave:


New Member
Yes the magical moments pins are stil lavailable. The new incarnation fo the pins replaces the 100 Years logo with just the ugly generic "2003" logo. Who designs this crap?


Well-Known Member
I will miss the lighted banners all around the parks and the walkway from Epcot resorts to Epcot and MGM. Very Disney atmosphere they were!!!!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by Toy Trumpet
Just FYI... One Man's Dream is slated to stay for at least the forseeable future. It is, in my humble opinion, one of the nicest attractions created in a while, if only for its subject matter. I'm glad to see they paid proper homage to the man that started it all!

PS - This is my first post here, though I've been going to WDWMagic and reading the posts for almost two years! Great site Steve, and thanks for the hard work you put in!!!
Welcome Aboard! :sohappy:


Active Member
I cetainly will miss the celebration...it was so great.

Sometimes there really doesnt need to be a celebration going on... for me, when I walk into the Magic Kingdom I can feel Walt as if he's saying come play in my dream...so in a way you are still "Sharing a Dream Come True" as the slogan for the celebration goes.

Oh yeah...I think the Walt's One Man's Dream attraction should stay :lol:

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